Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3261: Tianyuan

Sect Master Jin Huo stood up suddenly, "Dongfang Taishang means that we must choose to fight?"

A wise light flashed in Dongfang Taishang's solemn eyes.

"It's not an old man's choice war, but...the choices that can be given to us from the beginning are almost zero."

"The fierceness of the Nine Desolate Demon Race is obvious to all."

"If we compromise today, it seems that the disaster will disappear, it seems that the blood kaluo will disappear."

"But if the Lord of the Moon Desolate can resurrect Blood Kaluo once, there will be a second time."

"What if Jiuhuang suddenly repents when everything else rests in the future?"

The Sect Master of Liuhe Sect also stood up, his face solemn, "The Moon Desolate Land, indeed has countless ancient clan families."

"But the one who really dominates among them is the Moonless Clan."

"The Wuyue clan, born in charge of life and death, is extremely indifferent."

"And the most important thing is that in the battle that year, the Wuyue clan was almost dead, and the enmity between Yuehuang Dadi and our eight sects has long been impossible to resolve."

"That battle?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Dongfang Taishang looked at Xiao Yi, "In the extremely remote years, the Eight Sects and the Extremely Wild Nine Lands fought a great battle."

"The level of the Extremely Wild Nine Lands is really what our level needs to deal with."

"In that battle, each case suffered heavy losses."

Dongfang Taishang glanced at the holy monarch, "you holy moon sect, are you still there."

"In the first battle, he seriously injured the Moon Emperor, but the Moon Emperor broke his foundation completely."

"In that battle, your Saint Moon Sect lost the most, and you still haven't recovered your vitality."

"For this reason, in these years, your Holy Moon Sect will let you such a little fellow come to be the Sect Master."

The age of the holy monarch is indeed very young compared to the masters and elders present.

The two sides are not warriors for a year at all, and there is a huge gap in their strength.

The sect masters present are probably older than the sage and have several generations.

The Liuhe Sect Sect Master nodded, "Since that battle, there are not many members of the Wuyue clan left."

"The true bloodline is pure, I am afraid that except for the Moon Emperor, there is only this moonless female monarch."

"Today, it seems that the Moonless Lady is the Nine Desolate Lady, but in the future, it is still unknown who will call the wind and rain behind her."

Dongfang Taishang nodded solemnly, "Although Yuehuang is a woman, she is narrow-minded and vicious, and these sect masters also know."

Moon Emperor, naturally the Lord of Moon Desolation.

Sword Sovereign Nine Heavens suddenly cold his eyes, "Your Excellency Yuehuang's thoughts today, you should have seen it too."

"I was saying let Wu Yue Nu Jun give us some time to consider."

"In fact, it's just that they have just conquered the Eight Wastes and everything is not stable."

"These few days are enough time for them to integrate the forces of the Eight Desolations, and the attack in the future will definitely be like a tide."

"She also knows that if the Hall Master Xiao Yi does not take the initiative to nod, we will be obstructing the Eight Halls and it will never be possible to force the Hall Master Xiao Yi out."

"In other words, she knew that we couldn't compromise, and she was ready for a strong offensive in three days."

"In that case, where can we choose?"

Dongfang Taishang's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he glanced at everyone around him, "Today, everything is still within the acceptable range."

"I'll wait, even if there are heavy casualties, I will definitely solve this disaster."

"Otherwise, we won't have the opportunity to turn around when everything else will rest in the future."

Everyone's eyes were cold at the same time.

Liuhe Sect Sect Master said in a deep voice, "If we choose to fight, the only uncertain factor is the blood kaluo."

"Who will deal with this monster?"

Sect Master Jin Huo also said solemnly, "The warning given by the moonless female monarch is that the blood moon came to the world."

"Once the blood moon comes, there will only be killing, and there is no chance of turning around."

Everyone was silent again.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

The ten wild beasts, their fierce names alone, are enough to make all the strong on the scene afraid.

The ten wild beasts all came into being, the only one in the world.

As one of the ten wild beasts, the same is true of Blood Gallo.

According to the rumors, in that ridiculous and ancient time, the bright moon in the sky suddenly turned into a blood moon for some reason.

And from this **** moon, a wild and ferocious bird was born, that is, the blood kaluo.

The moment when Xue Jialuo was born, the sky and the earth were filled with blood clouds, and the sky and the earth were filled with blood.

The blood descendants of Xue Jialuo are actually the Jialuo clan and the Qingyue clan.

The ten great monster races of the ancient times also came into being, but they were not transformed by the heavens and the earth, nor were they unique, they were only born in response to certain events that affected the heavens and the earth.

In the ancient years of the Great Wilderness, a mouthful of dragon flame burned the ten beasts of the Great Wilderness into nothingness, and also burned the land into a piece of scorched earth.

The entire nine extremely barren land has been extremely desolate for countless years, and has never been able to return to normal land.

During this period of time, within the demon realm that bordered it, the ancestor of the spirit tree, the ancient cherry tree, and so on, have also been born.

And after that, the ten wild beasts were extinct for countless years.

Or the residual blood Kaluo spirit in the martial art of heaven and earth, or some other special reason, the Jialuo clan and Qingyue clan were born in the demon domain.

Therefore, under the ancient cherry tree, when the Sage Sakura clan was born, the ancestors opened their eyes and saw it was a gallo bird, chasing the stars at night, and a blue moon bird flying to the moon.

As the blood descendants of Xuegaluo, they seem to have an instinctive pursuit.

They seem to know that after the dark night and stars, there was once a **** sky; that high-hanging bright moon was once a **** red moon.

They are chasing the stars and the moon, trying to open the sky of night, trying to uncover the ‘camouflage’ of the bright moon, and restore the blood moon and red sky again.

Xue Jialuo has only to kill.

When the blood moon descends, it will also be the time when the blood kala slaughter.

In its heyday, Xue Jialuo could feed on the monsters of the emperor realm; now, even if he has only recovered a little spiritual wisdom, he is already invincible at the level of the monarch realm.

"I'm going to block it." Xiao Yi spit out.

"No." Sword Lord Jiuxiao blurted out, "That would only be death."

The Sect Master of Liuhe Sect looked at Dongfang Taishang, "Xue Jialuo is already beyond what we can handle."

"I wonder if I can let that side take the shot?"


Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes tighter when he heard the word sensitive.

Sect Master Jin Huo quickly said, "Yes, with the combat power over there, it is difficult to deal with Xue Jialuo and the Nine Desolate Monster Race."

"Over there?" Xiao Yi said slightly.

Taishang Dongfang replied, "Tianyuan Dijie."

"There is a place for Tianjun to meditate, and it is also a place where the aura of the entire continent gathers."

"The mainland's auras are all revolving around, endlessly."

"And there, it is the place where the circulation must pass. It is known as the sky of the sky and the heart of the earth, so it is called the heaven and earth."

Dongfang Taishang looked at everyone, "But on the other side of Heavenly Origin, I won't interfere."

"The mainland can kill countless lives, but as long as it doesn't affect the mainland itself, there will be no action there."


Second more.

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