Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3913: According to the Blood Guard

"Only the number of five fingers?" Xiao Yi's eyes were surprised.

"Career?" Xiao Yi glanced at Xiao Yi with a blank head.

Xiao Yi curled his lips.

The vast and endless void, the entire heavens and myriad worlds, so huge and vast, are also called endless.

What a huge number of creatures among them?

Are these five supreme?

The one-eyed bald head didn't have a good air, "My lord, do you know how that exists?"

"The Supreme Emperor also calls the Void Supreme."

"When we ordinary creatures are still struggling to pursue martial arts, and are extremely troubled by the confusion of martial arts; when even the emperor is still groping and exploring the mysteries of heaven and earth; supreme, has soared in the vast martial arts."

"The level of martial arts they control and the depth and vastness of martial arts knowledge are far from what we can imagine."

One-eyed bald head thought about it again, "Perhaps, there are also some supreme ones who are not famous in the endless void."

"But no matter how full the calculation is, there will be no two-handed count."

While talking, one-eyed bald head and hands spread out.

Xiao Yi was silent, no longer speaking.

The one-eyed bald head also stopped speaking.

"Heh." After a while, Xiao Yifang let out a chuckle, seeming to laugh at himself.

"Sir?" One-eyed bald head asked in confusion.

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "I'm laughing at myself, and now I don't even have a peak cultivation base in the Sovereign Realm, but I am thinking about the level in the Emperor Realm."

"I don't even know how to step into the Emperor Realm, and I don't have a bottom, but I am excited and enthusiastic about the realm of the Emperor Realm."

One-eyed bald head smiled, "Does your lord feel powerless?"

Xiao Yi nodded.

One-eyed bald head smiled, "Yes, those powerful emperors, but the real emperor realm."

"Those extremely powerful pinnacle creatures have the ability to absolutely dominate this void."

"Anyone who listens will feel powerless."

"But this is this piece of heaven and myriad worlds, this piece of endless void."

Xiao Yi nodded.

"The only thing I can do is to be stronger, and continue to be stronger."

"I don't want to worry about the Emperor Realm for the time being, let's take care of my own affairs first."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "It is difficult to enter the emperor realm."

"It's also because of this that endless creatures, no matter how tirelessly they are, how they are not afraid of difficulties, and face difficulties, it is difficult to see the wonders of the emperor realm."

"It's also because of this that countless creatures, whether they are amazingly talented, or dazzlingly rising, refuse to stop and become stronger, and thus have these three titles under the Emperor Realm."

"At the same time, the scope of strength in these three titles is extremely large."

"But even so, the invincible monarch realm, the ultimate monarch realm, and the emperor, these three are already the levels that endless creatures look up to."

"Yes." Xiao Yi held his hand and looked up at the world.

The difficulty of martial arts is difficult and difficult.

Even if it was Xiao Yi, how talented and unmatched.

However, looking at his kendo cultivation level, he is only a mere four-tier monarch, and one can know the difficulties.

The monarch realm is already a realm and level that countless creatures look up to.

However, countless monarchs are still very difficult to find their own symbolic martial arts in the vast martial arts. It is difficult to move, and it takes a long time at every turn, and it is difficult to gain.

"Let's go." Xiao Yi regained his indifference as before, "We should also leave."

"Next, I'm afraid it will be the end of the world."

"Fortunately, I had prepared before and dispersed all the teams."

"The one following me is an elite team of four hundred people who can walk fast."

"My lord, don't worry." One-eyed bald head hurriedly said.

"You don't have to worry too much about the revenge of the Amber clan for the time being."

"As you said before, we still have time."

Xiao Yi frowned, "For this **** **** demon flame alone, the Amber clan will definitely send strong men to hunt down."

The one-eyed bald head replied, "But the only one who can really help you is the Emperor Realm."

"Emperor realm powerhouses, but not so easy to shoot."

"And even if you make a move, you may not be able to come in a short time."

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "Speak more clearly."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "My lord, you don't know anything."

"Emperor realm creatures are aloof, and their own level determines that they will not make a move while waiting."

"Just to chase and kill you, an emperor, let the emperor chase and kill the emperor in the void? Where is the majesty of the emperor?"

"At least, you and the Amber clan are far from that absolute feud."

"Unless it is this kind of hard-hearted hatred, the Amber clan does not hesitate to pay, otherwise, if you want to hunt down a creature in this vast void, and this creature is determined to hide, how easy is it to say?"

"The second point." The one-eyed bald head continued, "The emperor, it is almost impossible to move the teleportation formation."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi's eyes were surprised.

One-eyed bald head replied, "This is the biggest limitation of the Emperor Realm in the endless void."

"The emperor realm represents, but the last great realm in martial arts, almost like heaven and earth."

"If you want to teleport an emperor realm, it's almost equivalent to teleporting an entire world."

"You can imagine, how can it be done? Even if it can be done, how much spiritual energy should it cost?"

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

The one-eyed bald head smiled and said, "The spirit veins needed to transmit the large array depend on the level and quantity of the objects to be transmitted."

"A most powerful emperor, the spirit veins needed for the great formation is less than one ten thousandth of a new emperor."

Xiao Yi suddenly stunned, "I understand, it's no wonder that the emperor's souls will be the guests of each emperor."

"The emperor can't go to the teleportation formation. If he is flying in the void, it will be shameful on the one hand, and the void will be too vast. Even an ordinary emperor will take a lot of time.

"Therefore, if it is not absolutely necessary, almost everything is handled and resolved by the emperor's creatures under his command."

"A emperor, the number of emperors under his command, and the strength of the emperor almost determines the strength of the emperor."

"Not bad." The one-eyed bald head nodded.

"So, once you come, your lord, you won't provoke the powerful emperor realm of the Amber clan to take a shot and chase you across a long void."

"Secondly, sir, you are even less worthy of this powerful emperor realm that consumes almost astronomical spiritual veins to send a large array."

"So we still have time."

"And we have two choices."

"Talk about it." Xiao Yi said with great interest.

"One." One-eyed bald head raised a finger.

"My lord, you have now won the blood inflammation world's most treasure, we can completely dominate the blood inflammation world."

"With the adult's ability, we can build the Great Blood Flame Realm into our turf, the nest in a short time."

"We can dominate one party well, slowly."

Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

The one-eyed bald head continued, "There is no teleportation formation in the blood inflammation world, we can build it ourselves."

"Teleport 10% of the great array to connect the heavens and the world."

"It will be much more convenient for us to act in the future."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, "Become the lord of one realm and dominate one side."


Third more.

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