Soul Evolution System

Chapter 334 Back To The Dojo

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(POV Alexander)

What do you think? …Wouldn't you two like to become my disciples? "


"E-Eh? Y-Your disciples? "

“Yes, it seems that your Master cannot appreciate your talent. Also, I can teach you two the true martial arts, not just movements to defend yourself which can only be children's things... "

"...true Martial arts?"


While the atmosphere was quite calm when the two of us were training, the aura around Ogata changes a bit and becomes more oppressive... now not only in this one but also in his face that seemed quite kind the ambition manifests a bit.

Now looked as if he was another person... well, this was probably his true personality. It was quite a noticeable change, but it wasn't like his aura turned that black either. In fact, I think my aura is more black than the one this guy has!

No... surely that's my imagination, I don't think I've done too bad things... probably. 

...I think it was a really good choice to come to a calmer world.

“… I-I don't think my Masters take martial arts as childish things. Thanks to them I have been able to get to where I am now! All their teachings are things that I treasure greatly!! "


Unexpectedly, Kenichi didn't much like the way this guy classified the teachings of the Ryozanpaku Masters. Well, in fact, I also somewhat agreed with his words. I don't think that these Masters consider teaching their disciplines something like child's play… my body knows that very well!

Although, I also knew what Ogata was referring to. If there's one thing those Masters have avoided teaching us so far, then it's techniques that do too much harm to someone else. 

But even so...

“… There certainly should be Masters or people who teach a little more basic Martial arts who can be considered something simple to just learn to defend themselves a little bit, but... the people who teach us I don't think they classify in that group.

Those guys are pretty sadistic Masters, you know?!

Besides, more than the stuff or way they teaching, probably what you mean to have more to do with the reason or purpose for which the person learns martial arts. It doesn't have much to do with whether they are true martial arts or not... "


Although we have not been taught a direct way to kill our opponents while fighting them, from the things we have learned so far, it is not difficult to deduce that some movements could cause the death of someone.

Interestingly, I think that even though Akisame is the one with a more purist ideology than the others, his martial art is the one with the greatest ways of killing someone... many grabs could suffocate an opponent or even break his neck or several bones if you apply a little more force than necessary on these! 

Perhaps because of that and the fact that he also practices the [Shiatsu no Kiokukitsu-ki] technique, that has led him to appreciate the lives of others more.

That is why I had no complaints because those Masters did not teach us true murderous techniques which is what Ogata surely refers to, I think that depended more on the mentality of the person and how he wanted to use what others taught him. 

In fact, I even almost kills someone unintentionally... although that technique I learned myself otherwise, the basis for this you might say that those Masters were who taught them to me. Probably even Kenichi could kill someone with the things those Masters have taught him if he wanted to...

"Hahaha, it seems like I got it wrong... you really seem to like your Masters"

“N-No… I-I'm sorry, I was exalted. I just couldn't bear to have someone belittle the teachings of my Masters.

The truth is that I also wish I could learn from Ogata-san, but… I already have 5 Masters teaching me! If there is another one, I think my body would not resist that!!"

"E-Eh? B-Boy... did you intend to continue with your other Masters and also want me to teach you too? "

"E-Eh? C-Can't I? "

“…You also thought the same, little one? "

Ogata could only be a little surprised at Kenichi's mentality. Well, I was a bit surprised by that too… don't tell me that instead of creating a harem of women, this guy wants to make one of Masters instead?! Izumi-san seems like she will have quite a bit of competition if so...

Well, I think that if instead of Ogata it had been another Master with a different discipline, maybe I would be more interested in learning from him as well... 

From what I remember, this subject should be the first disciple of the Ryozanpaku, so learning from him would be something redundant. Also, I think it is better to learn from the original Master than from a disciple. So more than learning from him, I was more interested in something else...

“No… the truth is that I don't have much interest in learning from you. Instead, why you do not follow me, Ogata? "

"…Follow you? 

…What do you mean, boy? Although I think you are quite talented, I think it is too early for you to want to teach someone... "


The atmosphere that had calmed down becomes tense again. It seems that he believed that I was belittling him or something like that... but his claim was understandable, I was not so vain to think that I could really teach him something.

Although, that was not what I meant. Therefore, I speak to correct his thinking.

“It's not that… follow me and then I will show you a world where your ideology fits perfectly… not only will you be able to test your skills as much as you want, it can also be said that your life will depend on your own abilities!

Besides, it's true that now I can't teach you anything, but... probably, in a couple of years, I could defeat you with just one finger... no, even that damn old man who brought me here will have no choice but to accept that his granddaughter wants to be by my side since I will be able to sweep the floor with him! "


"Hiii! A-Another bear? "


Seeing a tree split in the distance, Kenichi quickly jumps up behind Ogata. It seems that this old man has very good hearing despite his age... I had already assumed that he was surely watching us from somewhere, but now it is clear.

On the other hand, even though Ogata's annoyance at my previous words had disappeared, I don't think he believes my words now… well, I had to try.

The truth is that due to the personality of the Ryozanpaku Masters, I am not so sure if it would be a good idea to bring them to Gaia… I think people like Ogata would adapt better to that place. Although... that also has its own complications.

Surely it would be more difficult to maintain control of a person like him... he could even become my enemy once he is there! 

The good news is that there is a simple solution to that… simple, being stronger than him then would fix that. That way I won't have to worry too much if that happens. Also, it was probably easier for Ogata to follow someone stronger than him than someone weaker.

“Well, you don't have to answer me now… think about it. Once you make up your mind, you probably already know where to go to find me, right? "

"E-Eh ?? A-Alexander-senpai, where are you going? "

After saying that, I start walking towards the direction where the tree fell... even though I don't think this guy is bad enough to attack a couple of boys, the truth was that I didn't feel that comfortable being around someone that I didn't know much and that was much stronger than me.

"A-Alexander-senpai, wait for me! T-Thanks for everything, Ogata-san! "

A few seconds later, Kenichi runs after me. Now I had to concentrate on being able to complete the mission of defeating Ragnarok, and for that, first it is necessary for Kenichi to strengthen himself a little.

After that, then I can focus on other things… I'm sure I will see Ogata soon and will have a chance to talk to him again.

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"Fugyaaa~!! T-This is too much, old man "

“Hohoho… didn't you want to be stronger so you could defeat Alexander, Kenichi-kun? Don't worry, I'll take care of it myself !! "


… Not long after leaving the vicinity of Ogata's hut, we ran into the Old Man. As I had thought, he must have been somewhere watching us from afar...

What followed several days after that, was torture for Kenichi… now the old man brandished two large clubs to make him dodge them! Probably since the old man couldn't hit me himself, then he had placed his hopes on Kenichi for that!!

I could clearly see that ulterior motive in the eyes of that damn old man who greatly intensified Kenichi's training!!

Since I couldn't allow his wish to come true, I also practiced day and night to improve my fighting techniques. The only unfortunate thing was that, unlike Kenichi who seemed to level with every day thanks to the old man's training, I was stuck at the 5th limit still… I wish I could have used my time in this forest to also level a little!

...although I can't complain so much because this way I could focus more on improving my skills, I really hope that the System compensates me for all this time that I had not been able to level.

“Come on, it's not time to rest yet, Kenichi-kun! You can only rest the 4 hours that you are sleeping!! "

"Gyaaa ~ W-What happened to what you said before about we didn't need to train in this forest ?! Shouldn't I just focus on surviving here?!! "

“…That time is up. A martial artist must adapt quickly to changes, so now concentrate!! "


That old man actually seemed very motivated now… well, with this, surely Kenichi will be able to reduce the gap with his opponent more. Let's just hope he survives or doesn't get crippled before that happens...

A few days later, the three of us finally returned to the dojo. Well… two of us do it on our own two feet, while Kenichi is carried by the old man.

The good thing is that there was a surprise waiting for us at the Dojo where Kenichi could relax a bit… of course, this surprise was also a very good thing for me!!

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(POV Miu)

A few days after Alexander-kun and Hamtaro-san returned, Shigure-san, Renka, and I were enjoying being able to relax in a hot spring that Apachai-san recently discovered in an area in the courtyard of our mansion!

This was quite unexpected! But without a doubt, it was something very good!! I wonder if we could turn this place into a hot spring bathhouse? I think that would be quite good ... surely that way I would no longer have to worry about household expenses!

After all, the money that Alexander-kun gave us was fading fast but I don't think he cares much about that... f-from what he said recently, the idea that it was a young master from one place seemed to be more feasible... could he even be some kind of prince?!

S-So maybe he doesn't care much about some gold coins and I don't have to worry about him asking for them back... right?

Well, the matter about the hot springs, probably the happiest to discover this upon his return were Alexander-kun and Hamtaro-san... although, while the latter simply wanted to rest from the trip using them... he actually seemed quite exhausted after all.

But... the reason for the former's joy worried me more! I thought I would have to be careful that he tried to spy on us while the girls took a bath, but it seems like my thoughts were quite hurt on that...

"No... you mu-st... stay s-till... A-lex ..."

“…I just wanted to help you clean your body, Shigure. I have to make sure that any dust particles are removed by rubbing very well every part of this one! "


I had underestimated this little boy! Those who were in this place now were not only us! Alexander-kun had also appeared without seeming to care that it was the girls' turn to use the hot springs!!

I had been a bit alert since I heard Ma-san, Hamtaro-san, and he discusses some things secretly while we got ready to enjoy the hot springs...  but then with a straight face he turned away from those two saying he no wanted to be seen as a pervert. So when I heard that, I was a little happy as I thought he had matured a bit now.

Also, I thought that Hamtaro-kun wouldn't dare do something like that. After all, if Izumi-san found out about that, then surely she would get quite mad at him. On the other hand, Ma-san wouldn't dare take things too far with my grandfather here.

So I thought I could relax quietly...

Do not expect at all that this boy would appear walking calmly as if nothing happened to this place!! At that moment I was too shocked to say anything! I could only stay paralyzed with my mouth open while staring at him that was naked!!

Also, it became more difficult for me to say anything to him seeing as how the other two girls did not care much about this! Well… Shigure's face flushed a bit, though that could also be due to the hot springs.

On the other hand, Renka even though she seemed a bit embarrassed as well, she did not hesitate to approach Alexander who had sat quietly next to Shigure...

Perhaps the fact that he came here so directly cannot be classified as something pervert, but… this had surpassed that! Alexander-kun was simply too shameless!!

No, he is still quite a pervert! The way he rubbed his face against Shigure's chest couldn't be considered a way to help her clean the dust from her body!! The only good thing is that probably to make him stay still, she hugs him while allowing him to sit on her lap... th-that image is still pretty bad, but at least he seemed to calm down and just leans his head on Shigure's chest.

"Alexander, it seems you've gotten a little more manly in this short time that I haven't seen you..."

“Of course, my efforts in recent months have not been in vain! Sephirot surely would be proud to see that finally, I was losing a little the feminine appearance that I had until now!!

Although… it seems that I have to try even harder… these are just the bases to have a manly body that cannot be mistaken for a woman! "


Well… it's true that now the lines of his muscles seem to have formed, so he has a slightly more manly aura around him. I'm happy for him since it seems like that was one of his goals when training martial arts, but...

“Y-You can't get up like this, A-Alexander-kun!! T-That's completely visible!! "

As if wanting to allow Renka and Shigure to take a better look at his body, he had stood up again to show them his achievement proudly. T-The problem was that by doing that, his whole body was visible now!

I-I think he didn't have to worry so much about his slightly feminine appearance… with that big thing between his legs I don't think anyone could mistake him for a woman!



As he sits back on Shigure's legs, I could only blow bubbles with my mouth in the water to try to calm myself after seeing that so close... n-no, I think it was better to try to forget that! 

Besides, it wasn't just me who managed to see "that", the other two also seemed a bit curious and surprised by that. Although, they seem to recover faster and start talking about other things with Alexander-kun again.

…I-I wonder if those girls are really considering the words he said earlier? 

Well, Shigure has always been a bit strange… so she might not really mind having to be in a relationship with Alexander-kun who has other girls.

In fact, when Grandpa took him and Hamtaro-kun to train, I heard that it was very possible that Alexander-kun would not come back with them… I think there had to be some kind of test for him there.

Because of that, several Master from Ryozanpaku seemed a bit worried. No, even I was afraid that Alexander-kun would not come back... so when they came back and he was with my grandfather, all of us were quite happy about it. And Shigure was probably one of the happiest Masters to see him return... I even thought I saw her smile a little at that moment.

So the one that surprises me the most is the other girl… Renka. She seemed quite pensive after Alexander-kun said that about having several women, and she even went a few days without showing up here at the Dojo. I was a bit surprised to see her come back again and act the same way as before with him...

Now it seems as if I am the strange one for thinking and worrying so much about it! I-Isn't it really that strange for a boy to have several girls by his side? I-I can't be the only one to think that, right?! 

Well... Izumi-san constantly repeated to Hamtaro-kun that he couldn't be the same as Alexander-kun... so maybe my way of thinking is not so strange... no, it can't be strange from the beginning! The other girls are the ones who are weird!

T*Though... in a sense, she accepted that Alexander-kun did that and she just didn't want Hamtaro-kun to follow his example!

"Let's go o-ut ... it seems t-hat... Miu e-yes... are ro-lling..."

I-I really felt like my head was rotating, but… the reason was not the hot springs! Even so, I couldn't continue to be here either... I don't think I can bear to see Alexander-kun's naked body again!

I take advantage of Shigure's words, and we finished with this bath... in truth, this was not relaxing at all! Besides, I can't help but see Alexander -kun naked again… there were only two options! Either he came out first or we did! It was too embarrassing to do the second, and so I have to tell him to get out of the bathroom first!!

I am also happy that he has returned, but… he had also made my life more complicated than it already was!

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