Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3235: Yiyi comes

Xiao Yi stood on the city wall, staring into the distance, frowning.

In fact, he still wanted to explore the fallen wasteland of the ten wild beasts.

He doesn't like to fight uncertain battles.

Even more unwilling to be blocked by soldiers in such a confused and unknown situation.

This can wait quietly to resist the invaders of the Nine Desolate Monster Race time and time again.

This undoubtedly makes oneself completely passive.

He has some ways to erase the spiritual seal that Senior Luo put on him.

However, the battle to change the sky has actually begun.

Although the sky has not completely fallen.

When the sky changed last time and the sky hadn't fallen, the demon domain had not moved.

Because the demon monarch and all the old demon lords are paving the way for their own clan, hoping to give the demon domain clan a better future, so there are many plans.

Moreover, it is also afraid of the strength of the Eight Palaces.

But this time, the Ancient Demon Race of the Nine Desolations was obviously much more fierce.

And the reason is unknown.

The sky hasn't collapsed, and there have been many offenders from the Nine Desolate Races.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath.

Suddenly, the aura of strong men surged in the distance behind him.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi turned around, frowning slightly.

In the distance, heads of heaven came to us with colorful clouds.

It is the team of the Holy Moon Sect.

The head is the woman, Sect Master Shengyue.

On the side, is Yuezunwusheng.

Haven't seen him for many years, Yuezun Martial Saint is actually a monarch realm cultivation base.

But Xiao Yi was not surprised at all.

The Holy Moon Sect, although it has fallen, is still one of the eight sects and has a certain foundation of the eight sects.

Not to mention, there is a complete imperial inheritance in the Holy Moon Sect.

Although the power of the sect seems to be weak, compared with the other sects, it is just a lack of direct instruction from the strong.

But with the complete inheritance of the emperor realm, Yuezun Martial Saint breaking through the emperor realm is fundamentally a sure thing.

In addition, Yuezun Wusheng is young after all, yes, ‘young’.

He is a warrior of the previous generation's chief palace master, and he is probably only ten million years old.

But those strong in the kingdom of the Eight Sects, such as Changming Gujun, Yixi Gujun, and Fengchan Daojun, had already gained fame and success in the ancient years tens of millions of years ago.

Relatively speaking, as the Eight Sect martial artist, Yuezun Wusheng broke through the monarchy at this age is really not a surprising thing.

The Saint Yuezong team is now headed by these two.

And beside these two, there was a figure.

Almost all of Xiao Yi's gaze was on this figure.

"Yiyi?" Xiao Yi frowned.


A beautiful shadow floated down and fell on the high wall of the Forest of Six Levels.

"The son." Yiyi lowered his head slightly, seemingly afraid to look at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi scowled, "What are you doing here?"

"But remember what promised me?"

Yiyi walked to Xiao Yi in small steps, lowered his head, twisted the corner of his sleeve with two fingers, silent.

Time just passed in silence like this.

Regarding silence, whoever persists longer, Xiao Yi seems to have never lost, only, before this beautiful woman.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath again, finally breaking the silence first.

"I'll take you back first."

"When the disaster is over, can I go back and find you?"

Reluctant to speak, only shook his head.

Xiao Yi frowned. In fact, he knew what Yiyi meant.

Since the two came back to Zhongyu, there was almost no normal day to meet each other.

When I first came back, I rushed back to the Eighth Hall Main Hall to treat all the main hall masters.

After that, he was busy dealing with evil repairs.

He ran around and was busy everywhere, and after that, he stayed in the south.

And she was a martial artist of the Eight Sects and a saintess of the Holy Moon Sect, so she was inconvenient to intervene in the evil repair disaster. For a whole year and a half, she had been waiting for him in the main hall of Fengsha.

Finally ended the evil repair disaster.

As soon as he returned to the main hall of the wind brake, he quickly returned to the western defense line.

Unable to help her, he and her went to the western defense line together.

Yes, Yiyiben has been on the side of the demon realm defense line, garrisoning at the eight halls.

There are eight chief hall masters there, so Xiao Yi can feel relieved.

But now...

Xiao Yi raised his head slightly, and glanced at the woman and Yuezun Wusheng who were in the sky.

Obviously, it was Shanshan's late Saint Yuezong team that passed the western defense line. Yiyi had a reason and followed to the depths of the demon realm.

She obviously didn't want to wait for him in the rear defense.

The Forest of Six Hengs, bordered by nine extremely barren land, here is unpredictable.

And she was in the rear, not knowing how safe he was.

She didn't want to wait.

Xiao Yi, he also has his own ideas.

This time, everything is unknown, he can only resist passively, and he has no confidence.

If Yiyi is still here, he will have some scruples.

Perhaps he should harden his heart now and forcibly lead him back to the rear line of defense.

However, he obviously cannot harden this heart.

"Fine." Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, "You have to follow. If you have hands and feet, I can't tie you, and it's impossible to obstruct you forcibly."

"Okay, don't frown."

"But listen well, here, everything that listens to me, let alone leave my sight."

"Yeah." Yiyi instantly raised his head, smiled and nodded repeatedly.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "You are expected to be hard-hearted. If you are expected to come, I will not be able to force you back."

"It seems that it's not a good thing for my lady to be too cold and smart, so I've calculated it too."

Xiao Yi hugged his waist and moved jokingly.

Since nothing can be changed, it can only be handled safely.

Yiyi's face blushed, and he did not resist, clinging to Xiao Yi obediently.

High in the sky.

The woman's face was so ugly that it was dripping.

Yuezun Wusheng is also angry in his eyes.

There are a lot of people, her saint of the Holy Moon Sect, was so "motivated" and "bully" by a man?

"Enough." The woman snorted coldly.

"Yiyi, our Saint Yuezong team, Shanshan, came late, and it has been a long time since we rushed to the Basong station.

"Let's get together quickly."

Xiao Yi raised his head and glanced at him, "Where to meet?"

"Yiyi will follow me in the Forest of Liuheng, not going anywhere."

"Joke." The woman sneered, "Yiyi is my Saint Moon Sect saint, so I should follow my Saint Moon Sect team."

"In addition, you, the Forest of Six Levels, are only weak in this area?"

"This place is bordered by nine extremely barren land, which is unpredictable and dangerous. It is very likely that a large-scale beast will be swallowed."

Sage Yuezun Wu said in a deep voice, "The eight sects are stationed at the point where the strong are like clouds, far safer than this place."

"If you are good for Yiyi, you should..."

Xiao Yi interrupted coldly, "I can't believe in eight cases."

"I only believe in myself."

"Either your Holy Moon Sect team stay here, or...get out!"

Some people are his bottom line.

Even if there is a possibility of accident, he will not allow it to exist.

Who will come and what to say is useless!

The cold voice resounded high in the sky.

The woman instantly turned cold, "You mean, you want to force me to buckle my eight martial artists?"

"Why not?" Xiao Yi looked at the woman without fear, with a grinning grin at the corner of his mouth.


In the sky, the thunder flickered in an instant, and the dark clouds covered it.

A heavy coercion fell from the sky.

The woman's face changed suddenly.

The cold and arrogant young man below is already a mainland powerhouse who can change the situation with a single word, and his frown is like the wrath of heaven and earth!


Third more.

Update today, over.

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