Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4431: Returned to the blood inflammation world, in the name of Xiao Yi

Feeling this bad look, the one-eyed bald head frowned first, then his face suddenly changed.

He recognized it with just one glance.

This familiar look.

This only belongs to his adult's gaze.

But at the same time, in his subconscious belief, his adult is an ugly monster; but the young man in front of him is an extraordinary handsome man.

No... what should I say about that feeling.

He has seen countless elder brothers from the heavens, countless unparalleled Tianjiao evildoers, but compared with the young man in front of him, it seems that they are not worth mentioning.

Not only the face, but also the inexplicable temperament.

If he is willing to perceive it carefully and give him more time, he will definitely recognize it.

However, he had no chance and no time.

Zi Zi Zi...

In Xiao Yi's hands, the Purple Lightning Sword appeared out of thin air.

The sword moves in an instant.

One-eyed bald head was startled, "What a fast sword."

At the same time, his blindfold has also been pulled up suddenly.

He judged in an instant that the person in front of him was absolutely extremely strong.

"Quicksand." One-eyed bald head gave a cold cry.


When Xiao Yi's sword reached the one-eyed bald head, he froze, and an invisible force bound his sword firmly.

That invisible power stretches like water, winding and winding.

It is as solid as the earth, and extremely strong.

That is quicksand.

"Broken." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

Zi Zi Zi...The thunder on the sword was raging, breaking through the quicksand.

The sharp sword pierced straight, the pupil of the one-eyed bald head shrank, and the power flowing in the eyes was even greater, "Judgment."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was startled, his steps backed up, and one side of his figure could hardly escape.

The space beside him instantly cracked under the one-eyed bald gaze.

If this blow were to be achieved, it would probably mean that the strong at the commander level would suffer severe injuries in an instant.

"It's still exciting." Xiao Yi glared, and Zidian moved.

All of a sudden, the sword dance leaped and thunder and lightning surged.

The one-eyed bald head was already breathing a bit rough, unable to hide.


The sharp sword steadily landed in front of the one-eyed head and throat.

"Zuli." The one-eyed bald head suddenly looked savage, his eyes flushed, it was obvious that he was going to run wild at any cost.

Xiao Yi was startled and quickly retracted his sword.


With flames erupting, his powerful palm suddenly pressed the one-eyed bald head.

"Asshole, don't kill me?" Xiao Yi pressed the big bald head with one hand, and pressed it heavily on the ground.

The surging amethyst spirit flame raged endlessly.

The one-eyed bald head clearly felt that even a single trace of flame could burn him into nothingness.

This is not only the effect of amethyst spirit flame burning everything, but also an absolute power gap.

However, these violent flames, under the precise control of Xiao Yi, except for the heat, did not hurt the one-eyed bald head.

"Big...sir?" The one-eyed bald head finally reacted.

This violent amethyst spirit flame is not his adult, who else can it be?

With this perfect fire-control ability, who else can anyone besides his grown-up?

The most important thing is that now at close range, he has clearly felt the constraints of the master and servant under the void contract.

This can never be faked.

"Why, you can't recognize it without wearing a mask?" Xiao Yi withdrew his hand, as before, sitting indifferently on the throne of the realm master.

"If one eye doesn't work well, don't cover your blindfold. Anyway, that eye is not blind."

At this time, the one-eyed bald head was completely certain, and the young man in front of him was definitely his adult.

That gesture can't deceive anyone.

That kind of tone of voice, that kind of sentence that can block all of his words, who else can be someone who is not his adult.

"Big...sir, you..." The one-eyed bald head walked to Xiao Yi, looking up and down, looking left and right.

Xiao Yi gave a white glance, "Have you seen enough?"

The one-eyed bald head first gave a wry smile, and then said in amazement, "My lord is so good-looking?"

"I thought you were much uglier than me."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense." Xiao Yi said indifferently, "I have been walking for more than two months, how is the situation in our blood inflammation world?"

He returned to the Yanlong Territory for a month, and then after breaking into the Taihan Palace, he stayed in the small building of the remote star for another month. Adding to the time on the road afterwards, he was mixed and mixed for more than two months.

"Before I came back, I probably heard some rumors about Ming Wang Dan's leaked out."

"Many sites in our blood inflammation world have been destroyed."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "The situation is more serious than the rumors."

"But our own combat power casualties are not many, but the site loss is serious, at least more than half."

"If this situation continues, I'm afraid that within a month, our blood flame world forces will lose all the territory."

What is it like to be targeted by countless big forces?

Even the **** inflammation world, which once had more than five hundred star territories, will completely die out in just a few months.

"But a few days ago." The one-eyed bald head turned and said in shock, "The situation has suddenly reversed."

"The major forces, especially those from the heavens, and those with deeper and more ancient forces, took the lead in withdrawing."

"Today, even the ordinary overlord forces have gradually begun to retreat."

"My lord, this..." The one-eyed bald head looked suspicious.

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered.

Looking at the words of his head alone, he was already sure that his riot in the heavens and the killing of Emperor Ye Lin had already been transmitted from the Taihan Palace.

But, after all, it is a matter of the heavens, and I am afraid that even the Void Lords will keep secret; therefore, this matter, no matter how horrible it is, will not spread to the heavens and all realms like ordinary things.

But it will only spread among those real powers of the heavens, among the great powers with deep roots.

This is the reason why these major forces that originally besieged the **** flame world have retreated.

Xiao Yi probably explained it.

Hearing the words, the one-eyed bald head first changed his complexion, and then took a few steps unconsciously, his complexion seemed to be in a trance, as if he was absent-minded, unbelievable.

"Big... Your lord... Are you kidding me?"

"You, you, you... have you made a big fuss about the marriage of the heavens? In the Taihan Palace, before the emperor, killed the emperor Yelin?"

"The Cold Realm Empress, is it your mother?"

"Then that..." The one-eyed bald head trembled all over, as if listening to what a shocking thing, "Doesn't that mean that Xiao Chenfeng, the current leader of the Yanlong League, is your father?"

"Also...and... aren't you the eldest grandson of the emperor, the most noble creature of Tianjiao in the endless void?"

"Heh." Xiao Yi shrugged and sneered.

At this moment, the one-eyed bald head understood everything, no wonder his adult was wearing a mask.

No wonder...

No wonder...

Over the years, from the adult he knew him, to rushing into the void, after joining the Yanlong League, and participating in the birthday banquet of the Qinghan Palace...and so on, he was completely stunned.

He suddenly understood what his adult was carrying in this void all these years.

"Alright." Xiao Yi stood up and said coldly, "Since I am back, today, the blood inflammation world...counterattack!"

"Yes, sir." One-eyed bald head replied.


The first is more.

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