Soul Evolution System

Chapter 222 Day 7 (Part 2 )

Hello, we started the last month of the year! I hope this will be better for everyone and we can all start a better year!! This is the chapter edited by XArezzX.

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Oooh ~ This is great! It seems that Emilia-chan’s affection reached 100! I honestly believed that this would be more difficult, but hey, people say that in intense situations emotions are also intense in the same way, and I can't think of anything more intense than being on an island where people could kill you with bombs any time.


"E-eh? Another chest? ”


Since the mission to conquer Emilia-chan was completed, a few seconds later, just like the previous time, a chest appears on the ground. Without wasting time, I get up and immediately open it.


Inside were the rewards the system had mentioned, but for now, what mattered to me were the 15 radar crystals that were there. With these, now I have...


"Emilia-chan, where are the crystals you all collected from the men we fought before?"


"They are here Master"


When I wanted to count the number of crystals I had now, I realized that I didn't have the opportunity to do so before because I passed out. So before Emilia could answer me, Mary hands me my backpack… whaa~ It really was in bad shape, no, rather I should be surprised that it was still here and endured the explosions I went through before.


I quickly take the backpack from Mary's hands and then take out all the crystals I have been able to gather so far. After doing this I am a little surprised, it seems that those men from before had a good amount of crystals with them... I think the ones with the most crystals were those who looked like mercenaries.


When I finish counting, I had a total of 42 crystals... I thought that there still be some people on the island, but seeing this amount, there should not be many survivors here... in fact, I'm a bit surprised that the system didn’t finished this mission already.


Well, I'll think about that later, right now I was quite cheerful as these crystals together with the 15 from Emilia-chan’s mission, amounted to 57 crystals in total... that means I now can claim the highest reward for this mission!!


"It's a little sad to think that each crystal meant a person's life..."


Seeing the crystals I had, Emilia-chan mentions that. Well, if you put it that way, then these might look more like cursed objects. Since I having been in a world where around 95% of the population died, then this is not something that big either. Different situations sure can change the perspective about how you see things...


“Well, not all the crystals mean the death of one person and 20 of them were not in the hands of other people. Besides, we just took some of these crystals out of their owners hands and these people survived. ”


"…It is true"


Although honestly it didn't mean much for me the way I had obtained them, seeing her somewhat somber face, I just speak to cheer her up a bit. Besides, I also try to change the subject so that she doesn't think about it more.


"I think this should be over soon, so don't worry to much about that Emilia-chan."




Knowing that those were probably the words that all the people who were on this island wanted to hear the most, I said them to her. Of course, let's put aside the fact that perhaps in order to accomplished this, we will have to kill some more people.


"But before that... I should clean myself first"


" Kyaaa!~ W-What are you doing?!"


"...undressing me so I can bathe?"




"I will help you, Master!"


Its been a week since I last bathed, and even though I was asleep half that time, I was quite active in a forest! Furthermore, several potions had exploded on my clothes too!!


It seems that the girls didn’t bothered to change my clothes while I was unconscious... for a while now, I could notice that it gave off a strong smell. It even seems surprising to me that no one mentioned it until now… the girls may just get used to it.


Well...I think I should be grateful that because of the potions the smell that comes from my body is only like medicine and also my bodily functions stopped during that time...  if not, then I would be very embarrassed and could not even look at them in the face.


When I start undressing, Emilia-chan’s gloomy mood completely disappears and she immediately leaves the room while yelling at me and leaving only the three of us here… 
She's still a pretty shy girl, I have no problem with Mary helping me, but…


"Shiki-san ... could you go out for a moment while I clean up my body?"




I had no problem with a woman seeing my naked body, after all, I had nothing to be ashamed of. The problem was that the presence of this woman made me feel like I was in a horror movie! Or at least the feeling you have when you take a bath after seeing one!


Seriously, why in those kinds of movies there are almost always scenes in the bathroom? In my other life when I saw the "It" movie and I was younger, I lasted several days where I had to bathe as far away from the drain grate as possible!!
No... I think that even as an adult I would be terrified that a clown would appear while I am naked bathing... although the fear of this is for a completely different reason than when I was a child. I can't imagine any good thing happening in those circumstances no matter how hard I try...

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(POV Revi)

After arguing with that damned brat, I walk out of that dimly lit room. Why the hell what that brat does bother me so much ?! I should just ignore what he does!


Well, at least now that he's awake, I can get out of that place without the other people complaining about it… I think they had been too worried about being found while he was unconscious! After the first day when those men came and couldn't find us, the danger must have diminished a lot and I don't think there was any need for us to keep hiding.




Did the boy bother you so much that it make you go out too? What did he do? Did he wanted to put his head between your legs again?


“N-No, it's not that!! And you should stop mentioning that!


It seems that after he passed out he finally forgot about it, so don't remind him of that…”


While taking some fresh air, Emilia suddenly comes out of the hiding place of the woman we found here. Speaking of which, I think she really had plenty of free time to do something like this... this place was in the same building we were in, but unless you knew the structure of this place perfectly, it would be hard to find it.


Well, seeing the flushed face of this girl, I thought that the boy had sexually harassed her again, but it seems that I am wrong, and then the woman that I was talking about who also leaves that room explains to me Emilia's reaction.


"The boy said he wanted to clean up his body and he suddenly started undressing..."


I wanted to reply that if she was a damn teenager for acting like that, but then when I saw her, I remember that she really was one and so I better decide to keep quiet about that and better change the subject.


"What will we do now?"


"E-eh? I don't know either… the only thing Alexander said was this game should soon be over ”


"...I don't think it's that simple. Seeing the number of crystals the boy put out earlier, you all should have been able to leave this island long ago...


It seems that you did not follow the rules of this game, so I don't think the person who organized all this want to just let you all go… hehehe, it seems that you are in the same situation as me, trapped on this Island ”




With that woman's words, Emilia remains silent as she seems to think things through. Well... Alexander, the other blonde girl, and I are from another world, so from the beginning we shouldn't have been here.


I hope that boy has some kind of plan since I don't want to end up like this woman that seems to be missing a screw...




Well… before thinking about how to get out of this Island, we should first take care of those visitors”


"Eh? W-who? ”


"It seems that they also saw us... although looking at their appearance, they are other participants and not the men of the organizers of this damn game"


"Let's tell the boy we have company again"



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(POV Alexander)
"Haaa ~ Now I feel completely renewed"


"Hey brat, We have company! ”


While I was enjoying the sensation of having cleaned my body and Mary was drying my hair, Revy entered this place with a serious face, and immediately the other two women also did. Among them, only Emilia-chan seems to hesitate a bit and only decides to enter once she sees that I am wearing clothes.


It seems that Revy's anger had decreased quite a bit...


"Company? Have they detected Emilia-chan’s crystal? ”


After thinking a bit about Revy's words, I conclude that someone must have used the crystal radar to locate her position. But then, I realize that some things changed while I was unconscious...


“Ah! About that… this woman told us that those crystals could reveal our position if they are active. Because we were hiding at the time and you unconscious, we removed it from her hand.


Hehehe, you missed that moment boy, this girl peed on herself at that time. So if you wanted to do oral sex on her now, she would surely have a stronger fragrance than before. ”


"I-I didn't pee! W-Why do you say that?!! ”


Now that I look at Emilia-chan’s hand closer, it is true that she had a small wound in that place. It may leave a scar... it would be good to find something to fix that since it seems to matter to women a lot.


"It is true, Master. This woman peed on herself"


"W-well... it must have been painful, so it's normal... I think. Also, it's not like Emilia-chan smells strange..."


“E-Even Mary-san… 
I took a bath after that! So there's no problem!"


It seems that although I wanted to avoid talking about it to not embarrass Emilia-chan, even Mary insists on it. So I decide to say something to settle that issue and avoid embarrass her more...


"Emilia-chan, does that wound hurts?"


"E-eh? N-No… since it was several days ago, it doesn't bother me as much… thanks ”


"If you want, I can also lick it to disinfect it just like-"


" I-Idiot, no need! A-And don't continue with what you were going to say!! ”


It seems that my sincere feelings for helping her were scorned...


"If you want to lick this girl, do it later. Right now we should think about what to do with those people ”


"It's true, let's leave the thing about licking Emilia-chan for later... for now let's go out and see them"


"There won't be anything that involves licking later!!"


I wanted to tell Emilia-chan that there is nothing that is absolute in this world, but since it seemed like she was really getting mad, I better keep quiet. The good news is that at least she didn't seem embarrassed now.


we all left this place, and we quickly made our way to the place where Revy said she saw the people from before. Then when we got there, there were three people looking right in our direction.


"... It doesn't seem like they want to fight"


"We can't let our guard down yet..."


"It seems you learned the lesson from the previous time, Alex-chan."


A moment after we start looking at each other between our two groups, the other side makes the first move and walks toward us. But as Emilia-chan says, since they do it while showing us their hands as if to indicate that they wouldn't do anything strange, it didn't seem like they wanted to fight.


Still, I don't want to have to be in an explosion again, so we better be careful. Also... I no longer have an Elixir, so it would be really bad if I went through something similar again.


“ We only want to talk and we do not intend to fight!! ”


When these people reach a distance where we could converse, the only man among them is the one who speaks. This group was made up of him, a woman, and a girl with the age of my body or even a little younger...


Seeing their auras, I think their words are most likely true... although the women and men also have numbers that indicate they have killed someone. But they have a fairly stable aura, and with colors other than black in them predominantly.


"Well... then let's hear what you have to say."

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(POV 3rd person)


"Takanohashi-san! Takanohashi-san!


The group of those girls has shown themselves again! Eh? I-I'm sorry… I-I didn't know that the sir and the dame were still here ”


In a room where Takanohashi and a man and a woman of somewhat advanced age were, suddenly one of the men who worked watching the Island reported that.


Hearing what this man says, Takanohashi's eyes seem to sparkle and his sweat-covered face also relaxes a bit. Until recently, since they were not able to find those girls after searched for them, his concern about what would happen to him increased with each passing minute.


When these two people before him came to this place, he was ready to die. With no other alternative, he received them waiting for them to decide his fate.


Unexpectedly, despite the fact that both people seemed annoyed with him, apparently their main concern at the moment was not what to do with him, and instead, they wanted to know who those girls who appeared on the island were.


So for the following days, they were waiting for someone to contact them to pressure them for the information that this group had gathered or for it to appear in the country's media. After that happened, they would have to find a way to fix it.


But with the days passing and none of that happening, the doubts and restlessness in them only increased. And of course, the one who had to endure all this was none other than Takanohashi himself.


"Well... it seems that we were rushing and we were thinking the worst. Most likely the information on what is happening on this island has not come out yet. ”


"It is true"


"Sir and madam, as I told you previously, we have guarded that island so that no one can leave from there. Those women had to be hidden all this time and perhaps now that they finished their provisions they had no other alternative but to go out.


This time I will make sure to capture them, I assure you!!”


“…This is your last chance, Takanohashi. I hope you solve this as soon as possible ”


Without saying anything else and just nodding at the words of the man in front of him, Takanohashi immediately leaves that place. His face was still pale and sweaty, but now he had a cruel smile on his face...


Although he said that to those two, he had thought that those women were long gone, but apparently luck had not completely abandoned him yet.


"Damn it! I'll make all those damn bitches pay for everything I had to go through! 
Where are they now and what are they doing? ”


"I-It seems they were still close to the building where they were last seen... and apparently they met with Oda's group now"


After his question, the man who had gone to report before and quickly followed Takanohashi when this started walking, he answer that and makes his face becomes more obscure.


“I knew those useless bastards didn't search the place properly! Gather some security men abd immediately go there with an helicopter! ”




“But before that, have the bomb system managers make sure to disable then… it wouldn't be good if those girls died now that they finally decided to show up themselves. ”


Since the game on the Island was over for him, he doesn't pay much attention to Oda´s group. His only concern is that they will disappear again or die...


Several minutes later, a team along with Takanohashi left in a helicopter in direction for where Alexander's group was previously seen. Since this place was not very far from that Island, it would not take long to get there.


Written By Drack

Edited By XArezzX

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