Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4094: The Ninth Thousand Talisman, Yan Tide

"Yicheng elite..." Xiao Yi squinted.

"Is there only nine of you at the command level?" Xiao Yi scanned each commander.

Dongfang Yu nodded.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "It doesn't matter if the number of elites is not enough, there are only 9 of them in command of 108?"

"Counting me, there are also leaders who were originally sitting on the frontier of the Ice Mansion, all of which add up to no more than 20."

The leader of the mad lion said in a deep voice, "Leader Yi Xiao, after all, came to support, and the Heavenly Dragon Fortress did their best."

"We simply fight the Cold Abyss Alliance and the bloodthirsty alliance's bits and pieces."

"War?" Xiao Yi sneered.

"Commander Yi Xiao?" Dongfang Yu frowned.

Xiao Yi shook his head and scanned the surroundings, "Look at it."

"Ice Mansion is an elite player, with more than a million dead and injured before."

"But there are still 90% elite." Dongfang Yu said solemnly.

"Yes." Xiao Yi sneered, "but these ninety percent are elite, among them countless injured."

"With the full support of the defensive formation this day, how much power do they have? How much combat power?"

"I fought outside for a day, even I was so stressed, naturally I can judge how much overall combat power is left here."

"Such a remnant defeated general, plus the millions of elites from the army who came here, what kind of battle?"

Xiao Yi stared outside the defensive array.

There are densely packed enemies.

There are tens of millions on the Hanyuan Alliance alone.

The bloodthirsty alliance is similar.

The overwhelming warrior can't even look at it.

"We Yanlong Alliance warriors are not afraid of death." Dongfang Yu said coldly.

"I'm not afraid of death." Xiao Yi sneered, "I know that your Dongfang family has a strong personality."

"But something meaningless is meaningless after all."

"In this battle, if we fight hard, I can guarantee that our entire army will be destroyed, and the Cold Abyss Alliance and the Bloodthirsty Alliance will definitely not lose 50% of the casualties."

"This battle will be defeated; the fortress will also be defeated."

Dongfang Yu said with an ugly expression, "Is the situation here really so serious?"

Xiao Yi sneered, "You have eyes, you don't know how to see?"

"On the side of the Cold Abyss Alliance, eight veteran leaders are commanding a bunch of them."

"Although there is no first-rate top emperor on the bloodthirsty alliance, there is one of the extremely strong top emperor. The emperor without mercy, but I can fight him."

Xiao Yi's words did not go on.

The second-rate leaders who were close to the legacy were more numerous than those of the Hanyuan League side.

How to fight such a battle?

"Let's go." Xiao Yi could only drop two cold words after all.

But in the cold, it was obviously full of unwillingness.

This time, Dongfang Yu sneered, "Go? Even if you go, what's the point?"

Dongfang Yu looked at the large defensive array outside, the barrier of the large array was extremely thin.

"This big defensive formation, I'm afraid it won't last for a while."

"And withdrawing Tianlong Fortress, at least one day."

The mad lion leader said anxiously, "There is a teleportation formation in our fortress..."

But before the words were finished, the leader of the wild lion was already gloomy.

Take the teleportation array, of course fast.

But if it is a few people, dozens, or even hundreds, of course it’s fine.

How can tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of huge warriors go?

Let alone tens of millions.

Xiao Yi squinted, staring at the defensive formation, "If there is no time for a cup of tea, the formation will be broken."

Dongfang Yu said coldly, "Fight to the death."

"Even if our entire army is annihilated, the Cold Abyss Alliance and the Bloodthirsty Alliance will be used to cushion the back."

"Kill one to pay back, kill two to make money."

"Earn?" Xiao Yi no longer laughed, and his tone returned to indifference.

"Single life, of course, is earned."

"It's already a profit to let them back up by 50%."

"But what's the point?"

"You Dongfang Yu can not consider your own fate, you can feel that it is a shame for your Dongfang family to retreat without fighting."

"But for the remaining elites on the huge fortress, their fate is not fate?"

"A battle knowingly defeated is meaningless. What qualifications do you have to let them die?"

"I am the leader." Dongfang Yu's face was cold.

"My order..."

"Because I am also the leader." Xiao Yi interrupted coldly.

"Since their lives have been handed over to me, it is impossible for me to lose them in vain."

The sharp and cold eyes glanced at the leaders.

"Listen clearly." Xiao Yi's tone was extremely cold.

"All the staff retreat and take them away."

"I will support you until you can retreat safely."

"However, don't return to the Tianlong Fortress." Xiao Yi said solemnly.

"There are nine leaders in the Tianlong Fortress. There will be no accidents. You withdraw to help, just to make the battle on their side easier."

"You retreat from the front of the Ice Mansion boundary, all the way back to the rear."

The mad lion commander seemed to think of something, and exclaimed, "Yi Xiao commander, you mean to use the fortresses of the major leagues and defense lines along the way to delay the defense?"

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded, "The Ice Mansion Realm can fall, but if the Yanlong League stronghold behind the Ice Mansion Realm collapses all the way, it will be a real unbearable price."

"The significance of the existence of the Bing Mansion Realm is to stick to the forces behind."

"If the Bing Mansion Realm is lost, but there is no hindrance to the rear, you will be considered fulfilled."

"Remember, retreat all the way, use the defensive formations of the major rear defense lines, and evacuate to a more rear stronghold before the defensive formation can not last long. Do this all the way and repeat it."

"Before leaving, take away all the elites from the strongholds and cultivation resources and many other things."

"In short," Xiao Yi said coldly, "The site is lost, and I will call it back later."

"People die, especially if you have such a huge combat power here, the entire Yanlong League will be broken."

At this moment, the defensive array has become thinner.

Outside, that amazing pressure came.

Dongfang Yu and the other leaders had already felt this terrible pressure.

"No." Dongfang Yu's face changed drastically, "This offensive force, one man is on his own, and he said that Yi Xiao is in charge of you, even if any one of the leaders comes, it will not last long."

"After you break up alone, it will be the same as dying."

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered, "Commander Dongfang Yu, looked at me a little bit higher."

"I don't have the righteousness and fearlessness of your Eastern family members."

"Don't worry, if you can't hold it, I will run away, I'm not that stupid."

"Okay, don't waste time, retreat quickly."

"Remember, keep guard along the way and delay as much as possible. You are all experienced generations. The control of time, the grasp of retreat, etc., are clear to you."

"Let's go."

"My lord..." One-eyed bald head looked ugly.

"You too." Xiao Yi said coldly, "This is an order."

Xiao Yi left the last sentence and jumped into the sky alone.


The time for a cup of tea is not as long as imagined.

The retreat of the crowd does not need to take too much time.

After all, they are all strong, and taking away some dossier information, cultivation resources, etc., is just a matter of waving into the universe ring.

The huge fortress is already empty.

Boom...The defensive formation finally collapsed under the collision of a bloodthirsty dragon.

"Blood Hell Demon Flame, Burn."

The indifferent figure dressed in a strong suit was already full of flames.

"The Ninth Thousand Talisman, Yan Tide." Xiao Yi's finger was already stroked before the formation was broken.

At this point, Fang stopped.

The ending of Fu Lu is an end.


The world was suddenly stained with blood.


Outside the Yan House boundary.

In the void and darkness.

The leader of Dongfang Yu and the wild lion looked at the stars of Yan Mansion from a distance.

On the huge star, in the desolate land, the huge fortress can still be seen clearly.

Everyone, looking at the defensive formation on the fortress, crashed to pieces.

But I also looked at...Before the fortress, the earth became a vast sea of ​​blood and fire, with blood boiling and flames surging.

A figure, alone against the enemy of thousands!

Maybe he is not Qingtian!

But that is definitely a broad and trustworthy back!


Fourth more.

Update today, finished.

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