Soul Evolution System

Chapter 332 Rozz’s Forest – Girls’ Adventures 1.

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(POV Rei - Rozz's Forest)

A few weeks ago, we had to face the monster invasion season in this Area… it was certainly something much more intense than what happened in the Delna Kingdom previously, but… it didn't surprise me much either. It wasn't much different than going to a city that was crawling with zombies or facing a horde of zombies...

No… actually, I think since this only happens a couple of months a year, things are still much better than in our world where something similar can happen at any time! 

... I really don't know if my life and that of the other girls has improved now. Well, at least I don't think it's gotten worse... right?

Either way, I hope that brat Alexander comes back soon bringing the weapons my parents and the others wanted... well, the last time I spoke to them on the radio, apparently since they took care of zombie cities adjacent to the camps, things now turned many best than earlier.

It seems that the scrolls that Emilia was trying to create were quite useful… I hope she can succeed in making those of the level that Alexander gave Yuriko-san soon. The truth is that I trusted her more than that brat! I'm sure he can forget things and instead go chasing some skirts!!

…From what I heard, it seems that even Yuriko-san has somehow been attracted to him now! Also, perhaps what surprises me even more, is that Saya seems to have accepted that! 

Well… that's her family's problem, so I shouldn't get too involved.

What I should be worried about is if something like this could happen with my mother! They don't seem to get along as well as Alexander and Yuriko-san, but… I can't let my guard down! I also thought that the merchant we met when all arrived in this world, both had several differences between the two, but... now she is his slave!!

…Although, it is also true that this woman earned that by herself. Because of what she did, I think it was a lot easier for all of us to accept this.

Anyway, I have to be careful that none of that happens to my mother! I must talk to my father seriously so he doesn't do something stupid like Soichiro-san… you can't let your guard down with any man! I thought Soichiro-san was someone responsible and quite upright, but without prior notice, he ended up getting a girl his daughter's age pregnant!!

Although… I think this time a lot of the blame falls on the other party, Yuki. That girl's way of thinking was quite… strange, to say the least. At first she seemed to be behind Alexander, but since the reason for her doing this did not seem so honest, in the end she did not find the support of any of the girls next to him.

…So I'm pretty sure she was the one who might have wanted that to happen! Although I cannot agree with her way of doing things, perhaps I should praise her determination.

At the very least, if I had a bit of that determination, then it might be easier for me to talk to Alexander about some things... or at least I wouldn't act the way I normally do when I'm feeling embarrassed! 

...If it weren't for that boy being quite pushy, I'd probably just end up pushing him away. Maybe I should be grateful that Alexander is that way...

"What's wrong, Rei? You seem quite pensive "


No... I just had some concerns about the things that happened recently in our world..."

“Oh, that's true… I think Hirano-kun's son, Matsushima-san's, and… Saya's little brother should be unborn or already do it. It would be nice to go and see those little ones... "

…It seems that Saeko-senpai has come to understand me quite well. Instead of talking about the problems in that place, she brings up the issue of the children who, as she says, were probably already born.

"While I don't think there is much of a problem about the first two you mentioned... I am surprised that you can calmly discuss Yuki's case... you probably shouldn't bring up that matter when Saya is together with us."

The matter of Hirano-kun and Matsushima-san was something to perhaps be happy and congratulate on them. It was a bit surprising how that shy boy and that strict policewoman would now become parents, but there was nothing wrong with that.

But the other matter... that was very different and it had several complications! Surely it wasn't something you could argue with a smile like Saeko-san does now!!

"Hmn? Well, that seems to have been sorted out somehow, right?

Besides... things can't be changed anymore and the little one is not at fault, I think Saya knows that and she won't have any resentment against that child. "


Well... I understand what she's saying, but... it's really surprising how this girl seems to be too carefree on that matter! No… being one of the girls who doesn't seem to be bothered much by the fact that the brat continues to bring more women to our group, this shouldn't surprise me.

Surely if there were only girls with that mentality in our group, maybe Alexander now set himself the goal of creating a country made of all women for himself! B-Besides… I think the other girls who tried to make that brat hold back on going looking for women, have slowly been infected by girls with a more accommodating mentality!

I-I even think that lately, I have started to just try to avoid thinking about it!

…I think it's best to talk to girls like Kurisu about this matter before something like what I said before happens. While I said I should be grateful for that personality of him a bit, there is a limit to that too!

“Changing the subject, you have become more skilled with the spear, Rei. Now you can fight monsters without having to rely on firearms so much."

"Yes! I have tried a little! Although... I still don't think I'm as good as Saeko-senpai with the sword still"

Well, there was little point in thinking about it. Probably several girls had simply resigned themselves to the way things were now... probably like me, the other girls better decided to focus on trying their own things than to focus on things that perhaps had no solution.

But thanks to this, I had improved enough in the use of the spear that Alexander gave me earlier. Now I had the confidence to fight with this one in this Area!

Well, this was also thanks to having the support of the girls Rika-san led, and the others who had also come to this Area... thanks to them, I could afford to practice with my spear focusing on one or a couple of enemies while the others took care of the other monsters.

These girls had more and more coordination with each other and became more skilled with firearms too. During the previous monster invasion, all of them not only surprised me... several organizations that also participated to try to keep the city of adventurers so that it did not fall for the monsters that seemed to have no end that came out of the forest, they could not avoid exhaling by the number of enemies that fell in front of our group.

A great mountain of bodies had practically been created at that time in that place where we fought! Well... with that, surely if any of those organizations had a bad thought towards us, now they will think it several times before carrying it out.

Also, it wasn't just those girls who put on a good display. Saeko-san, Mary-san, Scythe, and the little bird girl, all of them cut a large number of enemies in two thanks to their weapons or claws...

I even think I did a good job at that time too! Although I don't feel like I'm as skilled as the previous girls, thanks to my spear [Thunder Naga Feelings's] it makes things much easier for me. This one had a great edge and I practically pierced my enemies like they were paper!!

Also, if I could not finish off my enemy on the first hit damaging a vital part, even with just making a small scratch on it, this spear would generate a small electric shock that paralyzed my enemy giving me time to attack again and thus finish the monster off!

It was actually quite a good weapon! Also, I'm probably not making this show its full potential yet. From what Alexander told me, the way to use these weapons is by injecting them with user energy... sadly, it seems that I am not yet capable of doing such a thing.

While it's a shame that I can't use this spear properly yet, this doesn't bother me too much for now. It seems that not even Saeko- senpai can do that with her sword... although, from what she has told me, it seems that the biggest problem is that her weapon needs a greater amount of energy to use it fully.

…After all, it seems that his weapon is of higher rank than mine. If it weren't for the fact that I really liked my spear, I think I'd complain to that brat for showing favoritism by giving Saeko-senpai a better weapon!

Although… it probably doesn't make much sense to want a better weapon if I can't even use it properly. I think the only ones who can use that energy that Alexander talks about are Mary-san, Scythe, and Vrana.

About the former since uses her fists and feet to fight monsters, I thought she would have a more difficult time fighting monsters, but… unexpectedly, she wasn't far behind the other girls killing enemies!

It was a bit strange how the monsters she was fighting fell off after a couple of hits from her. I thought maybe they have just fainted, but after we checked them and even though they didn't look like had an external wound, none of those monsters was breathing!

As for the girl with the huge scythe… she slashed multiple enemies with a single slash from her weapon! S-Seeing the image of her bathing in the blood of her enemies was quite scary… I don't understand how Saeko-sanpai could happily clean her up in the bathroom after a fight!

Besides... she was a bit like a dog that, after bathing it, would immediately run to wallow in the dirt! Although, instead of dirt, this girl came back covered in blood every time she went out!!

... I don't know who was rather a monster between her and her enemies... no! Now that I remember, she was also a monster just like the last girl who could also control her energy! Only since Scythe has a much more normal appearance than the girl who had wings and claws on her feet, sometimes I forget this...

The last one, the Harpy girl, apparently the way she controlled her energy was by hardening her feathers. When Alexander first told me about these things, since seemed quite unreal stuff something like manipulating energy within oneself, at first I thought that he was lying to me or making fun of me...

But, seeing the physical changes that this girl manifested in her feathers, I have no choice but to believe his words.

"What's up, fat girl? Why are you watching Vrana? 

...Are you envious that the master loves Vrana more because she doesn't have those big lumps that only get in the way? "

"I'm not fat!! 

Besides... I'm not envious of you, you damn bird girl! "

Probably feeling my gaze on her, Vrana turns to me saying that while she seems to highlight her almost flat chest of which she seems to be so proud! That was really a bit annoying!

...I can probably counterattack this bird girl by telling her that surely the Master that she loves so much thinks very differently from those "lumps of useless meat" she talks about! That is easy to understand by looking at the proportions of the girls in the mansion!! 

Unfortunately, it is something embarrassing to talk about and I prefer not to continue discussing that topic. Also, I feel that I would be losing if I lower myself to discuss such matters with this little bird… I think she understands her Master's tastes very well and that's why my breasts bother her so much!

Like she probably understood or imagined my previous thoughts when she saw my face and as if she didn't want to lose or was upset about it, Vrana says something that almost makes me drop my spear in surprise!

" are envious of Vrana because the Master only gave you a replacement stick while Vrana let her lick his stick of meat!"

"" E-Eh? ""

"S-So... Alexander-sama has done that kind of thing with that girl who seems quite young... n-no, I think that's normal since they seem to be of similar ages?"

"... Th-That girl is lucky to be able to do that for someone like Alexander-sama..."

“It seems like I must try harder … I can't lag behind that Harpy. 

Perhaps, when the Master returns, I should try to be able to spend more time with him alone... I just hope that this time he does not reject that I want to make him feel good.

Leona-senpai is lucky to have gone with Master this time... "

"Meat... Master..."

"S-Scythe-chan, you're drooling again..."

"Da-Da-Damn bird, what are you saying?!! W-Who would be envious of that?!!!"

T-This girl… she has even a worse mentality than girls like Saeko-senpai! Not only is she very accommodating to Alexander, but she also doesn't seem to understand the meaning of the word shame well!

H-How can she talk about that?!! No! The main problem is how can she be proud of that?!! 

B-Besides... the worst thing is that his words annoy me a lot for some reason!!

And it is also not only she who has a strange mentality! While Rika-san, Saeko-san, and I were somewhat surprised by those words and our faces blushed a bit, ary-san and the soldier gils look with some envy at Vrana who seems to enjoy the looks of those girls!

... E-Even Scythe who is usually quite quiet says that while she seems to be having some strange thoughts! W-Well... maybe it's not bad things and she just wants to bite that boy a little bit... no, wait... that's pretty bad too!

“Everyone, focus. We are still inside the forest! 

Also, this time we have gone further than usual, you all cannot be neglected! "

Probably also feeling a bit uncomfortable, Rika-san speaks to try and change the strange atmosphere that had formed here. Well, it was also true that it was not good to neglect ourselves in this place...

Due to the invasion of monsters, the forests seemed a bit more desolate than usual and we had to go deeper to hunt them down. Therefore, we were able to explore deeper zones of these.

So, after we all calmed down a bit, we continued our exploration. Everything looked to be like a normal day, but then suddenly we find a group of people approaching us... 

Well, previously, this was also a bit average. But after the invasion of Monsters, this happened less often and now we could explore without meeting anyone for the whole day.

Of course, those groups with which we meet never had good intentions. Although after our group became a little more known in this area, those people who were engaged in trying to steal the adventurers, now tried to avoid us.

"…Who are you?"

… So this time I think it should only be people who wanted to discuss some things with us… or also simply that this group had a lot of confidence in themselves or did not know about us. 

After all, in this forest, various groups arrive every day... so they can be just stupid people who don't investigate things.

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