Soul Evolution System

Chapter 21: The City Streets[Edited]


[Alexander level up to 13]


When the bus ran over a zombie smashing it between its wheels, the system notification sounds in my mind. Aurora the zombies that die to be overwhelmed also count as if killed?

[The system recognizes the vehicle as a weapon, therefore, when you or your partners kill them while driving, the system will still collect the remaining energy from them and integrate it into your bodies]

Ghek, please Aurora, don't say that something about the zombies integrates with me, it makes me feel unpleasant knowing that. But it's good to hear that they count as if I have killed them, it shouldn't take long to complete the 100 zombies killed that way, maybe when we get to Shisuka's friend's house I will make it.

Looking around the bus I realize that we have become a fairly large group ... maybe the food in her house is not enough for everyone. With that thought I approach Shisuka who was driving. When she sees me, she tells me with a smile.

"What happen Alex-kun, do you want to try driving?"

"... I don't reach the pedals and look through the windshield at the same time"

"No problem, I will step on the accelerator and you will drive the steering wheel"

She says taking the steering wheel with the left hand and with the other patting her fleshy legs ... it's very tempting, but I don't like being treated like a child.

"Maybe another time. I want you to stop the bus when you see a convenience store. We'll get down there for a moment."

"Eh? What's up Alex-kun? Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Everyone turns their eyes to me leaving me in an awkward situation. Damn it, the first time that she treated me like a child I let it pass because I really wanted to answer yes to her question, but I can't allow it this time.

I stand behind the driver's seat and with my knuckles clenches her head with enough force to cause little more than a nuisance.

"In case you did not notice, we became a fairly large group, and I’m sure there is not enough food for everyone in the house, it is better to stop and collect what we can"

"Aw, aw. Stop Alex-kun, it hurtssss!"

When she complains I stop pressing her head, I lean forward, bringing my mouth to her ear and whisper in low voice.

"Stop treating me like a child, or I will make you responsible for turning this body into an adult"


Finishing my words, I slide my tongue over her ear and bite the lobe causing her body to shiver. The bus shake for a few moments, but returns quickly to the center of the road.

I retire and sit next to Kurisu who looked at me with accusing eyes, without having any excuse I can only close my eyes and lie in the seat waiting for us to arrive at a convenience store.

It does not take long to hear Shisuka's voice informing that she found what we were looking for, I opened my eyes and looked out the windshield. A few houses away the store is distinguished, I immediately get up to organize the small excursion.

"I, Saeko-chan and Komuro will go down to protect a group of three who will be in charge of picking up the food that they can carry to the bus. She and the chubby glasses together with Kurisu will stay on the bus to defend the others who will also remain in the bus"

I look at everyone and after saying the names of those who accompany me, then point to Komuro's girl and the guns fanboy. Then continue.

"Hurry up, I need 3 volunteers to get off"

With my words everyone else looks at each other, but nobody says anything and they just lower their heads. After a while the pink-haired girl with pigtails steps forward and following her the two girls that I had saved along with Kurisu steps too.

"Well, park the bus as close to the store as you can Shisuka"

"Yes ~"

The wheels of the vehicle stop rolling and she park on the sidewalk. After I told Shisuka to open the door, she does it and the 3 of us that would make our way and defend plus the other 3 get down.

The surrounding zombies are attracted to engine noise, but these will not be a problem in a while, I ignore them and walk to the door of the store opening it. Inside I discover 4 zombies wandering without direction between the corridors.

I took a corridor, Saeko another and Komuro brandished his bat against what should have been the manager of the store behind the counter. Killing the first one with [Black Moon] I follow the next one and when finish it Saeko was returning from having taken care of the zombie that she ran to.

With the cleared area, I indicated the other 3 who get off the bus, they run and enter the store, and then take large bags and fill them with what first crosses their paths. Saeko and I leave the store to look around, Komuro stays inside observing just in case surprises appear.

"They are getting closer"

"We have enough time for them to perform several trips from store to the bus before a group of zombies with which we cannot deal whit come here, and we'll be gone before that. Do not worry, we just have to deal with the nearby zombies"

"What a reliable boy"

"Sure, you can leave me everything and live happily in any way you like."

"Fufufu, you're going to make Kurisu jealous again"

"Haaa ... it's probably impossible for her and me to have a relationship as a normal couple in this world"

"Hmn? What do you mean by that?"

"I will have to associate with many people to create a stable life (in Gaia), and most of them would be probably women ... and if they are like you, I doubt that I would want to leave things simply as friends."

I wink at her when she looked and listened at me, she blushes slightly and gets a little nervous, but manages to answer me while smiling.

"You are very direct, right?"

"I promised myself that would live as I please, without any limitation, whether imposed by a person, laws and even society norms."

I look at her directly and tell her seriously, unable to bear my gaze, she turns away with an even redder tone on the cheeks.

A couple of trips are completed while we talk and keep watch, the 3 people in charge of loading the food got off the bus quickly to continue looting the store. Suddenly the sounds of motorcycle engines are heard and gets louder every second.

When I look for the origin of the sound I saw a group of people on motorcycles, one of them passes to the side of a zombie and with a metal tube hit him causing it to roll on the asphalt a few times until it stops. The others who accompany him closely follow his example and several zombies have their skulls crushed.

We soon see the group of motorcyclists clearly, they have about 5 members, they also seem to notice Saeko and me at the door of the store, I change direction a bit and stop a few meters from the bus.

"Ooohh, that one over there is a great girl ... the other one is a little small, but she is beautiful. Hahaha I like them, I will take them for me."

"Boss, it seems that inside the store and on the bus there are more people"

"If you want food you can take what you want, but please wait for us to take what we need. We will leave right away and you can have the whole store for yourself."

Saeko tries to talk to them, but looking at his eyes full of lust I know it's a useless thing, these guys don't have food as a priority right now. The one who seems to be the leader laughs loudly and confirm my guess.

"Hahaha, of course I'll take everything from the store, but from now on you all belong to me too"

"Saeko-chan, things like “please”,” I ask of you” and the like only work among people of the same mentality. When you deal with people trying to harm you, can only do one thing ... hit them so hard that they have no thoughts of going against you."

"It seems there is no other way"

"Hahaha, I like that. Having character to later become submissive bitches is what excites me the most, and now in this world there is nothing to stop me hahaha"

"Hahaha the boss knows how to have fun"

"What happened?"

Komuro and those inside, peek for how loud they were, I turn around to tell them not to pay attention to them and continue with what they were doing. More zombies congregated every second, we couldn't stay here any longer.

"I will tell you so that, you won’t follow me like a ghosts because I didn't warn you. Get out now and maybe you can live to see the sunrise again tomorrow."

"I will educate you to learn to lick my feet ... wait and go-"


The head of the leader is moved back by the impact of the bullet and the rest of his body follows the inertia making him fall on his back. The others in his group were like statues in the place and they take a few seconds to talk again.

"E-eh? Bo-boss? "

"S-she has a gun !!"

"Po-police !! Somebody call the police "

Seriously? That last one must have something wrong in his head, did they talk about raping everyone here but when things don't go as they want then they will ask for help from the law? I am very curious to know what he would say ... I point at him and ask.

"Hey you, your words intrigue me a little, what would you say to the police? That did you want to rape someone, she didn't allow it and you expect them to do something?"

"I-I didn't want to, it-it was them. P-Please don't kill me !!"

"Y-yes, it was his idea!"

"I-I beg you, don't kill us"

Everyone loses their courage when their leader dies, fuuu ... it makes no sense to waste more bullets, probably without their leader they will not live long, none exceeds level 10 and their boss was the strongest being level 8.

"See Saeko-chan, now they are the ones asking us to stop"

"They are pathetic, can't they get a woman on their own and that's why they force them?"

"Probably ... if I see you all again, I will make you accompany your boss, get lost"

"" Y-yes! ""

They all turn on their motorcycles and leave, out of fear, one of them when were farther away is taken by surprise by a zombie and falls from the motorcycle. The others do not seem to care for him and continue at full speed until they lose sight of me.

I return to the interior of the store where Komuro and the others filled bags with food, when they look at me and I am sure they will listen to me, speak.

"It is enough, too many zombies are grouping together and not even the bus can break through, we must leave now"

I turn around to leave and their steps sound immediately following after me, then the 6 of us enter the bus. I look at what they brought. If this is shared equally among all, it will only serve us for one day ... well, when more people are armed we can protect a greater number of people carrying food, we must also manage the food well.

I also notice that the fear of the majority towards me increase due to my previous actions, now they do not even dare to look me in the eye. Well that is natural I think, people like Saeko are weird, but others will soon understand that the world is very different from what it used to be, the one that surprises me the most is Shisuka that seems rather calm.

Without giving orders, the bus starts to move, runs over a large number of zombies along the way and continues the road in its previous direction. I take a seat next to Kurisu and Saeko right from me. I feel happy to be in the middle of the two, but Kurisu's eyes are killing me... Then as if she couldn't stand it anymore, interrogates me.

"What were the two talking so much about?"

"We were deciding who would be the first and second wife among you two ... but we still haven't reached a decision"

"W-wife? W-who said that I would be your wife!? ... that's too sudden, and you're still too young ... wait, will there be two wives? !! "

"Alex-san, wait about 5 years to say something like that, fufufu"

So Kurisu was watching us ... not that I did something to need to hide, but I answer her anyway trying to change the heavy environment, with my words she gets nervous and then surprised.

"Then let's decide in the future"

"T-there is no such future Id-Idiot"


[Kill 100 Zombies Completed]

Well, it is a good pace completing the objectives, it is a pity that they are becoming more difficult. For example, the last objective ... 1 million of zombies, if I want to fulfill it along with the deadline of the other mission 6 months from now, we would have to kill more than 5,500 zombies per day.

Even without taking a break and killing day and night, leaving aside that it seems unreal, I still probably could not achieve it in that period of time. The only way is to make a large group, the higher the number of people following my orders, the number of zombies killed should increase accordingly.

The mission of killing zombies and rescuing survivors have  synergy beween each other. In order to efficiently comply with the first, the second must go hand in hand with the objectives of the rescued population.

The problem is to be able to keep a large group of individuals who have their own thoughts in order and there is also a need to search for a safe location, obtain food and essential objects for  daily life. The higher the number of people, the more difficult everything will become.

"I need people who are loyal to me, and delegate responsibilities to them. It is impossible to do it myself"

"For what?"

"Hmn? For nothing, I was just thinking out loud"

Saeko asks me when my thoughts escape from my mouth, she tilts her head in doubt and I just smiled at her. Then my gaze passes through everyone else who was silent, lost in their thoughts, creating a slightly depressing aura. I hope their mentality will stabilize soon, or else they will become a problem.

Now that I think about it, I have saved quite a few people, but the system has not said any notification for the survivors’ mission. Aurora what's going on? Why with all the people I have rescued, no objective has been marked as completed?

[It is because the mission specifies that you create a survivor camp, and although you have rescued them a bus cannot count as your base. You need to find a safe place where a perimeter of at least 1km has no zombies]

Woh, they have raised the difficulty of the level by having to do that ... well, first I will form a group of people that I can trust and do it little by little, and they say that Rome was not built in a day after all.

The bus continued its way through the streets, wherever you put your eyes there are only traces of blood and zombies, really an apocalypse, and also the survivors must be reducing every second. Those who remain alive should be hiding waiting for help that will probably never come, when they realize that they will have to go out and fend for themselves.

" Is still a long way for the house Shisuka?"

"Mmmn ... I don't think so, we should arrive soon"

After answering me she starts humming a song ... she is amazing in her own way, I wish I could open her head and see what is inside. Well, at least it's better than being sunk in depression.

I keep watching through the window, but apart from zombies nothing new is observed, only someone is heard sporadically causing those on the bus to shudder as they mutter.

"The next one will be me?"

"I don't want to be eaten"

"I hope my family was able to go to a safe place"

Remaining in that environment for several tens of minutes, Shisuka's cheerful voice is heard throughout the bus.

"We arrived"

Everyone looks out the window and what we saw is a normal two-story house. Well, considering that we are in Japan and space is essential it should count as a small mansion, it has a cozy appearance for a young couple to live.

"Since it worked the previous time, we will organize in the same way, Komuro, Saeko and I will check the house and its surroundings. The others will wait for us to make a sign to get down."



Written By: Drack

Edited By: XArezzX

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