Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3177: Seven Kills and Fantasy Road

"I wish to accept defeat, admit defeat and stay alive, what else can be said for such a simple truth?"

Girl Shui smiled lightly, with mockery and sarcasm in her tone.

"This..." Murong Lingyun was speechless for a while and was speechless.

Just like this, the fierce killing intent on the sword slowed by half a minute, whoosh... The water girl took a step back abruptly, her graceful figure resembling a water elf, and profoundly out of the scope of the Seven Kill Sword.

Murong Lingyun's face was startled, but he also reacted instantly, and the sword intent on the Seven Kills Sword was once again sharp.

"Escaped the first sword, how about the second and third swords?"

"Chuck." Girl water covered her mouth and smiled.

"Laugh?" Murong Lingyun sneered, "You won't be able to laugh soon."


Seven kills the sword, and went straight to the girl.

The water girl was not afraid, she moved her palm lightly, and a dreamy light gushed out like a tide.

Murong Lingyun swung his sword and swept away, a black sword light instantly enveloped his body for half a meter.

When the dream light hits, the black sword light actually fights against it.

Murong Lingyun sneered, "I was really afraid of your illusion when I was like the western region back then?"

"Five years of asceticism, you are my first sword tester."

"Catch you, I see if you can still be tough."

"Seven Killing Ye Blade?" Girl Shui smiled, her smile became a bit rich, and nodded.

"Yes, the Seven Killing Swords of the Ancient God Soldiers, you have almost controlled Dacheng, and you are not far from the peak."

"Perhaps, you will be more useful than Su Cheng, but not necessarily."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the water girl had disappeared in place.

An afterimage appeared in front of Murong Lingyun, soft and crisp wind blowing on Murong Lingyun's face.

That delicate face is all in front of my eyes.

But what was said in that mouth was a sneer, "After all, Su Cheng has only one and a half minutes left, like a waste."

"The bastard." Murong Lingyun's face became colder instantly, and the Seven Kill Sword slashed down in front of him.


The sword fell and the afterimage dissipated.


Beyond the half-meter range of the black sword light, there is already a large dreamy light lingering.

Girl Shui smiled softly, "Seven Killers Ye Blade can protect you for half a meter, but it can't help my illusion."

A large piece of dreamy light has now covered a radius of 100 meters.

Inside, the black sword light that was only half a meter in range was particularly conspicuous but weak.

Girl Shui was already holding her hand, she didn't move any more, glanced at the battle in the Dongyun region in the distance, and chuckled, "There is still some time anyway."

"You go and play with this famous Seven Killing Lingyun."

The water girl, naturally, is not alone here.

In the distance, hundreds of thousands of evil beasts are assaulting the Dongyun region.

Around him, there have been Baixiexiu bend and listen.

At this time, Guo Baixiu took the lead, "Yes, Girl Water."


In the dreamy light, each evil cultivation came in.

"Xie Xiu?" Murong Lingyun's eyes were cold.

Girl water covered her mouth and smiled, "Don't let the little girl be too disappointed."

"Useless men, little girls look down on most."

Murong Lingyun didn't speak any more, and the evil aura that struck him around had already made him feel a burst of pressure.

These evil cultivators are not strong at first, but after stepping into the range of dream light, all of them have a strong aura, all in the late stage of the noble state.

"Second kill, Wuying." Murong Lingyun secretly shouted.

Wow... Wow... Wow... Wow...

Seven afterimages appeared out of thin air.

Each afterimage held a sword in his hands, and the breath of each afterimage was not weaker than Murong Lingyun himself.

Eight figures, eight sharp swords exuding fierce killing intent, easily suppressed this overwhelming evil repair.

No, the battle is almost one-sided.

These evil cultivators with monstrous auras, no one can survive Murong Lingyun and Qidao Afterimage.

That is simply crushing.

A little light flashed in Miss Sui's beautiful eyes, "Awesome, has the Seven Killing Sword been developed and controlled to such a degree?"

"Sword infatuation, Murong Lingyun, really deserves its reputation."


The water girl finally shot again and waved her hand.

The dreamy light skyrocketed in an instant, and the scope soared.

Under the ground, the waves rolled instantly.

Roar... roar... roar... roar... roar...

Giant beasts emerged from the water.

That is not an evil beast, but a sea beast.


One of the sea beast, human body, beast face, blasted out with a punch.

Murong Lingyun fought back with a sword.

Boom... Kaka...

With a roar, the fierce killing intent on the Seven Kill Sword was shattered by the fist, and Murong Lingyun's figure retreated dozens of steps.

All of a sudden, the battle situation changed again, and Murong Lingyun fell to the wind.

Out of the range, Miss Sui saw this and shook her head slightly, "I just made a move, so I can't bear it?"

"Not enough, it's still a little weaker, a little worse."


Ten minutes later.

At the edge of the Eastern Cloud Region, the Lord of the Eastern Cloud Region was no longer on the wall, but joined the battle.

At this moment, the Eastern Cloud Territory Lord is already wounded, "It's over, it's over, my Eastern Cloud Territory will be destroyed today."

Under the huge combat power gap, his domain master is also unable to recover.


Although Murong Lingyun had no injuries on his body and was not defeated, he had already retreated steadily and could only resist.

Girl Shui shook her head slightly, "Seven Killing Sword, it's really powerful."

"Unfortunately, you haven't grown enough."

"Join me, you can not only meet Su Cheng, but also grow better."

"Stop talking nonsense." Murong Lingyun shouted violently, one person with seven shadows, fighting against the huge sea beasts.


Suddenly, a sword sounded.

Swords sounded layer by layer, like the sound of a sword, and like the sound of nine swords.

A fierce sword intent glowed with a must-killer, and suddenly pierced the water girl away.

Outside the range of the dreamy light, the girl frowned suddenly.

Such a cruel and strange sword is a sword of lore.

The water girl retreated sharply, and a sharp sword pierced her before she faced the door.

If she hadn't reacted fast enough just now, this sword had now pierced her head.

Girl Sui suddenly stopped her figure and looked at the person with a cold eye.

Here comes the man, dressed in a generous and large costume, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, with extraordinary bearing, and more importantly, the powerful aura that only the person in charge possesses.

A sea beast, lost the control of the water girl at this moment, turned into a lot of splashes.

Murong Lingyun was relieved of pressure, first he was overjoyed, and then he looked at the person who came, and his face was startled again, "The villain Gu Feihua?"

In the distance, the face of the man in Chinese clothes twitched, "This seat shouldn't save you."

Yes, the person here is actually Gu Feifan.

"The chief of Tianzang" The girl smiled coldly, "Contemporary Dean, Dean Gu."

Gu Feifei stared coldly, "Wonder girl, can you catch it without her hands?"


In the battle outside the Dongyun region, a group of warriors rushed into the battlefield.

Countless fierce evil beasts were actually suppressed in a short period of time.

The Lord of the Eastern Cloud Territory looked overjoyed, "Is it the team of the Tianzang Academy, or the elite of the Academy under the leadership of each peak."

"My Dongyun region is saved."


Girl Shui smiled coldly, "The attendant who followed Baili Hengyun back then, and the Dean of Tianzang who has become the head of the Five University Palace today, is really energetic and impressive."

"But..." Girl Shui's face was cold for a moment, "Do you think this is the capital that you are capable of presumptuously in front of me?"


First more.

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