Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3247: War, Lord of the Wilderness

The skeptical gaze around him looked at Xiao Yi together.

Dongfang Taishang was silent, but stared at Xiao Yi.

The ancient realm sect master sneered disdainfully, "The wild desolate demon race is retreating every day, and the master of the wild desolate should have known that his fortress will not be broken by his power alone."

"He still dare to attack himself and come here to die? Unless he becomes a fool."

Sect Master Qiongyu sneered, "Look at this desolate land outside, how many corpses of the monster race have been left in the past few days?"

"This is all my eight sects of warriors who have been brave and fearless."

"It won't be long before we can kill his Desolate Monster Race first."

Xiao Yi sneered, "Only a fool will think that others are fools, but he does not know that he is a fool."

Sword Sovereign Chi Xiao said in a deep voice, "It's better to say your opinion directly than Palace Master Xiao Yi."

"It's very simple." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "break his arm to survive."

"What?" A hint of surprise flashed across the faces of Sword Lord Chixiao and Taishang Dongfang at the same time.

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "The top powerhouses on our city wall have not moved, so the Lord of the Wild Desolation has not moved either."

"But we can wait, he can't wait."

"Not only is the Thirty-Six Clan Families feared, but also the Lord of his Frenzy Desolation."

"Every time we attack, and every time we retreat in embarrassment, this is not a feint or consume our combat power at all."

Dongfang Taishang was the first to change his expression, "Be prepared for these two days to deal with the desperate crimes of the wild demon race at any time."

Sect Master of the Ancient Realm frowned, "Dongfang Taishang, do you really believe in this kid?"

Dongfang Taishang did not answer, but said in a solemn voice, "Tell the disciples of the defense line that you don't have to go back to the fortress for these two days, just maintain a large formation and a combined attack at the defense line."

"Yes." There was a reply from the surroundings, and at the same time, there were a series of discolored faces.

The Lord of the Wild Desolation is one of the nine great Desolation Lords, the overlord of the ancient monster race with a fierce reputation.

Even the eighth sect master level had to deal with it cautiously.


Suddenly, a wave of demonic air hit the sky again.

"Here again." Sect Master Jin Huo let out a cold cry.

At the edge of the extremely desolate nine lands, the tide monsters came again.

An hour later.

The fierce battle is still continuing.

This time, the Wild Demon Race did not escape in embarrassment.

"Not good." Shengjun suddenly exclaimed.

In the distance, on both sides of the Shengyuezong's defense line, a larger number of monsters attacked the defense line.

"Damn, the monster races on the other sides of the defense line actually flocked to my Saint Yuezong defense line." Shengjun gritted his teeth.

The Sect Master of the Ancient Realm sneered, "The Wild Demon Race is not stupid, your Saint Moon Sect's defense line is a soft persimmon, and it is also the best place to break through."

"They are gathering forces to attack your Saint Moon Sect's defense line."

Sect Master Qiong Yu also sneered, "Holy Monarch, if your Saint Moon Sect's defense line is broken first, you will be responsible."

"You..." Shengjun's expression changed.

Just at this time.

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly, "Yes, the wild demon clan is not stupid, but some fools are stupid as others."


In the air, a sword rang, and a purple thunder cut through the sky.


With a roar, a sharp sword steadily inserted in front of Shengyuezong's defense line.

The sword fell for an instant, and a million thunderbolts fell from the sky.

Xiao Yi waved his big hand, and the 30,000 spiritual veins were shot out instantly, encircling the sky above the Purple Lightning Sword.

"Ziyao sword formation, get up." Xiao Yi nodded with a finger.

The person is still on the wall, but outside the Saint Yuezong line of defense, there are countless purple thunder and lightning sword auras, raging non-stop.

Within the defensive line of Saint Moon Sect, an ancient monster beast was either divided by sword aura, or blasted to ashes by purple lightning.

Shengjun frowned and looked at Xiao Yi, but he secretly smiled triumphantly.

It was not that Xiao Yi didn't know the holy monarch's thoughts, but just ignored it, glanced back at the Sect Master of the Ancient Realm, and sneered.

"After all, this is not the Forest of Six Balances, and there is no formation and means I have prepared in advance."

"There is no way, I can only use this large amount of spiritual veins to increase combat power."

"Oh, it seems a bit wasteful, but fortunately, some treasure troves were emptied last time. I have these resources."

Thirty thousand spiritual veins are always extremely handiwork.

The sect masters and elders were surprised to see the spiritual veins flying high in the distance.

Hearing this at this moment, the faces of everyone suddenly became weird.

The Sect Master of the Ancient Realm instantly turned black.

Where is the treasure house in the world that can allow a young man to consume his spiritual veins with such a luxury?

It is also the treasure house of the sect that his Ancient Realm Sect was evacuated.

Under the Ziyao sword array blessed by 30,000 spiritual veins, it was almost crazy to harvest a large number of monster races gathered on the defense line of the Holy Moon Sect.

In a short time, the Wild Demon Race once again fled in embarrassment.


one day later.

The wild clan still commits crimes every once in a while, and then fled in embarrassment.

Bazong’s line of defense is still indestructible.

Needless to say, Xiao Yi's ninth line of defense was completely crushed.

The rest of the fighting strength is the same as before, and the defense is solid.

The Saint Yuezong line of defense, with Xiao Yi's help, was equally relaxed.


Within the edge of the extremely desolate nine lands.

A large number of wild demon races are entrenched here, densely packed, with more than millions at every turn.

But to be more serious, these fierce ancient monster races in the past are all wounded today, and even worse, they are scarred, or scorched all over their body, or bloodstained under the wind blade.

Or suffering from some huge injuries, the body of the monster race is deformed and twisted.

Worse still, even severely injured limbs.

At this moment, all of this wild demon clan showed horror, and their eyes were extremely heavy on a burly figure in the distance.

In front of the burly figure, there were six figures who gave their orders.

"Desolate Lord." A figure said solemnly, "If we continue like this, our family of wild land will be killed and wounded."

Obviously, that burly figure is one of the masters of the Nine Desolations, the Lord of the Wild Desolation.

That kind of self-prestige, that kind of body muscles that seem to be full of earth-shaking power, just let people just look at it and tremble from the bottom of their hearts.

The Lord of the Wilderness looked ugly, "What can the Lord of the Wilderness do?"

"Even if the thirty-six races are dead, the original deserter will break through this human fortress."

"The Desolate Lord and your six emperors, as well as the elite guards under your command, as long as you can break through the fortress and leave here, the Desolate Lord will surely be able to rise again and dominate the wild land again in the future."

"But now..." The Lord of Wild Desolation raised his head and glanced at the slowly moving red cloud in the distance.

On the face of the tyrannical incomparable, at this moment, there was even a little panic from the starting point.

"That monster is about to be chased."

"First, I slaughtered my wild land for more than half of my life, and then pursued the landlord endlessly, endlessly."

"Damn, when did I mess with this monster?"

"There is not much time." The Lord of the Wild Wilderness stood up abruptly, "How long will the people over there come?"

"Already here." In the air, there was a sudden sneer.

"Who?" The eyes of the six kings around him instantly became cold.

However, with the eightfold cultivation base of their Sovereign Realm, they couldn't track down where the sound came from.

There are no other creatures around.

"Don't be rude." The Lord of Wild Desolation gave a soft cry, and then looked at the air ahead, "Has the Lord of Shadow Desolation made a decision?"

There was a slight surging in the air.

The Lord of the Wild Desolate smiled and looked at countless monsters suddenly, "Attack immediately. Before breaking the eight fortresses, whoever dares to evacuate, the Lord of the Wild will be killed on the spot."

Thirty-six kings, millions of monsters, face horror, but they had to drag their wounded body and attack again.

The mighty wild clan family came out again.

This time, there will be no retreat.

The Lord of Wild Desolation looked at the high sky in front of him, staring at the sharp sword that flashed with thunder and thirty thousand spiritual veins.

"It's this sword that stopped me from going wild."


Fortress wall.

"Here." Xiao Yi squinted, "Be careful, these wild demon races are going crazy."

Xiao Yi clearly noticed that there was no panic in the eyes of these millions of ancient beasts, and they could only regard death as fierce.


At this moment, the distant sky collapsed instantly.

A figure took the Purple Lightning Divine Sword straight away.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "Want to move my Zidian? You are not qualified."

Whoosh... Xiao Yi's figure moved instantly.

This is the first time he has left the city wall.

That figure, burly and domineering, the aura of one person is actually even more than the millions of ancient monsters below.

"The Lord of the Wild Desolation." Xiao Yi has clearly stated the identity of the person.


When the burly figure wanted to catch Zidian for a moment, Zidian rushed back in an instant, reaching Xiao Yi's hand.

With the sword in his hand, Xiao Yi did not retreat but advanced.

Take the Lord of the Wild Desolation with one sword!


Third more.

Update today, over.

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