Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3244: Tianjiao, the only two

Yiyi shook his head with a low expression, "Master was so disappointed in me for the first time..."

Xiao Yi interrupted with a smile, "You believe me, the more terribly she scolded, the more representative she was scolding me."

"To put it bluntly, she actually wants me to shoot."

"Like those eight old guys, they tried everything possible to keep me away from those dangers."

"If it weren't for me to bear these dangers, I'm afraid they would solve it for me at any cost, even if the cost is death."

"Shengjun, she treats you the same way."

"That kind of monster clan's countless melees, she can't bear you to go to the war, and she can't bear to get half hurt."

"She came to blame you, but she wanted me to do it."

Yiyi frowned instantly, "The son is also in danger."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "It's one thing she doesn't want my wife to be my life like that."

"In fact, I can actually take action and help her."

"It's just that I want her to understand something."

Yiyi was puzzled.

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "Your master, in fact, everything else is pretty good, but she is obviously the kind of old guy who wants face."

"At this moment, in this situation, face is worthless."

"If she had to pay for her ridiculous majesty and face, then she would pay a heavier price."

"No one has to owe her anything, let alone sell her face."

Yiyi suddenly said, "So son, you didn't make a move before, and you didn't let me make one."

Xiao Yi nodded and said with a smile, "Could it be that I would really be unable to save Saint Moon Sect?"

"For your sake, I won't stand by."

"It's just that the situation at that time doesn't require me to act."

Xiao Yi knocked Yiyi on the head and said with a smile, "Your master, you are not here yet."

Yiyi shrank his head and stuck out his tongue.

"The son is drinking tea." Yiyi smiled.


Not long.

Xiao Yi has not finished a cup of tea.

Outside the fortress, a wave of soaring demonic air struck again.

"Here again." Xiao Yi squinted.


The two dashed onto the city wall.

The wild demon clan, once again attacked like a tide.

The eight warriors have already jumped out of the city wall to contend.

But only half an hour later.

Like a tide monster, it fell into the wind again, and then it retreated like a tide, leaving only a large pile of corpses.


After a few hours.

The wild demon clan attacked again.

As before, once it fell into the wind, it would once again retreat to the edge of the extremely wasteful nine places.


After half a day.

Sect Master Jin Huo frowned, "What do these wild and wild animals want to do?"

"Sometimes attack, sometimes quickly retreat."

"They do this, they will only continue to consume their own combat power."

Sect Master Liuhe Sect said in a deep voice, "Could it be that they want to keep testing?"

"Disturb the enemy to get tired, and take advantage of the gap to enter."

"Once our top combat powers are taken lightly and have not rushed to sit on the wall, once they cross the fortress range, they will rush through the forest of six balances."

"After that, there will be a vast demon territory, no matter how difficult it is to effectively block them."

Dongfang Tai's expression was solemn, "Pretending to be attacking?"

"No matter what the Lord of Madness wants to do, we must not take it lightly."

"Order someone to prepare a seat here, and the old man will stand on the wall forever."

Chang Ming Gu Jun frowned, "The madness of the wild animals is worthy of being too far from the East..."

Dongfang Taishang interrupted in a cold voice, "There is no room for loss this time."

"This suzerain also sits here." Liuhe Sect suzerain said in a deep voice.

Sword Lord Jiuxiao chuckled, "Since this is the case, this Sword Lord will not return to his residence."

"I wait for Wu Xiu, it's the same everywhere."

"Sitting on this wall is just another place to sit still."

Not long after, nine seats were prepared to be on the wall.

Xiao Yi frowned and looked at an oriental elder, "There is still one short."

The old man in the East was puzzled, "Tai Shang, the Nine Heavens Sword Sovereign, and the six Sovereigns, and the Lord Xiao Yi, total nine seats."

"My wife." Xiao Yi said.

The old patriarch frowned and said, "She is just the Saintess of the Holy Moon School, and she is not enough to be included in this table."

Yes, mere seats are really nothing.

The warrior can build soil with a wave of hands, mobilize aura and so on.

Even if the seats prepared by the Dongfang family are silk cushions, Tianxianglongmu, it just seems precious.

The real question is whether it is qualified enough.

The elders of the sects, such as Changming Ancient Lord, Chixiao Sword Lord, and so on, just stood.

Only the level of the eight sect masters and Xiao Yi, the master of the eight palaces, can have seats.

Chang Ming Gu Jun sneered, "The little Tianjiao of the Holy Moon Sect, is also worthy to be in the same rank as the Sect Master and the Eastern Supreme?"

"The old man, Sword Sovereign Scarlet Heaven, and the elders of the sects are all standing, what is she?"

Xiao Yi sneered, "You are a small sect elder, so naturally you are nothing."

"The wife of the Lord of the Palace, in terms of her status, she is equal to your ancestors."

Yiyi whispered, "My son, don't have to..."

Shengjun coldly drank aside, "Why not?"

Shengjun abruptly got up and scanned the crowd, "But I feel that my Holy Moon Sect has fallen, so I can consciously insult?"

"When my Holy Moon Sect was at its peak, I was a bit more aggressive than yours."

"In that battle, I was the only one who suffered heavy damage to the Holy Moon Sect, and the strong were killed and wounded. Fang has refused to accept it, describing it as a decline."

"In that battle, my Holy Moon Sect's merits disregarded the mainland."

"Why is my Saint Moon Sect's saint not eligible for a seat today?"

Dongfang Tai's expression was solemn, "No one will obliterate the achievements of the Holy Moon Sect."

Nine Heavens Sword Master chuckled, "Aside from anything else, all of our sects are all elders and deacons. Even the elite disciples are all elders who have achieved good results when they are old."

"But no one brought Tianjiao, a younger generation of his own, to join the war here."

"For this alone, the Holy Moon Sect is enough for me to admire; this Holy Moon Sect saint girl is courageous and not inferior to our top powerhouses."

All the families present here are indeed old monsters, and none of them have brought their own Tianjiao.

In the audience, there were only two young faces, Xiao Yi and Yiyi, and they were of real age.

In other words, the entire Basong fortress, young Tianjiao, only two of them.

"Yes." Xiao Yi sneered. "Every old guy in another family is a human being, but you don't bring your own Tianjiao here."

"It's like some idiots who want to save face and bring their own Tianjiao to this desolate place full of dangers."

"You..." Shengjun knew that Xiao Yi was talking about her even though he was stupid.

"Okay." Dongfang Taishang said coldly, "Come on, give me a seat."


A few days later.

For several days in a row, the wild demon clan only attacked and retreated, attacking on a large scale every one or two hours, and then retreated.

On the wall, a group of strong men have not left for several days, and they have been sitting here.

"What do these evil animals want to do?" Sect Master Qiongyu frowned and cursed.

Sect Master Liuhezong said displeased, "Either have a good fight, or retreat completely."

Sword Sovereign Chi Xiao asked in doubt, "They want to kill our mind and fighting will?"

"No." Xiao Yi said solemnly, "They may not want to retreat, but they have to retreat."

Sword Lord Nine Heavens squinted his eyes, "The big wild clan families seem to show panic every time they retreat."

"It's not so much that it consumes our eight fighting, the fighting intent of the fortress's fighting power, but on the contrary, the fighting intent of their wild clan family is constantly weakening."

The Sect Master of the Ancient Realm sneered, "Sword Lord Jiuxiao's words are very bad, the monsters are cruel, but I don't know how to write the word panic."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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