Soul Evolution System

Chapter 304 Ryozanpaku 5

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Almost at the moment that I accepted the mission, I feel my strength diminishing little by little... it really was not a pleasant feeling! The thing responsible for this was a ring that suddenly appeared on my right hand... at least, it was good that the system doesn't making this in a way that was something too evident for others to notice.

[Restraint Ring-G]

It restricts the user so that he can only reach the strength of a person at the 5th limit.

It looked like a pretty nice ring, but... to me, this was just could be a cursed object! Out of curiosity, I try to remove it but it seemed to be completely attached to my finger... in the end, I just give up on trying more this. Surely it will disappear by itself once I complete that mission... or at least I hope so.

Besides, that wasn't the most troublesome thing… what I regretted the most about everything that was restricted on me, definitely it was my abilities! In truth the damn system thought on everything to restrict my strength… with those abilities, while I am in a 5th limit, I would have at least reached the 7th limit if I was in a bind!!

Well, technically I should still have the strength above the average of a normal person in this world. Just seeing that Kenichi at the moment was only one level [22], I can understand that the system was not too cruel.

…Thinking about that, Kenichi's would certainly be quite low, but if I remember correctly when I met Saeko for the first time, she was not reaching the second limit yet… so in that sense, this is a bit surprising. Kenichi would be quite strong if we put him in the world of HOTD... although, for some reason, I also don't feel that that assumption was entirely correct.

[Well, HOTD's world was at a very low level when the apocalypse started and so it can be said that she was a high level given her age and the world she lived in. Also, I think that if Kenichi and she with her starting levels of that time fought, even at a disadvantage, surely Saeko would be the one who would win in that fight.

Even though Kenichi has a higher level compared to HOTD people, that's only because the energy in this world is higher. Think of it as if a person with a knife and an unarmed one fought, not because of having the advantage of using a knife that person would win certainly but it depends on the skill of both of them.

In this case, it can be said that Kenichi's body is like the knife of that analogy. So not knowing how to use it well, this will not influence much in a fight and the result would depend more on who is more skilled]

…Well, I certainly couldn't imagine Saeko losing despite being a lower level at that time than Kenichi. In fact, I think that even at being a level 22 he would turn into zombie food if he was in HOTD when everything started.

Although perhaps it is not appropriate to underestimate him too much either… I can read next to his level that he has the skills [Blessing of the world] and [Luck]! They were certainly very good skills!! Especially the first of these... this one caused me some trouble rescuing a couple of times the guy I blew up in B-Tooom earlier!

Also, [luck] skill can be very good too. Although I don't feel its effects on me much, this one also saved Emilia-kun when she was in danger!

“I'm talking to you brat! Who the hell are you saying Tsundere-ojisan to? Fuck! Furthermore, I'm only 29, you know?!! "


This time I am forcibly taken out of my thoughts as Sakaki starts to shake me probably because he had reached his limit of patience from being ignored.

…Obviously, the only one who could fit that description was not another one than him! Also, that is not without any foundation! Despite all the complaints he made to teach me and how annoying he seemed when he did it, he was still one of the teachers who had a pretty high affection for me now!!

If that's not Tsundere, then what is? 

Well... I couldn't answer that to him either since surely that would only make things worse. So I decided is better to focus on the second thing he said.

“Tsund-… Sakaki, unlike the old man whose muscles make him look younger, I'm sorry to tell you that in your case they make you look older… the world is so unfair, don't you think so? "

"T-That's a lie!! How I can look so old?!! "

"U-Un ... Tsun-dere-oji-san"

"Apapa~ It's true, Sakaki seems older~"


Besides… you two stop making fun of me and don't play along with the things this damn brat says!! "

...although this discussion causes a bit of laughter to most of us, the truth was that for me the fact of seeing a man perform Tsundere was not something pleasant either... I wanted to tell him that this was a bit disgusting, but I did not want to make matters worse situation.

“…It's disgusting that a 29-year-old man acted Tsundere, Sakaki. If you dislike or like something, just be direct ”

"" ... ""

“B-Brat… I'll really hit you… you said you wanted to continue training, right? Why we don't have a little sparring.. surely you will learn many things from this one "

Sh-Shit! It seems that in the end I couldn't resist telling him that!! Now I was truly feeling that I was in danger...

“T-To all this… who is he? Your aura almost made that guy swoon, you know? "

You must be kidding, I just got nerfed by the system! If this were a few seconds ago, then that would be something interesting, but now... if I had a confrontation with him now, surely only physical torture awaited me!!

So I try to change the subject by pointing out to Kenichi that wouldn't stop shaking and it seemed that at any moment he would start foaming at the mouth...

"Hmn? Oh, that's right… who the hell is that brat? "

" Ah! I had completely forgotten about him! "

T-That's a bit cruel, Miu-chan. It's good that the guy can't seem to hear those words right now...

" Kenichi-san! Resist, do not faint!!

He is Kenchi-san, he also wants to learn martial arts. Further…"

Since he didn't seem to be able to introduce himself since even though he managed not to pass out, he still couldn't seem to articulate a word, so Miu-chan does it for him. Right away she also tells us the story that I remembered a bit from anime.

The truth is that even though he is perhaps someone quite kind and naive, he was one of my favorite protagonists. It always seemed great to me how he gradually overcomes all his weaknesses and then he became someone strong. So if I had to choose, I think I'd like to get along with him.

…Well, given his personality, I don't think it's difficult to do so. Although perhaps the only problem between us would be this cute blonde girl… even though she is not the girl I would give the highest priority to chasing in this world, Miu-chan is certainly still quite a nice girl.

Well, I think neither of us would complain about the person she chooses in the end and we wouldn't hold any resentment towards the other when that happens. Also, I don't think it's unfair to him to let her be the one to decide since from what I remember, Kenichi certainly has luck with women too... unlike a certain ungrateful son.

Although that probably only applies to Miu-chan... if this guy takes Shigure-san from me, then I can't say the same as before! Surely a bloodbath will occur in this Dojo if that happens!!

"Ho~ So this little guy wants to learn martial arts too?!"

" not think that I will accept again that some of you putting me to take care of another damn brat!"

"Apapa~ Another disciple~!"

“I-I… I-I think… m-maybe that's not a good idea after all. I-I must leave! "

As happened with me before, Miu introduces Kenichi to the Masters of this Dojo. Then, as a result of that, several of them surround and observing him with curiosity... seeing the Old man, Sakaki, and Apa how they surrounded him, that scene was similar to as if a group of ogres had found one prey and they prepared to distribute their meat.

It's not hard to imagine why Kenichi decides to run away… if I was in his situation, maybe I would probably do the same too! Also, if I remember correctly, at first he was a bit of a coward. So I think I should praise him for being able to make his legs move to run out of this place.


"O-Oh! ... he... got sca -red..."

"Shigure-san! Stop throwing things inside the house!"

Sadly, Shigure-san didn't think the same as me and she threw a couple of ninja stars at him while he runs. I think she acted on reflex when she saw a prey that escapes. 

Besides... she seemed proud to seeing how scared Kenichi was... I wonder if she threw stars because she liked to see that reaction on others? Or that could also be her way of greeting?

On the other hand, I think you should worry more about your classmate than about the walls being pierced a bit more... after all, they already are a little damaged Miu-chan.

…Or perhaps it is her housewife trait that is acting?

"Everyone calms down, you are scaring the little Kenichi."

… why I feel that there is a difference in treatment between Kenichi and me from Akisame? I think this guy hasn't even spoken to me since I got here!


As if this one were a lifeboat in the middle of a stormy sea, Kenichi seems to hold on to it tightly to save himself. Well, maybe since he's one of the more normal people here, that's the most natural thing to do.

Perhaps feeling secure with Akisame's support, Kenichi calmed down again and they could start the conversation again. In the end, when Miu reminds him of what his dream was, he decides to join this Dojo as well. Looks like I'll have a Kohai now... I got here first after all!

After, he also pays a fee to enter the Dojo. Although… I think the amount we pay is very different too! But when I lay my eyes on Miu-chan due to this difference, she just looked away...

Well, it's not like I'm going to ask back for something I already gave to someone else. I will just think that I am entitled to various benefits more for that difference...

"Well, for now you two will have a fight."


When I thought that I could finally go back to my training with Sakaki, Akisame is the one who intervenes while pointing at me and Kenichi... seriously, how can it be that the first words this guy speaks to me are to go and have a fight with another person?!

Where was the Master who cared first for imparting the bases until these completely engraved on the bones of the disciple?!!

" see what would be the appropriate training for each of you, then it is best to see the skills of both."



As if reading my mind, Akisame explains why he wants us to do this. Well, unlike Kenichi who seemed nervous, I was just surprised by how sudden his words were. If it was simply a practice fight, then I had no problem doing this.

" Hohoho, then let's go to the Dojo"

"Hehehe, this will be interesting."

"Boy, hit that red-haired brat hard!"

"Apapa ~ Apa also wants to fight~ "

"TThat's n-ot good... let them fig-ht"

Soon we were all in the Dojo area that has the sparkly wooden floor, and now Kenichi was in front of me while wearing another Karate suit... apparently, the guy had come prepared to be accepted here and had brought his club uniform.

"...Is this really okay? On second thought, I don't think this's a good idea, you know?"

"I-It's true! T-This is not a good idea!!"

Seeing Kenichi in front of me acting nervous, I couldn't help but speak to stop this. I don't want to sound presumptuous, but I think the result of this was obvious... in the end, it would just be me hitting the poor Kenichi!

"H-He's obviously a younger boy than me... I-I don't think it's fair for me to fight him."

Unexpectedly, his claims weren't because he was worried about him. Well, he was a good boy after all, so I think it was normal for him to worry about hurting someone smaller than him... I was not offended by his words and rather, it made it even more difficult for me to hit him!

But it seems that the other people here did not have the same thoughts as me...

“Don't be silly, boy. That brat can probably defeat you with just one hand! You don't need to have compassion for him, and attack him like you want to take his life!! "

"Hohoho, the two of you must try hard"

"Yes, this is just training. Just be a little careful and do your best, Alexander-kun and Kenchi-san"

"" ... ""

It seems that there was no other alternative... on the other hand, the damn Sakaki seems that he still hasn't forgotten the things from before! Wasn't this a Dojo where their philosophy was to fight without killing their opponent?!!

Also, if I try hard I think Kenich would end up in a very bad state! Surely those two can understand that, right? This pair of grandfather and granddaughter can say very cruel things with a smile on their faces...

Well, I'll take this as a little game… besides, leaving aside that my level is higher than his, it can be said that I was also a novice in martial arts. After all, so far the only thing Sakaki has made me do is to practice some katas and do various push-ups.

" you fight Kenichi-kun or do you fight Miu-chan. You can choose, Alexander-kun"

Noticing my reluctance to fight Kenichi, Akisame speaks pointing to Miu-chan that was cheering for both of us. It was probably fairer to take the second option, but… I've never liked the idea of hitting a woman even if it's a practice match.

… I probably could do the same thing as when I met Revy in the white world, but... with his grandfather here watching us, I don't dare do something like that! Although perhaps it is also true that I cannot even touch her due to the difference in our skills… unlike Revy who relies on firearms, Miu-chan should have practiced martial arts since she was a little girl.

"Well, Hamtaro-kun...  remember that the suffering of now is because of these Master and not is my fault."

"E-Eh? H-Hamtaro-kun? S-Suffering?

… W-why do you call me Hamtaro-kun, Alexander-kun? "

Taking a decision, I put my eyes back again at Kenichi and then I say that. Also, now I understand why in the anime or manga they portrayed him a bit as a harmless little animal... remembering a bit the anime, mainly the moment where the old man abandons him in the forest, he really gave me an impression of a small hamster roaring some seeds!

"... it was the name of a little hamster that I saw in somewhere..."

"" ... ""

"U-Un... Ham-taro-kun..."

"Apapa ~ It looks a bit like..."

…Since Kenichi asks and also the others seemed a little interested why that name, I tell them the reason for the nickname. So after laying their eyes on him for a few seconds, I can see some of them smile a little and agree with my words.

"A-A Hamster? ...W-Well, it's not the worst nickname someone's given me... "

Well, the reason for that nickname was not to offend or despise him... it was just because he reminded me of that little creature... also, it seems that he does not dislike it that much. Without a doubt, boys at that age can be very cruel, so I'm sure his words were totally true...

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