Soul Evolution System

Chapter 234 Driving Out the invaders ( Part 3 )

Merry Christmas to all!!

As a gift from me, today there is a double chapter! I hope you like these!! Due to the holidays XArezX is busy, so a little later I will upload the edited chapters.

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(POV Treko)

After the failure of what happened with the prince before, I had hidden myself in a friend's guild in the capital of the kingdom. Since the people of the kingdom would probably think that I would try to escape from this place as soon as possible, they’ll place guards in the guild's branches to prevent me from escaping and also strengthened the borders.

They would not think that I would still stay in the capital, so the best place to hide was in front of their noses, plus, having a few acquaintances here, would make things easier for me.

I just had to wait for the commotion to subside, to recover from my injuries as well. After all, at that time, I also received pretty serious injuries from that stupid prince... or more precisely, his stupid weapon!! That fucking weapon ruined all my plans!!

I was better now and the situation about my bounty has calmed down a bit, so I thought it was time to leave this place... they had put a great bounty on my head, so surely the most trusted friend could be tempted by it. Not to mention a person with whom I only had some ties from when I was the leader of my organization… it's a great shame how the organization was eliminated because of something that I couldn't get anything from.

... I really regret having done that. I was too hasty wanting to get strength faster, and I should have continued being patient.

Well, there's no point in lamenting about it and instead, I have to move on. Most likely the only thing that prevented the leader of the guild where I am hiding from speaking, is that he understood very well that if he betray me, then he would be the first one I will kill! It also seems like a great opportunity presented itself on his doorstep, so now he was more interested in this than the bounty on my head.

No wonder, if I had obtained this information before attacking prince, then perhaps things would have been different now.

Another acquaintance of the leader of this organization in had come and told him that on the border where he had his headquarters, a small group had found a level 10 zone. The only problem was that apparently, these people had ties to an old woman who was on the 9th limit and if she intervened, then it would be quite troublesome for them.

Because of that old woman, the group from the border came to give this information to them and get something in return.

Apparently, their assumptions were not wrong. While they began to gather information on that group, other organizations started ahead an attack first trying to seize that zone level 10, and the result was that they were annihilated in the following days...

Well, they were small organizations where their leaders had barely formed an energy core, so it is not a great surprise that these types of organizations disappear for wanting things that are above their level. Well, this did not stop the plans of the leader of the organization “Demon ape killers”, and he only readjusted slightly the plans they had at the beginning.

So instead of bringing all the members of this organization, the leader chose to just go with the elites and take the place by force. He thinks that in this way the casualties would probably be much lower.

The reason why I know all this is not because my friendship with them was great, but because he had asked me for help to take that place. Since I had lost my organization and couldn't stay in this kingdom, so there was no one better for him than me to join the plan and not want to fight for that place after...

Well, I couldn't complain about this, at the end of the day I will get some money to start again somewhere else once we complete that and since that place is on the border, I will be able to leave this kingdom through that place with the help of this organization.

Also, since their group had grown in strength recently, having 3 people in the 9th limit now, once they got that place the other organizations would think twice about wanting to fight them to get that place from their hands.

These men may have just reached that strength, but that strength is still real and since this organization has lived in the capital for some time, they also have contacts with others that could help them and form an alliance to oppose others a little stronger than them.

…I can understand why the leader of this organization has a big smile on his face all that time. Once they get that spot this organization would grow in no time. Being honest, I was a bit envious of this man when I get the information.

It was until this day that we had to fight for this place. Now that man's smile had completely disappeared and I could only see anger and regret on his face... that kind of expression seems very familiar to me, it was the same expression I saw when I saw myself in a mirror...

But how could he not have that kind of expression on his face? Now, practically every important person in his organization was dying or already dead on the ground...

Perhaps the only thing that he could see as somewhat positive in his situation after all of this, it is that compared to the leader of the other organization who brought him the information, was probably dead or screaming since he was the one in charge of leading the attack in exchange for profit, but at least he was still alive and unhurt.

...although perhaps it is very likely he wishes that other leader was alive and standing by his side so that he could vent all the fury he felt at this moment on him. Thanks to that guy, now the entire organization “Demon ape killers” has been eliminated as well.

In fact, seeing the prince and the men I had fought within the capital standing on the wall of this place, I thought that this was a trap that one of those guys had set for me. But since one of them is now dead, and the other has lost the best men from his organization, then it is highly unlikely that this the case.

But even if it wasn't, I couldn't stay in this place any longer, so I quickly tried to get out of here. It was a pity that there was someone who got in my way and prevented me from doing so...

"Who~ fuck! My clothes are on fire !! Stupid sword, why don't you stop trying to burn your master?! "

… Seeing that it was a little boy who stopped me, I thought I could kill him and then continue with my escape without wasting any more time. Sadly, this boy turned out to have the strength of someone at the 9th limit and a magic weapon with him too...

He is probably the little son of someone important who has lived his life full of privileges and without having to worry about anything. Someone very similar to that damned prince!

But I must say that this little boy bothers me even more than the prince… seeing how he tries to put out the flames on his clothes, leaving his weapon stuck in the ground, I feel like he is trying to make fun of me!!

Fine... I will vent all the resentment I have against that damned prince on this boy! I will make him pay dearly for overestimating his abilities and oppose me!!

He certainly has the strength of someone in the 9th limit and in fact, I was a bit surprised by his strength, but I bet that is only thanks to all the resources that his parents spent on him. Looking at how he brandished that sword, I can tell that he doesn't have much experience fighting like someone who takes decades to reach the same level of strength he has..

His posture while holding his weapon is full of openings as if he only had a pair of years using that weapon...

"Boy, I will make you understand that not because you have reached that level easily, then you can compare yourself against people who fought all their lives to achieve it"

This time I don't attack him directly, and instead I run around him and start attacking him taking advantage of the openings he showed. As a result of this, the boy is left with no choice but to be on the defensive side using his sword or trying to dodge the edge of my sword.

…Things turned out a bit more difficult than I had imagined. Even though I had cornered the boy a bit, his senses seemed to be quite acute and he was able to prevent or stop all of the attacks that would have taken his life or seriously injured him otherwise.

Besides, that fucking sword was really a nuisance...

"Alexander! We have come to help! "

"Master, let me help you against that old guy!!"

Without realizing it, I had wasted too much time and several girls came to where this boy and I were fighting… Damn it! Things have gotten even more complicated… I didn't want to use this, but now I have no choice.

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(POV Alexander)

“Rika, Leona… I really missed you a lot. Don't worry about me, you better go to where the other two girls who came with me are."

After fighting against this man for several minutes, several girls come to where we were and the ones who get closer were Rika and Leona, so I ask them to go help the other girls.

I can't say that this fight was in my favor, in fact, that man had managed inflict me several light cuts. As this man had said before, in this short confrontation with him I was able to realize that even though I have strength, I was lacking in other aspects compared to him.

…Especially in experience and skill with the sword. This man surpassed me in this, and that is why he had managed to give me a bad time on several moments in this fight. If it weren't for the fact that my speed was a bit faster than his and that my body would sometimes react before I knew it, probably due to my [survivor] skill, then I would have already been defeated by him.

Well, even without the intervention of my [survivor] skill I still had some cards and weapons up my sleeve, so I wasn't that worried about it either, and instead I was even more uneasy about the two other girls who were also fighting.

In fact, it can be said that most of the injuries I have are thanks to putting my attention to where those two are fighting to see how they were. 

Mary didn't seem to have much trouble and seemed to dominate the other guy she had as her opponent, but Revy seemed to have a bit of trouble.

This was not as unexpected as she depended on most of her weapons to fight compared to Mary that seemed used to fight physically, so it was good to see that Saeko and Scythe went to help her. They probably realize that, of those girls, she was the one who needed help more than the other girl and they quickly went to her.

"…Ok. Master"


Hearing my words, Leona sets her eyes on the man I was fighting, and then on the other two who were a little further away and also fighting, after saying that, she begins to run to where Mary was, leaving behind Rika who came with her.

"Alexander... let me help you, I think is better to capture that guy alive."


Rika who had stayed in the same place, suddenly tells me that. She wasn't a heartless girl to treat people's lives like they were nothing, but as a soldier, I knew she wasn't soft on her enemies to try to keep them alive at all costs, so I was a little curious about her words. But, when she tells me the reason, I can't help but being surprised.

"That guy has a reward, and if we deliver him alive to the world guild then we will get 150 million G..."

“ O-One hundred and fifty million?! Shit... old man! You are worth your weight in gold!! 

W-Wait ... "

With Rika words, as if something clicked in my head, I quickly understand the little discomfort I felt when I killed the other man who wad at the 9th limit...

"Sh-Shit!! That other guy who I killed was surely worth a fortune as a slave too!! "

Yes! Previously, I sold a thief who was only in the 5th limit for several million, so it was logical that someone who was at the peak of strength in this area would have a higher value!! No… it wasn't just that guy! If I remember correctly, when I took a quick look at the men whose pieces are scattered all around, among them there were many who exceeded the 5th limit!!

"... I just turned several tens of millions of G into a worthless pile of meat."


Now I really wanted to cry, I have a feeling of great loss as I looked at the place that had been stained with blood and from some screams of agony could be heard...

"M-Maybe we can still save a few million G... Rika, you have to go and help those who are still alive!"


" Hihihi boy, you make even me feel a little sorry for those guys now."

"Oooh! Lena, it's good that you're here!! Do you have a potion to make a man's head regenerate?! I killed a guy in the ninth limit early and he should be worth a good amount as a slave ... sadly, he must be alive for that. "

“Certainly if you sell someone of that level as a slave, then you could get about 25 million… but what you ask is too much, boy. In the area's level 1, 2, or even 3 there are no such potions.... also, if for some reason you could have in your hands a potion that manages to do something like that, then it is sure that it would be worth much more than just 25 million G "

Well ... I think that's true. I-I lost 25 million just like that… it even hurts a bit to think about it. Well, there is still something positive, that is, 150 million are right in front of me!


"Oh... this is not good, don't let that guy take that pill, boy!"

When Rika sighed because of my previous words while she has her eyes on me and I returned my attention to the guy who I had been fighting, he had taken a pill to his mouth. Seeing this, Lena speaks to warn me and to stop him, but unfortunately it was too late to do anything.

“You all are morons! First you get in my way and then you completely ignore me!! I'll make you all pay for your stupidity, and I'll start with you first, damned brat!! "

I was curious what it was that pill for Lena to get a little nervous, but seeing how his aura grew a few seconds after consuming it, it could give me an idea of the effects of it.

...It seems that the fact that I was distracted a bit due to the value that each of these enemies represented annoyed him, and immediately after swallowing that pill, he charges while brandishing his sword against me again.


Written By Drack

Edited By XArezzX

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