Soul Evolution System

Chapter 188 Haruna (part 2)

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(POV Haruna)

With still a little uneasiness I take my eyes off the choker and await Alexander's response... part of me was afraid that he would decide to end this relationship that I considered something as merely platonic, but another part wanted him to do it... it would be painful, but I also think it was the best for both of us.

So before he spoke, looking him in the eyes, I fully understood his decisiveness. Leaving the playful and even somewhat immature environment that he normally showed and that was in accordance with his somewhat childish appearance, he now showed a quite serious face that I had rarely seen in him. 

Those golden pupils seemed to shine with every word he said as if his emotions burned within them and reflected them.

I still perfectly remember the first time I saw him, at that time he arrived at the school together with Soichiro and the others, and on that occasion, I could only see him as a little boy who had been pushed to survive fighting in this chaotic world... this little fool even took advantage of this so that I will comforted him in my arms.

It was really a little difficult to think that the person now in front of me was that little boy who pretended to be crying so that I hug him… well, I can't deny that the attitude of such little rascal was the cause that makes me lowered my barriers and then allow him to enter my heart.

But now he was no longer that defenseless little boy that I thought he was at the first, although still a little small, who was in front of me was a man who asked me to be by his side for the rest of our lives... or at least that's the image that I had from him now.

The nervousness that I had for some time until now, disappeared in the instant I saw that face that seemed will oppose anything that stands in the way between the two of us... even if this was the time itself as he said.

… Honestly, if this situation had been several months ago,  I think then I would only have smiled a little since I could only see this as something a child would say. Kind of like a kid saying he would become a hero and fight all the bad guys in the world.

But now, unexpectedly, I couldn't see this as a child's statement, and instead of laughing at his words, tears ran down my cheeks... I could somehow understand that what he was saying was not childhood fantasies or dreams. Furthermore, given what this world has become, and witnessing things he had done that went beyond what I thought possible in this world, then how could I not believe his words now?

"... If you still doubt that this is possible or have any insecurity about this, we can wait for you to be ready, Haruna...

Maybe I rush things too much? ”

Probably because I was only watching without making a move or saying anything for a long time, when he sees my tears, now it was him who looked a little uneasy. Then at the time he was trying to withdraw his arm holding the choker, I stretch my hand to hold his, and then speak to clarify the misunderstanding that he must had because of my tears.

" ... w-well, little one. Since you want this old lady as your woman... I swear to love you for the rest of my life ... 

B-But you really have to find a way to extend people’s youth, do you understand? ”

"Hehehe, I didn't thought you were someone vain, Haruna."

“N-not is that, fool. I-It's just that it's not fair that other girls can spend more time with you than I do… I also want to walk by your side and not be a burden even after several years ”

“Hahaha fine, although I don't think I’ll ever find you as a burden, Haruna. But it is certainly better for your youth being longer… hehehe, you can learn to ride me since I am not as docile as your dog after all, so you will need a lot of practice. ”

"S-Stop saying that! You can't- Hmmn ~ ”

Before I can complain about his words, Alexander takes my hands and pulls me towards him and then kisses me. It was somewhat surprising, but I quickly try to follow the movements of his invading tongue with mine.

"Ha ... Ha ... Ha"

"So, with this, you are officially my woman, Haruna"

Some time passed while Alexander greedily sucked my lips as if he also wanted to extract the soul within me... in fact, I think that he was able to do it since at some point I had lost myself in the sensations I felt, and seemed that I left my body for a moment.

Probably if it weren’t for him separating himself for a few seconds so that he could take a breath, I wouldn't have bothered to breathe myself.

... and now I could only see him speaking with blurred vision while trying to catch my breath.

" ... Unn "

So after taking several big breaths, I nod to his words. This time I understood that our relationship was not only a platonic one, and in truth now I considered myself the woman of this little one... well, one of several ...

Alexander stops hugging my waist and I also untangle my arms from his neck which at some point before, I had put there while we were kissing. He walks over to my back, and immediately tries to put on me the choker he had been holding all this time… it was kind of funny to see him try to reach my neck with his height.

It wasn't impossible for him to make it if he tried hard, but it was surely quite uncomfortable for both to continue like this. So, in the end, he had to grab a chair so that he could do it more comfortably while I couldn't help but laugh a little at this.

In the next instant the choker is placed around my neck, suddenly a light that seemed to pass through the ceiling of the room where we were, surrounded us.  This surprised me quite a bit, but remembering what he had said, this should be related to the skill I would receive...

I wasn't wrong about this, although the light had surrounded us both, it seems to be absorbed only by my body. When I look at Alexander a little worried about what was happening, he just nods to tell me that everything was fine. After being under his watchful eye for a few minutes, then this event comes to an end.

...really this was a little surprising, but although it would probably be something shocking for anyone who witnessed it, the truth is that I didn’t feel any change in me... maybe I can see it over time?

“Okay, now the ritual is over.

… Then we should move on to the next thing. Don't you think so, Haruna? Hehehe… ”

" Is there something else?..."

While checking my body for some changes, Alexander speaks again. I thought maybe this wasn't over, but from his words and expression, I quickly understand that it was something else...

“Well, not long ago you promised to do whatever I want. Isn't that right, Haruna? ”

"E-eh? T-That's… ”

"You will have to keep your word"

I-I had completely forgotten about that... the truth is that I have had enough strong emotions for this day, so now I wanted to rest a little. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that he is going to stop now...

"A-Alexander... w-why won't you let me keep my promise another day?" W-We have kissed for long enough this day, right? ”

“ No, I don't want to wait… besides, who says that what I want is a kiss? As you say, we have done that enough, right?

… Maybe we should try other things ”

"O-Other things? N- No, we can't do that!! I-It's still too early for something like that… ”

The atmosphere in the room changed in an instant. A moment ago this was a romantic environment where two people decide to spend their lives together, but now... now it was more as if it was the environment where a predator is cornering his prey! Or at least that's how I felt when I saw Alexander licking his lips as he stared at me.

So, with every step Alexander took towards me, I took one step back. We continue with this pattern until my office desk prevents me from going further back... With no other option, I try to postpone this until later.

While being cornered, I could only keep trying harder to convince him... but then, he inevitably gets to where I am, and puts his arms on either side of me leaning on the desk to prevent me from escaping.

" ...What can't we do, Haruna? Would you mind being more specific so that I can understand it? ”

Th-this child... he shouldn't be showing such an innocent expression now! There is no way that a child who could kiss the way he just did a moment ago and also cornering a woman in this point, be someone innocent and not know what I mean!

"W-We can't have s-se-se... we can't have sex!"

Even knowing that he was feigning innocence, I don't want to take the risk of this little guy moving things too far because I not being clear with him, and so without further choice, I end up saying what he wants to hear.

Then as if he didn't expect me to I really answer him, he blinks several times while looking at me and making a big smile… damn it! This little rascal must be having fun with me!

"Well... I also don't find it nice to force a girl to do something she doesn't want to, but... other things should be fine, right?"

“Kyaa~! W-wait, Alexander… w-what do you want to do? Hmn~ ”

As he spoke, he removed his hands from the desk... for a moment I thought he would stop this, but then in the next instant, he placed his hands on the bottom of my buttocks and lifted me up... h-he-he is quite strong despite his appearance, I don't think I’m that light after all.

Then, my heart speeds up so much, that I feel it would come out of my chest, but the uncertainty and restlessness for knowing what he was referring suppressed it a little and urges me to ask him.  

He then places one knee in the middle of my legs and also goes up to the desk where I was put after he held me up, the only answer I get is another kiss.

But this time he applied force on my body causing me to lie down on the desk and making me feel his body pressing against mine due to this... he was not heavy, in fact since he was quite thin, I did not feel much discomfort with this even though he was leaning his entire weight against me.

...the only problem was that there was a rather hard and protruding part from him that was putting enough pressure against my lower abdomen!

"A-Alexander ... we-we can't do this ... hmn ~ ... w-we must stop now... hyaa ~ "

When his lips leave mine, I keep trying to stop him but he doesn't seem to listen to me and only changes the place where he kisses me... it goes from my lips to my cheek, from my cheek to my neck, and from my neck to my collarbone... and then repeating this in a cycle.

And each time he did it, it made my body shiver.

" Nuyaaa~!! ”

Until now they had only been recurrent light kisses in form of caress at those parts I said before, several times and both left side and right side of my body as if to make sure not to forget where he haven’t placed his lips yet... then, after a while, I feel his hand massaged my right breast, and at the same time, what had been a light kiss so far turned in a strong sucking on my neck as if he wanted to leave a mark.

The strong stimulus synchronized in both places brings my body to shudder even more than before... I-I think that I cum a bit...

I was trying to stop him, but the truth is that if I wanted to, I could probably have pushed Alexander away since none of his movements had enough strength to restrict me... somehow, it was me who also allowed all this even though my words were expressing something else.

"Hmn ~ Ha ... Ha ... d-don't be so abrupt..."

At some point I just stopped saying words of opposition and instead allowed him to do whatever he wanted with my body while backing on the excuse that I had promised him to do this.

...although I also understood well that my body yearned for this feeling that I had not experienced for so long... besides, until now, the things were still in safe limits... I think.

Aside from the kisses, he had only begun to caress my body... even this was  whit clothes on. Although I don't think he kept things at this level because he was inexperienced or was nervous... I could see the desire in his eyes, and also feel how he sometimes held my clothes as if he wanted to tear it off but finally decided to just let them go and go back to kiss me and caressing my body.

Probably he knew that if that thin layer of fabric that is covering us disappeared, then he'll probably could not stop with just kisses and caresses... I know this because I had the same thought and even feared that we would get naked since the clarity of my thoughts was vanishing with every second, and also I knew very certainly I could not contain myself either.

No... maybe if that happened, then I would be the one to take the initiative instead...

Time went by and soon the darkness of the night had come, now the cool air that seeped in through the windows felt quite nice in our bodies where the temperature had risen and as a result causing them to be wet whit sweat.

"A-Alexander, w-wait!!"

Suddenly, the only place that he had so far left untouched, now is put it as his new target and so his hand went to my crotch...this time going under the skirt and my underwear!

Maybe he thought that the clothes covering that place were thicker than the others and he couldn't have a good feeling doing it on top of them... or it was simply that his patience was also running out. Well, whatever the cause was, for various reasons this was a very bad thing...

First of all, I too was already in a somewhat numb state from everything before. Besides... for that same reason, that place should now be in great disaster and I did not want him to realize this!

"Hyaaa~ N-noo... gkuuu!.... Nhaaa ~ !!" 

"W-Whoh ... auch"  

I try to stop Alexander, but unfortunately, it was too late ... suddenly I feel the touch of his fingers on the lips of my vagina and he manages to caress that place that was now completely soaked... due to this stimulus, and this plus the emotion of shame and restlessness I felt, makes my body react and have an orgasm.

I try to resist, but this feeling that I had forgotten seizes my body in an instant ... I don’t even realize until later on that Alexander had been thrown under the desk and hit the floor...

" Ha ... Ha ... I-I'm sorry ... are you okay?"

"Y-yes ..."

Although it was not entirely intentional, thanks to this, Alexander who was now rubbing his head from the blow he received, seemed to have calmed down and returned to normal. This is good since I really wouldn't know what to do if things continued ...

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

(Returning to the present)

"Haruna? What are you doing here?"

"Eh? Yuriko? ”

While I was remembering the things that happened in my office at the school before, without knowing it, I get to the one that Yuriko had in the castle to do her work ...  I think that after that happened in my office, it's become difficult for me to concentrate in that place.

I can not help for the image of me and Alexander on the desk, which I use to work, appear when I'm there alone... well, since I am here already, then I can talk about some things with her and ask her advice. Thinking about this, I ask her.

" What are you doing, Yuriko? ”

“ Your little boyfriend decided to change his mind and now we have to try to subdue the other camps… so as you can see, I'm pretty busy now. ” 

"Subdue the other camps? So... will our camp have to fight again? ”

“Mmmm… if possible, we will try to do it peacefully. Alexander-kun brought a lot of food which we can negotiate with after all. Although it may also be inevitable to fight against some camps...

But don't worry, Haruna. Even if we have to fight them, our camp is far superior in armament than the others and they will probably end up giving up just by showing them our strength a little bit. ”

Seeing that I had shown some unease on my face, Yuriko tries to reassure me. We had several months of peace now, and since I don’t like conflicts, the truth is that I would prefer to continue in this way.

“ … I wonder if there is a need to do that? ”

“Well… Alexander-kun had previously mentioned something true. The food in the cities will end with the passage of some time, in addition to that, it will become more difficult to get it... so it is almost certain that when this happens, the camps will start to aim to the others trying to get something from these, and we will very likely end up being a very remarkable target.

On the one hand, I also think we should take control of these camps before that happens. But as I said, you shouldn't worry about it.

Instead, it seems like you had another problem on your head when you got here, since you seemed lost in your thoughts. 

What happened? ”


I can certainly see that something like that could happen ... but as Yuriko says, that does not correspond to me. I just have to take care of the children and see that they can grow happily.

" Well ... the truth is that I'm a little worried.

You know? Lately, Alexander is not satisfied with just having a little of contact between us, and so I am worried that things will progress more- ”


Since she urges me to do it, I change the subject and I start to discuss my problems with her, but when I was halfway through telling her my worries, the sound of something breaking makes me stop my words... 

Then, when I look for the cause, the pen that Yuriko was holding it had split in two... now that I think about it, perhaps she is not the best one to talk about this right now.

"Damn it Haruna… are you making fun of me?! 

First, every time I see you, you won’t stop caressing the choker that Alexander-kun gift you as if you wanted that my attention is directed there intentionally, and now... and now you come here to tell me how well you go with your little boyfriend?!! ”

"I-It's not that ... i-it's just that I think he's too young to do things like-"

"Get out now!! Do not come here gloating in front of me how loving your little boyfriend is with you!!”

"W-Well, then I let you work ..."

Seeing that inside Yuriko's eyes seemed as if flames were burning, I have no choice but to escape while she yells at me. Seriously, she didn't have to be like this… besides, the thing about the choker had become a habit for me to do it every time I was thinking about something, it wasn't intentional.


Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX


I just wanted to make an announcement. If I close a month (2nd day of the month) with 75 p-a-t-r-e-o-n-s supporting the novel, then I promise to get 5 chapters a week during that month, Monday through Friday (from the region where I live).

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Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

I also wanted to ask to see if there was someone who wanted to support me to edit the previous chapters, I think that way there will be more people who are a little more demanding with grammar interested in the novel.

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