Soul Evolution System

Chapter 11 VS Goblin settlement (Part 3)

"Aauch !!"

"Don't move, it hurts because you're moving"

"No, I don't think that's why ... it must be because you're tightening too much"

At Kurisu's insistence, she is threatening the wound on my forehead. I had told her that I was fine since it stopped bleeding, but because of her insistence now she was bandaging my head. To be honest this hurt it more than the pain the wound caused me, but let's not waste her good intentions...


[Alexander level up to 10]

[Kurisu level up to 9]

Suddenly I felt some kind of energy entering my body, until now I hadn’t felt this way. I knew that every time I level up logically I was strengthening myself, but I thought it was something that went unnoticed. On this occasion I could feel the energy entering my body and going all over it completely filling me with strength.

[That's because you entered level 10, every ten levels are like small limits and by crossing them it creates such feeling. The levels [10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90] are small limits, the [50 and 100] are two big breakpoints]

I see, how strong will I be whit this now? I think the feeling is more of a false perception and it shouldn't have changed so much since the elite goblins in spite of crossing level 10 couldn’t completely suppress me whit their strength.

"Done, this should be fine"

Kurisu speaks satisfied with herself by the first aid application ... the bandage is a little tight. Well, with the potion I apply before it will heal quickly anyway. Do you know the number of goblins we killed in the attack on the cave, Aurora?

[42 normal goblins and 5 elites]

Then we fulfilled the quota for normal goblins and just need one more goblin elite for the 10, the remaining is to end the goblin chief. It is time to finish this and get on the way to realize the mission of registering in the world guild.

"Let´s go Kurisu, we have given them enough advantage so they and don’t notice us following them. I want to attack when the first rays of the sun descend to the ground"

"I get it"

With that said we advanced in the forest, with the map it was not difficult to follow the right direction even at night. We just had to remain alert for any other beast that would take us as an easy prey.

Surely because of the number of goblins walking in the forest form a large group they frightened any possible predator that lurked at night, because we found nothing but small animals and insects. The difficult thing was to walk in an area full of obstacles at night, Kurisu almost fell repeatedly so our speed was slower than during the day.

I thought about lighting a flare to see better, but gave up on the idea not wanting to be discovered, this would be too obvious in the dark without a doubt, so enduring the hardships of the road, we continued moving forward.

About 40 minutes passed and the clarity began to reclaim the territory of the night, in front of us was a small hill that had several cave entrances. In the larger one, two elite goblins were seen watching, acting nervously because from inside the cave roars of fury could be heard.


Whooaa, the leader is in a very bad mood or maybe his wounds hurt ... hehehe, he should be happy to even feel something because I will send him to eternal darkness soon.

So this is the goblin settlement? I expected small cabins or something like that, but I think I gave too much credit to their intelligence.

“Are you ready?"


"Well, finish with the goblin at the entrance"

With my order Kurisu takes position and points to the elite goblin. Seconds later, the first falls immediately after the detonation of the cartridge and the second bullet drowns out the other's shout. The goblin that probably attacked our cave recognized the sound of the fire weapons as a tumult breaks loose inside and they start to get out in clutter.

I get ahead and with my colt I kill anyone who enters my line of sight, there are still a lot of them left, but fear takes hold of them and instead of attacking us they try to spread to the surroundings.


The goblin chief comes out of the cave, he looked exhausted and had lost color turning pale ... it is the bad thing about bullet wounds, if it is not treated and the bullet is removed is difficult to stop the bleeding.

Looking at the situation of the messy group makes his fury rise to another level. It roars again several times, but does not seem to reach the other goblins. Then, infuriate attacks the nearest goblin with his Ax.

"Come on, you can't blame them. Even with low intelligence they know they've lost."

I speak to the Goblin Chief walking towards him, when he hears me it directs his anger to me and takes a step towards in my direction. But when I aim at him with the weapon stops and put the ax as a shield, so he can only roar to vent his anger.

I shoot a bullet and hit the ax shaking it ... well, there is no rule about keeping hitting the same obstacle, right? This time I direct the colt at his feet and he falls on one knee with a new hole in it.


"It's nothing personal, it’s just that our species can't coexist togeth-"

As a desperate means he throws his ax at me, which I evade easily since he had lost most of his strength. I walk towards him who continues to growl whit the knees on the ground to end this with [Black moon], reaching a meter from him I cut off his head.


[Alexander level up to 11]

With this the mission should be completed, I wait for the system notification to continue , but it doesn’t arrive so I review the objectives.


Objective1: Kill 100 monsters belonging to a settlement (100/100) 

Objective2: Kill 10 elite monsters belonging to a settlement (10/10) 

Objective3: Kill 1 Chief of the settlement (1/1)]

Aurora don't tell me that I have to flatten this hill for it to count as destroying the Goblin settlement, isn't that a bit exaggerated?

[No, you just have to look for the crystal that serves as the core of the settlement. It is for this crystal that the goblins can gather in large numbers and grow stronger]

"Kurisu I'm going to enter the cave, stay alert"


After telling her that I proceed to enter the cave, it was a bit dark inside so I light a sparkler, no longer needing to worry about being noticed. I move slowly for any possible surprise inside, following the corridor I find a wider area where there are several goblin taking care of what seems to be young goblins ... when they look at me they run to other corridors moving away quickly.

Well, if they don't attack me, I don't see the need to kill them, I don't find it pleasant to kill unprotected creatures ... I continue searching and finally find what I was looking for. In another breech of the cave with a very faint glow a crystal was positioned in the center of the room surrounded by other objects such as weapons, armor, bones, coins etc.

Is it the same as the crystals I have? Or is it different?

[It's the same, crystals for people are like energy sources, but monsters can absorb that energy because they have an affinity for it. Since it is too large for a single individual to consume, they simply absorb the energy irradiating of this]

Mmmm ... it seems that monsters have it to easier to strengthen than other creatures. I take the crystal in my hands and the robotic system sounds in my head.


[Mission / Optional "Destruction of monster settlement”

Rank: “I”

Description: Exterminate harmful pests for humans. It is always better to reduce the population of monsters to prevent them from getting out of control.


Destroy Monster Settlement 1/1

Kill 100 monsters belonging to a settlement 100/100

Kill 10 elite monsters belonging to a settlement 10/10

Kill 1 head of a settlement 1/1

Failure Condition: Death of The User, Chief of the settlement escapes.

Time Limit: 52hrs:03min: 41seg

Rewards: 1,000x Crystals

10,000x Gold

Skill [Tame-J] ]

[Mission completed

Rating: “S”

Additional rewards: 

1,000x Crystals

10,000x Gold

System function unlocked: Decompose

1x Scroll of Human Transmutation nvl1]

Great, we have finished what had to do in the forest, we can leave and go to the city now. But what is supposed that I do with all of this...

With the crystal still in my hands I look at the objects all around. Can I sell them in the city? Some just look like rusty scrap. Well, don't they say that someone garbage it’s others treasures? Let’s put them in the inventory for now, if I can't get rid of them by selling them I’ll just throw them away later.

It wasn't like I take everything away, I just chose the ones that looked better and take them. I pick up everything that seemed useful in a quick inspection, I finish and leave the cave throwing the sparkler to the side of the entrance. Aurora what are the profits from the expedition to the cave?

[They are: 3 [J-Swords] functional that only need some maintenance.

1 [Shield-J] in the same condition.

5 [Simple Leather Armor-J]

1235x Gold

1 [Ax-J] used by the Goblin Chief

517x Crystals, is the value in normal crystals that acted as the nucleus of the


Most of the objects are probably from adventurers or unfortunate people who fell into the hands of the goblins. You can rest in peace, I will take the objects as a reward for avenging you.

"Let's collect the goblins’ bodies and return to our cave Kurisu"

"Yes, take this, I found it when you left inside"

She replied happily as if she got rid of a weight on her shoulder and extended her hands to give me a wooden chest with some iron inlays. Great, a chest and it seems better than the previous ones. Actually I also find myself in a good mood for all the gains, it seems that killing monsters pays very well.

We take Approximately 30 minutes to reach the cave. All the bodies of the goblins we left were scattered around the cave entrance, I look if there is a chest that has been overlooked due to the darkness, but I didn't find any. What I have is enough, my mood will not be affected by something like that. In the same way we collect everything and without entertaining ourselves too much we go to the town marked in the map.

As we walked I decided to see our "Status" to see the progress we had after completing the mission.



Name: Alexander Ilios Apeiro

Race: Human

Age: 12 years old

Level: 3> 11

Soul Level: 1

Hp: 180/200 Source energy (SE): 0

Strength: J

Resistance: J

Dexterity: J> I

Intelligence: I

Agility: J

Magic: (-)



[Will of the Worlds-SSS] [Soul of the Emperor-J > I] [Blessing of Origin-SSS]

[Interdimensional Inventory-SS] [Evaluation-SSS] [Fire Immunity-S]

[Spiritual Vision-S]


[Stealth-J] [Light feet-J> H] [Cut-J> H] [Thrust-J> I] [Courage J> H] [Roar-J> I] [Shoot-H] (New) [Tame-J] (New)


[Multi-elemental Affinity (Sealed)] [Wings of the Sun (Sealed)]


[Luck-S] [Charm-C] [Swordsman-J> H]

Wives: 0 Lovers: 0 Followers: 0 Summons: 1 Kurisu Makise

Gold: 22,507 Crystals: 2746

Current world: Gaia (Upper World) Area: Inimp


Damn, that's how someone who gets rich from a good business should feel ... but it's a shame that it seems that my statistics didn’t grow. The only one that advanced is dexterity, it seems that it is easier for the skills to develop, or it might be due to my [Blessing of Origin]. I can’t know for sure if my grown is good or not because I don’t have a basis for comparison.

Let's see Kurisu's, although she was not in the frontline of the fight, it cannot be denied that she was very useful with her M-14 rifle and cover fire.



Name: Kurisu Makise

Race: Human

Age: 18 years old

Level: 6 > 9

Soul Level: 1

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (-)

Strength: J

Resistance: J

Dexterity: J

Intelligence: G

Agility: J

Magic: (-)



[Erudite-A] [Prodigy-S] [Apostle of Wisdom-SSS (Sealed)] 


[Analysis-E] [Calculation-A] [Parallel Thought-C] [Shoot-I] (New)

[Magic]: None


[Academics-E] [Sniper-I]

Current world: Gaia (Upper World) Area: Inimp


It is not very different from what I saw at the beginning, she increase 3 levels in addition to gaining the ability to shoot too. What surprises me was that she obtained a development skill related to weapons, or more precisely rifles. Sniper, it fits quite well for her role as a support.


Description: Greater understanding on the use of long range weapons. With it the user is supported with a minimum correction in the adjustment when aiming and thus being able to succeed in shooting at the target.]

"You won two new skills Kurisu"

“Eh, really? Which?"

"Shoot and Sniper, the latter will help you to develop as one as the name implies, the higher the rank of the skill the better you will become”


She nodded happily, it must have been important to have a battle skill for her. Nor would I complain if she just continued to develop on the mental side since when she learns magic she would be a great her help either way.

"How are you, can go on? Don't you want to take a break?"

"Yes, I'm fine thanks"

She didn't seem to lie and be over exerting since her breathing was regular. We had leaved the forest for a couple of hours now and we are walking along a path created by people going from the village to the forest.

We continued walking and the minutes turned into hours, we stopped a little to eat and replenish energies and once full again we keep going. We got distracted talking about what we had lived so far and in this way we get know each other better.

When the sunset came I have in mind looking for a place to spend the night, we should be halfway to the town. Leaving the trail for a few meters we went under a big tree start creating our camp. I buy a tent where we could both sleep comfortably. When I saw Kurisu she blushed a bit, I was expecting for her to ask for another one, but she must have thought it was more secure if we stuck together because she didn’t complain.

For my part, of course I wasn't going to complain neither, so when it was time to sleep after we had dinner, I was a little excited. If I was lucky I wanted to try to hug her while we slept, I wouldn't take things too far just a little skinship should be fine.

But she cruelly broke my illusions when she entered and asked for her sleeping bag ... damn it, I should had put sheets on the floor to avoid needing the sleeping bags ... sadly I also take mine when I give hers, it is not fun to embrace a person wrapped as a caterpillar. That night I slept with melancholy and cursing the sleeping bags.

We wake up next morning and keeping everything away we continue with yesterday's routine, walk and walk. Some hours later we could see in the distance what would surely be the chimneys of the people preparing food. It seems that we are almost there, we should reach in a short time, I doubt that we will continue to the city this same day, we will spend time watching how are the people and customs in this world, we may have to find an inn and I hope they are not full or at least I hope there is an Inn in the village to begin whit, I don't want to have to sleep outdoors today.

"It seems that the town is not far away"

"Yeay, I can sleep in a bed today!!"

"What a coincidence, I was thinking the same ... I hope to sleep in that bed today too"


It's sad that she doesn't understand my joke ... or she may not care? No, I’m sure she didn't get the double meaning. But we reach human territory at least, that is what matters, the rest will happen if it has to happen.

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