Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4448: Emperor Geqiong, Fallen

This is a kind of distress signal.

Regardless of the Three Leagues and the major forces, they are relatively common ways of seeking help.

Backtracking through martial arts to condense the picture, using water channels to set off the branding of the picture, etc.... It is just a means that ordinary martial artists can do at will.

But this way of calling for help is limited to not far away, and the things that are transmitted can be carried; and the situation of the caller is not too critical, and there is a spare capacity to protect himself, so that it is possible to separate hands to condense the accurate remaining danger.

And if the distance is too far, they can barely issue a call for help in the ‘file’ situation.

And if the distance is farther, and the situation is critical, you can only send a simple distress signal.

This is a more common situation in the void, often the one who seeks help only has time to crush the jade pendant for help; the other side only passively knows that the jade pendant is broken, but does not know the specific situation.

Of course, if you just simply send information, and the distance is extremely far away, then you can only use a special sacred weapon.

Now these six people need to rush back to the palace before they can use the sacred artifact to send the news back to the universe.

Emperor Geqiong frowned and said solemnly, "Returning to Tianyu is a matter of great importance and cannot be delayed."

"I'll take a trip first."

"Hmph, these wicked animals are really looking for death."

When the words fell, Emperor Ge Qiong disappeared in place.


Only half an hour later.

At the speed of Emperor Ge Qiong, it was easy to catch up with these six people.

In the void.

Within the siege of countless spirit swallowing tribes, although these six were invincible, they were still able to support them.

Zhige Qiong, the emperor, appeared, and the six faces were overjoyed.

And also at this moment.

Xiao Yi sneered and finally appeared completely.

In the air, that sneer was extremely cold.

A flash of thunder and lightning flashed past, and the six people died.

These spirit swallowing races were naturally driven by Xiao Yi.

Don't forget, he is a spirit hunter.

Those spirit hunters who are now well-known in the heavens and all realms are just the followers he taught.

How difficult is it for him to drive a large number of Spirit Devourers to come.

Emperor Geqiong's face was startled, and then his face changed.

He immediately understood the situation in front of him.

"Your Excellency deliberately led me here, right?" Emperor Ge Qiong stared at Xiao Yi coldly, with fear on his face.

He found that he could not perceive the breath of the person in front of him at all, and could not see through the person in front of him.

This means that the cultivation base of the person in front of him is far stronger than him.

However, if the person in front of him is really much stronger than him, why bother to lure him here, and wave his hand to kill him.

If the person in front of him is a guy who can't perceive his breath, wears a mask, and a strong black outfit, he will instantly remember that this is Zi Yan Yi Xiao.

But the person in front of him, even though he was wearing a mask, was dressed as a young man, which did not match his impression.

So suddenly, he failed to guess the identity of the person in front of him.

"Your Excellency?" Emperor Ge Qiong frowned and looked at Xiao Yi.

"The one who killed you." Xiao Yi's eyes were extremely cold.


The purple lightning creaked in his hand, and at the same time a ray of blood filled it.

Xiao Yi took the emperor Ge Qiong straight with a sword.

Emperor Geqiong was shocked and subconsciously blocked.


Emperor Geqiong suddenly felt pain in his arm and was about to be pierced, but he immediately reacted, "Huh, it turned out to be just a bluff, and his strength is only at the pinnacle emperor level."

When the words fell, Emperor Ge Qiong's face was no longer jealous, and he blasted a punch.


The collision of the fist and the sword caused the blood of Emperor De Geqiong to flow, but at the same time, Xiao Yi was also heavily bombarded with his sword.

"What a sharp sword." Emperor Ge Qiong squinted.

"It's terrible strength." Xiao Yi's heart was startled, and at the same time, something was wrong in the secret.

This kind of strength is obviously unusual.

At the moment of the bang just now, he first shook the hand of the sword, and then the transmitted power seemed to be able to shatter his bones.

Had it not been for him to retreat quickly and take off his strength, I am afraid that his sword hand would have been half-worn.

Emperor Geqiong sneered, already killing intently, "In the seven heavens, I don't recognize you as a person."

"You are definitely not a strong man in the seven heavens."

"No one has told you that any martial artist of the same realm and level is just a joke in front of the bloodline holders of the Seven Heavenly Emperors?"

Emperor Geqiong is not a big man.

But he is also a member of the Celestial Blood Clan.

"My Titan Cosmos has the strongest power among the nine Cosmos."

"Dare to take care of my Titan World? That is your own death."

Emperor Geqiong violently violently slammed his punch.

"Titan universe?" Xiao Yi thought secretly, "Titan law?"

"Among the nine laws, the law of Titan, which represents the most powerful, is so."


Xiao Yi didn't have any fear, and the purple lightning thunder quickly condensed in his hand.

"No one has told you that any warrior of the same realm and level is just **** in front of me?"


In the void, thunder fell sharply.

A blood-colored thunder and lightning unicorn rushed down.

Emperor Geqiong's face was startled, the offensive suddenly stopped, and then he blasted his backhand to the top of his head.


This time, it was a confrontation between Juli and Thunder Kirin.

The two were instantly deadlocked.

Looking from a distance, Emperor Geqiong was holding the huge thunder and lightning unicorn in one hand, trying to block it.

However, after only a few breaths, the fist of Emperor Ge Qiong was already warm.

How easy is the violent thunder power.

Coupled with the invincible power of Killing God's bloodline, how can he stop it?


The thunder and lightning unicorn seemed to be biting violently, the fist of Emperor Geqiong was instantly pierced, and then the whole body was drowned by thunder.

The thunder was over.

Emperor Geqiong was already steaming with heat, as if he was steaming under the thunder and lightning'bath'.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "It's just a slight injury?"

As the pinnacle emperor, this Ge Qiong emperor is obviously much stronger than that of the giant python emperor.

Xiao Yi squinted, his killing intent in his eyes unchecked, "I see how many times you can eat."

This brother Qiong Emperor, he will kill today.

"Kill the gods, Lei Lin." Xiao Yi slammed down.

Boom...The huge scarlet Lei Lin came again.

Emperor Geqiong's face changed drastically, but he was helpless.

He knew that this terrible thunder could not be carried hard, and could only be avoided, but at this moment, he was numb and could only move barely. It was impossible to move a large distance quickly to avoid this huge thunder bombardment.

"Kill God, Lei Lin."

"Kill God, Lei Lin."

"Kill God, Lei Lin."


Boom boom boom boom... Scarlet Lei Lin condensed one after another, and then bombarded down violently.

Thunder is already violent; and Lei Lin is the ultimate in violent.

With Thunder Control alone, even if it can condense, it is impossible to come.

Therefore, Xiao Yi must condense it, and then draw it with a sword to descend upon it.

This has always been a means of fusion of his thunder and kendo.

At the same time, this is his strongest attack method today, and in the category of the peak emperor, there is no one to beat.

Scarlet Lei Lin condenses again and again.

Xiao Yi's sword fell again and again.

Scarlet Lei Lin came again and again.

Emperor Geqiong, his birth and life ranged from minor injuries, to severe injuries, and then... his body was like charcoal, and he was ridiculed by the thunder force and was pierced by numerous injuries.

After the last **** Lei Lin came, Emperor Ge Qiong fell amidst unwillingness, anger and pain.


The second is more.

The next update should be at 1:00 in the morning.

I only got home this afternoon, and it was too late to finish the code. I am afraid that it will be done tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Sorry everyone.

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