Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3775: Find a wife and abandon a child

Before Xiaozhu is a small courtyard that is equally simple.

Mo You quickly followed, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, Zhier, she..."

Mo You didn't finish speaking.

Xiao Yi blasted out his backhand.

Mo You subconsciously wanted to explode with sword aura on his body, but it was also a moment without any movement.

For this'junior brother', who he was guilty of, from beginning to end, in fact, he had always trusted extremely.


Xiao Yi's palm was patted heavily on Mo You's chest.

Mo You didn't dodge or dodge, just snorted.

A pure force forced out from behind him.

That is the origin of the Sword Emperor.

"Go." Xiao Yi yelled, his fingertips condensed, and easily dragged the sword emperor's origin into a trickle, leaped into the small building, and finally fell into the sleeping Dongfang Zhi.

"I have helped you create the involvement of the Sword Emperor's origin."

"After that, every day, the origin of the Sword Emperor in your body will be lost, and the child in your belly will grow up safely, and Dongfang Zhi as a mother will no longer be swallowed by power."

"Finally, just wait for this child to be born safely."

When Mo You heard the words, his expression of joy was difficult to suppress, "Thanks to the Chief Hall Master Xiao Yi."

Talk about it.

Mo You smiled bitterly again, "Although I am the owner of Sword Emperor Origin, after all, I did not get it by my own ability."

"On the contrary, the Chief Palace Master Xiao Yi obtained it with his true ability, so I am inferior to you in the control of the origin of the sword emperor."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

Mo You looked at Xiao Yi earnestly, "Actually, back then, Master, he specially grabbed your Sword Emperor Origin for me, because he wanted to..."

"I know." Xiao Yi interrupted indifferently, "artificially, create a soul emperor."

"Back then, I, Elder Yun Yuan and Deacon Taboo, had guesses."

"It's just that the matter was confirmed later."

Mo You smiled bitterly, "Unfortunately, I am useless, after all, I have lost the teacher's respect."

"Even if I got the origin of the sword emperor for my spirit to absorb, I still failed to become the soul emperor."

Mo You looked at Xiao Yi seriously again, "After the birth of the child, the remaining sword emperor origins in my body will be returned to you, the main hall master Xiao Yi..."

"No need." Xiao Yi interrupted indifferently, "The origin of this sword emperor is useless to me."

"If I really want it and want to get it back, do you think you can still have the origin of the Sword Emperor to this day?"

Mo You looked ashamed.

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "According to my estimation, this child will be born in about a year."

"The entire Sword Emperor Origin will probably be absorbed by about 10%."

"A complete source of the Sword Emperor, for the strength needed for the growth of an unborn baby."

"This conception is not worse than Beiyin Wuwei's 80 million year-end gestation."

"In the future, after the birth of this child, how earth-shaking it will be, no one can predict."

Xiao Yi looked at Mo You coldly, "I only hope that what I do today is not wrong."

"The future birth of this child will be the blessing of this world, not the disaster of this world."

"Otherwise, in the future, I will come back to solve all this personally."

Mo You's expression was solemn, "Hall Master Xiao Yi rest assured."

Xiao Yi chuckles, "Dongfang Zhi is a fool after all."

"This child will be taught and nurtured by you in the future."

"So I feel more at ease with this."

"At least, in the future, he will be regarded as a person of love and justice."

"President Xiao Yi?" Mo You's expression was startled when he heard the words.

Xiao Yi's face was light, "The two characters of the main hall are unnecessary."

"I didn't recognize the word "junior brother" a long time ago. There are some things that can't be eased."

"Just call me by name."

Xiao Yi turned around, his fingertips condensed, a law of power rose into the sky, and then disappeared without a trace after entering the clouds.

"I have sent a message to Heiyun to teach Qinglin."

"Within this year, you and your child's sword emperor's origins are unbreakable, and you can't lose it."

"So this year, let Qinglin come to help take care of it."

"Thank you." Mo You looked overjoyed.

The smiles shown today are probably more than all previous years combined.

His wife and children are intact, and now it seems that the years of estrangement with this junior brother has also taken a turn.

For his Wangyoujian, this seemed to be two great happy events.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Qing Lin, call me brother, call you brother."

"I've always known that this guy is the saddest being caught in the middle."

"Unfortunately, I need to pretend to sneer at you again, indifferent."

Mo You smiled and said, "In this life, having you juniors is the greatest blessing for me, Mo You."

"I don't want to talk about the past." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"In a few days, I'm going out to the far door." Xiao Yi looked at Mo You seriously.

"This world will be very peaceful in the future."

"When your child is born safely, go back and accompany the old guy more."

Mo You nodded, then smiled bitterly, "As a disciple, it should be so."

"It's just that Master may be more happy to see you than me."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "I can't stay with me."

"Perhaps... at least for a long time for me."

What else does Mo You want to say.

Xiao Yi had already left the last sentence, "I'm leaving."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yi and Yiyi had disappeared into the distance.

Mo You, staring at the same place, with a complex expression, only murmured, "Junior Brother Xiao Yi..."

For a long while.

There was no more complicated color on his face. Instead, he chuckled and spit out, "Junior Brother Xiao Yi!"



The journey of Xiao Yi and Yiyi began again.

Yiyi suddenly laughed, but he was puzzled.

"What are you laughing at?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

Yiyi asked back, "This sentence, it should be the son of Yiyiwen."

"Before in Xiaozhuli, the son looked at Wangyoujian and pleaded bitterly, only to ask the second lady of the Dongfang family to be innocent, rather than a child with blood in his belly."

"I have been looking at the son. It was the first time the son smiled, but he seemed to smile a little strangely."

"Can the son tell me the answer?"

"This..." Xiao Yi paused, "It's nothing."

Yiyi smiled triumphantly, "The son is lying."

Xiao Yi's face wrinkled, "Well, I think of that guy."

"Who?" Yiyi asked.

"Who else can." Xiao Yi shrugged. "The infatuation in the world seems to want a wife, not a child."

Yiyi smiled, "I thought of the Patriarch."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Don't think too much, it's just that I thought about this guy a few days ago, so I just thought about this guy again."

The two traveled comfortably and walked, joking and joking.

"In the past, I have traveled to countless places, I have seen countless kinds of warriors, and heard countless stories."

"I've seen some resentful wives, uh... and some ignorant girls and so on. I heard what they said, men who abandon their wives and children are the most hateful."

"So, what should the man looking for his wife and abandoning son be?"

Xiao Yi shrugged again, "Of course, I'm just pure curiosity."


Second more.

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