Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4073: Supreme Forest

It was another half a month later.

On a barren star.

Xiao Yi stared at the desolate stars, as well as the void and darkness around him.

On the side, the one-eyed bald head reported, "Sir, our party has been divided into four teams, and the patrols these days have been rewarding."

"There were more than 30 Hanyuan League teams intercepted and killed, and there were thousands of people in total."

"But the strange thing is that these guys seem to be all dead. Even if we capture, we can't ask anything, we can only kill them."

Xiao Yi frowned, "In half a month, you have handled and killed thousands of people."

"The Cold Abyss Alliance family has a great cause and looks at the endless void. There are also thousands of dead soldiers."

"But Yan Mansion Realm is here as a front to confront the Cold Star Realm, and the battle can be described as years and years."

"After a long time, how many people should it be?"

"The Cold Abyss Alliance, where are so many dead men?"

The one-eyed bald head shook his head, "This villain doesn't know."

"But it's really strange."

"The dead are far different from the Forbidden Army or the elite."

"It's not difficult to cultivate an elite with high loyalty; it's not difficult to cultivate an elite who is not afraid of life and death."

"But the dead man needs not only loyalty, but also many qualities."

"Anyway, as far as I know, it is not difficult to train dead men, but if it is large-scale, it is almost impossible."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Forget it, just leave it alone."

"It's good for everything to be on the right path. This is a place for you to grind, so I won't participate much."

Xiao Yi's original plan was to leave these cumbersome but inevitable patrols to One-Eyed.

And what he was waiting for was whether the one-eyed them could detect the information from the sneaking team of the Cold Abyss Alliance, and then he found the opportunity to explore the cold star realm.

It seems that the opportunity still has to wait.

"My lord." One-eyed bald head smiled, "I said this Yanlong League is really smart enough."

"These hundreds of stars are basically barren stars, but the range is too vast."

"Put a void star map on each star, and then deploy a large defensive array, leaving a small number of elites stationed in it to guard, and it will directly become a barrier to this layer of perception."

"It seems that they are just a small plan, but they have stopped the Emperor Realm of Han Yuan League."

"And this place is also well chosen." One-eyed bald head smiled.

"Oh?" Xiao Yi was somewhat puzzled.

"Sir, don't you know?" The one-eyed bald head was stunned, staring into the distance on the left.

"My lord, you may not be able to see it with the naked eye now, it is too far away from here."

"Where?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Supreme Forest." One-eyed bald head spit out.

"Where?" Xiao Yi frowned even more, asking doubtfully.

The one-eyed bald head said in surprise, "Sir, you really don't know?"

"Beyond the perception barrier of hundreds of stars, just beyond the leftmost end of the horizontal side of this front, there is a huge barren star."

"This barren star is not as big as a realm of heaven; if it is small, it is much larger than an ordinary small world, at least dozens of times, nearly a hundred times."

"And within this star, there is a forest that occupies more than half of the star's range, called the Supreme Forest."

"For this reason, this barren star is also called the Supreme Forest in the name of this forest."

"Where?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

One-eyed bald head replied, "That's a famous dangerous place in the void."

"Void and dangerously ranked second."

Xiao Yi frowned.

This dangerously ranked first was Yanlong Domain, he knew.

Where is this supreme forest, ranked second?

The one-eyed bald head continued, "The reason for this name is that there was a supreme who had been there a long time ago."

"And this supreme, fell there later."

"According to the rumors, this supreme forest is silent and lush, but it looks like a dead place without birds, fish, insects or beasts inside."

"In short, everything is weird."

"In the past, there were also many teams or strong men who passed by that star, who suffered strange hardships and died mysteriously."

Xiao Yi frowned, "You mean, let alone entering the Supreme Forest, it might be dangerous even if you approach it?"

"Yeah." The one-eyed bald head said with a look of panic, "but there are also survivors, but the number is very small."

"The survivors who passed by and were lucky, even if they survived, are crazy and unconscious."

"Some powerful alchemists tried to treat them, but found that all the medicine stones were ineffective."

"You can only hear from these survivors' crazy and crazy words, what monsters, what must die."

"Some people say that there is a ferocious behemoth living in the Supreme Forest. If there is a passing warship, team, or strong man, he will jump up and devour it."

"Some people also said that their battlefield was passing by from afar, and a giant hand suddenly caught from the stars across the void and darkness. Fortunately, they were far away and ran fast."

"In short, these appalling deeds are countless."

"As time passed, it became a place no one dared to approach."

"The Supreme Forest, as the name suggests, even the Supreme entry may not have a life."

Xiao Yi frowned.

The one-eyed bald head smiled, "The Supreme Forest is just beyond the leftmost side of your Yanlong League's successive perception barriers."

"In other words, the Supreme Forest is simply a natural barrier here."

"The mess of the Cold Abyss Alliance, don't even want to detour or attack from the far left."

"You can only sneak over or attack from the front of the confrontation normally like this."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

If it is said that the front line of the Yan Mansion boundary is one line.

Then the two sides, the Supreme Forest and the Tianlong Fortress, are like two big mountains, making this line a ‘gateway’.

And in front of this line, there are barren stars successively formed by layers of perceptual defense line barriers.

Add up, this is simply a great place to defend.

It's no wonder that the Serpentine Alliance lasted for countless years, and finally couldn't break through here.

"Do you think there is a baby there?" Xiao Yi asked.

The one-eyed bald head blinked, seeming to realize something, and his face changed suddenly, "Sir, don't ask me, I don't know."

"Also, don't pull me up, find your baby by yourself."

"I really dare not go to such dangerous places as the Supreme Forest."

Xiao Yi curled his lips and said no more.

Just at this moment, a figure came from the void.

The incoming person is a message-passing and intelligence warrior of the Yanlong League.

"Commander Yi Xiao." The visitor saluted.

"How?" Xiao Yi asked.

The visitor replied with a respectful voice, "The commander has ordered you to return to the Tianlong Fortress as soon as possible."

"Quick back?" Xiao Yi frowned, "What happened to the Tianlong Fortress?"

The people came with a smile, "Where did the commander Yi Xiao say this? There are nine commanders and nine legions on the fortress, where will things happen."

"It's a cold wave event that happens every two months. The commander invites you to go back and participate."

"A cold wave event?" Xiao Yi frowned, but still nodded, "I see, I will return later."

The visitor nodded and saluted.

As soon as he was about to leave, his eyes fell on the one-eyed bald head again, "This is? How come I look a little strange?"

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "My followers are also members of the Yanlong League."

The visitor, glanced at the token hanging around the waist of the one-eyed bald head, nodded, and said respectfully, "Subordinates leave."


Second more.

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