Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3222: There were signs more than half a year ago

"Yes." Liuheng Demon Lord nodded.

"In the six directions of the demon realm, the power of the six laws gathered in the sky, and Fang became the torrent of the six laws in the sky."

Liuheng Demon Lord turned around and pointed to the distance.

"The Forest of Six Balances is one of them, and it is also the side that borders the nine extremely barren land."

"Look, when we walked out of the Forest of Six Balances, we have already left the demon realm. Outside, it is a desolation."

"Walk all the way, stepping into the range of the nine extremely barren land, where it is even more barren and cold to the heart."

The forest of six balances and the range of nine extremely desolate land is just the interval between a desolate land.

But the extremely desolate nine places are even more desolate.

"How desolate is it?" Xiao Yi asked.

He didn't understand the extremely desolate nine lands.

Liuheng Demon Lord stared into the distance, and there seemed to be a memory in his eyes, "It's very desolate, so desolate, and he doesn't seem to belong to this world."

"There is almost no grass growing there, and the land is dry and barren."

"There, it seems extremely barren when the world first opened."

"But there, sometimes it can be very peaceful, as if there is only one person in the whole world."

"There, it seems that even the passage of time is hard to detect, because the endless desolation of the whole world fills it."

"Why..." Xiao Yi wanted to question, but saw that Liuheng Demon Lord's expression was already extremely complicated.

According to rumors, Liuheng Demon Lord was once a strange demon born in the extremely wild nine places.

Six million years ago, Fang came to the Demon Territory, and then quelled the chaos of the Demon Territory. After suffering, he set foot on the throne.

Liuheng Demon Lord slowly uttered, "There used to be ten giant beasts that ravaged the world."

Xiao Yi thoughtfully.

The Liuheng Demon Lord retracted his gaze and looked at Xiao Yi, "Yes, the nine wild places are the birthplace of the ten wild beasts."

"In the legend, before the endless years, a mouthful of dragon flame swept away, and the ten wild beasts were completely ashes."

"And this dragon flame also makes this land grow without a single inch of grass after countless years, and it is extremely dry, and there is the most desolate place in the world, the most barren land."

Xiao Yi's face was shocked after hearing this.

I didn't expect to hear the far-reaching events of these ancient years here.

Xiao Yi said puzzledly, "Nine extremely barren land, as the name suggests, it should be nine sites and nine places."

"But there are ten wild beasts."

The Liuheng Demon Lord nodded, "Among the Nine Desolate Lands, there is an independent land called Lei Yuan."

"Lei Yuan was once the land where Lei Yan beasts raged, and later became the land of the Thunder Clan."

"Lei Clan?" Xiao Yi was slightly surprised, "Is it the Thunder Clan, one of the four clans of heaven and earth?"

Demon Lord Liuheng nodded and looked back outside the huge city wall again.

"In the legend, that dragon flame burned everything in the extremely barren nine lands, all the way to the edge of the land under our feet."

"Therefore, with us now, the area under our feet is the limit, one side is extremely desolate and no grass grows, and the other side is full of life and lush."

The two have become an extremely sharp contrast.

The Demon Lord of Liuheng continued, "This is the origin of the Forest of Liuheng."

"The birthplace of the six-sided law of the Demon Realm, each one came into being and has its own special chance."

"Six Heng's Forest is like this."

"The same goes for Tianshui Lake."

Tianshui Lake is the land of the Liehao clan and the birthplace of Tianshui Law.

According to the rumors, there is the first heavy rain between heaven and earth, and endless years will not die.

"The birthplace of the other laws is almost the same, each with its own merits."

Xiao Yi glanced at the Old Demon Venerable Mad Lion and the others, "The cultivation base of the demon Venerable now is the second level of the Sovereign Realm."

The Liuheng Demon Lord nodded, "When the sky was in danger, Chilong wanted to use the ancestor of the spirit tree to absorb the power of the torrent of the six laws of my heaven for his own use."

"If he really succeeds, he will be able to cultivate in a short period of time and his strength will reach the height of the ancestor of the demon dragon."

"But, everything is blocked by you."

"You reverse the law and spread the torrent of the six laws into the world."

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "It was a helpless move at that time."

"If Yaojun now has these six principles in his hands, it won't be the disaster today."

Liuheng Yaojun shook his head, "Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, and everything is difficult to determine."

"The six-strand law torrents, and the remaining five strands are all dissipated. You absorb 10% of the Weisenro law, and the remaining 90% is in the capital."

"To me, this is a curse."

"However, the power of the torrent of the Five Laws returned to the Demon Realm World, and the Demon Realm instantly increased its spiritual energy. This is a blessing to the Demon Realm."

Mad Lion Old Demon Venerable laughed and said, "The cultivation of our demon Venerables has stopped at the peak of the Holy Venerable Realm for millions of years."

"The five-leg law flooded the world, bringing not only a sharp increase in the spirit of the demon domain, but also a stronger martial law."

"We took this opportunity, coupled with the accumulation of countless years of self-cultivation, to break through the monarchy in one fell swoop."

Liuheng demon chuckled, "I told you that I told you that the breaking up of the five-strength rule is not necessarily a bad thing."

"They didn't disappear, they just returned to heaven and earth."

"Heaven and earth reincarnate, cycle and start, nothing is more than this."

Xiao Yi nodded, his face turned solemn, "But now the sky is changing, if there is not enough top combat power, this forest of six balances will be difficult to defend."

The demon Lord Liuheng also had a solemn expression, "So this monarch said, fortunately this is the forest of Liuheng."

"The remaining 90% of the laws of Senluo flow in the sky, I can mobilize all of them here."

"Based on this, I barely have the power to protect."

Back then, 10% of the power of Sen Luo Torrent was enough for Xiao Yi Sen Luo to successfully step into the first layer of the monarchy.

And now the power of the 90% Sen Luo Torrent gives Liuheng Demon Lord the power of the six peaks of the Sovereign Realm.

There is no doubt that if it is a torrent of complete laws, no matter who mobilizes it, they can use this to exert the power of the sevenfold battle of the sovereign.

Liugu is the seven layers of six monarchs.

Millions of years ago, there were six great kings under the seat of the demon king.

At that time, when Fang was at its peak, the Demon Territory didn't even dare to attack.

As for the Liuheng Demon Lord, who alone holds the six laws of consummation, the torrent of the six laws will be gathered together, which will be almost invincible.

After all, although the six laws of balances can each be one, they can also be integrated with each other. They are six perfect laws of each other.

It's definitely not that one plus one equals two, it's far greater.

With the presence of the six elements, the Liuheng Demon Lord of the past can even hardly regret the ancient existence of the Demon Dragon Ancestor.

Not to mention anything else, it is more than enough to guard the demon domain.

But now...

"The battle of changing the sky has already started?" Xiao Yi Ning asked.

Demon Lord Liuheng nodded, "You can think so."

"You are in the land of mankind, it should be the past few days that you have felt it, and the martial art of heaven and earth is dim."

"But in fact, most of the six months ago, there were turbulences in the Nine Desolate Lands, and there were signs of change."

"There were signs almost half a year ago?" Xiao Yi's expression changed.

Demon Lord Liuheng nodded, "A month ago, there were already a few wastelands spreading letters to the Lord, asking him to hand over the Demon Realm."

"Otherwise, it will be a disaster."

"Today, the Iron Wasteland finally took action."

"It won't be long before the rest of the famine will come."

"The situation in the Demon Territory is precarious now."


Second more.

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