Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3388: The best place to practice sword

Xiao Yi felt it for a while, then his figure flashed and stepped into the restriction.

The entire prohibition is indeed huge as a small world, but a mysterious place like a secret realm.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's face was slightly startled just as he stepped in.

Within the entire prohibition, there is actually ample power, and he can even use it at any time for his own use.

The elder Jianzong followed, pointed to the surroundings, smiled, "In the Supreme Sword Land, there is a huge kendo power flooding it."

"The sword repairs here can be taken and mobilized at will for the consumption of their own sword skills."

"However, the kendo power here cannot be absorbed, and cannot be used to increase cultivation. It can only be used as power consumption."

Xiao Yi nodded.

The elder Jianzong pointed to the huge sword stone in front of him again, "Look at Hall Master Xiao Yi."

"That piece is the treasure of my sword sect, the supreme sword stone."

"The sword stone is refined from countless ancient materials. Even the old sword master's full blow will hardly damage the sword stone."

"Above the sword stone, there are the kendo remnants of the swordsmanship of the strong swordsman of the sword sect."

"The sword stone has its own mysterious and unpredictable things. If Jian Xiu is puzzled about sword skills, he will definitely gain something on this sword stone."

Xiao Yi nodded again.

The elder Jianzong pointed at the puppets that were just amazing auras, "These ten are the supreme sword puppets."

"Each one's combat power is comparable to that of the Second Sword Master."

Xiao Yi's face was slightly startled, "Ten Sword Puppets at the eighth peak of the Sovereign Realm?"

"Haha." The Jianzong elder nodded, his face showing proudly.

"The ten kendo puppets, at first, only because of the precious casting materials, they reached the eighth peak level of the sovereign realm."

"Later, the strong sword repairmen of my sword sect branded the sword doctrine and made it stronger."

"Every kendo puppet controls countless exquisite kendos, which is stronger than the normal Sovereign Realm Eightfold Peak Sword Repair."

The elder Jianzong continued, "The ten supreme sword puppets have two purposes."

"One can be used as a training partner."

"Both can be used as sword skills to imitate, so that the sword repairers who practice here can judge their own shortcomings based on this."

"Hallmaster Xiao Yi can manipulate them with just one thought."

"Understood." Xiao Yi nodded, then arched his hands again, "Thanks for this time."

The elder Jianzong hurriedly returned a salute, "Hallmaster Xiao Yi is polite."

"Don't disturb the master of Xiao Yidian, I'm leaving."

"If you have any doubts or other needs, Palace Master Xiao Yi can go to the Jianzong Elder Hall to find an old man."

"Work." Xiao Yi nodded.

The elder Jianzong said politely, and then flashed away.

In the Supreme Sword Land, only Xiao Yi was left.

Xiao Yi was not in a hurry to begin to sharpen his sword to guard Liu Ji.

Instead, he sat down cross-legged, thinking of the previous battle with Beiyin invincible, and the final outcome.

In my mind, thinking of the battle scenes, I temporarily prepared for sharpening.

In my heart, he also thought about it secretly.

Jian Yu Liuji, he must make a breakthrough.

A battle with Beiyin Invincible, although he won, it also sounded the alarm for him.

His current combat power is still far from enough.

Under the real cultivation level of the second layer of the sovereign, coupled with the increase in Zidian, it is only close to the seventh peak of the sixth layer of the sovereign.

Seemingly using the sword to fight the six poles, he defeated Beiyin Invincible, who had the full power of the eighth peak of the Sovereign Realm.

In fact, that last sword alone had already emptied almost all the vitality in his body.

If Beiyin was invincible at that time, he would be defeated.

Since the disappearance of the eight icebergs, his combat power has plummeted suddenly, and there is no chance to recover.

This is also the reason why he never easily exposed the trump card of Iceberg and Fire during the Nine Desolation Wars.

Once displayed, use as much as you want.

Once the cultivation base breaks through, there is no possibility of recovery, unless it reaches the peak of the next realm, which is the peak of the monarch realm.

Nowadays, even with methods such as Shenhuo Vein and Shenfeng Vein, it is far from recovering from Bingluan Sword's backlash injury.

To put it bluntly... He is too short of Yuanli now.

He has a world-shaking technique, Ba Jue, and now Jian Yu Liu Ji and so on.

But he was no longer able to be supported by a steady stream of eight icebergs in the nine wilderness battles.

He is only at the second-tier peak cultivation base of the Sovereign Realm now, and the height of Qi Spring's vitality is only 20%.

Of course, his small world and Qi Spring are both huge and amazing, far surpassing the warriors of the same level.

However, if only fellow practitioners are invincible, he can do it at any time.

But what he often encounters nowadays is always leapfrogging his ranks, and his enemies have always been the small group of strong men standing at the pinnacle of this continent.

"Strength requires more strength." Xiao Yi said inwardly.

He already has many powerful enough means, as long as he has enough strength to support him, he can burst out with enough strength.

Of course, perhaps, he could use 30,000 spiritual veins as the power support, like at the beginning of the Nine Desolation Wars, to burst out the strength of the Invincible Monarch Realm.

But now, where is he going to find 30,000 spiritual veins?

A spiritual vein is the countless spiritual stones covering the earth. The spiritual stones are continuous, like a continuous river of spiritual veins, and like the veins of the earth, so it is called the spiritual vein.

Three thousand spiritual veins, how many spiritual stones should it be? And if it is all high-grade spirit veins, what a huge cultivation resource is that?

The most important thing is that when the strength of the invincible monarch realm broke out, the 30,000 spiritual veins only lasted less than an hour.

This is obviously not a cost-effective business, and even the Eight Palaces can't support him to spend so many times.

If he still had 30,000 spiritual veins, he would never use it as an explosive strength anymore, but instead would use it as a breakthrough in his own cultivation.

At this moment, compared with his previous thoughts, he obviously has undergone a radical change.

In the past, he put strength first, followed by cultivation. Only with sufficient strength, saving his life is the most important thing.

Today, the cultivation base is the most important, followed by strength.

Perhaps it wasn't that his mind changed, it was just that he had different choices in different situations and different crisis situations.

It is also the best choice for you.

Power, he needs power, more power, enough huge power.

Where to find?

It's very simple. The silver seal on his arm is there, and it is even more endless. It is countless times larger than his eight icebergs.

Yes, the power of the Silver Dragon Emperor.

As a super imperial realm powerhouse who was able to fight side by side with the first generation of Mianxia, ​​and regarded the ordinary emperor realm like an ant, how powerful should it be?

If he can use it and fully control this continent, who else does he need to fear?

That is the real invincibility!

"Strength." Xiao Yi suddenly opened his eyes and clenched his fists.


There was a dazzling silver light on Xiao Yi's arm.

A steady stream of power is pouring out.

In the silver power, there seems to be strong and strong, unmatched.


There seemed to be a silver dragon winding through it, with a roar, majestic and noble, the sky was so big, thousands of creatures in the world looked up in awe.


First more.

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