Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4471: Road to the Emperor of Heaven

"Covetous? Huh." Wugou Tiandi sneered.

"Yes it is."

"But this does not include the nine heavens."

Xiao Yi's face was puzzled.

Wugou Tiandi explained, "Martial souls are unique to human beings."

"Therefore, Wuhun is actually the unique talent of human beings."

"Endless emptiness, countless families, each with its own unique talents."

"The soul emperor is awakened by the strongest martial soul owner among the human beings of the Yanlong Territory."

"Simply put, the Soul Emperor is the strongest person with spiritual talent in the human race in an era."

"The spirit of martial arts is the human talent of the human race."

"So, the strength of Wuhun also represents the strength of this creature's talent."

"A soul emperor, if he is only the strongest in this era, but is very weak in the long history, then his martial spirit is naturally weak."

"The talent of the creature is here, and his growth limit is naturally also here."

Wu Gu Tiandi chuckled, "Soul Emperor, there have been people who walked in the void in the past."

"However, most of them stop in the realm of Consummation or the Void, and of course there are some that can become supreme."

"The soul emperor is invincible in every realm."

"But that's it."

Wugou Tiandi continued, "Above the soul emperor is the strongest soul emperor."

"The so-called strong soul emperor is the strength of Wuhun reaching a certain benchmark."

"Naturally, the strength of this creature's talent reaches this benchmark, and the natural upper limit is also extremely high."

"The strongest soul emperor can go to the limit of that life."

"In other words, you will come to this point later."

Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "Just stopped?"

Wu Gu Tiandi shook his head, "Not necessarily."

"The Xeon Soul Emperor, by virtue of his own time rule, has the opportunity to break through this limit and step into the realm of the Heavenly Emperor."

"And you, not only the strongest soul emperor, but also a great free sword that claims to cut through all barriers."

"So your chances of stepping into the realm of the Emperor of Heaven in the future will be great."

"And once you step into the realm of the heavenly emperor and reach the level of the first generation of the soul emperor that year, you will have the opportunity to restore this acquired god-killing bloodline to the real tenth bloodline, that is, the true god-killing bloodline."

Although the soul emperor has a special status, his future achievements are unpredictable, and he may also stop in the realm of perfection and emptiness.

Only the strongest soul emperor is more qualified to reach that limit, possibly breaking the barrier.

Xiao Yi is the strongest soul emperor, if he first walks to the limit state, and then breaks through the barrier with the Da Free Sword Dao, he enters the realm of the heavenly emperor.

At that time, it will be possible to restore the true tenth bloodline, the bloodline of killing the gods.

Xiao Yi nodded, "It turns out that this is the reason why you came to find me, Senior."

"Yeah." Wugou Tiandi nodded.

"What else?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Nothing." Wugou Tiandi shook his head.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was taken aback, "It's gone?"

"Otherwise?" Wugou Tiandi chuckled.

Perhaps, he just felt that this creature was in the mist, and he couldn't bear it.

So he pushed aside the fog and pointed out a clear way for him.

But this road, whether this creature walks or not, is his own choice.

"I can give you only so much." Wugou Tiandi smiled.

"I don't interfere with your growth."

"However, I still hope you can grow up as a little guy."

"Because..." Wugou Tiandi grinned, "I want to see you and hit that old guy in the face."

"Um." Xiao Yi was dumb for a while.

And Wugou Tiandi had already slowly disappeared in place.

Suddenly, there was no sign.

Xiao Yi shook his head, and probably thought about the words of Emperor Wugou, and then, no longer thought about it, his figure flashed, and he left.


In situ.

Xiao Chenfeng and the ancient emperor waited.

Xiao Yi's figure flickered and returned.

"Thanks to the predecessor." Xiao Yi saluted the ancient emperor again, and thanked him.

"Yeah." Gudi chuckled, "If you know that you have already broken through the emperor realm, and the power is so exaggerated, you will be delighted."

"I have to go back."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "I have to rush back to the blood inflammation world."

"Now that I have broken through the emperor realm, I can't walk the teleportation formation, I can only jump back to the stars by myself."

"Although it is extremely fast, it may still take a while."

"Farewell." Xiao Yi left with a final cry and left in the air.

Xiao Chenfeng's expression was a bit complicated, but he didn't say much.

From beginning to end, this young man ignored him, did not thank him, and did not say goodbye to him.

The ancient emperor chuckled, "He didn't thank you, I want you to be happy."

Xiao Chenfeng smiled lightly and nodded slightly, "Indeed."

The ancient emperor shook his head, "Come slowly, the gap, after all, is no match for the passing of time."

"The old man will go one step ahead."

When the words fell, the ancient emperor also crossed and left.

Xiao Chenfeng went to the stars of the heavens here.



The two teams rushed through.

It is the team led by Taiwu Gong Wuxiang Supreme, and the team led by Wu Ji Miao Yin Zong Lei Yin Supreme.

The two left together.

But at this moment.


In front, a white streamer rose instantly, blocking the way.

"Who came?" The nine Void Emperors of Taiwu Palace gave a cold cry.

Come here, his face is cold.

Lei Yin Zhizun stared at the incoming person, "Lioufeng Demon Emperor?"

"Huh, a Void Lord, dare to stop me waiting for my way?"

The Liufeng Demon Emperor's face was cold, "Why, the two of you think that my ten thousand monster heavens are where you want to come, and go where you want to go?"

"It's a big fight, pat the **** and leave?"

Lei Yinzhi sneered, "Then what are you going to do?"

"Little third heaven, what do you really think you are?"

"Then try." Liufeng Demon Emperor also sneered instantly.

Wuxiangzhizun's face was startled, and he stopped Leiyinzhizun.

"Liufeng Demon Emperor, what on earth do you intend to do?" Wuxiang Supreme stared closely at Liufeng Demon Emperor.

Liufeng Demon Emperor sneered, "Wuxiang Zhizun has more eyesight, knowing that I am not weaker than the ancient emperor."

Lei Yin Zhizun frowned, "The Wuxiang Zhizun, do you know this person?"

Wuxiang Zhizun gave a wry smile, "Endless emptiness, the most arrogant existence, but no one dares to move, I wonder if I can't afford it."

Wuxiang Zhizun looked at Liufeng Demon Emperor again, "Liufeng Demon Emperor should know that our trip is only for the little thief Xiao Yi, but not against you, the demon heavens, and has no intention of offending, so..."

"There is no reason." Liufeng Demon Emperor ran away completely, a huge white light rose instantly, and then swallowed the two and the group.


Endless void.

Xiao Yi leaped quickly among the stars and returned to the blood inflammation world.

Just at this time.

Whoosh... a white streamer chased behind him, and then flashed past, instantly surpassing Xiao Yi, and stopped in front of Xiao Yi.

"Liufeng Demon Emperor?" Xiao Yi's expression was startled.

Wow...a ray of white light swallowed Xiao Yi instantly.

Xiao Yi frowned, but he was not a little frightened. He did not see the slightest killing intent in the eyes of the Liufeng Demon Emperor.

Around, white light lingers.

The figure of the Liufeng Demon Emperor walked slowly, but was ten steps away, kneeling down on his knees.

Those jealous eyes stared at Xiao Yi tightly, "After waiting for such a long time, I am finally waiting."

Xiao Yi frowned.

Within the white light package, no one knew what had happened.

Outside, there is still a void and darkness.

Until an hour later.

Within the white light, Xiao Yi looked a little inexplicable, but nodded.

Liufeng Demon Emperor whispered, "When you are ready, call me at any time."

"This endless void, in terms of speed, the supreme is not as good as me, I will be by your side in no time."

"Even if you pay your life, it will help you regain everything and take control of everything."


Third more.

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