Soul Evolution System

Chapter 123 Kinato 5

"Gloterus, could you investigate the things I asked for?"

"Yes, when we got here I sent several men to investigate. After they returned from observing a little around the camp everyone agreed that the place really has a somewhat depressing atmosphere, it is as Kiriko-san had mentioned previously and many of the people here almost look like zombies...

They only move with the objective of obtaining some of the resources distributed by the factions here, they practically spend their time doing nothing... well, altought it seems that the military side of Kinato cannot afford to do this and that's why are just the other two those who do this.

So I think some of the things that boss Alexander wants to do here will have no problem taking place, but… "

After asking Gloterus about the situation in Kinato, he confirms many of the things that Kiriko-san and her husband had told us. No doubt this makes my next plans easier to carry out, but unfortunately it seems that there are also some problems.

"What's the problem? Tell me"

"OK, but more than a problem, is that this place lacks that of this... there are no bars and things like that and so we can't proceed to do the things that needed the existence of these establishments.

As people depend almost exclusively on the factions of this place, it is impossible for residents to create these ... "

Well, not everything can go exactly as I planned in the beginning. Although the absence of bars and places of that style is a problem since my plan against the military depended almost exclusively on these, this is not something so serious.

If there is not, then I have to create them or have people do them so this is not complicated at all. If the things I intend to do to accomplish the mission of the rats work well, then the environment in the city probably improves a little... or a lot if it is so bad.

So as a result of this there will be people who have the idea of

creating those places, also if I also guide them a little along that path then it is almost certain that these establishments will emerge in Kinato.

"Okay, don't worry Gloterus. We'll just need a little time to can get things done that I asked you to do, but for now we'll focus on making the mercenary shop that I plan to create work well."

"Sure, boss Alexander. You don't have to worry, I had already asked several of the men we brought to begin with the creation of a structure to build the store as soon as possible."

It is good that Gloterus is an intelligent person and I does not need to tell him everything that requires to be done, this is one of the reasons why I decided to bring him but the main reason for choosing his group is that I was more interested in his experience that he gained as criminal in the world before the apocalypse, this will be necessary to deal with the factions of Kinato...

It is a shame that to see how skilled he was in that aspect we have to wait some time… with the things that I had to do for the moment now completed, I and some of my group decided to walk through my mansion in Kinato to review it once again. .

…My eyes stopped at every spy-servant I found, I had to be careful with them and see that they didn't do anything strange, it was something necessary and that's why I wish Rei would stop seeing me with those accusing eyes as if she had seen her boyfriend turning his head when a beautiful girl passes...

Well, the truth is that I not only delighted a little with them but also carefully examined with my domain any strange presence. I don't know if the bald man didn't dare to do something weird or he really didn't have time to do it since it was true that it must have been something quick for us to come here to Kinato.

Anyway, I didn't find anything strange in this search and I only got a reproachful look coming from Rei for doing this, haaa... the good thing is that not long after having her penetrating gaze on me, the sound of a helicopter rotor sounds and it gives me an escape from this somewhat hostile environment.

"Master rook ~ Vrana saw and killed great rats! Vrana brought them to give to the Master roock ~!"

Upon leaving we found our helicopter landing in an open area of

this villa and Vrana who had been flying in the sky all this time exploring the surroundings also returns.

So while she comes to inform me that, she points to a place in the villa with one of her wings. There were the body of about 10 rats... my ability recognized them as [Prairie Rat], [Great Rat] and there was also a [Rabid Rat].

Well, with her level it is most likely that even the [Boss-Rat] does not represent much trouble for her ... the [Boss Rat] was a 4th limit according to the system and she was a 7th, so she who hunted so many of them in such a short time it was not something very strange.

But it is probably impossible for her to fulfill by herself the mission of eliminating the large number of rats that is necessary to finish te mision. Of course, this is not because she cannot kill that amount on her own, but because of the time the mission has to be completed is only 2 weeks.

Although seeing her ability to hunt rats so easily, this has inspired me to be able to accomplish something with what I thought I would have to give up here in Kinato... well, after I will ask her more carefully to see if we can do it and for now I will only praise her since it seems that this was her main objective to do this.

"Well done, Vrana-chan... after I will ask you to do something, but first we must see if it is possible for you to do it"

"The master praised to Vrana rook ~ !! Vrana can do anything for the master rook ~ ... b-but the master can not take away the feathers Vrana, that is well?"

"Haa, don't worry, I'll never take your feathers off so don't worry. What I want Vrana-chan to do is something else… but we'll talk later"

When I hear Vrana's second sentence, I worry a little that she said something that could cause a misunderstanding but it is good that this time she will change her way of saying it. So while I breathe a sigh of relief and continue to stroke her head, I try to make sure she stops worrying about I removing her feathers.

While stroking Vrana, Yuriko-san and Hirano get off the helicopter after turning off the machine, then we chat together for a little more than an hour longer until the person that the bald man sends to report things to have an argument with the residents of Kinato they were made, arrives at the villa.

So we immediately followed the car where he came with one of ours and not long after we found a crowd gathered waiting in front of a podium where the bald man was already standing.

We got out of the car and while the others in my group wait under the podium, I climb along with Yuriko-san by my side. At first I had thought about being the one to speak but considering that it might not be the best since the people of MLDW listened to me even though I had the appearance of a child, it was because many knew me or I could also afford so act a bit extreme to win their attention because I was one of the leaders there and because of that I did not have to worry that someone complained about my actions.

Unfortunately, here I am not the leader and could not even be considered a resident of this camp, so I could not act very strongly to get their attention since that would only be counterproductive.

So I thought Yuriko-san was better to take that role, surely a beautiful woman with elegance being the one to speak is better than someone like a child…

"Alexander-san, I have done what I could and managed to gather these people, I must say that even more people came than the I can gather when I am the one who has to speak.

Furthermore, I also wanted to inform you that we have finished with the selection of the first 7,500 people who are on that side. "

"… Thank you, Shido-san, I can see that you have tried very hard to do this"

Seeing where he pointed, I could see people looking forward to the podium... their group was made up of men and women of different ages but I can't see if they fulfilled the conditions he had promised for our deal, that will be Yoshioka the one who check it.

...for an approximate, I can say that counting those 7,500 people there, were probably a total of about 10-12 thousand here... I didn't expect him to bring many people together, but fuck, less than 5 thousand? Did he think that with the 7,500 that were practically mine, I would be pleased to see more of 10,000 people gathered?

Also, my words were true and not sarcasm, I can see that excluding 7,500, the rest practically look like people who have no desire to live and were completely apathetic... the damn really had to make an effort to choose each one of them.

"Well, as I said, I wanted to introduce all of you to the people who helped this camp a lot. They are Alexander-san and Yuriko-san, they are the leaders of Tokonosu and those responsible for eliminating the zombies from that city.

They want to say a few words, so please pay attention to the things that they will talk about next. Also, for many of you, they will become your leaders and the people who will take care of you, so it is convenient that you not ignore what they say. "

While cursing the bald man in my head, he takes a few steps forward and presents us with the crowd gathered... the only ones who have a reaction when he speaks are the group that will soon go to MLDW. The others do not seem to care about anything, probably if I tell them that I will take them to feed zombies then they do not even complain for that...

Yuriko-san waves with her hand to those 7,500 who were the only ones who looked towards the podium and for my part I only nod as a gesture of greeting. I didn't care now for them, Yoshioka will be the one who takes care of all these people and strives to integrate them into our camp.

I cared more about the other 5,000 who were here, I will not be able to do anything if my words cannot reach them. So trying to change this a bit, I use my domain and try to shake their mind a little with the pressure it exerts.

Having done this, I can see that some of them frown or tremble a little from the sudden pressure that reaches them. With my [Emperor Soul] ability having grown a little stronger and also my level increasing to even create an energy core, the stimulation it gives them is pretty good.

At least almost all of them now look in the direction of the podium, then seeing the reaction of these people who suddenly focus their attention on us 2, the bald man is surprised and a little bewildered by this.

"Hello everyone, as Shido-san has mentioned we 2 are one of the leaders of the Tokonosu camp that is now known to all residents there as Magic Land.

Those who will soon be transported there I can assure you that don't have to worry about anything as long as they follow the rules of this camp. You will see immediately that the environment to live there is very good, although you will surely find it something different from here.

In our camp each person has to strive to achieve a good lifestyle, do not expect us to do all for you. If you are just looking to be able to depend on other people, then I'm sorry to tell you that your life probably won't be much different from here. "

After Yuriko-san notices the change in apathetic people, she begins her speech by talking about the issues that the two of us agreed to communicate to this crowd.

First it was necessary to introduce a little how the residents of MLDW lived, we had to eliminate that mentality of them of depending on other people for everything so that is the reason for Yuriko-san's words.

So, just like the last time we founded MLDW some showed disagreement about this, they thought that we would exploit them or something like that, but perhaps because of the harsh lifestyle they had to endure here in Kinato the vast majority of them seemed to will do anything provided it was not something extreme as long to fill their stomachs and of their loved ones.

Then when Yuriko-san explained in more detail the lifestyle of our camp, those who had some disagreement were silenced. So with the majority accepting these conditions, the very few who continued to protest had no other option but to close their mouths when they saw that the others began to see them with annoyance at the fear others had since they could ruin the future that was promised to them. .

"But we are not only here to give good news to the people who will join our camp. For the other people who are here, I think they will also be happy for the following information that I will give them.

In the next few days, we plan to open a store here in Kinato, surely you will be thinking what case it is to open a store if people do not have the how to buy things there, but you do not have to worry about that.

Of course, with this I do not mean that we will only give people the things that we offer there, let's say that this is rather an investment on our part or a hiring of personnel if you want to see it like this. If you heard my previous words, then you should have realized that our way of doing things is not the same as it is done here in Kinato.

We do not help people who do not strive for themselves and that is why the first thing we will do here in Kinato in this store is to hire people to hunt rats. "

"R-Rats? M-Many people have died for doing that..."

"Yes! You don't understand that because you don't know how scary they can be! I saw how a couple of these dragged a man to be surrounded by more and then be devoured!"

"I-I'd rather starve to death than be eaten by rats..."

"Yes! It's not same the rats like the ones we used to know before! One of these can kill a person with its fangs and claws!"

Yuriko-san continues her speech but this time addressing the other people who previously looked like zombies, these words they hear do not seem to encourage them and only make them tremble as fear floods their minds.

Then they begin to raise their voices by saying the things they have heard from other people or their own experiences that they had to go through with the rats. Yuriko-san only watches them while smiling and after they calm down a bit, she proceeds.

"I have heard that these rats are not like before and are actually much bigger. But that only makes me think that the amount of meat one of these has in its bones is enough to feed an entire family.

Certainly we have not had to deal with those rats, but instead we had to eliminate 500 thousand zombies from our city. Unfortunately the only thing we could get from them were rotting bodies that were of no use… so I can't think that a handful of rats is more problematic than 500 thousand zombies and even more so with a motivation to kill them.

Besides, in this store that will open we will provide much better weapons than knives moored in sticks and also you be accompanied by soldiers who helped to kill those zombies 500,000.

Those who have a desire to change their way of life, then we will wait for them in ... "

"T-that's… no, she must be lying. There's no way they killed 500 thousand of those zombies !!"

"Maybe they did not kill the 500 thousand but maybe is true that they was able elminete many of them, since they seem to have enough resources that they collected from the city and that is why even the leaders of this camp have had to ask them for help..."

"If I can have a good weapon then I shouldn't be afraid of a rat!"

"Also if those people who look like soldiers are with us, surely the risk should be much less"

Ending with her speech Yuriko-san turns around without worrying about the things they decide to do, but seeing their reactions then I must say that she did a great job.

"Good job, Yuriko-san"

"Fufufu, don't worry about that, Alexander-kun. This was a simple thing and I'm glad that I could help you."

"... I must say that Yuriko-san has not lost her ability to influence people, it was impressive how you caught the attention of those people who seemed very discouraged"

"...Well, I think that has more to do with Alexander-kun"

"Sure, you're right Yuriko-san. Without a doubt Alexander-san has a great presence!"

Many may continue to be afraid and not dare to hunt rats, but I also see people willing to do so and these are not few. So looking at the results, I can only praise Yuriko-san for her achievement.

After she answers me by saying some cordial words with a smile on her face, the bald man also enters the conversation but when he starts throwing flowers on us, I stop paying attention to his acting as a politician.

I knew that more than happy to see people paying attention to us, instead, when we were not present, he will probably destroying his molars by clenching his teeth since this was surely what he least wanted to happen.


Hello everyone!!

I had not realized that the links can not be copied by someone who told me that, now they are also in the description, I think there can be done.

Remember to visit my p-a-t-r-e-o-n and support the novel. I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

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