Soul Evolution System

Chapter 325 Ragnarok 5

(POV Sakaki)

Hamtaro-kun's fight with Ma's brother's disciple came to a conclusion. I think it was a fairly balanced fight since even though Hamtaro-kun was losing a bit in skill, that boy also had some disadvantages from the causes of that fight.


Thus, no one could take away Hamtaro-kun's credit for his victory. To one of the people I was teaching to come out victorious over someone else's disciple, was not a bad feeling at all. I almost felt that I was the one who had won.


No, seeing how everyone smiled at this, probably the others who were also watching felt the same. No doubt that boy had earned everyone's praise a bit.


"Damn it! That other boy is going too far!! "


Unfortunately, this joy was quickly overshadowed by the following development of events. Hamtaro-kun's last opponent continued to play dirty and this time threatens him with his little sister to not do anything while he hit him!


…Because of this, the beer I was holding in my hand had been crushed! I really wanted to go there and hit that other brat a little now!!


“Calm down Sakaki… it's not good for us to intervene in some boys' fight. Besides... that's not a good example for Alexander-kun either "


Since that had made my blood boil a bit, a bit of my aura emanates from my body… thanks to this, some birds from the vicinity fly away, and the others here turn their attention to me. Tch... even though the others seemed calmer, I could see that their eyes had also changed a bit while watching that fight... it was just that some of them are better at controlling their emotions.


...or is also that they were people who did not show many emotions like Shigure or Apachai which has a reaction more childish... in truth this guy does not seem to get angry at anything. Even at least Sihgure's brow had frowned a bit!




"...Relax, A-lex"


"... it is ok, Shigure"


…Well, even my reaction seemed a bit minor looking at the other brat who was with us after Akisame mentioned him. I think his relationship with Hamtaro-kun was pretty good... even though Alexander doesn't seem to hold back when fighting him, the truth is that not even once has he made him bleed from his blows... well, except for the first time that they fought.


In fact, I saw Alexander advise Hamtaro-kun of things he has learned more quickly as the [Seikūken]. So it was understandable that this one seemed quite annoyed watching that fight too...


No, this brat not only looked annoyed… a murderous aura had even started to emanate from him while he was watching the fight! His eyes had turned as cold as ice and he clearly didn't just want to hit that other boy!!


Earlier I thought that brat was just lazy enough to help Hamtaro-kun, but... now I think it really wouldn't have been very good for him to intervene in that! Maybe if he did, then we would have had to stop him from going too far!!


Because recently that boy had been very calm and focused on learning martial arts, I had forgotten that the first time I met him a similar aura surrounded him!


While I agree that the other boy deserved to be beaten up a bit or even broken a few bones, something as killing him is going too far… it was not a good thing that this brat considered killing someone!!


So the concern that everyone had for Hamtaro-kun had now been directed towards the mentality of this other brat… most of them had become a little fond of him, so no one like the idea of him straying from the right path very much!


For this reason, Shigure had positioned herself close to him when notice this and held his hand as she spoke to try to calm him down. This seems to kick in quickly and the murderous aura around him is greatly weakened… now I think it's really not so bad that this boy is distracting his mind with perverted thoughts. At least that's a lot better than this.


"Hamtaro-kun is using the technique that you refused to learn very well, so you don't have to worry too much about him... at least he won't receive any serious injuries as long as he maintains it."


" I really couldn't think of how a technique that was just for taking hits would be useful, but... it seems like it wasn't just for M people to learn it."


Since I was also a bit worried about this brat, I decide to speak up to try to reassure him totally. Although we both have some differences, I still considered Alexander my disciple… even though the damn brat refuses to call me Shishio properly!


Regarding the technique of which we were speaking in question, it was none other than one in which by means of a breath, a posture covering the vital points, and also the tension of all the muscles, the body became a small fortress.


I had shown this one to both boys, but... this one who was here had complained to me saying that he just wanted to show him this so I could hit him for a long time now that the two of us had started having some little practice matchups...


Unfortunately, the brat was quite insightful… well, I also wanted to show it to him to avoid hurting him too much. So when I tried to show it to him, the damn brat told me that he would rather pass out than prolong his torture during our training!


I hope that now seeing how Hamtaro-kun resists very well against that guy, then he decides to learn it and that way I will be able to beat him for more time! It is true that it was better to see him act a little silly, but... I could not help but also feel pretty annoying to see how he and Shigure act so lovingly!!


"Don't be silly, that technique isn't just for getting hit ..."




On the other hand, going back to what I was saying about that technique, it is true that this is one that has a more defensive base, but...


As if Hamtaro-kun wanted to exemplify things for Alexander to understand, when the boy who was beating him had gotten a bit tired and the disciple of Ma's brother rescues the little girl, Hamtaro-kun unleashes a blow while concentrating all his energy on this one and blow off several of his opponent's teeth after that guy being hit in the face.


More than a technique to receive blows, it was for when the person's energies are low and with this being able to wait for the opportunity to unleash a strong blow to turn a fight around.


"Uwah~ Apapa~ That seems painful ~"


"" ... ""


With this, Hamtaro-kun's fight had finally come to an end, and with a most relaxed atmosphere now, only Apachai's comment is heard while the rest of us smile. Without a doubt that kid did it pretty well.


Although… I don't know if Apachai's words were due to the blow that broke that other boy's glasses, or because the disciple of Ma's brother had stabbed himself! That other boy also has quite a bit of guts...


"Well, it seems that this technique is more useful than I thought, but... the truth is that I prefer to be the one to take the 'offense' than just stay on the 'defensive', you know?"



"" ... ""


“Hehehe, you're still quite young, Alexander-kun! It's not bad to let the other party do whatever they want from time to time, you know? That can be quite entertaining and bring various surprises too"


With the more relaxed atmosphere, now Alexander's brat even begins to say things that hid a meaning somewhat different from what those words wanted to say ... although, probably the girl who those words were directed and who only tilts her head a little from the strange reaction of the others, along with Apachai as well, the two of them were the only ones who seemed to not understand that other meaning!


… That brat really has the guts to say that while having his eyes on Shigure! Also, while Akisame is in front of him!! It seems that this boy has not understood why he had taken so long to design that machine...


"Heee~ You all were here? You all are so cruel! Why didn't  do anything to help Honoka?! "


"The masters cannot interfere in the fights of their disciples, Kenichi-kun"


"Besides, you did quite well yourself, Hamtaro-kun."


“It's true, it was a splendid fight between you two. 

Although... you should also not be so reckless as to stab a knife yourself, Tanimoto-kun. Let Akisame and I treat you so that there is no problem later "


"...thank you, Master Ma"


“Don't look at me like that, Hamtaro-kun. You were the one who told me that I couldn't intervene earlier. Also... if you have any complaints, you can release these about that guy from there. 

I can help you by telling you how to break his bones without killing him... "


"That's true! Besides, it was Alexander who told me to help you by taking care of the girl from before, weak boy!! "


"N-o... you ca-n't... be cruel, A-lex."


"Akisame-san, Ma-ojisan, please help Tanimoto-onisan !!"


“Fufufu, don't worry, Honoka-chan. Nothing will happen to Tanimoto-kun "


With the fight over, everyone else goes to the place where the people who fought were. We couldn't just leave like this after all. Hamtaro-kun even though he used the technique I taught him, he had still received enough blows during his two fights and barely had the energy to complain... well, it would have been better if we just picked him up from the ground passed out like Alexander the time we returned from the Island.


Also, the other boy's wound seemed quite serious… the guy was starting to turn a little pale.


“Well, you two were able to rest for a while, so it's time for you to return to the dojo to train. I've thought of some mods for upgrade "HIT THE RED-HEAD-kun" so you can try it out after, Alexander "


"R-Rest? How is it that getting hit hard can be counted as resting, Akisame-shishio?!! "


“ Sh-Shit… I was just getting used to that machine, why do you change it? Besides, could please stop calling this strange machine that way, Akisame-Shishio?! 

His name only depresses me even more, you know?!! "


After Akisame and Ma made some first aid to the blonde boy, we all decided to go back to the dojo. Well… two of the people here weren't so happy about this.


Akisame also must not have liked seeing his precious adopted daughter Shigure being so close to that lucky brat, probably the closer these two become, then he will only suffer even more for Akisame!


Also, now even Ma's daughter is by her side as she seems to be a bit on the defensive seeing the other woman next to the boy! Although this other girl's father does not seem to be affected much by this, I agree with Akisame and I think this brat must suffer a bit!! So he will have several difficult days learning martial arts! That is something I can totally assure him of!!


…And he will suffer even more if we also add the old man in this!! That old man is too overprotective of his granddaughter after all.


Although... the same girls may be the ones in charge of making him suffer if he doesn't decide on one... hehehe, it wouldn't be bad to put him in a bad situation by bringing up that topic in front of them.

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(POV Alexander)



[Mission "Defeat Ragnarok"

Objective Defeat 3rd Fist "Freya" Completed (Renka)

Objective Defeat 4th Fist "Loki" Completed (Kenichi)

Objective Defeat 6th Fist "Hermit" Completed (Kenichi)]


After Kenichi's yell and his opponent falling unconscious on the ground, the sound of bells rang in my head indicating that various objectives had been completed. It seems that today was a very productive day… 3 Ragnarok people had been defeated this time!


With this, then there are only 3 fists left to fight. Also, two of them are the ones that I have to defeat… it looks like Kenichi will have some downtime after this. Well, since the boy put in a lot of effort a few moments ago, I think it's a well-deserved break.


Thanks to this good news, my anger at the guy with strange glasses had greatly decreased. So when we get closer to that place, I just ignore him… besides, at this moment I would rather continue to hold Shigure's hand than have to hit that boy a bit.


Since she was the one who had held my hand, of course I was not going to waste this opportunity and so I continued walking along with her to where Kenichi was with our hands still joined. There was only a slight problem when Renka-chan saw this, but instead of complaining to me or something like that, she prefers to take my other hand while giving Shigure a glance.


Unfortunately for her, Shigure does not react to this and she just tries to comfort Honoka-chan who was crying to see Tanimoto bleeding.


Then after some complaints from Kenichi, we all go back to the dojo... in the end, my mood is affected a bit because my torture seems to increase a bit more!

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(POV Revy - Meanwhile in Ruananpur)


"I-It is done... n-now you please can ward off to those twin from me? 


"You're happy now, bitch !! Could you let the girl focus on the real deal that we will earn money from? !! "


After rescuing the blonde girl from her pursuers, it turned out that she was a Hacker. So the solution to get a way to enter the clandestine arms sale that Eda was referring to, was nothing else for her to access the guest list there and add Alexander's name...


There were only two little problems with this… Damn it! I didn't remember the boy's full name!! No... I don't think he told me this one... or did he? Well, I don't think it mattered much since most who would attend there should use some alias. So, in the end, I tell her to put the one the boy has been using until now... I think it was "John Wick".


The other problem was that Eda wanted this girl to do this after she took over the matter where they would earn a lot of money, but I quickly objected to that. Maybe after she does that she doesn't want to discuss that other matter, so first I had to make sure that the part of my deal with Eda was fulfilled despite the complaints of these two bitches!!


It was good that things were in my favor since Eda had decided to us to shelter in our new building to do those things, so I could threaten to throw them out of this place if they refused.


...the damn Eda knows very well that in recent months the name of our organization had become much more notorious and therefore, the people who wanted to continue to take the girl from us had greatly diminished.


Only the occasional fools who were blind by greed tried to attack us, but this was quickly fixed by the twins giving them a couple of machine guns to take care of those guys. Although Alexander was not very fond of the idea of these girls continuing to kill in cold blood so as not to damage their mentality further, I think this would rather make the minds of these two calm a bit...


Even so, it is true that the image of two little girls using large machine guns is a bit scary... it is not strange that those men from before gave up quickly and also that this blonde girl does not like very much to have those two by her side. 

I had put them next to her to "motivate" her with my request, and that work very well.


…It's weird how this pair of brats manage to get big knives despite Leona constantly disarming them.


“Well, now you can do whatever you want. Leona, you can also take the brats away now"


"" Heee?~ Revy-onesan, you had told us that we could play with this girl~ ""


"Two hands... you have to keep your promise to me"


"Well, if there is no work for me, then I will also go to rest (Chino)"


"T-Thank god I can focus on what I came to do here at first..."


“Tch… it's too early for you to thank God, girl. First, you have to give me my share of the money and then I can pass your message to the Lord myself. "




After Benny checks that everything is in order, now with my goal accomplished, I had now lost total interest in that girl and Eda. They can take care of the other matter themselves. Besides, several of the other girls who were watching the blonde handle the computer also seem to lose their interest in this...


Well, I still have to think of a way to help this girl to attract Dutch… haa~ this might be more troublesome than finding a way to get into that gun sale! Well, I'll probably just take her out shopping for some suggestive lingerie and have her watch some porn videos… that should be enough for her to understand what to do, right?

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