Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3752: The hope of the last reincarnation

"So fierce?" Xiao Yi was startled.

Hearing what Shenxian Daozu said, that person, as if awakened from a deep sleep, opened his eyes in dissatisfaction, spat out dragon inflammation, and fell asleep again.

In the blink of an eye, the world returned to peace.

"What do you think?" Shenxian Daozu chuckled, "At that time, but this old thing was in its heyday."

"Under the heaven and the earth, there is nothing to do with the exception of the Valkyrie."

Shenxian Taoist Ancestor continued, "A peaceful world, after a short period of disturbance, return to peace again."

That is the first sound of heaven and earth, the sound of Yanlong.

A note that truly resounds through the world.

"Behind, another period of time passed, and the world welcomed two creatures."

"However, their arrival did not break the peace of heaven and earth."

"However, Yanlong and I discovered these two existences for the first time."

"It is the two demon ancestors."

Xiao Yi's expression was shocked again, "The two demon ancestors are not creatures of this world?"

Shenxian Daozu shook his head, "No."

"Their arrival did not break the tranquility of this world, nor did they interact with me and Yanlong."

"They don't seem to have the idea of ​​coveting the origin of heaven and earth."

"Yanlong, he ignored it and continued to sleep."

"The quiet years continue to flow."

"But the two demon ancestors, afraid of being idle, created a sea in the east, a thunderstorm in the west, endless winds in the north, and molten lava under the ground."

Xiao Yi's face was shocked.

Shenxian Dao Ancestor first said, "Yes, after this world was born, it was quiet and there was nothing."

"It was the two demon ancestors who created the thunder, water, wind and lava."

"After another period of time, the four ancestors of heaven and earth were born in the sea, thunder abyss, airspace, and the center of the earth, and then the four tones converge, and then gradually there will be life."

"So from a certain aspect, it was the two demon ancestors who brought life to this world."

"I understand." Xiao Yi suddenly said, "War God, created this world."

"Yanlong, ignores the world and doesn't care."

"It is the two demon ancestors who make this desolate world colorful, colorful and beautiful."

Shenxian Daozu nodded.

"After that, vitality resides in the heavens and the earth, and some powerful creatures are gradually born under the circulation of laws that fit this heaven and earth."

"Some ancient races are beginning to appear."

"At the same time, the aura left in the place where the ten wild animals died at the beginning also has those who fit the world, and their offspring were born."

"Of course, their offspring are born from the circulation of the laws of this world, so they are creatures that truly belong to this world."

"Being born, the world has many voices."

"However, life brings beautiful sounds, not disturbing noises."

"Yanlong, just ignore it."

"So far, the ridiculous years have completely ended."

"Is this the end?" Xiao Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then he was suddenly stunned.

"I understand. The horrible years represent quietness and desolation."

"The only time the peace was broken, only the outsiders were too wild."

"And other than that, the ridiculous years have been in silence."

"Until the birth of creatures, the world has the voice of creatures, and the famine years are over."

Shenxian Daozu nodded, "The old man is short, but in fact, the whole horrible years are terribly long."

"From the beginning of the world, this tranquility has existed for a long time."

"Yanlong is lethargic. This guy has been sleeping for a long time."

"And even if the Demon Ancestor created thunderstorms and fires to bring vitality, it also took a very long and very long time."

"The long and wild years are over, ushering in the beginning of ancient times, but it is also a short period of ancient times."

Shenxian Daozu paused again.

"The ancient years, Fang is truly wonderful."

"The first birth of a creature, the collision with this quiet world, everything is instinct, all primitive, and the most pure and wonderful."

"Your human race was also born at this time."

"The law of heaven and earth has its own circulation, and it will also have something to do with it. Under the rain of martial arts, you have your human race."

"And in these truly wonderful years, many truly powerful beings began to be born, that is, the emperor realms."

"In the north, the Extreme Cold Demon Emperor; in the west, the ancient Lei Di, etc."

"Human race, born in the center of the continent, also gave birth to many powerful emperors, the first generation of soul emperor, ancient emperor, overlord, sword emperor, night emperor and so on."

"The Yanlong Territory at that time was full of vitality and unparalleled strength. It was the strongest of the heavens and the first of the nine heavens."

"Unfortunately, all this wonderfulness ended with the arrival of a creature."

"This piece of ancient time, which should have been so wonderful, has become short-lived."

Not waiting for Xiao Yi to ask questions.

Shenxian Dao Ancestor first said coldly, "Emperor Ming."

"His matter, you may have to ask Yan Longfang to know more clearly."

"In short, he became the nightmare of all the emperor realms, sweeping the entire heavens and all realms."

"The demise of ancient years is all tied to him; the precariousness of this world is also because of him."

"There is no emperor in the world, the ancient years are over."

"Therefore, the entire ancient years, although born in splendor, ended in a brief period."

Shenxian Daozu paused again.

"After that, it was the reincarnation of the ancient years again and again."

"This period of time is much longer than that of ancient times."

"The Voice of Heaven and Earth, every time it appears, it represents a major change in this world."

"The first sound of the Yanlong, the sound of the four ancestors, and the sound of the soul of heaven and earth; it announces the turmoil of countless breaths, the birth of creatures, and the birth of human race.

"To the seventh tone, the Promise Clean Tone, is a sign of the end of reincarnation."

"The seventh tone, which appeared more than 80 million years ago, is also the beginning of this ancient time."

"The darkness at that time originated from the void."

"This weak world has ushered in the invasion of a large number of monsters that exist in the heavens and the world."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "From the long ridiculous years, to the short ancient years, and then through the long ancient cycles."

"In such a long and terrifying time, the creatures of the heavens and myriad realms have forgotten the first sound of the flame dragon, and faded the fear and deterrence of that dragon flame."

"Even, it may be guessed that that person has fallen."

"Therefore, this guts to invade."

Shenxian Daozu nodded.

"But at that time, Yanlong didn't show up, it was old."

"Between heaven and earth, there are still two creatures who can deal with this crisis, the ancient emperor, and Lin Yin."

"The ancient emperor, Yanlong has long been under the command of Yanlong, and he has been protected by his birthday."

"In addition, the ancient emperor cultivated the magic way, so it is also counted under the protection of the magic way."

"It's also because of this that the ancient emperor can survive that short period of ancient times and become the last emperor."

"It's also because his last appearance was in this period of reincarnation, so in the eyes of today's living beings, he is older, stronger, and more assertive than any emperor realm."

"And Lin Yin, was the strongest creature in the Yanlong wave scouring the sand in the last years of reincarnation."

"The two of them cut through the darkness and solved everything. This time has passed since then."

"So far, it has been more than 80 million years, nearly 90 million years."

"It stands to reason that these ancient years should also die, but because of your appearance, the reincarnation will be completely eliminated."

"Can you become the real hope of this world?"

"Or, you can only become the'savior' at the beginning of the next ancient years?"

"Years, is it because you continue? Or are they born again?"


Third more.

Update today, over.

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