Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 894: Mysterious Man Appears

The surging weather conditions swept the entire sky.

The aura of the young man in Huafu was instantly oppressed and collapsed.

"How is it possible, so strong momentum." The young man's expression changed.

The terrifying turbulent weather forcefully oppressed him.

"Break it for me." The young man shouted.

The momentum of his body has soared again.

The momentum that had already crossed the Promise Realm, soared all the way at this moment.

His strength is really strong.

Under the half-step Promise Realm cultivation base, the aura that erupts now is far inferior to the previous six Yinda people combined.

Obviously, he has used the secret method.

As a great power of Tianjiao, his secret method must be against the sky.

Xiao Yi frowned, and he even dared to be sure that the explosive strength of this young man was enough to kill the sixth person in a second.

The true Tianjiao has the ability to leapfrog.

And the more evil this Tianjiao is, the more terrifying its ability to leapfrog battle.

The young man broke out again.

High in the sky, the two auras also fell into a deadlocked confrontation again.

However, it is unknown how long this stalemate can last.

Because, the momentum of the two people is still soaring all the way at this moment, without stopping.

Time gradually passed, a few minutes later.

The two auras in the high sky have grown to envelope the entire vast forest.

At this moment, everyone in the forest clearly felt an unstoppable pressure.

The weaker ones even vomit blood directly and their faces are pale.

Those who are more powerful are also uncomfortable under pressure, and even bend down under pressure.

It was another minute later.

The two auras in the sky finally stopped soaring.

At this time, the two surging weather conditions have turned into two huge vortexes that obscure the sky and the sun.

The fierce confrontation was still neighing.

The momentum of the two has reached its peak.

This also proves that the two of them are about to make swords.

"This sword is my strongest sword."

"If you can't stop it, then die."

The golden sword in the young man's hand was slightly raised.

In the next second, a sword struck.

The sword fell, and the momentum in the sky also fell with the sword in an instant.

That surging weather situation turned into a shocking sword power in an instant.

The sword came out, and the momentum followed the sword, unparalleled in power, and blasted straight towards Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's embarrassed and miserable face was extremely indifferent, "This is your strongest sword."

"But my sword hasn't stopped."

Xiao Yi also raised the Leng Yan sword in his hand.

However, the light of the Leng Yan sword at this moment is still brighter.

The sword fell, the high sky belonged to his surging weather, and it also fell with the sword.

"All, not enough." Xiao Yi let out a low voice.

The light of Leng Yanjian shone to the extreme in an instant.

In the sword, an extremely cold white breath burst out in an instant.

The high air momentum that went down with the sword ran away instantly.

When the sword came out, what the Jianfeng pointed at, everything turned into nothingness under the cold white light.

The surging weather of the young man swinging his sword disappeared in an instant.

"What, how is it possible." The young man's face was horrified.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and the sword's edge slashed hard.

At that moment, the whole world was white.

Even Xiao Yi himself didn't know what happened.

All the power of Leng Yanjian fell with his sword power, and this power was beyond his control.

"The battle is over." Xiao Yi muttered to himself and breathed a sigh of relief.

He just wanted to fall down and rest immediately.

After repeated battles, all of which exceeded his own tolerance, his mind was already extremely tired.

However, his voice just fell.

In the sky, a blast of thunder appeared instantly.

"Yes, the battle really should be over."

A middle-aged man fell quickly from the sky.

The strong arm stretched out slowly, then squeezed hard.

The surging weather, instantly disappeared without a trace under this pinch.

The whole world of Yibai immediately recovered calm and normal.

Ahead, the young man was already kneeling on one knee, his face was pale, he was sweating profusely, and was panting heavily.

In front of him, a middle-aged man stood in front of him.

"Young Palace Master." The middle-aged man said respectfully.

After all, the middle-aged man looked at Xiao Yi with a gloomy look.

"It's you?" Xiao Yi's face changed suddenly when he saw the face of the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man is the mysterious middle-aged man who appeared on the dangerous volcano before.

"Boy, I said, if you dare to move on, you will die."

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and stretched out his powerful arm slowly.

A cold breath immediately surrounded Xiao Yi's body.


In the vast forest, whether it is the Tianjiao scattered around the forest, or the Tianjiao gathered together, everyone is breathing hard at this moment.

The two turbulent weather conditions just now made them feel uncomfortable.

"What's the matter?" Tang Sha frowned.

"The two auras just now only appeared high in the sky, and they were so oppressive that we could not resist."

"If it really falls, I am afraid that a little bit can crush us."

"What happened, how could there be such a terrible momentum."

He Liang said in a deep voice, "The two auras just now are clearly in a state of confrontation."

"This proves that a terrifying battle is taking place in the forest."

"And the entire forest, apart from our local Tianjiao, there are only those cruel black warriors."

"The fighting will break out, and only both of us."

"Could it be that... Brother Xiao Yi." Tang Sha's expression changed drastically.

Tang Sha closed his eyes and felt it, "This aura has enveloped the entire forest just now. As long as we pursue it, we will definitely find Brother Xiao Yi."

"This..." Tianjiao around him hesitated.

"What?" Tang Sha was puzzled.

"Tang Sha." Several Tianjiao frowned, "The two auras just broke out so powerfully."

"Prove that even if it is really your Xiao Yi brother who broke out in battle with others, the level of battle is not something we can participate in."

"Even if we go, we can't help much. It's better to stay where we are."

"You guys." Tang Sha looked cold.

He knew that this was just a matter of fear of death.

"Tang Sha, don't blame us." Several Tianjiao shook their heads.

"We can't participate in the battle at that level."

"If Xiao Yi can win, it is naturally best; if he loses, how is it different from sending us to death?"

Tang Sha shook his head, "You are afraid of death, so stay here."

"In any case, I want to confirm the current situation of Xiao Yi brothers."

After that, Tang Sha's figure flashed and left in an instant.

"Tang Sha, wait for me, I will go too." Girl Ning's figure flashed, and instantly followed.

The rest of the Tianjiao around him remained unmoved.

He Liang and Han Ye glanced at each other and nodded, "Let's go too."

The next second, the two of them also kept up.


Second more.

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