Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 822: Good tune

Chu Rou gently caressed the piano, her hands slowly passing by, as soft as water.

Looking at Xiao Yi with indifferent eyes, he smiled slowly.

"It's worthy of being a fierce little thief, with amazing fighting power."

"Although, watching you be surrounded and beaten, I don't want to take action, to deceive more and less."

"But I can't watch the atrocities of the little thief and continue."

Chu Rou's words were very light, but they were very clear.

"Do you want to stop me?" Xiao Yi said indifferently, and looked at his bound arm.

An invisible force is wrapping around his arm.

"Broken." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

With a slight force on his arm, he broke the restraint easily.


An invisible piano sound hit instantly.

Xiao Yi's arm was bound again.

Whoosh... On the other side, Sect Master of Kuanglan flashed and came quickly.

The goal is the big prince under Xiao Yi's fist.

"Want to hold someone in my hand?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

The arm shook, and the shackles were easily shaken again.

Clank... clank...

Strands of the piano sounded continuously.

Curvy piano sound, melodious and moving.

Xiao Yi fell into it for a moment.

That kind of feeling is not disgusting, let alone discomfort.

On the contrary, it makes people feel clear, as light as Zhishui.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes, and instantly recovered from his absence.

In front of him, the big prince who had been under his fist had been taken away by Sect Master Kuanglan.

"What tune is that?" Xiao Yi asked, looking at Chu Rou.

Chu Rou smiled faintly and said, "Yun Dan."

"Yun Dan." Xiao Yi muttered to himself and nodded.

"Little thief, do you think you have no intention to fight now?" Chu Rou asked softly.

Xiao Yi nodded.

"Then, maybe we can talk now." Chu Rou smiled.

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Yi asked.

Chu Rou smiled lightly, "Many, such as..."

"Bench, hand, just, catch." Chu Rou paused.

"To be honest, I'd rather fight you fair, young thief."

"It's just that within the Holy Land, time is limited."

"So, please ask the little thief to stop obediently, let me wait for the capture first."

"Heh." Xiao Yi snorted, "Qin-type martial arts souls are rare and unpredictable."

"It's just that you can't help me with your half-step celestial cultivation base."

"What? Half-step celestial pole?" The eldest prince, Yu Feng and others looked at Chu Rou in surprise.

The eldest prince, half-step celestial cultivation base, has always regarded himself as the first arrogant of the wind holy region.

Yu Feng, the nine layers of the earth, although not as good as the prince, but in the eyes of outsiders, it has always been as famous as Chu Rou.

But now it seems that Chu Rou's strength is obviously stronger than them.

"I just broke through a few days ago, but I didn't like those false names, so I didn't announce it." Chu Rou explained casually.

After that, his indifferent gaze turned to Sect Master Kuanglan.

"Sect Master Kuanglan, it's up to you to take down the little thief."

"Don't worry." Sect Master Kuanglan nodded.

Of the 8 people here, 7 are all Tianjiao.

Only the Sect Master of Kuanglan is a senior and a veteran Celestial One Heavy.

Whoosh... Sect Master Kuanglan shot instantly and slapped it with a palm.

The palm of the wind, like waves, is terrifying.

"Little thief, I heard that you have killed the celestial two-tier powerhouse."

"I wonder if you really have such a skill."

Boom... Sect Master Kuanglan slapped.

Xiao Yiyi was not afraid, and blasted out with a punch.

Bang... a loud noise.

The fists and palms blasted, and a torrent of weather broke out.

The remaining wind and Qin Hongyi not far from the side were blown away directly under this remaining power.

The next second, kick... kick... kick...

Sect Master Kuanglan was shocked to take a few steps back.

"It's amazing." Sect Master Kuanglan's expression changed, "This kid definitely has the strength of the celestial pole or higher."

"No wonder the prince and others are not his opponents."

"Sect Master Kuanglan just takes the shot." From behind, Chu Rou said softly.

Sect Master Kuanglan frowned when he heard the words, then nodded.

Whoosh... Sect Master Kuanglan, shot again.

A fierce and astonishing palm wind blasted out again.

Xiao Yiyi was not afraid, and was about to block it with a punch.


Clank... clank...

With the sound of the piano, Xiao Yi's expression suddenly changed.

The original punching movement was actually a little slow.

But fortunately, he reacted very quickly, and he was still able to block the palm of the Sect Master of the Storm.

However, it was also clear that his hurried punch failed to repel the Sect Master of the Waves.

Xiao Yi's face was slightly ugly.

The sound of Chu Rou's piano made him completely devoid of fighting spirit, and no desire to fight at all.

This looks nothing.

But in fact, Xiao Yi's punch was because of the sound of the piano, which caused his heart to suddenly want to take it back.

I want to punch my fist, but I want to withdraw my thoughts.

This caused his fighting movements to be somewhat uncoordinated.

This is also the reason that the punch just a little bit slower.

The sound of the piano kept coming.

Xiao Yi's heart became more and more unable to raise the desire to fight; his hands and feet became increasingly uncoordinated.

Sect Master Kuanglan, a storm-like attack, is coming.

Xiao Yi had to forcefully rely on his superior fighting consciousness and stalemate with it.

Moreover, after all, Xiao Yi's physical strength is already the celestial triple; it is not difficult to deal with a celestial primordial sect master.

Suddenly, Chu Rou in the distance suddenly changed her way of touching the piano.

The original plundering piano has become Hengqin.

The sound of the piano came and changed its meaning.

"This..." Almost the moment when the sound of the piano came, Xiao Yi's face suddenly became hard to look.

The hands that fought against the Sect Master of Kuanglan suddenly became weak.

No, to be precise, it was his attack that suddenly became soft and light.

Bang... a loud noise.

Xiao Yi was directly blasted back by Sect Master Kuanglan.

"Little thief," Chu Rou smiled lightly in the distance, "This is the second song, whose name is Fengqing."

Boom... Another loud noise.

Sect Master Kuanglan shook Xiao Yi back again and again.

"Little thief, it's really difficult." In the distance, Chu Rou smiled, and the piano in her hand changed again.

The sound of the piano is very pleasant.

But Xiao Yi didn't want to appreciate it.

Because he found that his body was once again bound by some invisible force.

His hands and feet seemed to be bound by invisible ‘lines’.

His movements began to slow down.

"This is the third tune. The young thief has just heard it. It is called Fengzhi."


Sect Master Kuang's storm attacked Xiao Yi heavily.

Xiao Yi directly spit out a mouthful of blood and was blasted for a hundred meters.

Clank... clank...

The tune changes again.

"This is the fourth tune, the young thief, it's time to lose." Chu Rou smiled lightly, "The tune, the name calls the battle."

Xiao Yi's movements completely became extremely slow.

Sect Master of Kuang Tide sneered, palm wind in his hands, continuous shots, palms deadly.


Xiao Yi could hardly fight back and was shocked to retreat step by step.

In the distance, Chu Rou was stern and violent, looking at Chu Rou in surprise.

"The clouds are light and the wind is light, and the wind stops fighting. You have learned the four great violin skills that have been passed down by the Wind Zhizong for countless years.

"The Master of Li Fengxing subordinates is absurdly praised." Chu Rou smiled faintly, "Compared with your impressive record, this little girl is not worth mentioning."

When Li Fengxing was about to say something, his face suddenly changed.

"Oh, it seems that it is really not worth mentioning." Fengxing smiled sharply, and then his face was astonishing.

"Huh?" Chu Rou followed her gaze.

In the distance, the Sect Master of Kuanglan, who had defeated Xiao Yi steadily, had already been held by Xiao Yi's throat and could not move.

"How is it possible." Chu Rou's expression has always been indifferent, and it became ugly.

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled coldly, "The tune is good, but the opponent is too weak."

The indifferent words caused Chu Rou's face to change drastically.

Ahead, Xiao Yi's breath has completely changed.

The fighting spirit is overwhelming, and the killing intent is surging.

"What a terrifying fighting intent, such a terrible killing intent, completely ignoring the sound of my piano, is this guy a monster?" Chu Rou didn't realize that her body trembled slightly.


Third more.

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