Soul Evolution System

Chapter 344 Negotiation

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"...What are you doing here boy?"

"Of course that I came to see you, Balalaika-onesan~"

“…Stop the nonsense. You can't come to this place just saying that you are known to someone else! "

"Well... I have some deals to make with some people here."

"Alexander-san, here is a chair"

"Oh~ Good job, worker-kun"

"" ... ""

I wanted to observe things on this Island a little while to wait to receive some message from Eda's companions, but since Balalaika is here, it was much better to spend time just being with her.

On the other hand… I didn't know whether to praise the man Vin had hired for, who not caring about the stares of the Russian soldiers as he takes a chair and brings it to me, or to worry about him a bit. 

If you can't read the atmosphere in Ruananpur, then you will surely end up dying soon... well, since he seemed quite attentive to me, I decided to just do the first thing.

“ And you, Balalaika-onesan? What did you come to this place for? "

“…I got some military vehicles and so I came to sell them. Are you don't be interested in these, boy? "

Noting some tanks, planes, and helicopters her group was displaying here, I could only shake my head as I answered her.

“… Sorry, I'm not interested in buying things that your country is trying to get rid of. Don't worry, surely you will find some unwary person in this place who will buy them for you… no offense. "


The things that she wanted to sell were not so important to me and the people under my command now... surely for some small country they would be attractive, but for our group, for now it was more necessary basic things such as the ones I bought from the church of violence by Eda.

Besides, I will surely get better things once I have the other things I asked Eda for. With those things, it will be much easier to explore other areas in the world of Saya and the other girls. After all, there should be several American weapons in that country, and the things that are there are surely not some that a country wants to get rid of due to be old or renew their equipment...

On the other hand, if I ask Balalaika for things on a larger scale as well, surely that would only complicate things even more since there would be a conflict of interest between various countries… Eda already seemed quite uncomfortable with the fact that we were conversing with her.

“T-This… B-Balalaika-san, you seem to be busy now. Let's talk another time "

" " ... " "

Maybe I shouldn't have said it like that, but… it was late when I realized that those other people were here too! So stop looking at me like this, Balalaika-onesan! Also, if you can't speak to refute my words, you can't blame me that much either!!

"...didn't you have some things to do?"

“Umu, it seems that the person we were hoping to contact us now they have already done it. I'll see you later, Balalaika-onesan ~ "

"Please don't come back..."

"Heee~ Shall we go? Won't we play with Balalaika-onesan?~"

"We will do it later"

Seeing that Eda had started talking to someone on the phone and that Balalaika would be busy, I get up from my chair to leave. It's a bit sad that she breathes a sigh of relief when she sees me getting up...

Well, not everything is so bad. It seems that now she and her soldiers have forgotten the matter about the twins… they don't pay as much attention to them as before. That is certainly good as it saves me some trouble.

…It's a shame that their attention is now focused on me. Also, I'm sure it's not for good reasons. Every time I made a move, all the soldiers around Balalaika immediately got a little nervous!!

"Alexander, it seems that everything is ready... now we just have to go back to the boat to meet them"

"Damn nun, why did you want us to get an invitation to this place if we would make the deal somewhere else in the end!?"

"What do you want me to do? I Only receive instructions from them!"

"It doesn't matter, let's just go..."

Well, this was surely some kind of proof of her government or something and so we can't blame Eda too much either. Also, they are surely watching us… I don't think it's a coincidence that they quickly contacted her once they saw us talking to Russian people.

Also… as influential as these people here are, surely not even the one in charge of carrying out the event would want to burn their hands for harboring weapons of mass destruction.

So, with the gaze of several people on us, we all return to the boat and immediately we go to some point in the sea indicated by Eda.

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“Wow… Sh-Shit… are they really just thinking about going through with the deal ?! They are not planning anything strange, right? "

"What did you want, bitch? What the boy asked is not that it could precisely be transported in a FedEx truck!! "

"" ... ""

Revy's nervousness when arriving at the meeting point was quite understandable… there what was waiting for us was a damn American aircraft carrier!! Even I could only frown at seeing this one... not for nothing a vessel like that, if it can still be called this, it was one of the emblems of power of some countries after all!

…Just Vin's little boat was like a toy compared to that thing! If they wanted to blow us up, it would probably be as easy as pressing a button!!

While it's certainly not like I need such a vehicle, I couldn't help but want to have one of these too… now I was a little more nervous that the conversations wouldn't end well. Well, if things get bad, then I'll just follow my plan in my head… I shouldn't have a problem escaping from here with everyone.

"Oh~ We finally see each other... so are you the little Alexander, right?"


"A-Alexander, this is..."

When boarding the aircraft carrier, the first thing we see was a large number of soldiers holding their weapons pointing at us… well, since I see a lot of boxes stacked in one area of it too, things are still not so bad.

Unlike them, a man in a suit is the one who speaks to us... he seemed to be between 30-40 years old, quite young to be someone who makes important decisions I would say...

"Yes, I am... pointing a gun at me makes me a little nervous, so you could make your men stop that?"

"…sorry, sorry. It's the custom~ Don't worry about it "


Still, since he seemed like the one in charge, I turn to him after looking around a bit. But while the guy apologizes, he doesn't make those men stop targeting us...

Well, we won't know how things will play out unless we start the exchange. With that thought in mind, I have Vin, Benny, and Leona display several small suitcases that they were carried from before.

“Here are the things I agree to deliver… I guess those things are what I asked for, right? "

"Yes, of course."

Things seemed a bit tense, but after I show the BIMs and various documents and memory devices, they also open some boxes to show me what was inside after being asked to pick a few at random.

Probably neither we nor they wanted to prolong this very much, so I couldn't take my time examining each of those boxes… well, it doesn't matter very much if some are empty. The truth is that just 50% of the deal would be enough for me, and still with that amount I would think I made a good deal. 

On the other hand, maybe my biggest problem was that I had no idea what those bombs should look like... so it was good that the system solved that problem of mine.

[Thermobaric Bomb - D ] [Thermobaric Bomb - E ] [Thermobaric Bomb - E ]] [Thermobaric Bomb - F ]

At least the boxes I opened the system recognizes them as weapons. Although, they weren't all the same... there were some that should have been made recently, and some older ones... they also seem to vary in rank between them. 

Well, given the number of these I ordered, they probably dusted off some of the warehouses they had.

The good thing is that the ranks that I saw were comparable to some magic scrolls that I had used and some even had a higher rank, so they should still be pretty good. Also, seeing the confidence in them every time I chose a box, I think I was worrying too much and all boxes should have Thermobaric bombs.

The truth is that everything seemed to go very smoothly and much better than I expected, but... the following development start to make things a little more complicated.

"E-Emmm ... Alexander-san, we will charge all that on our boat?"


After checking that everything was in order for a bit, Worker-kun approaches me with some nervousness. I don't think his concern is because if I answered affirmatively, then surely he would be in charge of changing things from one place to another... when we saw the small boat, it was obvious that it could not transport everything!

…I had not thought about that. No, not that I was an idiot and forgot that important question. It was because having my interdimensional space, I didn't have to worry about things like that much... but now that I think about it, maybe it was better not to use this in front of other people... much less when they have an aircraft carrier with them!!

Well, maybe showing them something like that wasn't so bad. This can prevent them from having some strange ideas about us. Also, it's not like I have any other solution now… maybe I could buy a large freighter on the system, but the same problem would still exist… no, that could be even worse.

“Alexander-san… I'm sorry, but staying in these waters for a long time may cause some problems for our government… much more so with those stuff with us. So I wish you could get your things quick… at most we can give you 10 minutes to do it. "


"Don't look at me like that please, you never agreed how or where to disembark things... we thought you had that issue in mind and would take care of it."

With a big smile on his face, the man in the suit speaks to me. And hearing what he said, I could only squint as I watched him...

While I had no problem with their request to take things quickly, it was clear that their words concealed a small hint that they did not intend to deliver things... leaving the fact that they probably did not know the matter of my interdimensional space, it was impossible that in 10 minutes all this would be transported in a normal way by anyone!

"...Eda, I told you that if someone screwed me, then they will end up regretting it..."

"Bitch! In the end you all no had the intention of carrying out the agreement, right?!! "

"N-No, I didn't know about this! Hey, Martin! You know the situation you're putting me in?!

…Shit, if you were going to do something like that, you should at least have told me that before!"

The tension on the aircraft carrier had now escalated by a degree. Also, while Revy complained to Eda just like I did, she tried to hold her back. Sadly, with so many weapons pointed at us now, she could only allow her to move closer to the other group.

“…Well, I'll believe you this time Eda. I won't blame you for this... "

Seeing how she had been calmly looking at things next to us until a few seconds ago and how she complained to that man, it is almost certain that she did not really know about this. So I decided to forgive her for this... well, I can't deny that one of the things that influenced this decision the most is that even though I probably can't trust her very much since her affection has never risen until now, the truth is that it was kind of fun to tease her a bit.

Of course, that didn't apply to the other people here...

“ …What do we do, Alex-chan? Things are looking pretty bad!!"

"A- Alexander?"

"B-Boy... I agree with Revy, this doesn't look very good at all."

"Let's go back to the boat..."

Even though the others next to me were a bit nervous, I still calmly turned to head for the boat while telling them to do the same. I could take things now and not break with that man's request, but... sadly for them, now I was a bit upset to just leave things like that.

Also, surely if I do that, then that man will come out under another pretext. In fact, it was not even necessary to do that to verify my suspicion... when I start to walk towards the boat, that man speaks again.

"I'm sorry, Alexander-san... I've been asked to invite you to talk to other people, so I'd like all of you to stay with us."

Then, along with his words, several soldiers began to surround us and preventing us from continuing to walk towards our boat!

“I don't know if you're doing this on your own or if really following orders from someone else, but… you're really only making things worse for all of you.

...don't push your luck too hard or you'll be the first I would make to pay for this... don't forget who it is that gave you those bombs. I still have enough with me to sink this entire carrier if I wish."


Stopping my steps, I and the others quickly used some shield-type BIMs, and right away I also took others of these in my hand, others BIMs to attack...

Seeing this, this time it was that man's turn to frown as he watched us. Then, after thinking about it for a few seconds, he gives some orders to make way for us… it seems like he thought that they had already won enough and didn't have the need to risk something like what I said happening.

"...don't you want to go back to us, Eda?"

"N-No, thank you... I will return by my own means"


Picking up our steps after speaking one last time with Eda, we all boarded Vin's launch again. It really would have been a shame for that guy to insist more on this... after all, I wanted to avoid damaging that aircraft carrier as much as possible!

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(POV Eda)

" Damn it! Now I won't be able to go back to Ruananpur now! You have ruined all my work for several years in that place!! "

“ Never mind, we got some things more valuable than just some gangster heads.

What's up, did you really fall in love with that little guy? "

"Fuck you!!"

After watching the boy and the others leave, I could only vent my frustration with this guy!! If I had taken a second to react, surely now I would be in the hands of that bitch Revy!!

…I don't think this bastard would have tried to rescue me if that happened! Further…

"I thought those above had decided not to play against that brat… he's quite dangerous!"

“…Well, they had a little of curiosity to see if a spaceship actually appeared or something like that, but... in the end, it was just foolishness. It seems that the stress of living in that city has affected you a lot, hehehe.

He was probably just a brat who surely only has a small group of scientists by his side... hahaha, or did you really expect to see an Alien with an arm immobilized just like a normal person?"

...the truth is that it was a bit unexpected that the boy gave up so easily, that was not what I expected. Damn it, besides I only reported what I saw! There is no need for this bastard to make fun of me!!

This guy's big smile is quite annoying. Surely now he is thinking about how much his career will take off after this… and all that while I am screwed in various ways!


…what was that?"

"S-Sir... that boy is now putting his hands on the hull of the ship... what do we do?"

“ Sh-Shit… I knew things couldn't be that simple… 

M-Maybe it was better to take the boy's offer and go back to his side? "

"Nonsense, blow up that boat through the air now!!"

As we spoke, a strange sensation suddenly ran through my body. Also, it seems like it wasn't just me, everyone else looked a bit confused probably for feeling the same… 

Not knowing the why, I could only think of this as an indication that things could only go wrong now.

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