Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4303: Embryonic form

"But if the master wants me to wait for a greater effect, please put me in the center of the world."

Said the giant elephant.

Xiao Yi nodded, "The way the magic circle is constructed..."

The words are not finished.

The one-eyed bald figure rushed from outside the mansion of the world.

Xiao Yi looked at the one-eyed bald head and asked, "What?"

The one-eyed bald head showed that he glanced at the still standing giant elephant statue, and asked in doubt, "Where did the lord find such a statue?"

"It looks very lifelike."

At this time, the one-eyed bald head looked at Xiao Yi and said, "My lord, we have all subdued the small world of nearby stars."

Xiao Yi nodded and asked doubtfully, "What small worlds are there near our blood inflammation world?"

Speaking of it, it was for the blood **** demon flame, and it was just a trip.

He probably knew about the small world of stars nearby, but he didn't understand the distribution of power.

The one-eyed bald head replied, "Excluding our blood inflammation world, there are 8 small worlds of stars nearby."

"The nearest is the blood spirit world."

Xiao Yi nodded.

When fighting for the blood **** demon flame, he also fought the blood spirit world master, but he was just an ordinary emperor.

Of course, the blood spirit world has nothing to do with the blood spirit emperor, but the name is similar.

In the blood spirit world, there are many blood creatures.

But the blood spirit emperor was a special blood creature born in the endless void.

In an ordinary small world like the blood spirit world, I am afraid that such a powerful and special creature cannot be born.

The one-eyed bald head continued, "Farther away, it is the blood claw world and the blood forest world."

"The remaining five small worlds are farther away in the other direction of our blood inflammation world."

Xiao Yi nodded, "In other words, there are only 8 small worlds of stars around our blood inflammation world."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "These 8 small worlds of stars have been completely subdued."

"According to the villain's view, the blood inflammation world is where our foundation lies, and the 8 small worlds around must also be under our absolute control to guard our blood inflammation world."

"My lord, I'm afraid I still have to go to these places to build a big formation and so on."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

These 8 small worlds of stars will be the barrier of the blood inflammation world.

One-eyed bald head continued, "Out there, there are just some barren stars."

"The adults can build temporary fortresses on these barren stars like the battlefields of the Three Leagues, and arrange the perception and defense formations."

"In addition, send a small number of patrol teams."

Xiao Yi nodded, "It is indeed similar to what the Three Leagues did."

"It's just that, using my followers as a patrol team, it's too big to be used."

"Furthermore, we are not as intensive as the Three Leagues, and we don't need to..."

The one-eyed bald head chuckled, "My lord, in this way, it proves that you are not accustomed to creating a power, and you are still accustomed to carrying everything as you did in the past."

"I can't think of things that you can't think of."

"People without thought, he must worry about."

"Now we really don't have nearly endless battles like the Three Leagues, but who can tell."

"You can't make you an adult every time there is a big battle."

"As for your followers, all the top emperors, they are close to the commanding powerhouses of the Three Leagues, and it is impossible to be an ordinary patrol team."

"I suggest that four hundred followers become your guard."

"As for the patrol teams on the barren stars, we can directly select the strong from the blood inflammation world and these 8 star small worlds."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Guardian? That is the emperor of the heavens..."

The guard, the full name is the guard of the heavens.

That is the subordinate military team that the emperor of the heavens will have.

The one-eyed bald head chuckled and interrupted again, "My lord, your reputation today is incomparable to ordinary emperors of the heavens."

"And those patrol teams, haha, your lord, you will also be a big man in the future. This ranking is still necessary."


"Fine." Xiao Yi waved his hand again and again.

After all, he still doesn't like the trouble and cumbersomeness.

"From now on, you can handle these things yourself, you don't have to come to me specifically."

He has always been used as a shopkeeper.

"This..." The one-eyed bald head hesitated and smiled bitterly, "This is not in accordance with etiquette and rules. Your lord, you are the leader of this force..."

"Yu Li doesn't follow the rules, and the rules don't follow?" Xiao Yi gave a white glance.

"Why don't you say it's wrong when I ran away with my 200 million spiritual veins?"

"Why didn't you say it was wrong when I used it all at once?"

The one-eyed bald head smiled wryly.

"Okay." Xiao Yi waved his hand, "You can handle it yourself."

The one-eyed bald head nodded and said, "My lord, let me ask the last thing is feasible?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

One-eyed bald head asked, "When the affairs of these 8 stars are finished, the guard team will be recruited and formed, and the adults will arrange these barren stars."

"It's time for us to start conquering all walks of life and for territory."

"From then on, we will have spiritual income."


"Either make a long story short, or I will blow you out." Xiao Yi stared and bald his head.

One-eyed bald head quickly said, "My lord, how much do we charge for asylum?"

"This..." Xiao Yi just thought about it, then said, "Twenty percent."

"In the Three Leagues, Yanlong League and Cold Abyss League only harvested 30%."

"Only the bloodthirsty alliance will harvest 40%."

"Our blood flame world is far inferior to the Three Leagues, and the harvest is about 20%."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "The little one thinks so too."

"But the territories of the Three Leagues are purely sheltered."

"And our future forces can continue to take on the task of hunting and killing the Spirit Devouring Race."

One-eyed bald head smiled and said, "With our ability to hunt down the Spirit-Swallowing Race, as long as there is one power branch, we can basically take care of all the tasks requested by the Spirit-Swallowing Race in the surrounding star field.

"So counting, the spiritual income we can earn may not only be less than that of the Three Leagues, but more."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

The one-eyed bald head bowed and left.

Xiao Yi secretly looked forward to it.

This is a huge endless void, how can it be faster to earn spiritual veins than directly ‘grab’ it.

Fighting from all walks of life, grabbing territory, every additional star in the small world is 20% of the landlord's wealth, and 20% of the income will be turned in every year.

In the future, for every additional site, there will be more spiritual veins.

As long as the speed of the battle is fast enough, a large amount of spiritual veins can be accumulated in a short time.

And as the number of local dishes increased, the spiritual veins continued to flow year after year.

After he doesn't need to worry about spiritual veins, he will be able to devote time to the refinement of martial arts like other powerful men.

He does not have the bottleneck of martial arts himself, but the magic of martial arts has changed a lot, and the realm can be broken through. How to study deeply and control mysticism is another matter.

As he is now, the fusion of fire and kendo alone, if he has enough time to retreat and enlighten, it may not be impossible to solve it.

The fusion of Da Zizai Kendo and various heaven and earth supreme fires will definitely be the way for his strength to skyrocket.

He believed that this day should not be long.

With his ability to conquer the world? The territory of the Cold Abyss Alliance has been swept all the way by him, so what about the forces outside the Three Alliances?


Second more.

Update today, finished.

Well, during the Spring Festival, I don’t ask for leave, but only two changes a day, sorry.

After the Spring Festival, it will start to make up changes, so everyone can rest assured.

I've been lazy for a few days and can't owe a few more changes, so there will be no pressure to make up the changes later, so please rest assured.

good night.

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