Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3451: Contempt Yanlong

The Huo Clan referee looked towards Feng Yinyi, "Does Sect Master Feng want to challenge the Saintess of Holy Moon Sect?"

"No, I just don't agree." Feng Yinyi's face was cold.

She can indeed challenge Yiyi.

However, she was already defeated in the draw, and she knew she was no opponent.

The Huo Clan referee frowned, and had to speak loudly, "The old man only asked for the last time, the second place is Xiao Yiyi, the saint of the Holy Moon Sect. Can someone disagree, but someone wants to challenge it on stage?"

All the arrogances looked at each other and did not respond.

Then, the gazes of the Tianjiao finally fell on the successors.

These top talents, they can't be the opponent of the saint, and the challenge is meaningless.

The only ones who have the strength to challenge are the tianjiao who are the successors of each family.

After a long while, there is still no one to challenge.

The Huo Clan referee nodded, "If there is no one to challenge, then this Yanlong ranked second, it belongs to..."

"Hold on." Feng Yan interrupted in a cold voice.

The Huo Clan referee already frowned, "Sect Master Feng wants to challenge, if not, please don't disturb the event."

"Otherwise, the old man can only hold Lord Minghuo and Sect Master Qiongyu of your house to punish you for contempt of Yanlong Bang."

On the mainland, there has never been anyone, anything, or any existence who dare to use the name of the'yanlong'.

This list dared to be as famous as the mainland, and is known as the "Yanlong". One can imagine its own meaning and majesty.

"Humph." Feng Yinyi let out a cold snort, turned his head, and looked at Xiao Yi, who was sitting on the viewing platform with cold eyes.

"It is this Xiao Yi thief who really disrupts the event and despise the Yanlong List."

"Presumptuous." Sect Master Qiong Yu gave a cold cry at Qiong Yuzong's watch.

"Feng'er, don't talk nonsense."

On the seat of the Huo Clan, Lord Huo has a majestic gaze, "Sect Master Feng, please be careful not to disturb."

Feng Yinyi glanced at Sect Master Qiongyu, and then at Xiao Yi, his eyes suddenly resentful, "I'm just telling the truth."

"Two months before the event, this little thief went to various sects and attacked and seriously injured each successor."

"It's him who really disrupts the event."

Mr. Huo frowned, his majestic expression was a bit impatient, "Although Palace Master Xiao Yi acts perversely and domineeringly, he can see his strength in the eyes, and he will not say that he will not attack him."

Lord Huo stood up and held up his hand, "According to the judgment of the Lord, none of the Tianjiao evildoers present, including my son Huo Yan, dare to say that they are sure to defeat the Lord Xiao Yi."

"The first place on the Yanlong list of Hall Master Xiao Yi is indeed worthy of the name."

"If Sect Master Feng is still going crazy and messing around, he will no longer blame my Huo Clan for being impolite."

"Huh." Feng Yinyi snorted coldly, his face becoming more resentful, "I don't deny that Xiao Yi's little thief is powerful."

"Otherwise, how can he dare to act domineeringly and brutally attack the Young Sect Masters?"

"I have no problem with him on the Yanlong Ranking. Even if he has one, I can't help but he is despicable and manipulates the Yanlong Ranking, but I am absolutely dissatisfied."

"Holy Moon Sect saint, what is the ability to rank second in the Yanlong list?"

"The Yanlong List has always been a symbol of strength, not a list of despicable villains for self-interest."

Feng Yan looked at Xiao Yi on the high platform abruptly, and sneered, "Do you think that if you seriously injured the various Tianjiao, you can make you this saint second on the Yanlong list?"

"Want to win the first or second place on the Yanlong List, so as to dominate the two biggest opportunities of the Yanlong List? You can even use this to join forces to gain the original strength of the earth? You dream!"

Huo Jun frowned, "Sect Master Feng, do you have evidence?"

"Lord Huo." Feng Yin arched his hands, "Mr. Huo, you are under 20,000 miles below the ground all the year round. You don't know anything about the mainland above, so you are deceived."

"In the past two months, Xiao Yi's little thief first went to the ancient realm sect, attacked and severely injured Gu Yi, and then went to each sect in succession. The famous Japanese were to learn from each other. In fact, it was just an excuse to seriously injure each Tianjiao.

"Everyone knows about this matter."

Feng Yin looked at Xiao Yi suddenly, "Dare you deny this matter?"

"I heard that Xiao Yi, the little thief, always loves big talk, but everyone knows about this, you don't want to shirk it."

Huo Jun turned to look at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi sneered, "Hall Master Chengfeng, if some people say that the news about Lord Huo is blocked, then you can take the file records of the major issues that have occurred in the mainland during these two months and show them to Lord Huo."

"Yes." Palace Master Chengfeng took out a large pile of files and floated in the air.

Palace Master Chengfeng is one of the accompanying Palace Masters this time.

In the distance, Huo Jun only needs to close his eyes to read the contents of these files.

On the stage of the competition, the wind and grace also cast their perceptions.

For a long while.

Huo Jun frowned slightly, "Two months ago, Zi Yan Yi Xiao first went to the ancient realm sect, and then challenged the young sect masters one after another."

Feng Yinyi withdrew her perception and said, "Yes, if I were not for Qiong Yuzong and Liuhezong who were located outside the northern Jedi, and the journey was far away, I am afraid that even the young master of Liuhezong and I would be brutally killed."

Huo Jun looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi sneered, "Zi Yan Yi Xiao challenged them, what's up with me, Xiao Yi?"

Lord Huo frowned, looked at the Master Yandian and Xiao Yi on the stage, frowning and whispering, "Zi Yan Yi Xiao, it's not..."

Feng Yinyi took the lead to coldly drink, "Little Thief Xiao Yi, do you still have to quibble?"

"Now in the mainland, who knows that twins are the same person? Who knows that Ziyan Yi Xiao is you?"

"Haha." Xiao Yi sneered, "With a word from Mr. Huo, do you have evidence?"

"When did I admit that I was Ziyan Yixiao? When did I declare that Mainland Ziyan Yixiao was me?"

"It's just that you fools have to think so, I'm too lazy to refute it."

Feng Yinyi also sneered, "Do you think you can beat the facts with a clever tongue?"

"Gu Yi was seriously injured that day, you used amethyst spirit flames and other worldly powerful flames."

"After your little thief Xiao Yi revealed his identity, he has been controlling the Amethyst Spirit Flame in front of others for many years."

"Eight of these achievements have records, how can you rely on them?"

"Not bad." The Sect Master of the Ancient Realm also showed resentment, "In my Ancient Realm Sect, there is a record of you manipulating the Amethyst Spirit Flame, Xiao Yi Xiao thief, you don't want to deny it."

"Joke." Xiao Yi sneered, "I control the powerful flame of the world is Yi Xiao?"

"It's your father who has a beard?"

"I can control your ancient realm sect's ancient sun streamer, and the cultivation base is the same as the ancient sect master. Am I also your ancient realm sect master?

Feng Yin's expression was ugly for a moment, and he shouted angrily, "Everyone knows that Ziyan Yixiao is the successor of Yandian, Demon Demon Hall, and Yaozun Hall."

"The Three Halls have already declared the mainland."

"When your identity is exposed, the Three Halls will designate you as the successor, and now you have become the Lord of the Eight Halls."

"If you have the ability, you can even deny the words of your eight hall masters."

"It's easy to say." Xiao Yi sneered, "Hall Master Chengfeng, no, the Master of Moxibustion Flame, take the announcement of the day when the Three Halls announced that I took over as the Master of the Main Hall."

"So that the Sect Master Feng Shao opened his eyes and saw it truly, whether it was Zi Yan Yi Xiao or me Xiao Yi what was said in the announcement."

"Of course, this announcement also has Lord Huo and Sect Master Qiongyu, so you might as well read it for yourself."

"No need." Huo Jun said in a deep voice, "The Three Demon Hunting Halls announced the mainland that day. I remember clearly what was written in the announcement."

Everyone knew Xiao Yi's identity when the Eight Palaces proclaimed the mainland. Naturally, the name of Xiao Yi was written in the eighth hall declaration.


Fourth more.

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