Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 842: How big is the small world?

Xiao Yi thought.

Palace Master Duanmu didn't say anything to interrupt, and power continued to spread from his hands.

After a while, Xiao Yi opened his mouth, "Hall Master Duanmu, can I ask about the cultivation after the Heavenly Extreme Realm?"

"The pinnacle of the earth controls 90% of the martial arts power."

"The celestial realm controls ten percent of the martial arts power, which is already a complete martial arts; what about afterwards?"

"This martial art can no longer continue to practice?"

"I always feel that even with my current cultivation level, the end of the long martial arts road is still far away from me."

Xiao Yi's expression became a little confused.

After the celestial pole, after the complete martial arts, what is it?

"Hehe." Duanmu Temple Master smiled and said, "A complete martial arts, if it reaches ten percent, then it is complete."

"But that doesn't mean you can't continue to practice."

"It does not mean that it is the end."

"The martial arts of heaven and earth are all-encompassing and contain everything in this world."

"Thousands of martial arts, you only control one of them, so do you think about the end of the martial arts road?"

"Huh?" Xiao Yi heard the words, and the confusion on his face gradually disappeared.

"I understand."

"Well, very good." Duanmu Palace Master smiled with satisfaction, "Guiding you this kind of Tianjiao who can get through at one point is really easy."

Having said that, Palace Master Duanmu glanced at Palace Master Feng, and said lightly, "I remember, when Feng Old Man pointed to Li Feng Xing; that Li Feng Xing was as stupid as a pig, and was confused for a long time.

The Master of the Wind Palace curled his lips, and the next second, he looked straight at Xiao Yi.

"The way of martial arts after the celestial realm is to continue to pursue and control other martial arts."

"After changing to someone else, other Tianjiao, after hearing that even if they control a complete martial arts, they are still just a drop in the ocean of countless martial arts in this vast world."

"Everyone feels lost, powerless, and even fearful."

"And you, apart from a little confusion, there is nothing else, and you can even break free from the confusion easily."

The Master of the Wind Palace increased his tone, "Boy, you can have this performance; or, you are a fool and don't understand at all."

"Either, your mind and receptivity are so strong that you reacted instantly."

"Obviously, you are not a fool; as for your mind, strong is strong, but you can't do it like old guys like me, calm and calm."

"Then there is only one possibility left..."

The Master of the Wind Palace stared at Xiao Yi, "You are very confident, no matter how difficult the road of martial arts in the future is, you don't care at all."

"I really don't understand, at your age, where does this incredible confidence come from?"

"The vast martial arts, in your eyes, is it so easy?"

Xiao Yi smiled faintly, "The Master of the Palace of Wind is serious."

"I just feel that if I don't even have confidence in myself, how can I go on this road of martial arts?"

"Furthermore, the road of martial arts, it is not this world that forces you to go."

"But from the moment I became a warrior, I was destined to keep going."

"It is the warrior himself who longs to go to the end of the road of martial arts, longing to one day be above the world."

"Since I chose the path myself, why not be confident?"

"Well, very good." The Master of the Wind Palace nodded, "The long road to martial arts, many warriors forget their original intentions in the middle and walk passively."

"You can still remember the meaning of warriors, it's really good."

"It's just that I always feel that your incomparable confidence is too arrogant."

"It's that I don't like your arrogance, but it's too crazy, for fear of hurting yourself."

The tone of the Master of the Wind Palace was a bit inexplicable, and a bit earnest.

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled faintly, "When people know that they have no retreat and have no choice, it would be a bargain to do many things that have to be done just by hurting oneself."

"You..." The Master of the Wind Palace wanted to say something.

Duanmu Palace Master interrupted, "Old Feng, you only talk a lot."

"Boy, what you should do now is to choose your first complete martial arts."

"Yes." Xiao Yi narrowed his mind.

Palace Master Duanmu is guiding him, his mind should be put on cultivation.

Xiao Yi continued to ask, "If the cultivation in the celestial extreme realm is to pursue other martial arts."

"So, where does the strength of the Celestial Realm martial artist come from?"

"After all, the power of martial arts cannot be superimposed; an ultimate martial arts should be the peak strength of this martial artist."

As we all know, the power of martial arts cannot be superimposed.

Therefore, no matter how many types of martial arts practitioners, apart from a little more means, their fundamental strength will not change much.

So, when an ultimate martial art has appeared.

What is the point of practicing other martial arts?

Palace Master Duanmu nodded and said, "This is why I make you need to choose carefully."

"The power of martial arts cannot be superimposed; but... the domain can be superimposed."

"The superposition of fields?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Yes." Duanmu Palace Master explained, "The reason why martial arts power cannot be superimposed is because it is the power of heaven and earth."

"But the field is different."

"The domain is the warrior's own means and the warrior's own power."

Xiao Yi's eyes lit up, "I know, ten percent martial arts domain; the celestial realm powerhouse, in the form of domain, completely transforms ten percent martial arts into his own power."

"Since it's own power, it can stack up."

"Smart." The Duanmu Palace Master nodded.

"However, this kind of superposition is divided into primary and secondary; you must have a strong enough ultimate martial arts domain to carry other martial arts domains."

"In short, the cultivation after the celestial realm is divided into primary and secondary."

"Your first complete martial art is the master martial art."

"In the future, you will control the second complete martial art, the third, the fourth, and more."

"All need to be under the load of the first complete martial art."

"Actually, there is still a long discussion about cultivation after the celestial realm; but I think, with your talents, I will guide you casually, you should already understand."

Xiao Yi smiled, "I understand, just wait for a later breakthrough."

"Okay, very good." Duanmu Palace Master smiled with satisfaction.

But after a while, the Duanmu Palace Master frowned, "By the way, boy, I have already input a lot of vitality into your body."

"Normally, the warriors at the top of the earth should have broken through long ago, and you still have no signs."

"Um." Xiao Yi smiled awkwardly, "The little world of the kid is a little big."

"The small world is big?" The Duanmu Palace Lord wrinkled, increasing the output of Yuanli.

Half an hour later, the Duanmu Palace Master looked a little ugly, "Boy, with my cultivation base, I have been able to output Yuanli for so long."

"Even the small world of the peerless Tianjiao level has already broken through."

After another half an hour, Xiao Yi still had no signs of breakthrough.

Duanmu Palace Master gritted his teeth, "Boy, how big is your little world?"

"For such a long time, even ten vigorous actions can break through, you..."

The Master of the Wind Palace said in a deep voice, "Perhaps he has just gone through many battles, and his body's qi spring and small world energy are all in a state of exhaustion."

Palace Master Duanmu glared at him and said, "As you know, old man Feng is still stunned? Can't you come to help?"

The Master of the Wind Palace walked to Xiao Yi's side with a black thread, stretched out a palm, and put it on Xiao Yi's shoulder.


Second more.

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