Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 847: Set off, leave Fengsheng Mountain Cliff

Wind holy mountain cliff.

Xiao Yi's face was pale and silent.

His eyes have been looking into the distance.

Palace Master Duanmu frowned and said, "Old man Feng, didn't you say that this kid is okay?"

"Why are you stupidly stunned now, maybe something is wrong with your mind, right?"

The Master of the Wind Palace shook his head, "I didn't check anything wrong."

Duanmu Palace Lord just wanted to say something.

Xiao Yi stood up and said softly, "Hall Master Duanmu, I'm fine."

The complexity on his face and the indifference in his eyes have disappeared.

Instead, the indifferent look of the past.

"It's okay." Duanmu Palace Master smiled. Suddenly, his face changed, and he said in shock, "Oh, you kid, what kind of martial arts did you break through just now?"

"You can run so far directly with your mind."

"Old man Feng told me before that the place just now is far away from here."

"If you don't follow your martial arts trajectory; normally, even our cultivation base can't make our mind go to such a remote place."

"It's also because of this that the vitality that Old Man Feng and I entered into your body were consumed so quickly."

"Now, your cultivation base has fallen back to the top of the earth."

"Can you perceive the power of rules that I have imprinted between the sky and the earth?"

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Hallmaster Duanmu don't have to worry."

"I have already sensed the power of that rule, and I have already connected it."

"Boy is ready to go."

"Go? So fast?" The Duanmu Palace Master was taken aback, frowning, "You are now damaged. It's better to stay for a while, and it's not too late to leave when your mind recovers."

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "No, I have something to do in a hurry."

"Don't worry about the ten days and a half months." Duanmu Palace Master said.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "It's not a short distance from here to the real Middle Domain, and it should take a lot of time."

"I can cultivate on the way."

"This..." Duanmu Palace Master hesitated, "Going all the way, you must pass through a million mountains and a hundred thousand dangerous places. It's not easy..."

"Okay Duanmu." The Master of Wind Palace interrupted, "Who is this kid, you still don't know?"

"Except for those shameless older generations who can bully him and oppress him, who can do him?"

"It's dangerous to go this way, but it's not a big deal for him."

"Humph." The Duanmu Palace Master snorted coldly, "I remember someone was a shameless old generation of strong men before and forcibly oppressed."

"I feel so embarrassed to speak."

The Master of the Wind Palace curled his lips and said no more.

"Heh." Xiao Yi looked at the two and smiled.

In the Naya space just now, he clearly saw that the cooperation between the Master of the Wind Palace and the Master of Duanmu was almost perfect.

There is no doubt that these two must have fought side by side many times.

In addition, the two said that they had been to Zhongyu and helped each other.

It is not difficult to imagine that when these two were young, they must have spent a wonderful and prosperous time in Zhongyu.

"The two hall masters, the kid is leaving." Xiao Yi arched his hands and saluted the two.

The host of Duanmu Palace waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be polite, nothing more, since you have gone and decided, I won't stay too much."

"Before I leave, I will ask you a few more words."

Duanmu Palace Master paused, looked at Xiao Yi a few times, and said seriously, "Although I don't know what martial art you broke through just now."

"But I remind you, when your own cultivation level truly reaches the celestial realm, you must never break through this martial art."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi asked puzzledly, "Why?"

"The first martial art is very important, and it will also carry the second, third... and even more martial art in the future."

"Shouldn't it be the stronger the better?"

The Lord Duanmu nodded and said, "Normally, the stronger the better."

"The stronger the first complete martial art, the more martial art can be carried later, and the stronger the strength it can exert."

"It's just that your martial art just now was too strong."

"Cultivation after the celestial realm is not just as simple as controlling the first martial art and continuing to control the second martial art."

"Every subsequent martial art needs to fit in with the first martial art."

"In short, it is not a mere superposition."

"The stronger your first martial art, the more difficult it will be for your subsequent cultivation."

Palace Master Duanmu slowed down, his face solemnly said, "I can assure you, if you really dare to use the martial arts just now as the first breakthrough martial arts."

"It will be difficult for you to cultivate after the first tier of the sky."

Xiao Yi nodded when he heard the words, and probably understood what Duanmu Palace Master meant.

The Duanmu Palace Master said solemnly, "In short, think about it yourself."

"No one knows himself better than himself."

"You are still a while away from the celestial realm; when you are about to enter the celestial realm, you will feel something yourself."

"By then, think clearly for yourself."

"Yes, Palace Master Xie Duanmu reminded." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Okay, that's all." The Duanmu Palace Master said in a deep voice, raising his hand and pointing to the front.

"Out of this wind sacred mountain cliff, all the way forward, is the road to the middle domain."

"You follow the power of my rules, but you won't get lost in the road."

"Go ahead."

"Yes, my boy said goodbye." Xiao Yi saluted the two again.

Then, the figure flashed and disappeared in place.

In front, a streamer leaps forward quickly.

But for a long time, it has gone thousands of miles away and disappeared in the eyes of the two.

On the huge cliff of Fengsheng Mountain, there are only two of Duanmu Palace Master and Fengdian Master.

On the top of the cliff, the mountain wind blows from time to time.

The Lord Duanmu took a deep breath and shook his head.

Palace Master Feng chuckled, "What's the matter with Duanmu?"

"It's not the first time that you have led the way for others. This is the first time that I have seen you tell a young man so many times and care so much."

"When I parted, I still reluctant to give up."

"I don't know." Duanmu Palace Master shrugged, "I just think, this kid is very different."

"Why is it different?" The Wind Palace Master asked in confusion.

"I don't know." Duanmu Palace Master shook his head, "Anyway, I feel this kid is very good, very good, I want to help."

"No, maybe, he..."

Duanmu Palace Master paused, not knowing how to describe this feeling.

"Poor, right?" The Master of the Wind Palace said.

"Yeah." Palace Master Duanmu nodded and said, "At a young age, there are enemies all over the world."

"Obviously, I have never provoked anyone, but there are always countless people who want his life."

"Unfortunately, such a young man is able to persevere; even with blood and killing, he retaliated all his enemies."

"The most important thing is that he is young and mature; next year he will be young, but he seems to have carried a lot of burdens."

"He is very good, very good, so I want to help him."

"Heh." The Master of the Wind Palace smiled, "Duanmu, this is really the first time I have seen you describe a young man with so many words."

"So what?" Duanmu Palace Master smiled bitterly, "If I didn't guess wrong, the strong man in that distant place before is the enemy of that kid."

"The distant place should be somewhere in the middle area."

"It's not difficult to guess that the means of the strong man is an extremely powerful force."

"You and I know how terrible the real middleland is."

"Those real big powers, big sects, are passed on for hundreds of thousands of years, even millions of years."

"Being watched by those forces, that kid is in danger, but he still has to go, alas."

Duanmu Palace Master sighed heavily.

"Not necessarily." The Master of the Palace of Wind smiled, "What will happen to that kid in the future depends on his own ability."

"Oh?" Duanmu Palace Master said softly.

"The real Middle Domain is indeed terrifying, but it is also extremely wonderful." The Master of the Palace of Wind smiled.

"Different from ordinary areas, the ancient palaces are uneven."

"In the real Middle Territory, the eight ancient palaces are gathered, and those big forces don't dare to mess around."

"You checked that kid, you know, that kid has no power behind him."

"In other words, he has reached the level of cultivation and strength that he is today, step by step, based on his own ability."

"You can imagine how amazing his growth rate will be when he really goes to such wonderful places; when he has enough power to train him, his growth rate will be amazing."

"Oh?" Duanmu Palace Master's eyes lit up.

The Master of the Wind Palace smiled, "I have a feeling. It won't be long before this kid will make the entire Middle Territory boil."


Third more.

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