Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3153: The Origin of Gu Yuan Tianjun

Xiao Yi probably understands.

Among the events in the past five years, three have impressed him the most at this moment.

The first is the confrontation between Gu Yuan Tianjun and the eight main hall masters.

The second is that one and a half years after he left, the east side of the taboo has changed in the sea.

Third, it is the evil cultivation that has been rampant since three years ago.

The souls of the masters of the main hall were scattered, and it was also three years ago.

"Where is the sacred Gu Yuan Tianjun?" Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice.

These three things must be related.

And Gu Yuan Tianjun is definitely the key.

"Gu Yuan Tianjun? Ha." It wasn't Ghost One who spoke.

It was a voice of contempt that rang in Xiao Yi's body.

That is the voice of big eyes.

"A decent and decent person who guards the mainland every word and represents the world."

"You know?" Xiao Yi was startled.

The ghost sneered, "The **** of the Demon Sect naturally knows Gu Yuan Tianjun."

"As far as I know, in the battle before the fall of the two demon ancestors, the entire demon sect was already broken."

"And when the two demon ancestors have completely fallen, the strong demon sect also died seven or eighty eight."

"Later, I don't know how many years have passed. Anyway, after a long time, the fading magic door was completely wiped out by Gu Yuan Tianjun leading the strong in the east of the taboo sea."

The ghost jokingly said, "A magic door without any strong, under the emperor realm, although the strength is good, but the realm is limited, how can it be Gu Yuan Tianjun and countless strong opponents."

"Humph." Big eyes snorted coldly, "That's just that the emperor is not here, otherwise..."

The ghost interrupted with a sneer, "If you tell me the flowers, your magic door will be destroyed."

"Okay, don't make a noise." Xiao Yi interrupted in a deep voice.

"Tell me clearly about this Gu Yuan Tianjun."

No words with big eyes.

The ghost thought for a while and said, "It's hard to tell."

"Gu Yuan Tianjun, the origin is quite mysterious."

"No one knows where he came from or how he was born, only knowing that he is almost the longest-lived existence in this world."

"He is almost equal to immortality."

"Impossible." Xiao Yi said coldly.

The ghost shook his head, "Lord, please listen to me first."

"The years that Gu Yuan Tianjun has lived are really terrifying."

"Before the ancient times, in those ancient years, he was already there."

"He is even earlier than the appearance of some imperial realms."

"Some people say that he is a descendant of the Valkyrie, because he is just the pinnacle of the Sovereign Realm, but has many wonderful abilities."

"He can even do the imperial realm's ability to forcibly change the rules of a universe."

"Of course, he has not entered the Emperor Realm after all, so the scope is limited, far not as large as the real Emperor Realm."

"But this is amazing enough. Forcibly changing the laws of heaven and earth is something that the Emperor Realm can do."

The ghost paused and continued, "Some people call him Dragonborn."

"Because he has not only the human blood, but also the Yanlong blood, and he is quite pure."

"He can control Long Yan and fight with it, and his combat power is amazing."

"With this, he can possess vitality and a powerful body far beyond the ancient monster race."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

Historically, there were, but not many, people who controlled Long Yan.

As long as Xiao Yi knew about it, or what was recorded in the Eight Temples dossier, there was a handful of numbers.

However, these people can only use Dragon Flame for certain ways, and have no real control over it for battle.

Even if it was his Xiao Yi now, it was only used to block the enemy for an instant, and condensed to be used as a firewing on the road.

Long Yan was too strong to be controlled by humans.

This Gu Yuan Tianjun can actually control and use it in battle?

Guiyi continued, "His origins are quite mysterious and ancient."

"I'm afraid, at least until the silver lion emperor exists in the ancient emperor realm, he will know his origin."

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "During the ancient years when the Emperor Realm was rampant, he was the pinnacle of the Sovereign Realm, so it's nothing."

The ghost nodded, "It stands to reason."

"But as far as I know, in the ancient years, if there were disputes in the emperor realm or non-life and death battles, Gu Yuan Tianjun would coordinate."

"Many times, these emperor realms will even sell Gu Yuan Tianjun a bit of face, and stop the war."

"The reason I know is that Gu Yuan Tianjun is extremely fair and will never favor anyone."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Wonderful methods, long lifespan, great face, and control of Long Yan."

"Sure enough, the origin is mysterious."

Gui Yi continued, "Before your Eight Palaces, the mainland has had many crises."

"Gu Yuan Tianjun, almost never appeared in the mainland, no one knew his existence."

"But in every crisis, there is bound to be his presence, or coordinate the eight cases, or solve the crisis personally and then disappear without a trace."

"It's no exaggeration to say that he is the protector of the mainland."

Xiao Yi asked, "He is a human warrior?"

The ghost nodded.

Xiao Yi frowned, "Then why did the demons ravaged the mainland and the human race declined, but he didn't show up?"

"I don't know." The ghost shook his head.

"Perhaps, as he said, he will not favor anyone or any creature."

"He is like the law, indifferent and ruthless."

"He also seems to act on behalf of the sky, following the way of heaven and driving his power."

"Unless it is something that endangers the mainland, otherwise, he never shows up, never intervenes, and never intervenes in anything."

Xiao Yi said coldly, "What about this time?"

"Listen to what you said, in the confrontation in the sea on the east side, he obviously favored the water girl."

"Boy, don't listen to the weird words of the underworld." The voice with big eyes sounded again.

"Gu Yuan Tianjun is the kind of respectable villain, who claims to be the patron saint of the mainland, but also consciously aloof, hardly showing up."

"And in fact, do you believe there is such a existence?"

"The word benefit, can it impress?"

"Not bad." Xiao Yi nodded, "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes."

"The world's creatures can't escape the word profit after all."

"Even the eight chief palace masters, even me, even everyone."

"It's just that the so-called interests of the eight main hall masters are the safety of the eight halls and the mainland."

Xiao Yi looked at Guiyi, "Do you know anything else?"

The ghost shook his head, "Gu Yuan Tianjun, even to me, is a very old existence."

"These things are also what I heard from other elders in the underworld."

"Oh right." Ghost Yi said, thinking of something, "It's actually something that happened in the past few decades."

"In addition to the appearance of the sea on the east a few years ago, Gu Yuan Tianjun also appeared once more than 20 years ago."

"What?" Xiao Yi asked.

The ghost said in a deep voice, "Master, do you still remember the thing about the guy surnamed Xiao that you tracked down in the Demon Realm?"

"That guy ran around and didn't know what to look for."

"And after the big trouble in the Demon Territory, he suddenly disappeared and disappeared."

Gui Yi lowered his voice, "As far as I knew back then, the last person I had contact with was Gu Yuan Tianjun."

"How do you know?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

"Hehe." The ghost gave a wretched smile, "I was hiding in the dark to watch the battle."

"These two guys were in a life-and-death battle. In the end, Gu Yuan Tianjun was seriously injured and escaped. I didn't dare to continue chasing and watching the battle."

"Yes..." The ghost condensed suddenly.

"After that, this Xiao Xiao suddenly disappeared from the world, as if he had never appeared."

"On the contrary, Gu Yuan Tianjun is living well."

"It was also Gu Yuan Tianjun who ordered the Eight Halls and the demon veners to block this matter."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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