Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4394: Elite, to


Between the heaven and the earth, the roar continued.

The emperor Yuntu didn't believe in evil, so he fisted out.

At this moment, he is the state of real shot.

This is where the strength of a peak emperor erupts.

A single punch can blast a star into powder.

Xiao Yi fist and fist repeatedly.

The figure did not retreat.

But Xiao Yi was also more frightened as he fought.

"Is this the true strength of a peak emperor?"

This is more than a hundred times stronger than he expected.

This is not the same level as Dacheng Emperor.

The gap in the Emperor Realm, even if it is only one heavy, is actually so huge.

Emperor Dacheng, perhaps it took some time and effort to destroy a star.

But the pinnacle emperor only needs a punch.

Nothing fancy, no more room; a punch, and the stars collapse.

See it more seriously, Xiao Yi's fist, that hideous body, is half undamaged.

No matter how the Emperor Yuntu blasted it with all his strength, no matter how the two blasted each other, no white marks were left on the ferocious fists.

However, under the cover of the beast hand, Xiao Yi's fist was already numb.

Yes, the body of the Emperor Underworld, that beast hand can withstand it, but it doesn't mean that his flesh can withstand it.

Even his physical body now has increased.

Each punch of the Emperor Yuntu was enough to smash the entire star.

Even if the beast hand blocked most of the power of this fist, it would help to reduce 90%, but the residual and penetrated under the beast hand, the power of Xiao Yi's own fist already made Xiao Yi somewhat unbearable.

Boom boom boom boom...

The Emperor Yuntu was a little crazy for a while, "How is it possible, how is it possible..."

"How can a creature under the emperor realm have such strength."

"Even if the emperor is special, the limit is only at the level of the emperor."

"What kind of monster are you..."

How did he know that this is a body covered with the Emperor Underworld, but it is also a terrifying evildoer in itself.

"It still doesn't seem to work." Xiao Yi thought to himself as he bombarded.

Under the beast hand, his fist was already bleeding.

He absolutely believes that his strength at the moment has stepped into the level of the peak emperor.

The body of the Emperor Underworld, equivalent to the strongest sacred weapon, once again made his Fire Dao strength a qualitative change, but this has already reached its limit.

This is the limit of increase he can play.

The Emperor Yuntu was obviously not an ordinary peak emperor.

This guy has been standing at the end of the peak emperor for so many years, but he has never been able to cross the barrier of the consummation emperor.

Under Consummation, I am afraid that no other peak emperor is the opponent of this Yuntu emperor.

Moreover, this is within his territory, within the heavens under his control, and even more so in the heavenly treasures under his control.

"I have to find a way to escape here." Xiao Yi thought secretly.

Now, it is in danger.

The longer the battle, the more accidents.

Moreover, he didn't know how long his body could last.


Blood inflammation world.

Teleport to the big array.

Seven-eyed emperor, after all, did not step into that teleportation formation.

It seems... he has long ago determined that the master of the blood inflammation world, Master Yi Xiao, is afraid that he will come back lifelessly.

At the moment, the seven-eyed emperor had an extremely complicated complexion.

However, as a member of the firm, he could not violate the order of the head office.

"Huh..." Seven-eyed Emperor exhaled slightly.

Under the complicated face, he finally gritted his teeth.

"The head office's order, the old man has completed."

"Next, what the old man wants to do is his own business."


Seven-eyed Monarch suddenly exploded with an aura.

He is just an ordinary emperor.

Of course, he is stronger than those second- and third-rate.

But against those truly top-notch emperors who are famous in the heavens, he is far behind.

He is just a businessman, he knows how to discern things.

However, his imperial aura was enough to cause a great shock in a world of stars.


From a distance, a one-eyed bald figure came quickly.

One-eyed bald head frowned and looked at Qi-eyed Emperor, displeased, "Seven-eyed old man, why are you crazy?"

"By the way, don't you want to go back to the Clouds and the Sky with my adults?"

Seven-eyed Monarch clenched his teeth and showed an apologetic expression, "Hurry... Go and save your adult."

"At this moment, he is probably already in jail and is in danger."

"What are you talking about...?" The one-eyed bald head couldn't react for a while, frowning.

Seven-eyed Emperor quickly explained it again.

One-eyed bald head, his face suddenly changed, "You..."

"A pinnacle emperor has set up an ambush in advance, plus it is in his own territory, can the adults still live?"

"Bad son." The one-eyed bald head grabbed the seven-eyed emperor's shirt with one hand, and his eyes were fierce. "If there is a mistake in my family, I will kill you."

The one-eyed bald head shook open the seven-eyed emperor, and the figure quickly left.

In a moment.

At the place of the teleportation formation, the one-eyed bald head and four hundred followers all arrived.

I am afraid that going here is extremely dangerous, and life and death are unpredictable.

But in the eyes of everyone, there is no half of the color of fear.

They have always belonged to Xiao Yi's elite.

"Go." The one-eyed bald head fell with a cold voice.


The teleportation formation was launched suddenly.

After dozens of breaths, everyone disappeared in place.

The seven-eyed emperor stood in place with an ugly face.

He couldn't do much, so he could only secretly say, "Little friend Yi Xiao, please come back alive."


Clouds over the heavens.

Teleport to the big array.


A group of one-eyed bald heads suddenly appeared.

All around, it was empty.

There is no figure of his adult and the emperor of Yuntu.

One-eyed bald head frowned, perception swept across.

"How is it possible." One-eyed brow frowned.

"There is peace in all days of the cloud map, and there is no big battle."

"My lord, he..."

"No." The one-eyed bald head was suddenly startled, his perception suddenly seemed to be blocked in the distance, no matter how difficult it is to move forward.

"It's a big formation."


The one-eyed bald head yelled violently.


The words fell for a moment, and the four hundred followers instantly reacted.

A giant yellow sand suddenly appeared.

This is the elite.

Headed by the one-eyed bald head and 400 followers, this total array is extremely powerful.

This, but there are a total of four hundred powerhouses at the level of the three leagues, almost the top combat power among the emperors.

Such a lineup, even the three leagues can't come out.

This yellow sand giant is enough to force a Yanlong League legion.

This yellow sand giant even has the power to kill the new emperor.

"My lord, it's weird here." Li Shi frowned.

"The teleportation array of the heavens on one side is so silent that no other creatures come and go."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, stared into the distance, and slammed a punch.


The yellow sand giant has fierce fists.


The surrounding space was instantly cracked.

After waiting, the cracks were all broken, wow... the surrounding situation changed drastically.

Here, it is still the place to transmit the big array.

But everywhere, where is empty.

Basically, the guards of the heavens gathered, surrounded by all directions.

In the air, a luminous object floats quietly, surrounded by clouds and dragons, and there is occasional fire.

"The treasure of the heavens, Yunchen Buddha?" The one-eyed bald head recognized the bright thing at a glance.

"My lord is inside." One-eyed bald head looked at the flaring fire, and instantly reacted.


Third more.

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