Soul Evolution System

Chapter 292 The Situation On Other Worlds 1

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"You two can lower your skirt, now I'm sure you are girls"

""It's okay~""

Since that was not quite pleasant to see and I would only be able to try to imagine the misfortunes that they went through and feel bad, then I ask them to lower their skirt. Surely it is not the best, but for now, I could only ignore this problem... I don't think there is any use to be sorry for them now, and maybe they do not even understand why I feel bad for them.

Also, if I do something like that, then I would just make these twins only have a bad feeling for this... I think when something bad happens to you and you feel the empathy of others, then maybe the problem becomes real for you at that moment... or at less so it is for me.

Also, this only reminds me that the dark side of any world is quite dark... well, I did not come to solve this here. That is something that the people of this world have to do if they want to change it.

"...what are we going to do with these two brats now, Alex-chan?"

Probably wanting to change the somewhat depressing atmosphere that had filled this place, Revy decides to return to the previous topic.

This really was a problem... if I let them be free in this city, then probably not a day would go by when they were in trouble again! Also… if I trying to bring them to a more peaceful city, then I think that wouldn't be a good idea either.

You certainly can't blame them for the mentality these two have now, but…taking them to a city to make a new life to they would be happy there, that is highly unlikely to happen!  Doing that would be like releasing two little wolves into a pen full of defenseless sheep!!

…After all, their cute looks aside, these twins are quite dangerous now.

"Haaa~ Leona ... you will take care of these two from now on"

"…It `s Ok. Master"

Although I said that I did not come to solve the problems of this world, I could not leave them to their fate after having saved them. At least I will hold myself responsible for them since I did it… well, I will rather make Leona responsible for them.

Although I hope to fix the mentality of these two a bit... otherwise, it would also be problematic to bring them along with the other girls in Gaia! So I hope that maybe Leona's tough attitude, or even the brainwashing she instilled in the girls of the “Servants of Alexander-sama” organization, will change them a bit.

Watching how Leona directs those two to another place, I stare at the back of those two brats...


"…What's up? Do you feel bad for those two?

...I don't think you should worry about that, it's not like you were responsible for what happened to them. Also, I think they are lucky enough not to have ended up dead... "

"I know, but maybe it's impossible not to feel anything... besides, I also wondered a bit how the girls are now in the other worlds?"

I don't know why, but when you see some bad things then the first thing that comes to your mind is the people you care about… you probably just hope that nothing like it happens to them, so I couldn't help but worry a bit about the girls that are not with me now.

I really hope they are okay...

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(POV Hirano- HOTD)

"Do not be careless and kill all the zombies that try to escape!!"

"Damn Hirano... he's gone into Spartan mode again ..."

"Well, we can't blame him for trying harder now that he will soon be a father, Komuro."

"You two, don't get distracted !!"

"Y-Yes !!"

After Alexander-san left, Yuriko-san and the other leaders quickly chose some cities to eliminate the zombies in. When the soldiers found out about this, I could see how many began to sweat while shaking... well, I think it was a normal reaction. After all, the cities that they had been told we would attack had had a population of almost 10 million people!

Even I felt some fear after Yuriko-san ordered me to make preparations to attack the first of those cities… I would soon be a father, so I wanted to at least see my son before I died!

Perhaps seeing my concern on my face, she reassured me saying that Alexander-san had given them something to greatly lessen the burden by when we do it, then I could soon verify her words.

...the city we had arrived at that time, had practically been reduced to ashes. So we only had to deal with the zombies that were trying to escape or that somehow managed to survive the flames.

Besides, thanks to the bombs which Alexander-san called BIMs, things still were even more simple. If an evolved zombie was detected, it could be set as a target, and this bomb that taking out a small propeller would begin to follow it until it was destroyed.

The other bombs are also very useful and these could certainly pull through a problem the soldiers. They can use the ones that create a wall of flames to stop the advance of the zombies if they are too many, or use the ones that explode on contact to reduce their numbers as well.

Also in closed places such as buildings that are the places where soldiers can find death more likely, there, corrosive gas bombs can be thrown and they withdrew so that these can do their work. Then, after that, immediately check the place more safely.

Or there was even one that could generate an energetic shield to protect someone for a while... although from what I heard from Kurisu-san, these bombs are a bit complicated to make and so only some leaders have them.

…About this, I really thank Alexander-san since he gave me a good number in case I got into trouble! Well, I also think that he was quite generous to the others who had joined him since the beginning of this apocalypse like Misuzu-san, Niki-san, Yamada, and of course Komuro.

The latter, although he surely has some problems in dealing with him for obvious reasons, I think he cannot deny that he is without a doubt one of the most benefited people in all the camps... even as the person in charge of the soldiers in Magic land, I have to give him special treatment since I don't want Haruna-san to complain about me to Alexander-san...

"Fufufu, it seems like we were able to take care of most of the zombies in this city now… good job Hirano-kun"

“N-No, if it hadn't been for all the things Alexander-san gave us, then cleaning this city of zombies would have been almost impossible.

It really seems surprising to me how something that seems so simple can make a city start burning spontaneously... "

"Without a doubt... 

It is a pity that apparently these magic scrolls are not so easy to get either, and so Alexander-kun was only able to deliver a few to us."

When I checked that the soldiers also finished inspecting that most of the zombies in this city and those who were trying to escape were eliminated, a car from which Yuriko-san gets off stands next to ours and she starts talking to me. She had probably come to verify that everything was in order.

My words to her weren't only compliments to Alexander-san, I really think that if it weren't for him, then surely our situation would not be as good as it is now. Not only were the bombs he brought a great help, but no doubt what made the soldiers and camp residents think that there was still hope in this world were the scrolls Yuriko-san mentions.

…When I saw her use one of those scrolls, that time I was really quite surprised. On the other hand, the soldiers who were nervous to know that we would have to attack that city then began to cheer when they saw how most of the zombies burned in the flames. So they happily and with great emotion took care of the enemies that were still moving in those cities or fleeing from the flames.

Then, immediately when it reached the ears of the residents of the camps that millions of zombies had been eliminated in cities near the places where they resided, the joy of the soldiers for their achievement quickly spread to all the people in the camps.

After all, those zombies were a latent danger that had always been on people's minds and causing them concern, so it's not hard to understand the relief they felt when that threat that could suddenly attack their homes disappeared.

“Also even though we have not had the need to use them, there are other scrolls that can block a large zombie horde of millions without problems.

From what I heard from Soichiro and Yoshioka who are in Kinato, they had to face a horde of zombies of several million that was heading to their camp and which they were able to easily dealing with using one of those scrolls that create a wall of earth blocking their way.

Well, for now, I think we have removed all the cities that were a threat to the camps. 

Fufufu, you should be happy Hirano-kun, now the life of your unborn child is much safer than before.

…It's really a bit surprising that the shy little Hirano-kun will now become a father. "


I have not seen the use of that scroll that Yuriko-san comments, but if a large horde of zombies is created and walking in the direction of Magic Land, then it is a great joy to know that there is something that can stop it.

B-Besides, it seems that Yuriko-san also takes the opportunity to bother me again about that matter... I-I still can't quite assimilate the idea that I will become a father! So every time someone calls me like that, I feel like my face begins to blush. truth, I am still surprised every time that I return to my residence and then find Asami with a bulging stomach and she resides at me with a smile... I certainly wouldn't change being able to witness that image every day even if I had to endure the mockery of all the people in the camp!

Although of course, given my position as the leader of the Magic Land soldiers, the people who can do that are very few.

Well, I must say that the feeling that this generates in me is not only shame. Every time someone calls me "father" or "future father", I also feel some pride whenever I hear that! Also, if you add the envy I get from people like Komuro-kun and Yamada-kun, this feeling gets bigger... although of course, I'm not so cruel to gloat in front of them for becoming an adult as Alexander-san would surely do...

… It is not difficult to imagine that maybe on one of the visits he makes to this world, suddenly with a big smile on his face, then he would tell Komuro that he would soon have a little brother. Even though he has one of the best treatments in this camp, I can't say that I envy him much either...

"Yuki also soon become moth- gueh!"


"Y-Yamada idiot..."


When I thought about the misfortunes of some people, Yamada who was probably blinded by his own, he comments something that everyone present here knew it was taboo to speak in front of Yuriko-san...

Despite Komuro and Misuzu trying to stop him from continuing his words by elbowing or hitting him, it was too late for that. 

I understand that Yamada has his own problems, and the truth is that I feel a bit sorry for him, but… Damn it! Even I had the urge to take my gun and shoot him to stop him from speaking!

Suddenly, the happy environment we all found ourselves in seems to freeze. The person responsible for this was obviously Yuriko-san who frowns when she hears that name...

What happened between Soichiro-san, Yuriko-san, and Yuki, was not a secret to anyone since it probably spread to all the camps faster than flames in a dry forest... after all, that was something related to two of the greatest leaders of all our camps!

I must say that it is true that many men were happy when they found out that this couple had separated, they probably thought they would have a chance with her now. Surely many people of somewhat considerable rank in the camps thought that if they could somehow win her heart, then they could probably act like kings in them.

...they didn't even care that they might offend Soichiro-san, another important leader, by doing that.

Unfortunately for those guys who wanted to take advantage of Yuriko-san's position or were actually attracted to her, she didn't seem interested in starting a relationship or was stupid not to notice ulterior motives that some were hiding.

“Well… I think it is a good thing that there are several children being born in this world, it is something that we should all be happy about. 

Fufufu, maybe all of you should try to take the example of Hirano and Asami-san and do that too..."

"" Y-Yes ... ""

""Y-Yes Yuriko-san... w-we will try it!""

With a smile that was obviously fake, Yuriko-san tells us that… Komuro, Yamada, and I who were the men who were here, just quickly nodded as we talked without thinking about things much at the time. Well, I think it was also the strongest desire in the hearts of those two to be able to do that...

Also, Misuzu and Niki don't seem to think much of their answer either... I can see how their faces start to blush after realizing what they were saying.

“Well... then I think after collecting the crystals and whatever is usable in this city we should go back to camp. With this city that we have cleared of zombies now, I think the security of our camp has improved a lot now.

…Since we should store some scrolls in case of an emergency, this will be the last big city we attack. I've talked to Saya, and it seems like it will take to Alexander-kun a while to get more weapons for our camp... apparently, he and those girls have their own difficulties. So it's better not to use everything we have now.

Fufufu, Hirano-kun now you can rest and only worry about the birth of your son."

“I-I understand, Yuriko-san. I will make preparations immediately to do that! "

“Don't forget that you should still be careful when you do that. I will see all of you at the camp then. "

Finishing saying that, Yuriko-san returns to the car, and then leaves the place after leaving me in charge of completing the things she had said...

" D-Damn Yamada, can't you think things over before speaking to her?!!"

"It is true! That was terrifying!! "

"" ... ""

After Yuriko-san leaves, quickly Komuro-kun and Misuzu-san begin to blame Yamada-kun for the bad time we had had thanks to him. Even Me and Niki-san who was quite a kind girl. we can only keep quiet without helping him this time because of what he had done.

Because of what happened with Soichiro and Yuki, and also that several men began to bother her a few days after the rumors of their problems spread. Obviously Yuriko san's mood had not been very good lately, and so nobody wanted to bother her...

…It was a relief that her mood improved a few days after that. Suddenly the men that swarmed around her and who tries to win her favor, they disappeared like the cockroaches that try to hide when you turn on the light.

The reason for this was because of another new rumor that spread… It wasn't very long, but it was enough to do something like that... it was said that Alexander-san was behind Yuriko-san now. 

If I believe this rumor? Probably no one who knows him would doubt that... the clearest proof was that while many were willing to offend Soichiro, no one wanted to earn Alexander-san's resentment!

…So, for various reasons, I can only respect Alexander-san even more.

“Well, everyone heard Yuriko-san already. Let's get this over with so we can go back "

"Tch... you just want to finish this quickly so you can return to your beloved woman"

"...the world is very unfair!"

"Probably if you two didn't spend all the time complaining, then maybe some girl would pay attention to you..."

“…Misuzu-san, don't be so hard on them. It seems that they have had many problems until now"

With the comment of the other four after my words, all of us began to give orders to the other soldiers to be able to return home. I hope Alexander-san can get the weapons... even though we have eliminated so many zombies, it is just terrifying to think of how many are still in this world...

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