Soul Evolution System

Chapter 310 Ragnarok 3

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(POV Miu-chan)

After receiving the news that Nijima-san had been kidnapped and also at knowing where he was being held, Hamtaro-kun, Alexander-kun, and I ran straight to the place. The former seemed quite motivated and was running quite enthusiastically, while the latter one was a bit discouraged and struggled a bit to follow in our footsteps.

"Come on, Alexander-kun!"

"…yes. (Damn Akisame, at least he should have let me take this thing off! That guy is definitely an S!! What is he thinking by putting a lock on this so I can't take it off when I want?!) "


Well, it's not that he had a worse condition than Hamtaro-kun's and me to keep up with us. I knew well that it was because he was wearing the equipment that Akisame-san give to him... and also that he had been training all day so it was normal for him to be a bit tired. So my words more than a claim was to try to encourage him.

Also... even though he says that muttering, I can hear a little his complaints towards Akisame-san! I don't quite understand what he's saying, but I certainly don't think it's a good thing...

Maybe I should reprimand him a bit for speaking ill of someone older than him and that is also his Master, but... that seems to be the kind of relationship he has with these Masters. He is not as respectful to them as Hamtaro-kun, but the others also treat both of them a little differently. Therefore, I better pretend not to hear his words.

Besides, perhaps I should not interfere with the relationship that they have...

“Alexander-kun… what do you want to do by learning martial arts? Do you want to help the weakest like Hamtaro-kun too? "

"Hmn? That…

I'm sorry, little Miu-chan… I don't have such a philanthropic desire as Hamtaro-kun. My desire to learn martial arts is only to be stronger… that way I can protect myself, and the people I care about.

About helping others… if doing so doesn't cause a problem to me, then maybe I wouldn't mind doing it. Although of course, they would have to be people who really need it... at least I think that people should make an effort to solve their own problems.

If it is still impossible for them to get out of a bad situation after trying their best and I can help them, then I will.

Oh, of course that Miu-chan and Shigure-san are now important people to me that I want to protect!"

"E-Eh? T-Thank you... "

The truth was that even though we have gotten to know each other for some time and he now lives in my house, I didn't know much about Alexander-kun... in fact, on one occasion while my grandfather and the others were talking to each other, I had heard by accident some things that they discuss between them about Hamtaro-san and Alexander-kun...

At first I thought they were just talking about their progress and how hard they were trying, but… then I heard something that made me a little concerned and that seemed a bit hard to believe.

...they are worried for Alexander-kun had probably killed people! I'm not as skilled as they are, but feeling his aura, they thought that he might have taken someone's life before!

The truth is that in the beginning t I did not know what to believe about this... on the one hand, I did not doubt that they had made a mistake in their observations, but... I also found it difficult to believe that this little boy who acted cheerfully and was very playful with people, will actually kill someone.

Now I could understand why the other Masters and my grandfather were observing him a little differently than Hamtaro-kun... it seemed that they were observing Alexander-kun with special attention. It was not because he was more talented and they had higher expectations for him but was because they were really watching him!

Well... maybe just like me, when they got to know him more and more as the days went by, Sakaki's trust and most of them in him had increased a lot and they seemed more relaxed by his side now.

…Maybe he was forced by some circumstance to do something like that?

I wanted to ask him that now… sadly, in the end I didn't have the courage to ask that question. Also, I was possibly a little scared to hear his answer… so I tried to ask him why he wanted to learn martial arts instead.

Maybe I a little wanted to hear that he had a similar motive as Hamtaro-kun so I could be sure that he was definitely not a bad person. So the answer that I get, even though it wasn't what I expected, I also think that it leastways wasn't a bad reason to learn martial arts.

Perhaps his words that others have to solve their own problems sound a bit cold, but it is also true that these have some truth in them too. Also, when he says that last while giving me a wink, I can't help but blush and get a little nervous!

... i-it was the first time that someone other than my grandfather told me that he wanted to protect me. I-I don't think Alexander-kun is a bad person after all… although certainly he is a bit perverted!

" Where is Nijima?! "

"Oh! So you  finally arrived... "

"Sensei, help me!!"

"See, that guy is fine... he doesn't even have a scratch.

Can we go back now? No... since we're here, let's at least make Hamtaro-kun take care of that guy."

After running for a few minutes, we finally reached the place where Nijima-san was being held. Then Hamtaro-kun takes a step forward and looking quite annoyed starts yelling at the people who were gathered here.

…On the other hand, Alexander-kun didn't really seem motivated. He even looked like he was a bit disappointed when he found out that Nijima-san didn't have any injuries! W-Well, that's the kind of relationship they have... that's right!, he's probably joking with Nijima-san again.

I'm a bit jealous since I don't have a friend with whom I can talk normally and make jokes like them...

The one who steps forward within this group after Hamtaro-san's words, was a large person with quite thick arms and a big body... well, that's if you compared him to Alexander-kun, Hamtaro-san, or me. If you compared him to Apachai-san and Sakaki-san… he wasn't that big.

"Let's finish them off, leader!"

"Let's use the hostage to make them surrender and beat them up!!"


"Cowards... how dare you use someone as a hostage?!!"

"...the truth is that I don't care if all of you hit him a bit, as long as you don't take this that far, then it's fine."


The atmosphere around Hamtaro-kun and Kenichi actually contrasted a bit... curiously, the leader of this group seemed to have a different mentality than his henchmen.


I'm sorry, I just wanted to make you come… I didn't mean to use a hostage in a cowardly way. I just want a duel with you!! If you can defeat me, then you can take your friend with you.

But if you lose... "

" can keep him, I really don't mind."

"...If we lose what will happen?"

Suddenly, the atmosphere becomes a bit serious... well, just Alexander-kun who starts looking for a place to sit as if letting us know that he was not going to participate in this fight, was the only completely relaxed.

…In fact, it could be said that the atmosphere was divided in two. One part was Hamtaro-kun and the leader of these boys looking seriously, and on the other side, there were the henchmen who watched Alexander-kun walk without worrying around the place...

He even just tells a guy who was sitting on an old tire to get out so he can sit there! This one probably not knowing how to react or perhaps sensing the aura around him, just steps aside and allowing him to sit quietly.

H-He's really will not help out in this fight, right? Well… it's true that probably if he or I fought, then all these people would end up on the ground quickly. He must think that it is maybe more suitable for Hamtaro-kun to being the one fighting here and so become stronger... surely must be it!

"If you lose, then you will have to help me realize my dream!!"

"Y-Your dream? W-What do you want? I cannot allow anything that does with taking advantage of the weak!! "

"No, my dream has nothing to do with that... my dream is... "

Right away this person begins to explain his dream to us... also, the truth was a very big one… it was about Sumo, about how he wanted to take this sport to greater heights.

Not only that, he even wanted to change people's ideology so that they consider plump people attractive!



"I-I'm sorry, Thor-sama!"

" Does my dream seem funny to you?!! "

"Hyaa~ Gueh!!"

...well, I think it's normal that nobody likes to be laughed at their goal or dreams, so this Secuas-san who was thrown like a doll was the one who sought that out to himself. Putting that aside, this person seems quite strong...

"Do you also think that my dream is kind of funny?"

“…No, I think it's a wonderful dream. But still... I can't allow you to do all this! "

More than his own henchmen, it seems that Hamtaro-san understood that person better and you could even see that he respected him a little... the truth is that I did not understand this boy's dream very well, but I don't think it is wrong to try the best for their own ideals if these are not bad.

"...I think you only have a personal resentment because maybe some girl rejected you for being a chubby boy."

"" E-Eh? ""

Although, it seems that there were also others who had a different opinion of Thor-san's dream… he wasn't the only surprised by Alexander-kun's sudden words, even I and Hamtaro-kun didn't know what to say!

But then explaining his point of view, he continues with what he was saying and asks Thor-san,  who had a slightly flushed face, a question... although, now it did not seem that this was due to anger and but rather out of embarrassment. I think it is very likely that something similar to what Alexander-kun said happened to him...

“Be honest with me, who would seem more attractive to you. Is this girl... or one with a big body from having to practice Sumo? "

"E-Eh? T-That's... "

Suddenly Alexander-kun points to me and then the eyes of several people are directed towards me...  then after Thor-san looked at me and immediately imagined something in his head, he could only look away without being able to answer the question properly...

"By the way, even though I wouldn't want Miu-chan to practice sumo… I'd really like to see her wear the special outfit of that sport!"

"E-Eh? T-The clothing of that sport? "

When imagining the type of clothing that Sumo wrestlers wore and also thinking of wearing something like that myself, I can't help my face turning totally red!  That's impossible!!! How could I only wear that?!!

"A-Alexander-kun pervert!!"

Also, it seems that I was not the only one who was imagining that... I could see how Alexander-kun started to drool as he watched me!! So when I felt his gaze, I could only try to cover my breasts while I complained to him!

"I-I'm sorry… I just thought you would look great wearing that, Miu-chan."


After giving Alexander-kun a sharp look, he just wiped the saliva that was overflowing from his mouth, and then said that. Well, I'll forgive him since I think it's normal for boys to think of girls... not only had he been the only one with those thoughts, I could see how most of the people here now had flushed faces while look at me. complaints only focused on him because he was the only one who did that most obviously.

"Well, it's time for you two to fight. Tomorrow I have to teach at the high school, so is better for you two stop comparing who has it bigger and fight"

"Who has it bigger? ...what? "

"... f-of course I'm talking about their dreams, Miu-chan"


... I feel like there was something that Alexander-kun wasn't telling me, but when I turn to see Hamtaro-kun and Thor-san to see if they say other thing, they just look away... so I can only settle for Alexander's-kun answer. Although I'm sure his words had a hidden meaning...

"T-To all this... who are you, kid?"

"H- He 's my senpai from the dojo where I practice… Alexander-senpai"

“Right, I am also a teacher… you can tell me Great Teacher Alexander! GTA for short…… no, that sounds like a video game… I should look for a better acronym… I should also get a motorcycle… I wonder if someone like the Italian guy from before would give me one here?

...No, that would be totally theft here... plus, I probably can't drive it either because of my tall...

"" ... ""

I-It seems that Alexander-kun really had his own problems as he starts muttering various things while the others are a bit puzzled too. It was a bit surprising how the atmosphere has been totally changed because of him... it even seemed that Hamtaro-san and Thor-san who were talking had lost all the attention they had until a moment ago.

"A-A teacher ... you?"

So, it was until almost a minute later that Thor-san spoke again. Well, he wasn't the only one in that state and everyone took their time to process all of this.

“ Perhaps it is difficult that you believed it since a teacher should not get involved in the fights of the young people... unfortunately, I can't leave one of my students in trouble… well… (maybe I was a little forced to come here, but since I've come, then I should do something) "

“N-No… that's not the problem! The problem is that you look like a middle school girl!! "


W-Well, it's true that it seems difficult to see Alexander-kun as a teacher. Even me, who he teaches, sometimes I forget this.

Putting that aside... this time it was Thor-kun's turn to press on an old wound of Alexander-kun who can only keep quiet without saying anything.

"Thor-sama! We will take care of this little girl!! "


With everyone's attention on Alexander-kun, all of the henchmen accompanying Thor-san started to take up some tubes as weapons or make some movements as if preparing to hit someone while surrounding him.

They probably thought that since Alexander-kun seemed to be the youngest among us, then taking care of him would be quite easy. But... I wish they could see more closely into his eyes now! These were a bit cold and even though they were surrounding him, he just smiled a little as he watched them!!

Hamtaro-kun probably remembers that expression well since it was the same one he had when they first fought… seeing this, his body started to shake a little!

Soon, the first one to step forward try to hit Alexander-kun with a pipe... but then he quickly evades it and counterattacks with a Mue thai move knocking him down.

So without worrying about that person who was now on the ground or these others that were surprised by what happened, he simply chose the next person closest to him to continue this fight... if this could be called that.

He's really improved a lot since I first saw him… well, at least in his movements. Now he had a good pose and he didn't have that many openings while attack those guys either. By seeing all this progress of him in this short time, I understand why the Masters think of him as a genius...

… It's not hard to understand why even though Hamtaro-kun trains hard he can't beat him when they fight on practice. Besides, it's not that he doesn't push himself either... when Hamtaro-kun is passed out from exhaustion, he still continues a bit practicing the things that the others taught him.

"Well... now we can get this over with, I want to go back to the dojo so I can rest."

"" ... ""

In a matter of a few minutes, all of Thor-san's henchmen were on the ground while moaning a little in pain... so, now the only ones standing were us 4.

Before, seeing that they attacked him, I had wanted to help him but... I got a little caught in the moment seeing Alexander-san's improvements.

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