Soul Evolution System

Chapter 120 Towards Kinato

It was the afternoon of the day after Iruka-chan and I summoned the monsters, as the reaction of the other people when they heard about this were diverse.

While Iruka-chan's mother did not seem to care how dangerous the creature looked to be near her girl, her brother, on the other hand, I must say that he was more sensible in that aspect and did not take his eyes off from this with a worried face watching as their loved ones happily caressed the Whalligator.

Well, it wasn't just him, the majority who came to see Iruka-chan's new pet didn't want to approach the pool. The only exception to this, is as I mentioned, Haruna who does not mind getting wet to pet a new animal. Another one that didn't express a lot of reaction was Saeko, she didn't seem to fear the monster but I couldn't notice that she wanted to pet it like when she saw Scythe.

As for my harpy, I got a somewhat unexpected comment from most of the girls next to me... something like "Unexpectedly now she's a younger girl." Well, they quickly accepted her and that's why I can't protest about that if this time nobody has any complaints about Vrana.

But there were also two of these girls who were more lively to meet her... no, I should address them as women. It was about Haruna, again, and Shisuka. Perhaps since they are a little older than the rest of my group, they have a higher maternal instinct that was stimulated by Vrana.

Also, it seems that they and the other people in the camp were not very surprised that two monsters that should be strangers to them, appeared... probably their level of tolerance for this had grown due to my plant and Scythe.

Then after introducing all the new monsters that would be in our group and allowing them to interact with them a little to get used to them, the remaining time of that day was used to prepare things for my departure to Kinato.

So on the morning of this day, the group of soldiers that would help me reach my next goal advanced towards Kinato so that we arrived at almost at the same time. How is this you ask? I am happy to answer you, is because I am an important person in the camp and I can go there by helicopter, hahaha.

I have always believed that who says that money and power is something banal, can say that because he already has them and they no longer cause him any sense of emotion or it is because he knows that it is probably almost impossible for him to obtain it and then that is the only way to console yourself.

Many may say that these things do not matter, that health and love are more important, but I simply believe that it would be the same as the second reason, another similar way of comforting yourself. I do not think that to have that you mustn't have money and power, it is not that these things are incompatible.

Also, since in my previous life I was in the second group of people, I can understand that it is better to have those two things than not to have them in the event that you have a problem in health or love... well, that is already a thing from the past, now I can transport myself in helicopter and that is what matters.

Those who will go beside me in this travel would be Scythe, Leona, Rei, Shisuka, Yuriko-san, and Hirano. As would we go to a place where some problems could happen, then the first two would go as my protectors... although I think that lately, the other girls put them more like my observers since they two none can lie well when they are asked something.

Rei and Shisuka accompany me for more personal reasons, the first one had her parents there and that is why upon learning that I was going to Kinato, she did not take long to ask me to take her too. The second had similar reasons since her best friend was there.

Since I did not have something for which I had to deny them this, then I did not hesitate to accept their requests and they may even be able to help me there because of their ties with those people.

"Alex, you have to take care of yourself while there... last time I had a big scare thinking I had lost you, so promise me you'll be much more careful!"

"Don't worry Kurisu, it's not like I go there to cause a conflict ... probably ..."

With everything prepared to leave with the people I said earlier, all the people who had a good relationship with me came to say goodbye to the place we used as a helipad and then when we planned to board the helicopter, Kurisu speaks to me.

I try to reassure her, but my words only seem to make her more anxious .. but I must say that I was speaking with the truth and did not plan to create chaos there.

If it were the opposite, I would have accepted Leona's suggestion when Kinato's group was about to leave. She this time approached me after there was no one from that group nearby and said:

" Master, it is not good to let people who may cause you problems in the future leave, especially if they seem to have great resentment against you.

If you allow me, I can take care of them quickly, I will do it fast so they don't create chaos in your home. "

I was tempted to accept her suggestion, but thinking carefully about it, if she did that and killed them here, that would trigger a problem rather than something beneficial. Unfortunately if they died, then the chaos in Kinato would be much greater and things for me could be more problematic.

On the side of the military for what I have heard they are already divided and if they lose their leader, even if it is only in name, then they would no longer have something to hold them together. Besides, being responsible for their death, the most logical thing is to think that they distrusted me and therefore I cannot recruit them.

As for the politician, this seems to have some influence on citizens. Killing him would only win the resentment of these and allow those under him to fight to be the new leader, the result of all this could only cause great chaos there.

If all that happened, that camp would probably be destroyed and in the end, nobody would get anything... or just the leftovers.

You might think that with the two leaders eliminated, Rei's father could take control and thus make things easier for me to gain command of Kinato, but the most likely thing to happen is that the remaining individuals of the other two factions will bear the blame for all this in the officer Miyamoto.

With all the soldiers and residents because of this being controlled to oppose this group, then they would only have the option to escape from there or be lynched by their fury.

So even though I would really like to get rid of them, especially the silly colonel's son, it was best to treat things differently.

"Kurisu is right, Alex-san. Even if you have Scythe and Leona by your side to help you, you shouldn't be careless… probably that colonel's son is disgusted with you."

"... no, Saeko-senpai. I don't think he's just disgusted with him, I think he should hate Alexander-san from the depths of his being"

When I was in my thoughts, Saeko speaks to me and brings me back from them and then Saya continues after her... the others here must agree with the words of the latter since most nod to this.

"Don't worry, if that guy bothers me again, then he will probably die looking at me while in his head he is thinking how it is that such an important person can die so easily"

"Alexander, you shouldn't joke about killing other people, even if you have differences you should try to fix them ... but if he tries to do something bad to you, it's not bad to defend yourself."

I speak again trying to reassure the girls, but when I finish talking, this time Haruna is the one who takes the floor by telling me something that she probably told all her students before, so I can only make a smile a little bitter for this.

But perhaps because she has also understood that this world is no longer so simple to live civilly, although it is not so direct, I think she tells me that I can kill someone if he causes me problems... or at least I understand it... well, I will take it as she pretended to say that.

"More important than this, Haruna. I'm more worried about Iruka-chan, all of you should make sure you take good care of her when you bring her to the coast to help those who fish there."

Knowing that it might be somewhat awkward to talk about this with Haruna, I decide to change the subject to something I considered important, it was Iruka-chan who had gotten a monster. Since this was a sea creature, the only option to benefit from this was by taking it to the coast.

The problem was that this place could be said to have now become the most dangerous area near the camp, so if Iruka-chan went there it could be somewhat risky. That is why it was better for the stronger girls to accompany and protect her, in this way she would be safe.

This way she could level little because the sea monsters that Whalligator cace, of course, this would also help that it will become more powerful and it can probably help fishermen to increase food obtained on the coast.

But perhaps for that, it is necessary that Iruka-chan and the Walligator can have a better compression between them, besides we have to see how intelligent this monster is.

"Don't worry Alex-san, I'll take care of Iruka-chan"

Upon hearing my request, Saeko is the one who takes the floor on behalf of the others, if she is the one next to Iruka-chan I can be calm, her level may not be very different from the others here, but her weapon it is far superior.

"Alexander-san, Mom, both be very careful when you are in Kinato, please"

"My little Saya has grown up... it's a sad thing to see that she put a boy first in her mind instead of her mother... but don't worry, Mom supports you to find your happiness and also hopes to see her grandchildren soon"

"Mom, what are you saying !!"

The next to speak is Saya who says goodbye to the two of us, so Yuriko-san does not lose the opportunity to make fun of her daughter and because that getting a claim from her.

Apparently, Yuriko-san wanted to get away from MLDW, maybe she wanted to have a change of environment and clear her mind. I've seen her tense lately, so I couldn't deny her request to come and that's why she would be our pilot.

Telling the truth, I had more confidence in this matter of piloting with the other pilot, but I could not complain about having another beautiful woman accompanying me.

"Hirano, you also be careful when you're there ..."

"Asami-san is right, Hirano. You have to be careful since surely Alexander could do something in Kinato and put you all at risk"

Asami, who was also present with her friend Matsushima, speaks with a bit of concern in her voice while putting her eyes on Hirano... maybe her relationship has advanced a little since a few months ago, well, if I find myself bored in Kinato then I will ask about this to him for spend time.

The one who speaks after her is Komuro, it bothers me a little what he says since it seems that I am someone who spends his time thinking about how to annoy people... but maybe I cannot deny that from his point of view... it could say that I screwed he a little... well, maybe a lot.

The girls with whom I have a relationship approach me and say goodbye with a short kiss while they endure the shame a little for having to do it with other people present, especially it is the case for Kurisu who when finishes doing this, returns to the where she stood and just ducked her head to avoid having eye contact with others.

With the farewells finished, then those who go to Kinato board the helicopter. Yuriko-san takes the pilot position as planned and starts operating the control instruments to start it up.

After what seems like a final check to see that everything is correct, the helicopter engine increases the noise it makes and begins to rise slowly from the ground. A few seconds later, everyone here can see the camp from the air with some people there on the ground still waving their hands to say goodbye.

Looking up and putting it my eyes in the sky on the side of the helicopter, then I can see a small figure that also flies in parallel with it and observes with curiosity the machine that can also achieve the same as her and fly in the sky.

Being the only individual that can fly between us, it was clear that it was my harpy that I summoned the day before, Vrana. She would also accompany us to Kinato, but she would do it by her own effort.

It is not that I am cruel to her and I did not allow her to enter the helicopter, I thought that if she flew on her own from this camp to Kinato, then she would better remember the way to be able to come and go to both places.

The truth is that she has solved a problem I had for when I would have will it go to Kinato, this was the way to communicate from both places, maybe if I put a repeater so that the radio signal arrived there and this would be solved, but there is the problem that Military intercepts the signal.

I can try to have someone encrypt the information, but that does not solve the problem that they know that I am planning something.

Although surely they doubt the reason for my arrival there, if the earlier happens, then this will not be a simple suspicion and they will know that I am hiding something from them and they will be more vigilant against me.

So if my pet flies and misses for a while, this is much less noticeable. Although it can raise suspicions, since they not having something to confirm and endorse their assumptions, then they probably use more time to obtain this than to devise a countermeasure to deal with me or cause me problems.

That is why Vrana will be of great help to me for the things I have to do in Kinato and so she was indispensable to come with me. My only concern about her was that she might be curious about the helicopter and that she got too close to it.

If that happened then my little harpy would be transformed into meat paste... so before I had to be very insistent and strict with her telling that she couldn't get close to the helicopter once the propellers began to move... seeing her keep her promise and keep away, it calms me down.

In this way, with a harpy following our helicopter we headed to Kinato. The trip itself was very quiet and after a few tens of minutes, an image of a small town where you could see people walking on it came to our eyes.

I don't know how to feel with the fact that witnessing this has become something unusual, until now whenever I've used the helicopter and I've had to fly over places like this, it is normal for zombies to inhabit these or at least they are the predominant population.

Well, honestly I came to this world because I knew it would be precisely this way, so it's not like I can complain about this.

The helicopter begins to descend to the outskirts of town, I do not want those of the military base to think we wanted to attack them and take us down. It is good that almost all the surroundings of this town is a plain, without a doubt they were optimal lands for agriculture as I had heard before.

Then not long after the landing gear hits the ground, we can see several vehicles coming from the town, they were a variety of them, military, civil and police. We can assume that they are people of the 3 factions in Kinato.

Immediately they park not far from us and some of the people who came into the vehicles come down, seeing them now I can recognize some people from each of the factions.


Status Alexander:

Status Venus Luciferian

Status Scythe

Status Leona


Hello!! New month, I hope it is better than the previous one for everyone!!

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Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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