Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3901: Refining, the nine swords of blood inflammation

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi asked again with a cold eye.

Now the outcome is undivided, and it is obvious that Xiao Yi is at a disadvantage, and he can only make the best move to delay time.

Huo Boy, but was the first to give in?

"Let's get started." Huo Boy did not answer, only spit out lightly.

"What?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Huo Boy chuckled, "Since he has begun to refine the blood flame world's treasure."

"I will protect you on the side." Huo Boy looked at the edge of the world, "so that those cats and dogs will not suddenly turn back."

Huo Boy looked at Xiao Yi again, "Although I can't get the Blood Prison Demon Flame, but I don't want to wait for the supreme fire to fall into the hands of those useless people, and cause this kind of supreme fire."

Xiao Yi frowned, still motionless.

Huo Boy squinted his eyes, "Give me another half day, I will definitely kill you."

"But, by then, everything is meaningless."

"Neither you nor I have a chance to obtain this flame body."

Xiao Yi said coldly, "You can't make me cheap, no one can get it."

Huo Boy chuckled, "So Ben Boy said you are cruel enough."

"I can't get it, and others can't even think of it. It will hurt both sides."

"But..." A joking flashed across Huo Boy's face, "Don't think that this boy doesn't know what you are thinking."

"Really a cunning little thief."

"On the surface, you do show that you are hurting both sides. No one can get it."

"But in fact, my intuition tells me that you are absolutely bound to win this flame body."

"You can't be cruel to the end."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

Huo Boy chuckled, "But I am not interested in gambling."

"So, let this flame body let you."

"Also, if you delay any more time, you won't even have enough time to refine the blood flame world's treasure."

"By then, the blood **** demon flame body will be 10%, and the blood flame world's treasure will no longer be controlled, but will follow the will of the world and completely ban this group of flames forever."

Xiao Yi's eyes were startled, and he didn't care about anything, and hurriedly sacrificed nine scarlet swords from Qiankun Ring.

Of course, still staring at Huozi with fear.

Upon seeing this, Huozi shook his head slightly, his figure receding far away.


Xiao Yi's hands burst out of vitality, mixed with seven-colored flames, refining these nine sharp swords at an astonishing speed.

While refining, Xiao Yi did not dare to relax his vigilance.

The reason given by the fire boy is really far-fetched.


After half an hour.


The nine **** sharp swords were completely under the control of Xiao Yi.

"Nine swords of blood inflammation." Xiao Yi's eyes were happy.

The nine **** sharp swords have been refined and branded with the mark of his Xiao Yi.

Because of this, Xiao Yi can be regarded as understanding these nine sharp swords.

Each of the nine **** swords is an ancient heavy treasure level. The nine swords are unified, and they are the true treasures of the **** inflammation world, with infinite power.

If you want to know more about the Nine Swords of Blood Flame, you have to wait for more refined refinement in the future.

Now, it's just a preliminary refining for its own use.

At this point, Xiao Yi was also completely relieved.

With this treasure, Huo Boy can't help him.

Xiao Yi glanced at the huge flame on the surface of the sea, it was already solidified to the extreme, and it was only a short time before the body was completely born.

"Fortunately, I caught up." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

In his calculations, naturally he reserved at least the remaining time.


In the distance, the fire boy dodges.

Huo Boy's gaze also fell on the huge flame, with a deep look of regret in his eyes.

In the next second, his gaze fell back to Xiao Yi, and he chuckled, "This **** **** demon flame will be completely born in a few minutes at most."

"Now, can you rest assured?"

Xiao Yi nodded, arched his hands, "Thanks."

Xueyan Nine Swords have been refined and are his Xiao Yi's treasure.

After the Blood Hell Demon Flame was completely born, the Nine Swords Supreme Treasure would no longer change, banning the flame body.

Everything is done here.

Huo Tong chuckled and shook his head, "It's your own talent, what do you thank me for?"

"If you have no abilities, you are also those useless people, you can't force me to compromise, and you can't get this strong fire."

Xiao Yi nodded, with doubts in his eyes, "Huo Boy is the main body of the Ten Realms Extinguish and Lightning Fire, and he has also learned from the half-dengmen. He is a fire way, unpredictable."

"If you can get the body of this blood **** demon flame, you will surely increase your strength greatly, and you won't even have to break through the emperor realm."

"You, but let go easily?"

Huo Boy chuckled, "The Ten Realms Extinguish and Lightening Fire is not the main body, I am just a ray of residual fire."

Fire Boy took his hand and said lightly, "About 600 million years ago, in the south of the void, a group of already formed Ten Realms Extinguished Fire was born."

"The flames are densely covered in the void, covering ten areas."

"In a short period of time, ten realms, creatures and vitality were burned and absorbed by flames."

"If this situation continues, the ten worlds will be extinct and fire, and they will wander all the way, devouring all the realms along the way, burning all the creatures of the world, sucking up a huge amount of vitality, and then growing at an astonishing speed. "

"After that, the twenty realms, two hundred realms, and even ten thousand realms will be burned..."

"If there is enough time, this flame will grow to the point where no one can beat it, and it will also burn out the vitality of the entire endless void."

"Naturally, the powerhouses of all the heavens and all realms reacted very quickly and joined hands to punish them."

"How great is the formation and power of the powerful team of the ten thousand realms, and how earth-shattering the battle should be."

"One by one Void Emperors, and several supreme divine dragons who saw their heads without seeing their tails in the ordinary years, and because of the power of the group of ten worlds, they only had to be beaten to pieces."

"This group of flames that harmed the heavens and all realms was finally extinguished."

"And at this moment." Huo Tongzi paused slightly, and his smile became thicker.

"A predecessor of Fire Dao, who is highly respected and has extraordinary martial arts accomplishments, pity the birth of this supreme fire group is not easy, so he used great magical powers to save a ray of residual fire from the void."

"Put the residual fire in half a beacon, like the flame of a candle, take care of it carefully, so that this residual fire has hope of survival."

Huo Tong smiled, "This senior Huo Dao is my master, half-light master."

"This residual fire is naturally me."

"Master used the lamp to protect my stump, the wick to continue my life, and to condense my own blood as the lamp oil. It took a long time and took care of me to protect me."

"It was 30,000 years ago that I was completely born."

"The birth of Xeon Fire is really not easy." Xiao Yi nodded.

It took hundreds of millions of years from the birth of flames to the growth of absorbing the power of heaven and earth, or even longer, before the body was born.

The body is just a flame.

It will take hundreds of millions of years, or even longer, to be able to give birth to spiritual wisdom.

Of course, at this time, it was no longer a pure flame body, but a powerful fire creature.

"So advanced fire skills." Xiao Yi secretly exclaimed.

To protect a ray of residual fire and continue its hope of growth, if it is an ordinary flame, it is nothing more than an ordinary flame, but the heaven and the earth are the strongest fire, which is something that only the heaven and the earth can come into being, and it is difficult for manpower.

This rumored half-light sect master, his fire skills, is afraid that it is more unpredictable than imagined.


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