Soul Evolution System

Chapter 16: Mission Rewards[Edited]

Once outside I take long breath to calm down while Kurisu stroke my back as comfort. Fuuu ... seriously I tried to remain calm since it was becoming a habit for people to confused me with a woman, not that I don’t understand my appearance, the problem was that even correcting them, they denied my true gender.

When my breathing calmed down, Kurisu handed me the guild ID and when I took it in my hands the system notification sounds in my head. Without wasting time I go directly to the system menu in my head.


[Mission / Principal "Join the World Guild-J" Completed]

[Mission / Principal "Join the World Guild”

Rank: “J”

Description: The largest organization in Gaia, the place where people gather to become stronger and help each other for a better future in common.

Objectives: Register in the World Guild at any of its branches in Gaia.

Failure Condition: Death of The User

Rewards: 100x Crystals

1,000x Gold

Grimoire [Parchment]: The Traveler of the Worlds (Unique)

Unlocked system function: List of missions (Optional)]

[Mission Completed.

Rating: “S”

Additional reward: 100x Crystals

1,000x Gold

1x Summoning Scroll: Monster Level 1]

With this I should not have pending missions, I’m again without an objective. Mmmn ... how strange, the option of ongoing missions should have to be empty, but one I still there. Filled with curiosity I select it to see its description and it displayed the information.

[Mission / Main (Repeatable) "Conquest of the Heart (Kurisu)"

Rank: “D”

Description: To maintain confidence in a person, it must be based on some emotion, the stronger it is, the greater bond created will be.

Objective: Affection 100 or Loyalty 100 Current: Affection 85 (Attraction) Loyalty 75 (Dependent)

Reward: 1x Random Object Ticket - [G]

1x Divination scroll - [D]

Skill [Parallel Thinking] ]

Woh, when did I get this mission? Besides, is the system telling me to conquer Kurisu? ... well, that was what I intended even if it didn't tell me.

[It was when Kurisu was touching your penis the first time]


"What's happen Alex?"

"N-no nothing"

Aurora's sudden words make me choke with my own saliva. Kurisu notices my little shock and asks me with doubts and taking a second to stabilize I answer her to keep up appearances.

Aurora ... you shouldn't be so direct about those issues since you're a girl, much less bringing them out of nowhere. It's a bit shocking to hear those words with your kind of voice ... it's bad for my heart.

But that explains why I did not realize I had this mission ... so, for the system to shows me the emotions of people it is needed to touch that part? If so, it’s not a useful function, maybe is only for my potential couples?

[That part of your body is not called that way? I was wrong? And it is not necessary that it is precisely touching that part, it is only enough to have contact to activate it]

No, you are not mistaken, it is called just like that, but please do not be so abrupt when you talk about the intimate regions of people, when you mention it with that voice of yours, it unbalances my mind quite a bit. Fuuu ... it is a relief that it is any part of the body, that way it has more practicality.

On the other hand, Kurisu's affection has risen quite a lot and she seems to like me. I feel a little guilty knowing her emotions without her knowledge, but I cannot help but feel happy seeing what she feels. While thinking about it, I look into her eyes and talk to her smiling.

"Let's look for an Inn to stay"

"Okay, but where do we start looking?"

"This is one of the main streets of the city, so there must be one in it, it will be probably  a little more expensive than looking for one in the suburbs of the city, but as long is not too expensive we can afford it"

While I was talking, we started walking leaving the guild behind. I wanted to get more information from here, but thinking in the atmosphere when we leave I don't want to enter for some time.

Surely because the guild's business was to deal with people traveling, we soon noticed several inns around the area.

We enter a respectable looking one and go straight to the hall. On the other side sitting on a bench was a small girl, her features were a little crowded, rather than being chubby they were the characteristics of a girl about 10 years old. The remarkable thing about her was that in her eyes there was no innocence that should belong to someone according to her physique.

She checked us with her eyes and quickly changed her gestures into a smile, and with a cheerful voice welcomed us to the inn causing the short brown hair to flutter due to her vivacity.

"Welcome to the inn ´Happy dreams ´!! Do you want to book for the night or do you want to go to the bar for a meal?"

"Both, well that depends on the price of the inn services"

"As you two seem nice people, one night, breakfast and dinner for both will only be 750G"

"I honestly don't know if it's a good price"

"Of course it is, I usually charge 500G for the room and 150G for two meals"

So is there a 50G discount? But I didn't mean that, I don't know the standard value of things in this world. Well, whatever, I will took that as a standard and will say that one person needs 1,000G to leave per day, with the belongings that I have now, we can live comfortably for more than 3 months, that is a relief and it takes a weight off my shoulders.

"Well, we'll take the room and the meals"

"That is the best choice of your life! To what name do I register you? "

Taking a logbook she ask us, I have not done anything bad so we don't have to hide our identity, so my name would work.


"I understand, Alexander"

She repeat my name as she write, I couldn't stand the curiosity anymore and asked the thing that bothered me since I saw her as we entered from the door.

"Excuse me, maybe it's not right to ask this, but, are you human?"

"Of course not, do you think a human kid would attend an inn? I am a hobbit, and by the way I’m 33 years old, married and have 4 children. So if you fell in love with me, I sorry to tell you but I’m no longer available"

"No, I don't have that kind of preference. Doesn't it seem like you were surprised by my name, why?"

"Nn? What do you mean? I don't think it's a strange name"

"That is my name"


"And I am a man"

"What is the problem?"

"You really are a good person! Now I am beginning to be jealous of the person who married whit you"

While she had her head tilted in doubt, not understanding why the outburst, I took her hands and said with emotion. Then to make thing clear, while Kurisu takes me by the back and separates us she explains.

"They have been confusing him as a woman all this time, so he is happy that you do not doubt his gender"

"I understand ... as a hobbit I've been through similar things, so I created a habit of not judging things at first sight. Well I'll take you to your room"

With a low jump from the bench she takes the keys under the counter and tells us to follow her. She goes up some stairs to the right side of the reception. We pass the second floor and reach the third in which she opens the second door of the hall and the three of us enter.

"This is your room, that door is the bathroom. The whole Inn counts whit a Crystal system to heat the water, but we only activate it from 9Pm to 10Pm so take advantage of it to bathe. Otherwise it is like a normal inn, keep things of value with you when you leave because we are not responsible for that, and also please leave the key in the reception if you two go out”

She gives us the key at and the same time told us her speech. Great, the inn has hot water to take a bath. She says goodbye and returns to the reception of the inn. When she leaves I look at the room, it seems clean and tidy, and I don't find it expensive for what I pay for it.

When I want to try the bed to see how comfortable it is, I realize that there is only one bed the size for two people ... when I turn to see Kurisu, she is inspecting the room too. I can pretend not to realize it, but don't want to take advantage of it, so I speak.

"It seems she gave us a room with a bed, you want me to talk to the owner and change it for one of two beds or to reserve a room for you?"

When I call her attention with my voice, she looks at me and then on the bed while I inform her. It lasts a few moments and then she turns around so I can't see her face and answers.

"W-we have already slept in the same b-bed ... also, I trust you"

It seems that again I will enjoy her company in the same bed, it's a shame it’s not in a sexual way. But it is also good to take things a little calmly and not make our relationship burn too much until it turns to ashes.

"Well, then I want to check all the objects we got from the system and I also have two chests that I haven't opened. Close the door and let's see them."

After she secures the door I take out the two chests, first I take the one that is made of pure wood and open it, by the way I got this chest from the last bandits I took care of. Kurisu quickly returns to my side and sits down to see what objects come out, she seems to like this kind of thing. Well it is exciting to wait to see what you will get, this is something that probably everyone enjoys.

Soon there are three objects in front of us, the two already known [100C] and [1,000G], the third are some kind of lens. I take them and evaluate it.

[Translator Glasses-J

Description: Can identify any character commonly used by people.]


"With them anyone can read texts from different types of languages"


She takes them from me and puts them on, unfortunately there is nothing in this room to check their function. But I must say that she looks pretty with glasses, she already has an intellectual aura about her and they only reinforce it when wearing them.

"I-I'm sorry, I thought it was something interesting so I took them hastily"

"It doesn't matter, they look good on you. Take them, they are yours"



"Thanks Alex"

After seeing how happy she looks and how well she look whit them, I would be punished if I took them. Besides, I certainly don't need them and she does. Looking at her taking off and putting on the glasses I take out the other remaining chest, it must have better things since it is of a higher rank.

With the same previous actions the chest opens and this time it produces 4 objects, [500C], [5,000G], [Boots of Shadow Rat-I], [Inspiring Necklace-I]. When I see everything I can only say that today is Kurisu's lucky day, since everything seems to have a better use for her.

[Shadow Rat Fur Boots –I

Skills: [Stealth-I]

Description: Boots created from the skin of the shadow rats which has a good resistance while preserving lightness and flexibility for greater quality. Since the coat of these monsters is adapted for stealthy movement it reduces the user noise when moving.]

They were long black boots to cover up to half the shin, they were covered with a tiny fur almost imperceptible to the eye. They had a beautiful aesthetic, but looked more feminine than for men's use.

[Inspiring Necklace-I


Passive1: Increase in vitality (Minimum) 

Passive2: Increase in resistance (Minimum)

Description: Necklace in which a small [Life gem] is embedded, provides a small increase in vitality and resistance to the wearer.]

This was a silver necklace that had a medallion whit a small green gem the size of a nail embedded in it. I was honestly tempted to use this, but I decided it was better for Kurisu to have it too.

"I think this is suitable for your use Kurisu, take it"

"Eh? This is for me?"

"Yes, the boots have the stealth skill, they are light and comfortable. But as you can see they are somewhat feminine, as for the collar, it will make you feel more energetic."

" I think you can wear the necklace, right?"

"Take it, I have enough energy. If I saturate my body with more vitality I will have to attack you during the night to free myself from it, hahaha"

"I-Idiot ... you can't do that ... it's still too early to do something like that"

"What did you just say? I didn't hear the last part"

"N-nothing! Thanks for all the things"

She takes the boots, trying them on and walk around the room with them to adapt to their feeling. I help her put on the necklace and ask out of curiosity.

"How you feel?"

"The boots are quite comfortable and when I put on the collar I really felt like waking up after having a good night's sleep, it’s very refreshing"

"Well, then I will now check the objects obtained from the last missions"

With that said I take out the [Human Transmutation Scroll], [Summoning scroll Level 1: Monster], [Grimoire (Parchment): The Traveler of the Worlds (Unique)]. The first was a reward for completing the mission to destroy the Goblin settlement, I put it aside because it sounds like something dangerous. The other two were the rewards from just a moment ago from the mission to register in the guild.

[Scroll of Human Transmutation

Description: It allows the transmutation of a human body with a soul level of 1. The individual resulting from this process will have a loyalty of 100 to the person performing the procedure.

Requirements: 100x Crystals, 140gr Sulfur, .12gr Lead,

43Kg Oxygen, 100gr Sodium, .26g Bromine,

16Kg Carbon, .95gr Chlorine, .32gr Strontium,

7Kg Hydrogen, 19gr Magnesium, .68gr Rubidium,

1.8Kg Nitrogen, 4.2gr Iron, 1gr Silicon,

1Kg Calcium, 2.6gr Fluor, 140gr Potassium,

780gr Phosphorus, 2.3gr Zinc, DNA Base for transmutation]

Damn, can I find those materials in sufficient purity here? Isn't it much easier to just make a summoning and avoid all those problems? On the other hand, what comes out of the transmutation won’t attack me right?

[Transmutation has its advantages and disadvantages. As you can see, it has many more requirements to perform, its advantage is that you do not need to convince the other party to follow your orders, the system integrates a soul so that the product is totally faithful to you from the beginning.

Its disadvantage is that the transmuted person does not have the innate of original person because they are different souls, although you can solve that problem with your skill [Will of the Worlds].

And about getting the materials in this area, I think that would be difficult. You can get some in specialty shops for alchemists, but the purity may not be very good. You can look for them in other areas later where the technology is more advanced or you have another option, the [Grimoire] you just received will allow you to go to other worlds, choose a similar one from which you came from and get them there]

[Grimoire (Parchment): The Traveler of the Worlds (Unique)

Description: Grimoire created by the entity “Cross” with the power to travel to countless worlds. It has the ability to grow together with its owner and provide new functions in doing so. 

Current level: (Parchment) 

Next level: (Skin)

Soul Link: (-)]

I take out from the inventory what looked like a great book that is about 50cm long, 30cm wide and about 15cm thick. It had runes on the cover and it gave a feeling of being something very old. When I touch it I receive information inside my head about spilling blood on it to form a link.

Putting the grimoire down on the floor in front of my feet, I take out the knife that has accompanied me since arriving in this world and made a cut in my palm through which the blood comes. I make a fist and place it on the book waiting for the blood to drain and fall into it.

"Alex! What are you doing?!"

"Quiet, I need to shed blood in this book to activate it"

Kurisu looks with concern at my hand from which blood begins to drip. The cover of the book is soaked in this and its color becomes more vivid. I continue shedding blood until it do a sign of activation.

Damn, it's been more than 10 minutes and nothing happens, I had to open and close my hand to prevent the wound from closing, but that has a limit. Damn book, you want me to cut an artery, right? Maybe it's defective...

Having those thoughts, the grimoire suddenly shines and start floating in front of both of us. The light coming from it intensifies until its shape disappears by the strong brightness, then turning into a flash it, it moves all around the room and end taking me as a goal passing through my chest.

"Alex !!"

After Kurisu's scream everything returns to normal, I touch my chest by inertia and everything is fine, I'm not hurt. That scared me for a moment...

"Where did that damn book go?"

With my words there is a flash in my chest and the book appears floating in the air. When we both observe it I feel an emotion of closeness and belonging whit the grimoire. To solve my doubts Aurora intervenes.

[It has been linked with your soul. So it will be a unique object for your use and it will be impossible for someone else to take it, since you can control it with a single thought]

"What happened Alex?"

"It has been integrated into me, it's nothing bad you can relax"

"Are you sure?”

I confirm with a nod to calm her restlessness, I reach out and touch the grimoire. The information on how to use it floods in my head, it seems that to open a portal to another world I need to feed it crystals ... and not a small amount.

Well, it seems that now I can go to other worlds. I will have to think about which one would be more beneficial for both of us and that it meets the conditions to find the materials for the transmutation parchment. That would be easier than having to go to another area for now.

"It seems that we can now travel to other worlds Kurisu"


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX

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