Soul Evolution System

Chapter 274 Towards the 3rd World ( Part 2 ).

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After Saya and I got out of our bathroom, we and all the girls got together to talk about a few things. Apparently, Saya could not escape being observed in detail despite she rushing things to get us out from the bathroom... well, it's not like they gave her a bad look. In the eyes of some girls, there was only curiosity in these.

Also, I think even if I wasn't here and it was just girls, it wasn't easy for one girl to ask those things of another… probably. So Saya just had to put up with the embarrassment a bit... seeing as their faces blushed a bit and made hers do too, I think it wasn't hard to imagine what they were thinking.

“As you may have already heard, there is a shortage of weapons in the camps of the world where most of you come from. Because of this, I will have to go to another world to try to fix this. "

"With so many zombies there, it is true that this is a big problem..."

"…It is true"


Not wanting Saya to be embarrassed any more, I decide to talk about why I had gathered everyone here. So with my words, the girls' eyes turn to me this time. I  had already argued with some of them, mainly the ones who had their family there, and the others probably found out quickly from these too. So, they all nodded with understanding.

"... where are you going this time, Alex?"

"" ... ""

Then Kurisu brings up the main issue in question while the others wait in silence for my answer. About this, I had started to consider it from the moment I learned of this problem, and then I could only think of two worlds that were very well suited for this goal.

One was that of the girl with white hair and fox eyes who worked in the sale of weapons,  "Jormungand." But there was only one problem with this... if for some reason things didn't go well with her and her group, then I wouldn't know another group to get weapons from.

Also... that girl seemed to be a little crazy. And if I remember correctly, she sold weapons to complete an objective and the truth was that she hated these. So I don't know how she would react if I told her that I want those weapons to take them to another world... well, if we assuming that she would believe my words.

It may not be necessary to tell her that, but there is still the same problem that if I don't help her by the purchase to complete her wish, then maybe she won't sell me the weapons… therefore it was more viable to go to the other world in my mind.

In that world, the previous problems did not exist. Also, there I could probably find multiple sellers and not just one. So, if given the case I could not do it with one, I could simply try to go to the next. Although I cannot say that these people are easy to deal with... it can be said that each one is a sadistic leader who would not hesitate to point those weapons at me!

If this world has a problem, it would be that it is probably much more chaotic than the previous one… since I am not immune to bullets yet, actually I am afraid of dying from a stray bullet from someone there!

Haaa~ Sadly, it's still better than the other world and so I had already decided to go there. Although perhaps the main reason for this choice it's none other than the girl who was also sitting at this table and on whom I put my eyes to answer Kurisu.

"It seems that you no longer have to wait to return to your world Revy... tomorrow we will go to your world"



[Affection Revy -30]

With my words, instead of Revy showing joy and jumping for this, there were obvious displeasure on her face for these and even a system notification rings in my head to make this clearer. Finally, at being quite grumpy, Revy breaks the silence.

"Fine, brat. If you want so badly to get rid of me, then why don't we do it right now?! Why wait?!! "


Seeing her reaction, although it would probably only make things a little worse, I couldn't help a smile from forming on my face. How could I not smile? When I summoned her, it seemed like she couldn't wait to return to her world, but now… her reaction shows me that she is quite reluctant to depart from me!

"Come on, give me my gold so I can get out of here now!!"

While the other girls looked at her with a bit of concern, I approach her still showing her a smile. As I had thought, my attitude seems to have annoyed her even more, but not caring about that, I stop her before she can get up by putting one hand on her shoulder and the other on her chin lifting it so that she is looking at me directly in the eyes.

Annoyed, she tries to push me aside, but somehow thanks to my abilities that made me have greater strength than hers, I was able to avoid her getting up.

“Looks like you didn't hear what I said, Revy. I will go to your world to get weapons, not to I get rid of you... to be honest, the truth is that I would like not to have to go there and so continue making excuses to not take you there. Who knows? You can develop Stockholm syndrome and not want to leave my side anymore… after all, I saw something similar that happened before, so it's not impossible.

Also, why would I want to give up on that big ass of yours without even trying it before? Hehehe, we will certainly go to your world, but I might end up tying you up and dragging you back with me even if you didn't want to go back here... although I would like you to be the one to decide for yourself to come back with me to be by my side "


[Affection Revy +50]


[Mission / Main "Conquest of the Heart (Revy) -E"]

To maintain confidence in a person must be based on some emotion, the stronger the greater security will be created.

Requirements: Affection 100 or Loyalty 100 Current: 120 (Attract / Unconsciously)

Reward: 2x Coupon for a random Weapon Rank [E] 

Development [Gunman] ranks up

[Mission / Main "Conquest of the Heart (Revy) -E" Completed Rating: S

Additional Rewards: Skill [Shott] ranks up

Skill [Aim] ranks up

100,000x Crystals

1,000,000x Gold]

When Revy hears me speak, she stops her resistance to then pay attention to my words. So with the first thing I say to her, it seems her anger goes down a lot... since she thought I'd get rid of her or something like that, I try to correct that misunderstanding of her by telling that. It really seems like I succeed.

…about the other thing I said, my words were totally true. In "Black Lagoon" I saw how to the protagonist happening exactly that, so I really hoped that Revy shared that same quality as this one...

Also although I had cried out my first words, I decide to continue and make it clear by whispering the last thing in her ear. I think if I said something similar to any of the other girls it would be counterproductive, but with her, maybe directly telling her my goal and honest thoughts was probably not that bad.

Hehehe in fact, when I talk about her meaty butt and that I will forcibly dragging her here again, I don't see that she got mad and instead just blushes a little. Sadly, when I try to pinch this one, I can see how almost in sync with my hand moving there, then hers was going straight for her gun too...

She really could shoot me to try to hide her embarrassment, so I have no choice but to stop my hand as she flashed me a smile now as if telling me to try and see what would happen if I continued...

Well, it seems like her affection has surpassed the digit of 100 now, so I probably won't have to wait long to test this meaty butt... although for something like that we will have to be alone or possibly she will end up shooting me if I do it in front of other people. Besides, now I'm almost certain that she will come back with me again.

"Nuaa~ Y-Youu..."

As I couldn't just leave things like that because I felt like I would lose, having her ear a few inches from my mouth, I decide to lick this one making her jump a little. So as she put a hand on her gun, I quickly withdrew while raising my hands in surrender.

…Seeing me in that position, with an intense gaze and with her hand on the gun, it seems that in the end she decides not to shoot me and instead just makes a little snort with her nose as she speaks.

"H-Hmp~ I want to see you try that brat! Who knows? I might be the one who ends up tying you up to sell you to a brothel to you please some perverts without you being able to go back to these girls!!" 

Her sharp tongue doesn't erase the big smile on my face, and I only return to my seat while she speaks. Knowing that her affection surpassed the barrier from the number 100 and that it was difficult for it to come down from there, it made me quite happy and her words would not affect my mood. In fact, what she says I can only see as an attempt to hide her shame and her emotions.

“ Will you take someone else there, Alexander? "


Unfortunately, I could not enjoy this calmly since Rika's words make me have to concentrate on the subject we were dealing with now. This time I probably had no system restrictions, or even if there are, since my goal is only to buy weapons there, I would not take them and so I could take some girls with me to go there.

The problem was that this place was a nest of criminals! So wearing a bunch of beautiful women wasn't something ideal… it's good that Revy intercedes when the girls started laying their eyes on me and practically asking me to take them there.

“That's not a good idea… my world… or specifically the place where the boy intends to go is not the best one. In a simple carelessness, some of you could end up in a brothel... or if you're lucky, instead of a brothel, it might be a mob boss or someone like that in his place... or also end with a bullet in the head. "

“It's true, it's not a good place for many people to join me to go there. So I think other than Revy... I'll just take Leona with me.

Leona, do you want to come with me? "

“Of course, Master! You do not need to ask me, I will accompany you! "

After considering it for a moment, I also decide to bring Leona to the world of “Black Lagoon”. I think she can adapt to that world quickly and she would be very helpful to me there… or at least if we are in the middle of a shooting, then I don't have to worry so much about her and she would also be quite helpful.

“It seems that the place is very dangerous… you have to be careful, Alex. Although I would like to accompany you, it seems that I could cause you problems if I do so... "

“Well, we can't all go away and leave things here in Gaia either, Kurisu-san. So surely we can help Alexander-san here. "

“What Saya says is true, there are quite a few things we have to do in this place. From what Alexander said, the area that he previously went to is good for girl soldiers and some of us to increase our strength. "

“Fufufu, that's true Rika-san. I'm a little tired of just fighting little green guys. "

"... I don't know if I'll be strong enough to fight the monsters in that place alone, so I'll be in your care again Saeko-san"

“…How long are you going to go to that place, Master? Roock~ "

It seems that after hearing Revy's words most of the girls give up on joining me and decide to focus on things in this world as Rika says. I had talked to them a little before about things about the Rozz Area, and many were interested in that place.

Mainly the girls who wanted to get stronger, they showed a lot of interest in trying to train in that place. Although this worries me a bit since it is a more dangerous Area than this one, I think the strength of the girls is now quite good, many are the 8th limit or are close to it. Also, having Mary, Scythe, Vrana in 9th with them, then they should be fine.

I will only ask them not to go so deep in the forest. I should also talk to Rulnmet to accompany the group that decides to go to Rozz. After all, his group has more experience in that matter.

“It will probably take me a little longer than in Emilia-kun's world since it's not so easy to get the things I want. But I will be back as soon as I can... "

While stroking the head of Vrana who had approached me with puppy dog eyes, I softly answer this one while the other girls listened attentively as they also seemed concerned about this.

…Although it is probably not difficult to get weapons where Revy lives, surely finding things like missiles of mass destruction is not something that is easily marketed even among the big bosses of the mafia there.

Most likely, it is necessary to have ties with a country for that... unfortunately, something like this takes time. But the good thing is that I think I have a group of people suitable for that in HOTD. Previously I had already talked to them and made some preparations before leaving that world, so now I will only summon them directly into that world I am going to.

Since I can't wait that long though, so that group will be more of a plan b. I hope I can make a deal with some organization in that world quickly... if not, I will have to wait for that plan b.

Haaa ~ I really wanted to meet my goddess of martial arts… it's a shame that I will probably have to delay our meeting for a few months.

Finishing discussing things for my trip tomorrow, we all retire to rest. Tomorrow I will have to undertake another trip to another world, and I just hope that things in that place are resolved easily... although at knowing how life is in that place, perhaps that is asking too much.

So I just hope I don't come back with new holes in my body...

On the other hand, although some girls acted a bit nervous since found out that I had oral sex with Vrana and Saya, they seemed to feel safe at being gathered all of them together and so at least I could continue to enjoy my sleep time with them all around me.

It also seems that tonight it was the turn for Saeko and Rika to sleep on each side of me... while the first only extended her arms as if inviting me to sleep between her soft breasts, the second seemed a bit nervous.

Well, this could be said that it was not very different from before, perhaps the only different thing is that now in this bed 3 other people had recently joined. Two of these were my slaves who used the " restraint equipment " to sleep, the slave trader hadn't lied about that and those clothes seemed very comfortable for those girls to sleep with without any problem.

When the others saw these "Equipment" I thought they would be more surprised, but perhaps because they were not really very different from the underwear that they wore, then maybe these did not seem so strange to them.

The other person who was added to this group and who was now trying to fall asleep, it was Revy. It seems that she got used to us sleeping together when we were in Rozz's woods, so without saying anything and as if it were normal, she just took a space on the big bed.

…I must say that the power of habit is a terrifying thing.

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