Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3462: Burning Demon and Black Tortoise

Just like in the Nine Desolations, he had icebergs and seas of fire as his source of strength, and he could fight against Heavenly Monarchs with divine and fire veins, and even defeat.

Today, he has no icebergs and fires.

His qi spring energy alone is never enough.

However, he still has a demonic body.

His demonic body has long been accomplished.

The magic body, the cube is the foundation of the magic way, and also serves as the support of every kind of magic way.

The true magic path cultivation involves first having the demon body, and then according to the different paths taken by oneself, so as to derive the path of the burning demon, the silent demon, the undead demon and so on.

Demon body, more simply speaking, is physical power, but it is different from normal physical power, which is unique to the practitioner of the magic way.

There must be a demon body to support the demon path before it can truly practice the demon path.

What distinguishes the magic body from the normal physical power is that the magic body can transform.

If you go along with the Burning Demon, you will first have the Demon Body as the base, then become the Burning Demon.

If you go with the undead, you will first have the demonic body as the base, then become the undead.

The demon body can convert the power of burning demons, the power of undead demons, etc. at will.

The divine fire vein originally belongs to the magic way, but the burning magic system.


As Xiao Yi looked inwardly, his demonic body was constantly eroding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the demon body, drops of dark magic power emerged.

A drop of dark magic power is supported in the divine fire vein, and then instantly turns into the power of burning magic, and also becomes the power of the divine fire vein.


The fire veins of the Dacheng God, the eight-fire cycle formed by the eight-strand powerful flames of the world, the condensed vitality of its own huge gas spring, and the power of burning magic that is constantly transformed by the power of the magic body.

With the increase of the four, Xiao Yi now has the power to counteract the eight-strand molten lava.


Yan Yi's face was shocked, and he took another step.

"Drink." Yan Yi yelled violently, and his fists blasted together.

On the sacred fire mysterious tortoise, the molten eruption of the eight giant scarlet snakes became more intense.

"Drink." Xiao Yi also yelled, and the flame giant blasted out with a punch.


The eight-stranded molten blast collided with the giant flame fists wrapped in the powerful flames of the eight-color world, bursting out with a shocking roar.

Within a million miles, the molten slurry splashed, and was boiled by the impact of the two.


The confrontation between the two sides continued one after another.

The entire molten world seemed to become fragmented and messy under the confrontation between the two.

Outside the center of the two-person confrontation, the breath is amazing, and the flames are raging.

In the distance, from time to time, a little aftermath of the flame spilled to a place not far from the fire.

However, these remaining prestige did not hurt the fire.

Huoer is already fully armed.

Of course, Huo'er's cultivation base is too low after all, it is impossible to control these sacred artifacts above the top sacred artifacts or even the ancient heavy treasures.

These treasures can only give him a certain amount of protection and life-saving power.

Just like Xiao Yi back then, there were a lot of treasures in his body, but when he cultivated in the sacred realm, it was impossible to sweep the mainland with such treasures as the Eight Dragon Burning Furnace and the Heavenly Array Pan, possessing monstrous power.

It was just like when he was in the Demon Realm and had a dawn bell to protect him, but he was still seriously injured by the ancestor of the Demon Dragon.

What Dawn Bell gave him was only that the ancestor of the demon dragon could not break the bell and could not take his life.

What the dawn bell gives is a certain body protection ability, and at least one's life.


Although Huoer is now "fully armed", it is not too reliable at all.

As long as the Purple Lightning Sword stood a step away from her, she was foolproof.

The Purple Lightning Sword, originally there is spirit in the sword, and then there is a sword formation in it.

Unless Xiao Yi or Yan Yi directly attacked Zidian and blasted the attack directly at Huo'er, otherwise, the aftermath of the two's battles would not hurt Huo'er even if the world broke.


Xiao Yi stepped forward, not slow or slow, but very calm.


Suddenly, the blue veins on his face burst suddenly, and a piece of blood was spilled on his face.

Xiao Yi's expression remained unchanged, only gritted his teeth.

The Bingluan Sword's backlash injury has not healed, and the use of the Shenhuo Vein forcibly has already increased the injury and caused a mess in his body.

Now it transforms the power of the demon body, and continues to lose it.

As the support of the magic way, the weaker the magic body is, the more pressure the magic way puts on itself.

The weaker the demon body is, the pressure from the burning state will naturally be transferred to oneself.

But now he doesn't care anymore.

Injury? pain? He is used to it.

As long as he doesn't die, Xiao Yi will still be the Xiao Yi who is like a **** of war and will not retreat.

"Drink." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

After a few minutes.

The demon body has been depleted to a certain extent, and the power transformed into the divine fire vein is already sufficient for the divine fire vein to contend with the mysterious turtle divine fire.

Xiao Yi's forward speed suddenly increased.

With a heavy punch, the eight strands of molten lava erupted, and it collapsed instantly.

Xiao Yi's figure jumped.

The flame giant leaped heavily on top of the lava, and the huge body was also the first to attack the mysterious fire mysterious tortoise.


In the molten world, there was an explosion.

The flame giant was completely pressed on the Shenhuo Xuangui.

With one hand, press Xuangui's head.

With one hand, a card held the throat of a giant scarlet snake.

Yan Yi was startled at first, then sneered, "Do you want to face it?"

"Hmph, you can't afford your divine fire vein too much."

The sacred fire mysterious tortoise and the flame giant instantly entangled and fought.

One is formed by Yanyi's mysterious tortoise fire.

One is formed by the condensed veins of the **** fire.

Wow... it was a fierce roar.

Eight giant scarlet snakes, spitting molten slurry, erupted towards the flame giant.

The lava was added to the body, and the body of the flame giant was continuously burned.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and his hands came out.

On the arm of the flame giant, eight fierce wandering dragons twisted around eight red giant snakes.




For a time, the dragons and snakes fought and roared.

However, with the exception of the swimming dragon formed by the dragon flame, the swimming dragon formed by the amethyst spirit flame and the ground veins of the golden fire, the other five have all fallen into a disadvantage.

Long Yan wandered around the dragon, burning a giant scarlet snake continuously melting.

The amethyst spirit flame, the astonishing flame temperature, could not help the body of the scarlet giant snake in the slightest. It was only gradually burned into nothingness with the effect of burning everything.

The golden fire of the earth veins, by virtue of the increase in the center of the earth and the violent flames of its own, burned the scarlet giant snake to its flesh, and the golden fire overflowed.

However, the other five flames were completely suppressed by the mysterious flames of the turtle.


At this time, the flame giant blasted Xuangui's body with a punch.

However, with a violent roar, the flame fists blasted on the black turtle shell, which could not damage half of the turtle shell.

Go on like this.

In other words, now, the flame giant is completely at a disadvantage.

It won't be long before, and the one who wins will surely be the mysterious tortoise.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

"Not enough, Demon Body, continue to transform." Xiao Yi yelled inwardly.

The devil's body is becoming more and more depleted.

The flame giant is more and more solid and powerful.

Xiao Yi's pressure has become more alarming, and his face has become more hideous.

The body seemed to be crushed alive.

This earth-shattering battle in the molten world is as vast as it is, and it is also shocking.

Xiao Yi, clenched.

Yan Yi also frowned. The explosive strength of the opponent in front of him not only made him have to face it, but also put him under pressure.


Second more.

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