Soul Evolution System

Chapter 294 The Situation On Other Worlds 3

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(POV Velrut)

"Hmp ~ So much effort you've put in to be able to marry that girl there and everything for you to ending up be rejected!"


At this moment I was heading in a vehicle to the guild to return to the sect after having talked with the King of Delna, so my precious sister had not stopped complaining about this...

It was for the best to have kept her waiting here, or else things would surely have gotten even more complicated there. Then since it was a bit annoying to see her in that annoying attitude, I speak to reassure her.

"Uxel, I have already told you that this is something necessary, you don't need to worry since you are the person I love the most. We have already talked about this many times. If it weren't for the stupid old man, then this wouldn't be necessary... "

"...I understand, but this is still annoying, brother"

Explaining things to her again and caressing her cheek gently, it seems that Uxel's annoyance goes down greatly... for me, she whom I had seen grow up and become quite a beautiful woman was much more important than the fucked princess of this Kingdom!

Out of all my brothers and sisters, she was the only one I could consider family… no, something more than family.

Unfortunately, due to my stupid father who refused to leave the throne even though he would surely be treated as an elder in the sect if he took that position, he still preferred to remaining as the King of our Blekur kingdom...

Well… since my father "showed no interest" in the sect, taking the position of the first disciple was not difficult. The other clans did not think that we wanted to take control of it, so with my talent, I practically had a clear path to get to that position.

Although being honest it is not that this old man did not have the desire to control the sect... probably his disinterest is only because in the sect he could not do the same things as he does in the kingdom... that damn old man despite his age continues to fill the palace of any woman who awakens his desires!!

Although perhaps I should be grateful that thanks to one of those stupid unions my precious sister would be born. Well... probably that damn old man does not really know how many children he has! Curse! Even Uxel had to leave the palace since that bastard had set his eyes on her!!

Well…while it is a nuisance to have so many siblings, none of them turned out to be a threat to me. I thought that I would not have to worry about the succession, and then in a few years, I would become King of Blekur. But time passed and that old man seemed to continue to want to be King until his last days!

... I really wish I could end the life of that old man, but unfortunately, I cannot underestimate his strength. Besides... being in the presence of the King of Delna was more clear that if I wanted to do it, then that not will be so easy! 

Even if I reached his strength level in a few years, then I would still be suppressed by the [King's Dignity] ability that people get from receiving recognition, fear, respect, or appreciation from many people.

…This is one of the main reasons why I had wanted to get to the throne. Without a doubt, this is a great advantage and a skill that a person fears discovering that his opponent has it when both fighting. 

If two people with the same level of strength fight and one have this ability, then the person with it will almost certainly be victorious in the end! No... this ability can even change the situation in a fight with someone somewhat stronger than yourself.

…This was a skill that I need if I want to continue to stand out above everyone else! So, since I couldn't keep waiting for the old man to give me the throne, I had no choice but to think of other means to obtain it.

It was then that I started to set my eyes on other realms… I thought that thanks to my status as the main disciple of the 7 Mountains Sect, then surely it would not be difficult to become the fiancé of a princess from another clan and reach the throne!

After doing some research, the Delna clan seemed like the best option. This was a clan with various kingdoms under its control, so surely I could develop that skill to a good level. But there was only one problem ... this clan only had one princess without a marriage commitment.

Well, it wasn't like I needed to marry multiple princesses either… so I didn't really care about this at first. Furthermore, since this princess was also in the sect, then I thought it would be easy to achieve my goal.

…My reputation in the sect was more than good, so it wasn't strange to see various female disciples feel happy just for talking to me. So I thought that this woman would be no different from those fools, and soon she by herself would be the one that asks me to take her as my woman.

I really didn't expect that damn woman to reject all my attempts to even be able to get close to her! Also, to make matters worse, now there is another bastard who dares to stand in my way!!

"Uxel, I want you to investigate as soon as possible the guy who's engaged to that damn princess..."

" Brother, are you also interested in men now? hehehe "

"Don't be silly… I was just thinking that if there is no fiance, then there can be no commitment, right?"

…If some fool wants to get in my way, then I will let him know that I Velrut Blekur is not someone that he wishes had as his enemy. It's good that Uxel is not just beautiful, she is also a smart woman capable of using other people very well… so I can entrust this to her.'s true that I could probably just look for another princess, but now that stupid woman has earned my resentment too! I just want that fool woman to only could think of me, and then just put her aside after playing with her for a while!!

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(POV Turla - Sect 7 Mountains)

“Princess… it looks like that brat Alexander has actually managed to get those 100 pills and present them to the King as an engagement dowry with you. 

That brat looks like he seriously put his mind to it... in just a little over a month after we parted, then he accomplished that.

…It seems that he really must have someone of considerable influence to be able to do it in such a short time. "

“Fufufu… it seems that Alexander-sama really is a person who keeps his word. 

But you're right Turla, even I'm a bit surprised at how quickly he did it… I can't help but feel a little flattered at the thought that Alexander-sama tried so hard to make our commitment official. "

The information that Alexander had delivered the 100 pills had quickly reached us, so I decided to talk about this a bit with the princess...

Then hearing me mention this, I can see how she blushes a little and a smile adorns her beautiful face... strangely even though I felt happy for her, I also felt a bit annoyed to know that this brat seemed to have had much priority in performing this.

Maybe that was the reason why that fool had decided not to accompany us to the sect despite he seemed interested in coming here... or rather, coming to a level 2 world. Well, I think that would be the best for the boy given his strength level and so, I was hoping to see him here soon...

" Well, I think I'm not the only one happy about this, right Turla? "

"E-Eh? W-What does princess mean… "

“…It seems that you and he got along very well, right? I think it was even a bit difficult to sleep at night in Rozz's forest... "

"E-Eh? T-That... O-Princess... Y-You ... "

Suddenly when I was thinking about that boy, the princess directs the conversation about me this time... I-I don't know if she just wanted to tease me a bit or it was a way to hide the shame that she had shown, but her words make my body started to shudder for various reasons!

One of these was because what I thought had remained a secret from the princess until now it seemed that she knew it completely... also, remembering those moments in the forest that I had with that brat, suddenly my body began to react on its own!!

“ … P-Princess... I-I'm sorry!! "

The truth is that I did not want to continue to keep this a secret from the princess, but it was just that it was a bit difficult to start talking about this topic with her! Also, while I was very ashamed to discover that she had known that all along, a large part of me also felt that I had betrayed her!

So with no choice, I practically threw myself holding onto the princess's leg as I felt my eyes getting wet! After all, the feeling of having failed her as a knight was stronger than my shame.

Aside from apologizing to her, I could also only curse Alexander for putting me in this position! Well... I-I think he didn't intend to keep our relationship a secret, so maybe the biggest fault for this lies on me...

“E-Emmm… T-Turla… I didn't say this to make you feel bad. In fact, I'm happy that you continued by my side even after I married someone... you've been helping me since we were little, so I've always thought of you as my older sister...

So I'm happy that you like Alexander-sama too… at first I had thought you disliked him a bit, so I was only a little surprised when… w-when I heard those nights what you guys were doing. "


Hearing those words, I feel a great relief...  and also a great shame to want to stick my head on the ground! Even so, still somewhat worried I look at her face in search of any discomfort or affliction in her, but on her face, I could only see her usual smile with a bit of shame too... so it did not seem that she was striving to say those words.

"E-Emmm… I really can't believe that boy thought of having other women after having an engagement with Cleirsa-sama…"

…Although it's probably not a worthy thing to put all the responsibility for this on that boy, I couldn't help but evade some of the responsibility that I had for this and blame him for being a womanizer! T-That was something less embarrassing to admit that this brat took up much of my thoughts every day... it's easier to say that I was another woman tricked by that guy!

B-Besides, it was the truth that he was the only one responsible for what I now feel for him...

“Fufufu… without a doubt the number of girls that he has by his side despite being so young is very high… well, they all seemed happy and so maybe we can only say that he is someone quite attractive and with a certain charm…

In a way, it can be said that these girls are lucky to at least be with the person they like and not for other reasons... "

...well, that damn brat was surrounded by other women, so maybe it is true that it is useless to complain or think about it... also, given Cleirsa-sama's status, she may have ended up marrying someone she did not like nothing.

"... n-now that Cleirsa-sama's engagement has been announced, the annoyances from before will probably end."

"That... I want to think so, but now I'm a little worried that this might cause problems for Alexander-sama..."

While the princess had been fortunate that her clan did not believe much in the bonds forged through forced compromises, I know that given her personality if she saw that her clan is suffering or being repressed by someone else, then most likely she would accept a compromise even though she disliked the other person ...

... It was a good thing that until now all the commitments that other people had presented to the Delna clan and had reached the ears of the princess were about people who have the support of organizations with the same or lesser power to the clan, so they probably would not be willing to fight for a rejection.

Although perhaps it is true that if they think that Alexander does not have good backing, then they may vent their discontent against him...

"W-Well… even we don't know everything about the bra-… Alexander-sama, so other organizations may hold back a bit until they are sure he's someone they can afford to offend."

Since the boy's engagement is now totally official, then I should refer to him with respect… it's a shame that maybe now I can't hit him… or I can only do it when we're not in public.

"I hope so... well, maybe we should warn the girls we met at Alexander-sama's mansion to be careful."

"...I'll take care of that, so don't worry Cleirsa-sama"

Although I hope that those organizations which do not like to hear about the commitment do not create problems, like the princess I understand that this is only an optimistic thought and the best thing is that Alexander and those girls be careful ... well, the latter is probably the ones might have problems now.

Since we separated from them, we have been in contact and it seems Alexander went out to another Area again...  neither I nor the princess has any resentment against them, in fact, most of them were quite nice people... well, maybe I have a little resentment with those girls who came with us to Rozz, but... I don't wish any of them or the other girls anything bad.

“Then I'll go see that someone sends the message, princess. Please don't worry too much, in that group not only Alexander-sama seemed to be someone with talent... most of those girls would certainly draw the interest of various sects for their talent.

Besides, the weapons they used were also quite fearsome ... "

Knowing that the princess would continue to be a little worried about this, I decided to send a message while hoping that with this she can calm down a bit. Furthermore, as I leave, I also remind her that that group also didn't seem to be one that was easily intimidated.

…Even though the princess and Alexander issue probably influenced a lot, it cannot be denied that the other members of the [Ilios Apeiro Family] and the [Alexander-sama's Servants] guild had greatly contributed to achieving the fame they now have in the kingdom.

The women's guild called [Alexander-sama's Servants] was now feared even by the strongest organizations that were based here in the kingdom... the other organizations quickly realized that even though it was a group formed in a little period, and that it was composed of only women, these organizations were not affable to annoy.

… Several other organizations realized this too late and ended up paying dearly for underestimating them.

As for the [Family] that Alexander created in an even more recent time, its fame was due to another reason... the mansion that was in the forest region of the kingdom, which by the way I heard that it continues to develop at an amazing speed, now it was called the heavenly palace by several men...

The reason was none other than that in this mansion resided women with beauty and character comparable to the princess of the kingdom!

Due to this, there were probably not a few people who had the thought of taking control of this mansion, but... then surely this desire disappeared the moment they discovered that those women were the ones who ordered the guild [Alexander-sama's Servants]... also upon hearing the recent commitment of the founder of this [Family] to the princess, then those people could only curse and envy Alexander in their minds...

…They probably wouldn't even dare to say their resentment out loud because the women of the guild seemed to idolize him! Doing so would surely only cause problems for them!!

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