Soul Evolution System

Chapter 342 Back To Ruananpur 2

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While Renka-chan was having fun, I took the moment to check my status and hers... because I left a bit of a hurried form from her world, I didn't have the opportunity to check the progress I made in my stay at the Ryozanpaku. Besides, I was also a little curious to see her status.


Name: Alexander Ilios Apeiro

Race: Human

Age: 13 years old

Level: 88> 94

Soul Level: 1

Source energy (SE): 300>400

Strength: H>G      Intelligence: H

Resistance: H    Agility: H>G

Dexterity: H      Magic: ([Multi-elemental (Sealed)])



[Will of the Worlds-SSS] [Soul of the Emperor - F] [Blessing of Origin-SSS]

[Interdimensional Inventory-SS] [Evaluation-SSS] [Immunity to Fire-S] [Spiritual Vision-S][Survivor-C] [Alchemist-H]


[Stealth- G] [Light feet-G] [Cut-H] [Lunge-H] [Courage-H] [Roar- H] [Focus-H] [Parallel Thoughts-J>I]

[Falcon vision-G] [Limit break - H] [Shoot-G] [Pain resistance-H] [Regeneration-I] [Tame-J> I]  [Actuation-I] [ Ki- Fight - G] (New)


[Wings of the Sun (Sealed)]


[Luck-B] [Charm-C]  [Hero-C] [Leadership-G]   [Bounty hunter H]

[Fighting technique: Chinese Kenpo - F

Karate - H

Jujitsu- H

Mue Thai- G

Freestyle Weapon Handling-H]([Swordsman-H] [Sniper-H] [Gunman-G] [Lancer-I] were collected in this skill)

Wives: (-)


Saeko Busujima

Kurisu Makise (Summoned)

Shisuka Marikawa








Followers: Leona



Cleirsa Delna



Renka Ma

Summons: Venus Luciferian




Gold: 412M 117K       Crystals: 137M 578K]


Name: Renka Ma

Race: Human

Age: 16

Level: 99

Energy: (50 )

Strength: G

Resistance: H

Dexterity: H

Intelligence: I

Agility: H

Magic: ( Fire Affinity )



[ Ki- Control - G ] [ Dynamic vision - F] [Body control - F]


[ Ki- Fight - G] [Focus - G] [Flexible Movement - F] [Agile Movement -F]

Magic: None


[Disciple- C] [Fighting technique: Chinese Kenpo - F] 

Affection: 110( Attracted ) Loyalty 85 (Trust)]

Whoo~ It wasn't bad at all… even though I didn't raise my level much there, my physical abilities did! I had gained various fighting techniques, and besides, its current rank was pretty good! I even probably surpassed the Ragnarok guys who had a few years of practicing martial arts!

No, not only that! I had even reached the level of Renka-chan in Chinese Kenpo!! Do not forget that she had surely practiced this discipline since her childhood! So this was a pretty good achievement.

Well, more than just my effort, this was also thanks to completing the System missions… several missions had rewarded me with increasing the range of [Kenpo] ability after all.

Furthermore, even though the other disciplines of the other Masters were not ranked as high, their current level was not that bad either! I had even gained or increased the range of skills like [Body Control], [Super Reflexes ], [Three-Dimensional Movement], [Kinetic Vision], and [Handling of Thrown Weapons]…

Of course, the skills I most liked seeing in my status now were without a doubt [Fighting Techniques (Bare Hand): Chinese Kenpo


Mue Thai

Jiu Jitsu]!!

Furthermore, it almost seemed as if the letters that created the word [Ki Control] were flashing before my eyes! You could say that this was the ability that I went to Kenichi's world for! So seeing this one in my status now, I was actually quite happy. Perhaps the only regrettable thing was that, unlike some girls, my ability was not innate… well, maybe I can fix that in the future. For now, it is enough for me just to have learned that skill.

This was certainly thanks to my physical training every day! That torture was not in vain!! Even skills like [Courage] and [Pain Resistance] leveled off! Although... the truth is that I was not so happy about that... I did not want to think about the implications to be able to have leveled those skills!

Putting that aside, I was a bit depressed just having learned from Shigure the [Handling of Throwing Weapons] skill. Not only it was because of all the skills I gained or leveled there, this was the only one that grew the least. This was a bit unavoidable since I was only able to train with her a few months after starting with the other Masters...

I would be happier if instead of this one, the skill of handling a weapon was the one that had improved in place! Well, people say that nothing is worse...

Besides, the fact that I also gained some unexpected abilities, perhaps made up for this a bit… no! This may be even better! The [Shiatsu no Kiokukitsu-ki] skill that I learned from Akisame may even be more important than all the others I learned there! I think I could even consider it a treasure of that world!!

Glup… I really want to start applying this technique to the Mansion girls!! T-This would definitely bring many benefits to them, right? Besides, it is better that I continue practicing it assiduously since the greater the range I reach, the greater the benefits of it!

Also, another skill that I didn't expect to learn was [Blacksmith]… although, to be honest, the truth is that this one doesn't motivate me as much as the previous one… 

No! If I can't get bikini suit armor that gives girls immunity to physical damage, then I might have to create them myself! That should be a good motivation!!

…Thinking about that, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to spend a little time to improve that skill. Without a doubt, an armor that is Sexy, that highlights the beauty of a girl when she wears it, and powerful of course, is better than a simply powerful one, right?

Although… I may need to focus a bit more on my [Alchemy] skill first. I have to keep my promise to Lena and meet her cute granddaughter! I have neglected this one a bit, and so, it is better that I at least meet one of the conditions that Lena gave me to achieve that soon...

Now the range of this is supposed to be adequate to be able to make pills [Rebrith Channel], I just haven't practiced making them. The good thing is that, with the materials that my Venus must continue to create each month, I will not have to worry about problems of something like the shortage of these!

After a big smile formed on my face when checking my status, I move on to Renka-chan's that I had only seen quickly when this one appeared when I completing her affection mission.

The truth is that in this there was nothing surprising... with that, I do not mean that it was lacking or simple. It was just that as it could be deduced by the naked eye without the need to see her status, this girl's abilities were focused on physical fighting as should be expected.

Perhaps the most extraordinary thing about her is that her [Ki Control] ability was quite high compared to other girls who also had this ability in their status. Furthermore, hers was also an innate ability apparently… but again, it was understandable that she had a pretty good rank due to the discipline she practiced.

I don't know if it would be good to teach a little Chinese Kenpo to girls like Leona or Mary… they already have techniques that they gained thanks to naming them that seem to help them improve that skill. Also, due to their race, like Scythe and Vrana they seem to learn such things more intuitively.

Well, if they are interested in learning this technique, I think I can ask Renka-chan to teach them a bit... since her family has a sect with many disciples, it shouldn't be the same as with the old man who can't teach his discipline because that is a family tradition.

"...What happens? Why do you smile so much? "

“No, it's nothing. I just thought that these 4 months were really worth it... "

"Hehehe... yes, at least someone gave you a lesson by breaking your arm"

"... I told you to leave that subject in oblivion."

The big smile on my face disappears when I see Revy smile pointing to my immobile arm… damn it! Let's just think that this is a fair price for having won all of the above! Besides, maybe that's this girl's way of showing her concern for my condition now… I really hope that's the way it is.

After walking for a while, we decided to go back. In the end, this place didn't have suitable tourist areas for Renka-chan to could enjoy herself… so, taking the fact that some idiot tried to offer her money to spend a few hours together as the cause, we finished this walk.

That guy was lucky... he just got a few kicks and punches from her when he tried to touch her. If it had been another girl, things would probably have been much worse for him… he could have lost his arm or a new hole in his body would be made if his target had been Leona or Revy.

…Well, maybe just because that guy's preferences were normal and he didn't target the younger people in our group, he earns enough good Karma not to end up worse.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

"Damn it! You have finally decided to show up, boy! I was beginning to worry about what to say to my superiors if you didn't!! "

“You don't have to worry about that anymore, Eda. Now let's get out of here! I don't want to have to spend another night in this place again!! "

"E-Eh? W-What is it ?! 

W-Wait! Explain to me what happens!! "

"Shut up, you fucking nun! Just keep moving forward!! "


After several days of my return with Renka-chan from Kenichi's world, Eda finally appeared at our door. So for the first time I saw this nun as a true messenger of God who had come to save me! Taking her hand, I pull her away from that infernal company!!

Yes, it wasn't that I was in a rush to complete our deal and be able to return to Gaia and see the girls there… that wish was already obvious, so there was little point in worrying about it. The problem was something else...

"Benny, take care... from what I saw on the dark web, several dangerous people would meet there"

"Do not worry, Jane. I think you underestimate that child… there may not be a more dangerous person than him in this world. "

"Dutch... I'll miss you"

"I will be back soon…"

“Fuck, we are only going to complete some business, not to embark on a war! Can you 4 stop being so lovely with each other for a few minutes?!!

...if you continue with this, then I will seriously shoot your lower regions, you two... "

Yes, the problem was these 4 people! Although perhaps Revy was a bit sensitive about observing the affectionate actions of couples, this time it is not that she had so little patience! E-Even if as a man her actions of taking the gun and pointing it at the crotch of those two gives me a chill, a large part of me agreed with it!

No, it's not that I'm envious of them or anything like that. I'm actually happy for those two, but… the problem is when night falls! The first day after I got here, I thought that I might enjoy sleeping with Renka-chan for the first time… I might even get some benefits from her!

With that thought in my mind, and after Leona, Revy, Renka-chan settled into bed, in the next instant sweet moans began to be heard throughout the building!

The fucking thing is that they did not come from my bed! Those sounds, along with some similar to applause, began to be heard from Benny and Dutch's rooms!!

…Before I thought that my time in the Ryozanpaku Dojo was a bit torture, but… if I compared the two of them with those guys, they are the ones who were masters of torture!

After all, these guys and the girls who were with them weren't people who cared about the fact that there were young people around them to do such things! No, I even think they raised their voices on purpose for us to hear them, fuck!!

...although it may also just be that as others say, girls with an introverted personality like Chainsaw -changing in bed tend to loosen up a bit... as for the other girl, maybe that girl actually turns her on knowing that someone is listening... or that Vin was certainly quite "strong" as his physique indicates in that regard.

Either way, those sounds just made the atmosphere in our room freeze a bit! Also, since Revy just scowled and covered her head with a pillow, surely this wasn't the first time it happened!!

As for Renka-chan… it seems that this was even more shocking than traveling between worlds for her! Probably without knowing how to react to this, she just looked at me with nervousness and even a little fear!!

Maybe the only one who seemed to act normal because of all this was Leona... she just cocked her head as she directed her vision towards the wall where those sounds were coming from as if trying to understand what was happening on the other side.

Besides, as if that were not enough, a few minutes later a couple of younger voices saying "One-sama" and "Little Gretel" also joined the other! It seems as if the twins have been stimulated by the others ...

For various reasons was bad that those girls slept here together with us, and so they had their own room in this building. After I left here, it seemed that Leona was sleeping with them, but with my return, she had quickly taken a place in my bed now...

So, it made me a bit cruel since she seemed so happy about my return to tell her to go back with the twins to stop them... since I had several complications to go there, then I could only direct my gaze with Revy. Unfortunately, when I tell her to do something with my gaze, she just gives me a sharp look in response and she refuses to go there… it seems that some things happened while I was gone.

As for the other guys… because my philosophy regarding those things is not to do to others what I don't want them to do to me, I couldn't go and stop them! So, in the end, I could only stay listening to that with several girls by my side and without being able to do anything with them!!

My sanity was really at risk because of that! Doing something with Revy while there were other girls in bed was out of the question! With Renka-chan... maybe with her I had a better chance of venting this frustration, but... it was too risky!

There was a great possibility that she refused to go that far, and in this environment, I cannot assure that I can stop once I start doing something intimate with her!! Also… it might really be too much to do it in front of others for a Virgin girl like her… she might end up hating me if things turn out badly!

The worst thing was that with Renka-chan and Revy here, I couldn't turn to my last hope either... Leona.  She seems to have changed a bit about these things and now seems more interested in these matters. Also, I think she wouldn't mind doing it in front of other girls too much...

It's a shame that the other two girls surely don't have the same thought! Although Revy seemed interested in seeing me do that kind of thing with other girls before, it seems that the torture she received recently changed that thought of her now! Surely she would have shot me if I started doing intimate things with Leona at that moment!! Also, with Renka-chan that would surely make things more complicated!! truth these last days had been hellish torture to me.

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