Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3642: I'm Baoding

The bald young man kept talking.

It wasn't until a long while, or the bald young man also said that he was tired, that he stopped talking.

"Oh right." The bald young man looked at Yiyi and asked, "How did the mistress be caught by the Lord of Thunder and Desolation?"

He just remembered that this is what needs to be asked now.

The bald young man looked at it carefully, "No, you mistress, your white light is the ability to clean the moon."

"I see your level of strength, I'm afraid that even I want to get close to this ten-meter range, I may have to eat how much the flesh is burned by the purification moonlight."

"It's not difficult for the three deserters to defeat you, but it won't be easy to catch you here."

The bald youth's gaze suddenly fell on the Star Talisman Chain, "Huh? The Star Chain? It seems to be absorbing the Moon Road light."

"That's it."

The bald youth suddenly stretched out his hand, "May I help the mistress untie this star chain?"

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he withdrew it suddenly.

"No, mistress, your strength is fierce looking at it."

"Untie it for you. If you are that kind of shrew or troublemaker, shouldn't I be in trouble?"

"Still not." The bald young man shook his head again and again, and then secretly thought.

"The mistress is so fierce, I will catch it back to the master later, and I don't know whether it is good or bad."

"The master can't be beaten every day?"

The bald youth became more annoyed as he thought about it, scratching his head, but there was no hair on his head, so he had to shoot continuously.

"Forget it, let's just trap the strength in this way and bring it back to the master."

"How to deal with such troubles is left to the owner to decide."

Yiyi tilted his head and looked at the bald youth, speechless for a while.

She has no chance to speak at all.

Just at this time.


In the distance, an ancient and majestic aura was overwhelming.

The bald young man felt a little, his expression changed, "Oh, my old man is here."

"Mother, sit here, don't run around, I will go back."

The voice fell, and the bald youth flashed away.


Roar... roar...

Outside the palace, the two ancient thunder beast statues suddenly became alive and roared.

The bald young man came out, waved his hand, "Get back."

The two giant beasts stopped roaring and restored to their statues.

On the sky, an astonishing thunder spread.


In the thunder, a figure fell.

The figure is holding hands and facing away.

The bald young man pouted his lips, stepped forward and saluted, "Father...Father..."

The figure frowned, turned around, "Xing'er, the word'father' makes you so hard to speak?"

The figure is a middle-aged man.

The body is burly, facing majesty, with long silver-blue hair dangling, not at all messy, on the contrary, there is a kind of overbearing and mysterious beauty.

The bald young man touched his head and said nothing.

The middle-aged man is obviously a man of extreme majesty, almost never smiling.

But looking at the appearance of the bald young man, the middle-aged man still forced a trace of love and guilt from his brows.

"You and my father and son are close relatives, separated for more than hundreds of years."

"Now, to pick you back that year, it has only been more than twenty years."

"It's no wonder that you have a estrangement from being a father, and you and me, father and son, are slightly estranged."

The middle-aged person still bears the hand, "You are my only heir's bloodline. If it is not necessary, how could I be willing to take you far to the East in the past as my father."

"The father is a member of the Lei Clan, the direct bloodline of Lei Ancestor; your mother is the ancient Lei Beast, the most pure bloodline of the descendants of Lei Yan Beast."

"When you were first born, you have already caused the colorful thunder in the Leiyuan Pool to come, and the breath of the big Leiyuan will go wild."

"In such a situation, over the long years, the vision of heaven and earth triggered by the birth of a baby in the Terran Territory decades ago is stronger than you."

"Our Thunder Clan creatures, every time they are born, they experience treacherous dangers, and the light ones are also dead in the thunder raging; the thunder clan is to be born, and it will be baptized by the thunder."

"Ancient Thunder Beast, the number of heaven and earth will never exceed the number of five fingers. The descendants are born, and they all experience greater dangers."

"You are the offspring of the two of us. The dangers of gathering the two, combined with the terrible talents of birth, mean that you will endure the fierce thunder that is far more terrible than the thunder clan creatures of the past."

"In those years, I asked the lord of the strange land to come to help, plus as a father, I am not sure that you will be considerate, and you will not be able to change the fixed number that day."

"The only chance is the Eastern Region."

"Eastern Territory is the only place where there are still variables..."

"Come on." The bald young man shook his head again and again, "I'm tired of listening these years."

"I don't blame my father for sending me to the Eastern Region when I was just born."

"On the contrary, I have lived a dominant life in the Eastern Region for hundreds of years and I am very happy."

"Le?" The middle-aged man frowned, "How can I have fun when I was locked in a cave and lost freedom for hundreds of years?"

"As soon as I got out of trouble, I was forcibly enslaved by a despicable human."

"If it weren't for you to block it back then, Beishan County would have become nothingness under the anger of being a father."

The bald youth waved his hands again and again, "I don't care about the old things in the dust."

"Father is looking for me, what the **** is going on?"

"That human woman." The middle-aged man's gaze crossed the bald young man and looked directly into the palace.

"After all, when you grow up, you will have the need to reproduce and... vent."

"But this human woman can't."

"She needs to be sent to Lei Yuanchi for refining..."

"No." The bald youth blurted out.

The middle-aged man frowned, "For my father, I know that this human woman is born beautiful and she is rare in the world."

"But her identity and her existence are destined for her life."

"She is the saint of the generation of the Holy Moon Sect. Jiuhuang and the Human Race have made a great deal of agreement before capturing her."

"She has the power of Blood Galo in her body. Once refined, this power is enough to benefit the Nine Wasteland."

"Even..." The middle-aged man squinted, "I always feel that this woman has other unusual things, it seems... born with unpredictable power."

"Lei Yuanchi is the center of the birth of the Lei Ancestor. There are hundreds of thousands of thunder in it. No matter how unusual it is, it will only end up being refined inside. I want to see what she is.

"No." The bald young man blurted out, his face firm.

The middle-aged man squinted his eyes and looked directly at the bald youth's face, "You don't want her, but you want to protect her."

"Do you know her?"

The bald young man nodded and shook his head again and again.

The middle-aged man's eyes narrowed tighter, "By the time you return from the Eastern Region, you have never stepped out of Lei Yuan."

"In these years, ninety-nine percent of the time has been spent in penance."

"You can't even recognize the strong in the Nine Wilds, let alone a human woman."

"But... you just know her now..."

In the eyes of middle-aged people, there is already a dangerous light, but it is not aimed at the bald youth, but at Yiyi in the palace.

"Don't worry about it, I'm in Baoding with this woman." The bald young man stepped back, looking like he was about to fight.


Second more.

This is an update from yesterday.

The third watch and today's third watch will be updated in the early hours of tonight. It is not recommended to wait.

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