Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 861: Promise Realm Monster

"On the sub-sacred instrument, there is a defensive prohibition."

"Although the fire demon is powerful, it is still possible to resist one or two."

"Brothers Xiao Yi and I will wipe out the fire demon's intelligence as soon as possible. Be careful."

Before Tang Sha left, he solemnly exhorted, and then Yukong flew away.

On the huge ship, the second prince snorted coldly, "Huh, it's strange to believe you."

"Second prince..." several warriors behind him hesitated, "Brother Tang Sha always speaks out, we believe..."

"What do you believe?" the second prince said coldly, "the two of them are going to die, we will wait for death here, right?"

"Hmph, I have a bodyguard given by my father."

"Later, those two will provoke the fire demon and attract the fire demon."

"I tried to forcibly break the flame barrier, you master the sub-sacred artifact, and rush out with me."


On the other side, Xiao Yi moved extremely fast and headed for the huge volcano.

The closer you get, the more amazing the flames rushing towards your face.

Gradually, even he felt hot and uncomfortable.

That kind of extreme hot aura can never be emitted by ordinary flames.

Strands of cold and ice aura overflowed from the body to resist these flame auras.

"It's a strong flame." Xiao Yi frowned.

He couldn't tell how this intense flame smell felt.

It's not like a powerful flame in the world, but it's incredibly powerful and amazing.

Originally, when he attacked the flame barrier before, he could try to use boiling fire to burn the iceberg and the sea of ​​fire, and fight with all his strength.

Maybe it can blast open the flame barrier.

But the boiling fire burns the elemental power too fast. Once the elemental power is exhausted, even if the flame barrier breaks open, it cannot resist the fire demon's pursuit.

Now that he felt this strange and powerful flame breath at close range, he was even more grateful that he was cautious just now.

With such a powerful flame aura, the flame range controlled by this fire demon is absolutely extremely wide.

It is very likely that he cannot escape this range after breaking the barrier.

Swish...Beside, a yellow sand appeared out of thin air.

The yellow sand was scattered, revealing Tang Sha's figure.

"Brother Xiao Yi." Tang Sha yelled.

Xiao Yi nodded.

Boom... At the same time, a huge flame palm came.

The huge body of the fire demon is slow and slow, but the reaction is not slow, and the ability and speed of controlling the flame is even more amazing.

"Brother Xiao Yi, be careful." Tang Sha exclaimed.

In the hands, a puff of yellow sand will condense out.

"Don't move, just rush over." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.


The palm of the flame that hit, all collapsed.

The two of them went straight through the collapsed flame, a few flashes, and came to the volcano.

Whoosh... Xiao Yi jumped in first.

Tang Sha followed closely.

After waiting to jump into the huge crater, the two people found that there was a cave inside.

Inside a normal volcano, there must be a billowing molten lava and flames.

But here, except for the molten lava at the very center, there are densely scorched black rocks around the stone walls.

The entire volcanic crater has a huge range, probably no less than hundreds of miles, or even larger.

And these scorched black rocks are stacked all the way, like ‘corridors’.

Step... step...

Xiao Yi and Tang Sha fell steadily on the rock.

Xiao Yi touched the rock wall, and the charred rock was hard and hot.

Tang Sha looked around and exclaimed, ""

The scorched rock extends regularly in this huge crater.

These ‘corridor’-like rocks lie crisscross among the volcanoes.

Below the feet, there is hot molten slurry.

"It's just like a cave mansion here." Tang Sha exclaimed.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "The fire demon's intelligence was born from a rock."

"Even though it has shaped the body of flames, it will instinctively create rocks."

"Perhaps, in its view, more rocky breath can make it more comfortable."

"Be careful, it's earth-based wise, so it also has a strong ability to manipulate rocks."

"Everything here, whether it is magma or stone walls, is under its control."

After all, Xiao Yi moved forward quickly.

Most of the most important spiritual wisdom of the fire demon is definitely in the lava at the most center.

Tang Sha quickly followed and hesitated, "Brother Xiao Yi...Are you not afraid of this fire demon?"

"Afraid?" Xiao Yi paused and chuckled, "I said, Huo Demon is just a special monster."

"And I, the least afraid of it, is the monster."

After all, Xiao Yi speeded up again.

Tang Sha was stunned, and quickly followed.

He didn't see it, Xiao Yi's expression suddenly became serious.

Xiao Yi said lightly, but in fact he was not at all relaxed.

After he stepped into the crater, the extreme flame breath and the uncomfortable hotness became more obvious.

A feeling of uneasiness suddenly came to my heart.

The two went all the way, hundreds of miles away, with their cultivation base and speed, but in a flash.

"I'm going to the center soon, get ready." Xiao Yi stopped and exhorted.

At the feet of the two, there is still a charred rock.

And the front, before long, is the center area, where only boiling molten slurry is left.

"Brother Xiao Yi." Tang Sha frowned, "You just said that everything here is under the control of the fire demon."

"But don't you think it's too easy for us to come all the way?"

"Never encountered a half-point attack or block."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled faintly, "The central area, under the hot molten slurry, contains most of the main intelligence of the fire demon."

"It controls the molten volcano there."

"It wants us to come to it."

"In simpler terms, it's easier to kill us here than the slow flame body outside."

"So that's it." Tang Sha suddenly said, "This monster's intelligence is cunning enough."

"Let's go." Xiao Yi said, after a few flashes, he came to the center, and jumped off the molten surface below.

A sword gas cleaved out of his hand, instantly stirring up a wave of magma.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

In addition to the extremely high temperature, the molten smelt here also carries a heavy earth attribute atmosphere, which is extremely heavy.


Xiao Yi burst out dozens of sword qi in a row, and the molten slurry was instantly agitated.

The entire surface of the molten slurry was tumbling.

"Brother Xiao Yi, what are you doing?" Tang Sha asked suspiciously.

"Forcing that Lingzhi to come out." Xiao Yi said solemnly.

"Thunder is broken." Xiao Yi punched out with all his strength.

Boom... The entire surface of the molten slurry was heavily blasted with a huge fist mark.

Within a moment, the volcano was shaking.

A huge wave of molten lava swept up.

"So strong." Tang Sha looked at the sudden violent breath around him, startled.

"Huh?" Tang Sha looked at the surrounding gaze, and suddenly settled.

In the distance, in the tumbling molten slurry, a huge wave of molten slurry fell, with a pop, as if a certain restriction was broken.

A thick flame aura dissipated, revealing a huge white ship inside.

"Huh? That was..." Tang Sha's expression was startled.

On the huge ship, there are dozens of women, struggling to support the defensive prohibition.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi also discovered the distant situation.

"Brother Xiao Yi, those costumes, if you guessed it correctly, they are warriors in the Flower Saint Region."

Below, in the tumbling molten slurry, a flame body slowly emerged.

"Are you out?" Xiao Yi stared down, narrowing his eyes.

In the distance, an eager voice came from the giant white ship, "Run, that monster is Promise..."

"What?" Xiao Yi's expression changed.

"Haha, none of them can escape." The flame body slowly emerged in the lava, laughing grinningly.


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