Soul Evolution System

Chapter 246: Road To Rozz

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After Leona drove the vehicle we were soon in the city streets, she parks in front of a small shop due to Rika's directions. Seeing the place, of course I recognized it immediately and I also can guess reason why we were here.

...I think it would be good if the System had something like auto-reminders, that would help me a lot. Well, since the girls took on that role by themselves, then there isn't much of a problem either.

But even so… I wonder what Milene did to Rika to earn her resentment,  I can see the latter smile wide as she looks at Milene's shop. It is clear that this girl is looking forward to see her become my slave!

Since there should be no other reason to come here, it can only be the reason that Milene owes me a large amount of money. Well, it is not a large amount for me now... but for a normal citizen of this kingdom, is in fact a big amount. And according to the laws of this Kingdom if a person cannot pay a debt, then they had no alternative but to become a slave to pay it off.

"Ok, let's go! It's time to see that woman pays her debts!! "

" ... Okay"

...for some reason, I feel like the debt Rika is referring is something different than money...

Well, if I was even going to make a princess my slave for owing me, then of course I wouldn't stop with Milene. Although of course it was not to mistreat and denigrate her, this was more of a punishment for not keeping her promise.

I'm not going to say something like, ‘as a modern person, slavery is something bad'. I have already sold many people to say that now...... if I had a disagreement about it, then it just that I don’t like the idea of a woman being mistreated. For me, a woman becoming a slave was just something to liven things up on the bed as a sexual game, and something with both people agreeing on it.

"Where are you Milene!?"

"Alexander-sama, you are back! I'm glad you're fine!!"

While re-evaluating the principles in my mind, we entered Milene's shop with Rika asking for the owner, since the only person we see at the counter was Celi-chan who happily comes to greet me with a smile.

…I could see again the difference between the principles my previous world and this world are very different. I did not expect this girl who became my slave to greet me with such joy and a genuine smile... I can understand that she is not faking her smile when saw me. 

Well... I think that for her, instead of me being the person who made her a slave, I was the one who rescued her from a worse fate.

"Hello, Celi-chan. I'm also glad you're okay.

…Where is Milene? "

"Oh! that woman… she's under the counter."

"Damn Celi! You shouldn't sell your mentor like that!! "

…Unlike when she greeted me, with obvious displeasure in her eyes, she points her finger to where Milene was hiding, and Milene had no choice but to come out while complaining to her disciple. 

Honestly, it's not like I didn't give this merchant woman a chance, I think I gave her enough time to pay off the debt, so I thought there was a chance she would pay me while complaining about having to give me so much money.

But seeing how she is acting now, I'm sure that won't happen...

“Milene… seriously, I don't think it's as if I had taken advantage of you, it’s not like I scammed you or placed an exorbitant interest on you, in fact, I don't even charge you interest on your debt… so it really seems like you don't want to pay me. 

If you told me something like "I have gathered this amount so far, so please wait for me to gather the rest", then I don't think there would be a need for you to become a slave"

“Kuh… I can't help it! The business hasn't been doing very well lately… 

I only have a thousand G, would you wait for me with to gather the rest then?"

"" ... ""

Since I didn't want the girls to think that I was the bad guy here, then I had to speak up. Besides, those were my honest thoughts. It's not like Milene was my enemy and I need to punish her, in fact, since she was the first person I met in this world, you could say that she was my friend.  So if she paid her debt with me, then that would be enough. It's not like I'd insist on making her my slave at any cost.

But damn! to confirm the exact amount that she owes me I would have to check our contract, but without looking at it I am sure that she owes me more than 100,000 G! So she's not even paying me 1% of what she owes me!!

Fuck! This is more like making fun of me!!

But thanks to her words it seems that she had dug her own grave. With that, the girls who looked at her with a bit of pity, their eyes had turn a little cold now. Or so I thought, but it seems that there was someone that still tries to talk on her favor.

“ A-Alex… it's not like we need money now, why don't you forgive her the debt? Milene-san seems to be desperate, so maybe is truth that the business in her store have not been doing very well "

"Alexander-sama, this woman is lying! The business is not bad!! The problem was that when the adventurers gathered in the city before, this woman started selling them weapons, and even on credit!!

So, because those who took out weapons on credit did not return to pay and she could not demand for them to become debt slaves since other people had already done that, all the profits she made until now got lost!! "

“Celi, you traitor!! You didn't have to say that!! "

"" ... ""

Well… now not even Kurisu who had tried to speak in her favor intervenes again after hearing Celi-chan's words. Furthermore, the cold eyes of the other girls now even had a bit of resentment in them!

Although it is not as if Milene had hired assassins against us with the idea of not to pay the debt, certainly no one would think highly of the person who sold the weapons to the assassin who came to try to kill you.

“What's wrong with this woman trying to make money in any way she could? It is normal for a person to try to make a profit if she can do it "

"Oh! She understands me! Yes, that's right, business is business!! "

It seems that unexpectedly there was a girl who had a similar ideology as Milene… Although it's not like Revy was trying to speak up for her, I think she just said her thoughts. Also, since what Milene did has nothing to do with her, then there was no reason for Revy to bother with her, if that were the case, then she would surely try to put a bullet in her head.

…People say thieves and merchants have a similar mentality, and looking at these two women then it seems to be true. Although both professions could be natural enemies too... I wonder if Milene would change her thoughts if I told her that Revy was a thief? Well, since if the rumor spreads about her being a thief it would be annoying, let's not do it.

"Well, give me the thousand G. I will wait for you until I come back from the trip I am going for the remaining amount, if you cannot pay it, then at that time I will make you my slave "

"Heee~ But if I give it to you I'll be left with nothing and I won't even have money to eat!!"


"...just make this bitch your slave now, boy."

"...I agree with Rika-sama!"

Since I said that I would wait for her if she gave me some money, but I had not specified an amount, so I should accept what she gave me and wait for the rest as I promised.

Unexpectedly, this woman leaves me with the hand outstretched and refused to give me something… I'm starting to think that this idiot really wants to be my slave!

"Kurisu! Don't let them turn me into a slave... sniff... sniff... "

"M-Milene-san... if you become Alex's slave, then I promise not to let him do bad things to you"

"Heee~ You're really going to let that guy turn your friend into his slave."

Hearing what Rika and Celi-chan say, and seeing my face darken a bit. Milene runs to Kurisu and holds her leg, while pretending to cry as she begs her for help.  Unfortunately for her, this time not even Kurisu speaks to support her.

“…I will come in a few weeks, if you don't pay me by then, then you will become my slave. Celi-chan, we'll see you soon "

"Yes, Alexander-sama. I will not let this woman escape! "

“Tch… you are a devil, boy! How can you turn a beautiful woman who still has her purity into a slave! You will be punished by the Gods!!"

Lowering my hand with which I expected her to give me money that never came, I start walking out of Milene's store. Indeed, I have to resist the urge to return and turn this woman in my slave right at this moment! Having said that I would do it until after I returned from my trip, I don’t want to retract on my words.

Well, at least the girls will know that I gave this woman a lot of chances this way, so they probably won’t see me as the bad guy here.

"Are we going to the world guild now?"

“No, you have to go somewhere else first… I think you should go there at least one time. It is close to the guild, so we can go there as soon as we finish visiting that place "

Wanting to change my mood, I try thinking that I would officially create my harem! Really, thinking about this, I can feel the anger that had built up in me quickly disappear.

Unexpectedly it seems that there is another place Rika wants us to go...

A few minutes later, as Rika said, we approached a large building that I see for the first time, positioned right in front of the world guild... it's certainly not like I remind all of Barl's facilities or organizations, but being such a striking building, I am sure that I would remember it if I had seen it before.

…Why is it so remarkable you ask? Because I can only see women entering or leaving this place!

"... I heard that this place only accepts virgin women, so they may not accept us"

“ We lose nothing in trying! "

"Although this place looks like a women's organization, I heard a rumor that the one who runs this organization is a very lustful man..."

“B-But the weapons those girls use are very powerful! If I can get one of these in exchange for my body, then I'm willing to do it!!

Not even the most beautiful prostitute in Barl could pay it even with several years of her doing it with hundreds of men!!"

“Well… people also say that the leader of this organization is strong, rich, and handsome. So maybe it's not that bad... "

As we get closer, I can hear a group of adventurers heading to that place while speaking between them… shit! What does Rika want to do making us go to that organization?! Did that leader put his eyes on my girls and despite they telling him that they already had someone they liked, he didn't believe them and that's why they brought me here? If so, then I have to make it clear to him that these girls are mine! If he tries something or keeps insisting, then I beat the crap out off him!!

…But I must say that this man is really picky as to reject girls who are not virgins. I can certainly agree that knowing that you are a woman's first man is something for a man to be proud of, but I also think it is a shame to reject a cute girl because she had done it with someone else before.

After all, if I see that the girl's feelings are sincere and it seems that I please her in bed, I can also feel proud that I took her from another guy who did not appreciate her.

Well, maybe my ideology is due to the era in which I was raised in my previous world. Although without a doubt, for a man was better if his partner had fewer sexual partners since there was less competition with which to compare himself, I did not know of any person who complained because their girlfriend was not a virgin in my previous world.

But in ancient times, maybe is true that your partner being virgin was almost a requirement to make that woman your wife... so perhaps in Gaia there are still people with the same ideology.

...Well, perhaps I am not the best person to complain about that man because of this, after all, the vast majority of the girls around me are still virgins... if I complain to some guy of how can he despise a beautiful woman for not being a virgin, and then he finds out that the girls around me are virgins, I would only look like a hypocrite.

I’m sure no one would not believe me even if I said that things only happened that way...

"T-This place is..."

Arriving right in front of the building, it looks like my thoughts were wrong and it didn't make much sense for me to think about it...

In that great building, you could clearly see the insignia of this organization. It was the image of a throne and below this throne, several figures resembling women were represented and they were on one knee with their heads lowered as if they showed their respect to that throne.

It was something quite striking, I even thought this organization could get into trouble with the Kingdom since the image represented something like a King asking for respect from his followers. But remembering that in many organizations I had seen in the capital before there were images that represented crowns, scepters, mantles, or things related to royalty, maybe this was normal and there was not much problem.

Probably only if you really try to turn that image into reality and act as the ruler or king of territory in the Kingdom, then that would become a problem. But if you just wanted to borrow the symbol of power and prestige that image represented to make your organization more noticeable, then it shouldn't matter.

...I think the only thing forbidden to use as a symbol of your organization would be something directly related to the ruler of the territory where you are, something like the name of the Royal family or their insignia.

Well, although the insignia of this organization was quite striking, that was not what caught my attention the most and made me look for more information about this place with Rika who was by my side. What had caught my attention were the two girls who were guarding the entrance of this organization! No, they weren't exorbitant beauties, but they wore and used firearms as weapons!!

"This is the organization that the girls that you, Kurisu, Scythe, and Saeko rescued…"


Rika confirms something that was obvious… I had already seen the name of this organization and I was just denying reality thinking that maybe it was just a coincidence. But I don't think there is another organization in this Kingdom or even in this entire Area that uses military uniforms and firearms, so logically speaking, those girls had to be the ones we rescued and that name is related with me!

In large letters under that insignia, you could clearly read:

[Alexander-sama's servants]

Oh crap... it seems that the pervert those adventurers were talking about earlier was none other than me!!

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