Soul Evolution System

Chapter 30: House of the Takagi Family [Edited]

I get off the bus and those of my core group follow me with the exception of Shisuka who stays in the driver's seat with the steering wheel in her hands. Seeing me going down, those who are in the Humvee also do it, and then they walk towards us while seeing the group of zombies that blocks the way.

"What do we do?"

When Kurisu arrives at my side she asks me, I start thinking about options. There are a good number of zombies, but I do not think we cannot get rid of them, I’m just worried that while doing it another group could appear.

"Is there another way?"

"There is, but we will have to detour a considerable distance"

I direct my vision to Saya and ask her, she thinks for a moment and answers me. Fuuu ... I look in the direction of the zombies that with each second are getting closer and after considering for a bit I tell them.

"We don’t know if the other road is in better conditions, and with our weapons it should not be a problem to clear the path of these zombies. The only problem is that more can come...

We have to take care of them as fast as we can, Saeko, Scythe and me will go to the front. Kurisu and Hirano get on the roof of the bus and cover us, Misuzu, Niki, Komuro and Rei will observe the surroundings and kill any zombies lost in the area. Yamada and Yuki will watch near the vehicles for any zombie that manages to pass.

Apart from Hirano and Kurisu, any of you don't think about shooting in our direction, is that clear?"

Thinking for a moment I try to organize ourselves in the best way, if I can spend the least number of bullets and make the least noise it will be the best, and I don't want to be shot by mistake when they aim to a zombie, the only ones I trust for having good aim are the two that I mentioned.

Finishing with my instructions everyone walks to play their assigned role, Saeko, Scythe and me walk towards the zombies. Each of us takes our respective weapons ... well, Scythe only has her claws.

In her status said that she could use a scythe, I should have bought one, it's just that there was not a good opportunity, it would also be very strange to get one out of nowhere and I have some doubts that she can really handle it ... no matter how I look at her, she seems more like someone who depends on her own body to fight.

Let's leave Scythe’s weapon for another occasion, now let's focus on killing the zombies that block the road.

"Scythe, charge towards them, but don't separate too much from us."


The three of us start running and when we do it I hear the sound of the weapons that should be from Hirano and Kurisu. Two zombies fall from the front and after a detonation another two more fall, Scythe takes the space created by jumping and digging her claws into the neck of the one in front, and with the other hand scratches the face of another.

Saeko and I arrived right away and we supported her by cutting the zombies by her side, in the next second I continue to kill others four with my colt.

Then our group and the zombies enter into a fierce fight, now that is daylight, for the clarity I can see better the weapon that I gave to Saeko. It has a beautiful pattern that shines with the sunlight, and its edge seems like something to fear. I can only see her weapon going from one side to the other through the zombies, not even them seem to feel that they have been cut as they continue to move until seconds later they fall apart.

Although they are a considerable amount, they only have that, numbers. With enough time we will have no problem to finish them off. With that in mind I knock down another zombie and change the magazine since I had used all its bullets.

Then I start to hear shots from the other side of the vehicles ... and Kurusu yells at me while she reloads her weapon, and Saya continues after her.

"Alex they are coming across the road fence!"

"Ah! "Ah! They are making new apartment buildings in this area..."

Damn it, she should have remembered that before, now that look, the zombies are wearing construction workers' clothes ... if there are many buildings that are making around here the number of enemies may be too much.

Should we retire? No, it's too late for that, we can only increase the speed with which we kill them.

"Scythe, kill them! Saeko we must increase the rate."


"I get it"


[Alexander level up to 17]

[Kurisu level up 11]

After killing a lot of zombies, Kurisu and I leveled. Although the one that has killed the most is Scythe it seems that at her level these enemies are not worth much experience for her. Unfortunately when we tear down one, another it is there to take its place...

When I was about to give the order to withdraw I hear the sound of several cars on the other side of the zombie group, I look up and see several men wearing suits similar to those used by riot police.

They attack the zombies with cold weapons and some firearm, with the help of these men the pressure we feel decreases and it becomes easier to deal with those that we are facing.


[Saeko level up to 18]

Oh, I thought that I had reached Saeko at her level, but she gets in front again, on the other hand it's good to see that the ability to increase her experience works correctly.

Minutes later the road is clear and we can cross with the vehicles on the other side, we also meet the group of people who came to help, the one that looks like the leader walks in front while he takes off his helmet.

The face that appears below is that of a beautiful mature woman with dark pink hair ... seeing her up close I can also distinguish the curves that are in the right places, I think her face looks familiar to me ... maybe I saw her in the anime?


Saya's voice sounds behind me ... so she is Saya's mother, that explains why she was familiar, I must say that she has inherited good genes ... without a doubt her future is very promising.

"Saya! You were here? "

A sweet voice comes from her mouth, and then Saya runs by my side and throws herself on her arms and begins to cry between her breasts. The mother receives Saya cheerfully and checks inspecting that she have no injuries while comforting her.

After consoling her for a few minutes, Saya's mother gaze changes toward us who stand aside watching, from among us she concentrates her gaze on Komuro and Rei , Tch , lucky dog.

“Takashi-kun, Rei -chan, I'm glad you both are well, the others are your friends?"

" Yuriko -san, I'm also glad you're fine, we managed to escape from school thanks to Alexander-san and came thinking that you could have more information about what's happening"

Komuro turns his gaze to me when he says my name and then Yuriko- san gives me an evaluation look. Komuro you're a good guy, I'm sorry for calling you a dog in my mind before.

When Yuriko- san's gaze is on me I inflate my chest and stand straight, she gives me a smile so I do the same, when I thought that we could get along I feel an elbow in my stomach causing that all the air in my lungs to be expelled.

I looking for the person responsible to complain and find Kurisu looking directly angry with me, the words I intended to say are trapped in my mouth and could just smilewryly. On my other side Saeko laughs at our interaction.

"Please, everyone come to our house, we have given refuge to many people so far, so I do not think that they will be a nuisance"

Komuro looks at me seeking approval, I straighten up again after taking a breath and turn to Yuriko- san.

"Thank you, that helps us a lot."

"No, I'm the one who should thank you for bringing my daughter to my side. Stay behind our car, we're not far of my home, it won’t get long to get there"

After nodding to her, we walked and entered our respective cars. Saya is still behind me and enters in the bus, thinking it was a little strange that she didn't accompany her mother, I ask.

"Why didn’t  you go with your mother?"

"We will meet again in our house, and it doesn't seem like they have much space in the cars that came ... don't you want me to be by your side?"

" Hmn ? It's not that, I just thought you would want to spend more time with your mother for everything that has happened in the world."

When I answer, she gives me a smile ... did she fallen in love with me? I am a sinful man, I'm sorry Hirano, promise not to touch the police officer ... I shouldn't have changed things so much that she would die before we found her, right?

After Yuriko's vehicles back down where they came from, we followed them, the rest of the way there were no other surprises, just one or another zombie that was overwhelmed or ignored. In a short time as she said, her house was before us, it was a mansion with a somewhat mixed style between eastern and western where many people could stay here due to its size.

The entrance door was reinforced and had people watching, when they saw the cars the doors are opened quickly. Inside it had several more people carrying some kind of improvised weapon.

Cars stop and people go down greeting those who cheerfully receive them. When I see Yuriko-san she is walking towards us with a man beside her, because of the way they speak, he must be her husband, Saya's father, he has a toned body and carries a sword at his waist, he also has a serious expression, looking like a strict man of few words.

When we make eye contact, me and the people with weapons in my group also get off the bus, and Kurisu and the others from the Humvee meet us.

"My wife told me everything, I thank all of you for saving my daughter. You may rest assured here will be safe, it’s good that you could get here on your own"

"I can keep safe by myself, we just need a place to rest and if you can give us things to eat it would be even better."

"Alex! Don't be so rough. Sorry sir, he's he is someone direct, he means no offence."

Kurisu quickly intercedes after my comment, I have no preconceived ideas against him because this man has a beautiful wife ... yes, and the frown and displeasure in me is because I am tired of killing so many zombies.

"Okay, don't worry. I don't dislike direct people, and especially if the other party is a little girl"

"Damn it, repeat that on more time!! Are you making fun of me because you have a beautiful wife? "

Before I knew it, I had drawn my sword and ran to him, but again I am stopped by Kurisu who takes me from the back. The man is surprised, but he only a smiles a little in reaction for my outburst, so Kurisu speaks quickly to calm things down when his subordinates that surround us watch me carefully.

"I'm sorry, he is a man ... so if you tell him little girl it is obvious that will get angry"

"Yes dad, he's a boy"

"Oh, is that so? Sorry for confusing your gender"

"Sorry for my husband's words, please forgive him"

With the words of the girls I manage to calm down ... okay, I'm really envious that he has a beautiful wife. But there is one thing that surprises me, when I tried to attack him ...cough, when I tried to dialogue things with him before, the system windows are activated and I could see that he was a [Samurai level 38].

This guy not only has a well-trained body, he is strong too. In addition, he must have enough skill with the sword. I don't know if could beat him, but if we do got to a fight, he probably won't be Scythe's match, and it seems he has felt it too, because hasn't taken his eyes off her ... well, it may also be that she enters in his preferences.

If is the latter and dares to approach to my Scythe, I will stay with his wife. I begin to inspect the levels of other people here for information. Most are average people at a level of 6-9, very few have exceeded that level, and I can count their numbers with the fingers of one hand.

But apart from Saya's father, when I look at Yuriko -san the system shows [Gunman Level 29] and there is also a man to the right of the guy, a [Guard Level 31], it seems to be the guy's right hand or maybe it's one of his bodyguards.

"No, I also lost my cool, I'm sorry, am Alexander Ilios Apeiro , nice to meet all of you"

"Oh, a foreign name, you should have been trapped in Japan by what happened. I am Soichiro Takagi”

"Then please everyone enter the house"

"Well, we have a wounded man, I need a place where he can rest. Komuro and Hirano, help Alice's father get down and also tell her to come. Kurisu tell Shisuka to go down with the others"




Everyone in Saya's father's group reacts to that word, thinking about their reaction I see what is the problem and continue to clarify the things.

"Someone stabbed him, didn't bite him. I don't care and I don't think he cares if you check his wound if you want to be sure of what I'm saying."

"I see, Yoshioka, lead them to an area to place the injured person"

"I understand"

Everyone seems to relax when they hear my explanation, so Komuro, Hirano and the bodyguard that seems to be called Yoshioka walk to the Humvee. Kurisu also arrives at the bus and seconds later the insiders begin to get off it.

When the group that accompanied the weasel sees that they are in a safe place, they seems to be happy, but then one of them quickly runs to where Soichiro stand and in tears he shouts while pointing at me.

"Sir, Sir!!, You had to do something with him, he's crazy, he fed the zombies with Shido-sensei . Besides, he just kept the food for them and gave us only the leftovers. If you lets him stay here, it will surely be nothing more than troubles "

"You! Is that how you treat someone who saved you?"

"It's true he’s a demon!"

"I saw him kill a man in cold blood yesterday"

Woah ! They did not wait even a minute to complain about me, honestly I expected it, but I thought someone would do it when they find that the place was completely safe and it would take more time. Although Kurisu raises her voice being angry when she hears the first guy, the voices of others in that group are louder.

I can say that it is a relief that the people that I trusted were not among them. In fact, they look with distaste at those of the other group who point me with their finger while complaining about the injustices that I made on the trip to here according to them.

"Is what they say true?"

Soichiro raises his eyebrow when he listens to them and then looks at me directly, I honestly don't want to have problems with his group... because I plan to eat this entire people by integrating them with my camp. So an altercation will only be my loose.

His men begin to see me with distrust, but they don't move and just wait for an order from the Takagi couple. As for them, in the same way they seem to wait for my answer, so I just smiled and answered them.

Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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