Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4392: Living creatures, fighting the limits of living creatures

The huge treasure space is completely an independent world, extremely huge, and even far beyond the small world of stars.

The space world is surrounded by clouds and mist.

But at this moment, a huge world, on the contrary, the flames are raging, and the clouds are scattered.

"You still dare to resist? Not at your own discretion." Emperor Yuntu sneered.

As the words fell, the entire world seemed to have been ordered by its controller, and immediately went violently.

The world trembles for it.

Countless clouds and mists rushed back.

Here, he absolutely controls the world.

He is here, killing a creature, not to say that he is an emperor, even if he is an emperor, it is equivalent to pinching an ant to death.

Between the sky and the earth, clouds and mist gush out from all directions, the wind is pressing on the fire, the clouds are rolling, and the fog is the force.

For a time, the momentum of the wind and cloud dissipated the flames.

The monstrous flames dissipated.

The world has changed drastically.

As you can see, the whole world has become a vast and boundless sea of ​​clouds.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, the clouds rolled, Xiao Yi was in it, and the only hundred meters around him was still a land of flames.

The sky and the earth were vast and vast, and Xiao Yi's tiny figure was so vulnerable in the rolling sea of ​​clouds.

It looked like a tiny ant in the sea of ​​clouds, trying to contend with the power of the whole world.

The world has changed drastically.

The figure of the emperor Yuntu has also disappeared in place.

However, rather than disappearing, it is better to say that it has completely integrated with this sea of ​​clouds.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, the clouds are surging, and the figure of the emperor of Yuntu becomes huge, with his feet on the ground and the sky above his head, like a sea of ​​clouds god, condescending and overlooking everything.

"Hahahaha." Emperor Yuntu laughed loudly.

"Zi Yan Yi Xiao, just a little skill?"

"In front of the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank that day, the emperor let you go."

"Today, you can also be buried in this sea of ​​clouds."

The Emperor Yuntu waved his big hand, and that huge cloud body easily played with the power of the entire world and the power of the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Layers of cirrus clouds, seemingly thin white clouds, are really thick and heavy, fearing that they can shatter the stars in the rolling.

Xiao Yi squinted.

He never underestimated this cloud map emperor.

This one is a dignified pinnacle emperor.

Here, but the clouds in the sky, within his territory, no, it should be within the treasures of the heavens under his control.

Today, it is impossible for him, Xiao Yi, to leave easily.


Xiao Yi moved his fingertips together, and a mysterious flame talisman crashed down.

"The third thousand talisman, Yan Tide."


The astonishing amethyst spirit flame burst out loudly.

The flaming waves rolled like tides, and they blocked the sea of ​​clouds laminated between the heavens and the earth.

For a time, the world divided into two parts. Although the sea of ​​clouds enveloped the sea of ​​fire, the sea of ​​fire was still raging and violent.

The huge cloud map emperor, condescendingly, overlooking the whole world, but also slightly surprised, "Huh?"

"The strength is comparable to that of the Emperor Dacheng?"

"It turns out that he is a special person who has reached the limit of the emperor."

"It seems that the rumors are correct, Zi Yan Yi Xiao, you are stronger than the emperor expected."

"If it weren't for the special existence of Xiao Chenfeng in these years, you would be the number one in the Void Emperor Ranking."

"It's a pity." The voice of Emperor Yuntu was extremely joking.

"If you could be used by the emperor back then, you won't end up here today."

"In time, you will be able to overlook the scenery at the pinnacle of the void with the emperor."

"Unfortunately, a wrong step is a wrong step."

"Today, you can't escape death."

The emperor of Yuntu is basically in the shape of a winning ticket.

It seemed that he was not in a hurry to kill Xiao Yi, but wanted to play a game in order to vent his hatred.

"The strength of the emperor Dacheng?" The emperor Yuntu sneered, "In front of the emperor, it's just a joke."


Ho Ho Ho...

In the sea of ​​clouds, dragons rolled up and went straight to eat Xiao Yi.

That fierce cloud body was actually where it passed, smashing the flames away.

All directions Yunlong, madly devouring Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was shocked when he saw this, the strength of the two sides was not on the same level at all.

With this crushing strength gap, he shouldn't even have the qualifications to fight back.

His opponent is not the great master of the volcano emperor, but a powerful peak emperor who is known as the limit of life.

The flame was instantly dissipated.

Xiao Yi only had time to squeeze his palm abruptly.


Between the sea of ​​clouds and the earth, there was a sound of Weng, and the bell trembling.

Around Xiao Yi, flames swept across the room in layers.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, for a time, a radiant glow, the flames soared into the sky, and a big flame clock appeared out of thin air.

Bafang Yunlong ate, slammed into the big flame bell, and made a loud roar.

Although he could not smash the big flame clock, Xiao Yi spit out blood from within.

"Sure enough, is the strength gap too huge?" Xiao Yi was secretly shocked.

Sure fire does not extinguish, but is the strongest defensive fire.

In his current state of strength, he condensed again in the way of Dawning Promise, and erupted in the same way as the dawning bell itself. This is his strongest protection method today.

Even the veteran Dacheng Emperor like the Volcano Emperor would never want to break this protection.

Xiao Yi even judged that before his vitality was exhausted, it would be difficult for ordinary peak emperors to break this big flame clock.

But now...

Xiao Yi looked at the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. At this moment, he was already seriously injured.

"Hahahaha." Emperor Yuntu laughed loudly.

"Zi Yan, now you know the price of defying the majesty of the emperors of the heavens?"

"Do you really think that your name as someone who is empty and special can offend the heavens?"

"Do you really think that what kind of blood flame world power you have is comparable to the heavens?"

"That's a joke."


Amidst the majestic laughter that filled the sky and the earth, Yunlong from all directions came again frantically.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom bomb

The sound of the bell also trembles the world of clouds and seas.

It just seemed so weak and sad.

There is a steady stream of Yunlong from all directions.

Inside the Big Flame Bell, Xiao Yi spit out bite after bit of blood.

He was thinking quickly about how to deal with it.

With his current strength, it is impossible to contend with Emperor Yuntu.

Even if he explodes all his cards and strength, it is useless.

How long it can last is unknown.

Then, it can only rely on external forces.

External force, the hole card has three.

The strength of the Bingluan sword, don't have to think too much, at this level, if you want to mobilize and explode against the strength, it absolutely exceeds his endurance limit, the limit of death.

I am afraid that once it breaks out, he will be the first to fight back and die before he starts fighting.

No, it should be said that it is impossible for him to burst to this level of strength at all.

The power of the Bingluan Sword is extremely cold, and has nothing to do with his Fire Dao strength.

If he broke out, then he would only be able to use his sword to imprison him based on his own emperor strength.

The strength is added, and the strength soars for it, all the way to exceed the emperor level, cross-domain new emperor, Xiaocheng emperor, Dacheng emperor; and at this time, I am afraid it is the limit of the power of this Bingluan sword.

No matter how much, it can directly cause his physical body to collapse and fall instantly.

"The power of the Silver Lone Emperor." Xiao Yi squinted.


The first is more.

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