Soul Evolution System

Chapter 358 Past and Future Problems

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(Continues POV Revy)



Finishing telling her those things, with a face full of disbelief, Eda rolls her eyes at me… I even think the effects of alcohol on her had disappeared now! No, more than disbelief, her eyes seemed to be observing something strange or something she was seeing for the first time!

…P-Probably is similar to the first time I saw the Harpy girl in Alexander's world. This was pretty annoying!!

Interestingly, instead of anger at Eda's reaction, this time I felt quite ashamed... now I wanted to sink my face to the ground like a damn ostrich!!

Also, remembering those things while I was telling them to her, I don't think I could blame her much for that either...

That happened a few days after Alexander returned with the other Chinese girl from her world... once he was collecting the things that Dutch had bought from the Church of Violence and the two of us found ourselves alone there, suddenly things started to take a slightly ambiguous atmosphere...

…Due to some things that happen in the building recently, I think most of the people who lived here had accumulated quite a bit of sexual frustration… this was the fault of fucking Dutch and Benny!!

So when the boy had lunged at me, that time I didn't put up much resistance and things quickly escalated from the level of kisses and caresses... well, if I'm honest with myself, I didn't dislike him and, in fact, it was the opposite and the way I looked at him now was very different from what I did in the beginning when we met.

…Yes, I liked Alexander! Although I wouldn't put it into words to tell him and please him, that was the truth!! So, since we were alone in that place, then I don't hesitate too much to respond to his actions!!

A few minutes after we started kissing, we both found ourselves gasping for air and our clothes began to get in the way. So it was at that moment that, due to some words that the damn "Chininglish" had mentioned before, something crossed my mind...

Earlier, she had mentioned that I was jealous of her because she could give Alexander her purity… even though I didn't believe her damn words one bit, that bothered me pretty much! Indeed, he did not seem to care much about that matter and I do not attach much importance either, but... there was still something that generated some discomfort in me!!

Besides... the vast majority of the girls that swarmed around him reeked of virgins! A part of me felt that those girls would be elevated position than me for just that one fact!! 

...For the first time in my life, I regret having lost my virginity without giving it much importance... damn it! I think I barely remember the face of the guy who took it!!

Thinking about all that, it led me to have a desire to also do something for Alexander that would count as my first time… and then two things popped into my head! 

The first was something that I saw in the videos that Balalaika was watching the time we went to her base… these screens were shown a man putting her penis up a woman's ass!!

I-It's true that nothing had ever gotten into that part of me… no, in fact, I didn't even know that something like this could be done! This is why I was quite curious when the two of them in the video were doing it that way and I couldn't help but exclaim aloud when I saw it in surprise...

S-Still... I think something like that was too strange! How the hell was I going to tell him I wanted to do it up the ass?!! Fuck! If something like that came out of my mouth, surely he would think that I am a strange woman or a pervert!!

So I quickly dismissed that idea from my mind, and thus there was only one other option left to choose from. So once Alexander had his pants and underwear down and his penis was exposed… I proceed to kneel in front of him...

Damn it! That was quite an embarrassing position now that I remember it! Also, that way I could see his penis which was standing up with great momentum in its entirety!! I-It was not the first time I saw one, but… without a doubt, I had never paid so much attention to it and either observing it so closely!

...m-maybe that's why that time I felt more uneasy than when I lost my virginity! I couldn't help but think that it would be bad enough for something that size to enter my body!!

Y-Yes... since it was impossible to talk about something like giving him the virginity of my ass, then the other option was to shove that thing in my mouth… b-besides, I think Alexander would like that. After all, I remember that he did something like that with the Harpy girl!

So when I had mentally prepared myself to start sucking his penis like it was candy… in the end, things didn't turn out the way I had thought! Probably due to the uneasiness and shame that I felt being in this position and putting a man's penis in the mouth for the first time in my life, I had to speak before doing it...

" Damn it woman... what were you thinking?! 

Where in your head did you think it would be stimulating for the boy to say something like "You should be grateful for this ... this is the first time I've ever done something like this..."

No, well... that still was good... Why the hell you decided to continue and say that another thing?!! Do you really think that a man would be happy to hear something like “If you were someone else, t-then what I would probably reflexively do is rip it out with my teeth...”?!!

Also, you still say you were chattering your teeth after saying that?!!! "

"I-I didn't think Alexander was so sensitive and shy just for a joke!!"

"No! That has nothing to do with whether the boy was sensitive and shy!! 

Would you be happy or would it turn you on if someone told you that they would stick a damn log in your pussy?!! "

A-As Eda says, those were the words that came out of my mouth... when Alexander saw me chattering my teeth, I could immediately see how his body shook a little and suddenly his penis that seemed excited by the things that were about to happen lost full strength and began to wither like a flower in fast motion...

"... w-well, his penis I really think was quite big... s-so it is not so different from a log piercing my pussy..."


Watching Alexander's reaction, then I also knew that I had made a mistake… no! Probably the moment those words left my mouth I understood that it was not the most appropriate thing to say at that precise moment!

The atmosphere that had formed in that room disappeared in just a few seconds! Then, after we had arranged our clothes, both of us left that place... also, I don't know if Alexander was embarrassed or really upset, but he continues to complain to me about that for a while!

…Of course I also wanted to say some things to at least defend myself a bit, but… actually that seemed to affect him quite a bit since he was even avoiding me for a few days! So not wanting to make things worse between us, I could only curse myself for not being able to keep quiet at that moment!!

Well, since Eda wasn't Alexander and I didn't have to hold back so as not to make things worse between us, then I try to justify myself. Then after thinking about my words a bit, I realize that maybe that wasn't something I should have said to this damn nun!

No, I wasn't too concerned about exposing Alexander's intimacy with another woman... after all, surely that brat wouldn't mind that much!! The problem was…

"... is it really that big?"


I knew this would spark even greater interest from her in Alexander!!

"Answers! How big is it?!"

“Fuck you damn promiscuous nun!! Bao, give me a bottle of whiskey!! "

"Tch... damn 'cannibal', can't you just confess to this nun those things? You will surely feel better after doing it, you know?

…Something like that? "

"Fuck you! Of course I wasn't going to do something like rip out his member with my teeth!! I-I just got a little nervous that time… "

Ignoring my words that I was trying to defend myself with, the damn Eda simply begins to stretch the index fingers of her hands to try to figure out Alexander's size... so, without any other remedy, I also do the same ignoring her and I start drinking to try to forget all those things from before!

…I-I hope when he comes back again, Alexander has forgotten all that too!! With that thought, I caressed a little to try to feel better the pair of pistols Alexander gave me lately.

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(POV Alexander)


"…What's going on? Did you catch a cold, Alex? "

"Damn it! What if my son gets sick because of you?! Get away from here!! "

"... no, surely someone is thinking of me"

"Hmp~! Surely it's some girl who you've probably cheated on somewhere too! "


"Don't yell, Rei! You will scare little Hiroko"


A few days after I handed things over to the leaders in HOTD, I and several girls and women were gathered outside in the castle courtyard for a bit of conversation. Then, a sneeze of mine breaks the harmonious situation of now...

Well, apart from us, there were also three little creatures that were happily holding Kurisu, who asked me something worried about my health, Rei who complained a bit as usual, and Saya who got upset with her because the little one who was in her arms gets a little restless when listening to her claims.

Of course they were Asami, Matsushima, and Yuki's recently born children who were also present here! The second one was the one who looked like an overprotective mother who complained to me for a simple sneeze...

The other two only happily saw their children who were spoiled by the girls... without a doubt, this was an image that would relax and could put anyone in a good mood to see it. W-Well ... almost everyone.

Apparently, it was still impossible for Yuriko to see the girl responsible for the breakdown of her marriage… although, unlike her, perhaps I should be grateful to this one! Umu, I'll thank her in my mind as I don't think it's something I should say out loud...

"It seems that you three will be very good mothers..."

" " E-Eh? " "

Witnessing the scene of Kurisu, Saya, and Rei playing with the children, I involuntarily smiled and my honest thoughts came out of my mouth...


"W-Why would I have a child of yours?!!"

"No... Alexander-san didn't say that you would have to have a child from him...

But... a son of us... t-that is..."


Although I did not say that with any other meaning this time, it seems that the girls do not take long to relate it to what something like this implied... well, perhaps the one who thinks it that way the most, curiously is the one who denies it the most... Rei.

The reactions of the other two are a bit calmer… Saya after responding to Rei who starts to get more nervous and blush even more, seems to fall into deep thought. I think she would not dislike becoming a mother so much despite her current age… sadly, I couldn't say the same about that! I still think that it would be quite uncomfortable to become a father with only 13 or 14 years old!!

Putting that issue aside for now, the one that worried me the most was Kurisu. She, like the other two girls, was also a little nervous because of my words at the first, but... immediately her face took a very different reaction from theirs and became a bit gloomy.

“…What is it, Kurisu? "

"N-No... I was just thinking that maybe... maybe I wouldn't be a good mother like you think, Alex..."


Her words continued to confuse me a bit, but from her current expression that reminds me of the moment I met her, I immediately understand the meaning of them. It was something simple, she should be thinking that maybe she could be just like her father who almost killed her...

“Don't worry, Kurisu. I can assure you that you will be a very good mother… just to see how you treat that little one, then it is easy to understand that. 

You will be a good mother by sure! "

Approaching Kurisu, then I tell her that quite confidently. They weren't just words to comfort her, I actually believed it would be like that! Even though they were father and daughter, they were totally different people! Also, Kurisu's character was very kind!!

"Alexander-san is right, Kurisu-san! You will surely be a wonderful mother!!

I even think she will be a much better mother than mine... she was quite a bit extreme at times "

"Also, there will probably be a lot of girls who can help you when that happens... quite a few actually!"

""It is true""

Followed by my words that were trying to cheer her up, the other girls and mothers here follow up on seeing her act that way. So, thanks to this, the joy in Kurisu is restored, and then she starts to play around with little Alita who seemed to complain because she had stopped paying attention to her.

As for Saya's comment... I was a bit curious about it. I didn't know if it was because Yuriko had already talked to her about her agreeing to be my women, or it was because of the things that happened a while ago... well, since Saya had told me that she had no problems about that before, I think which is most likely because of the latter.

…I certainly think it's a bit cruel to have put her in a box as a gift for a person… even if that person was me!

"T-Thank you all"

"Well... if you have still any doubts since you are a girl who relies more on proven experiments than just theories, then I could help you confirm everyone's words with facts..."

"... confirm it with facts?"

"Yes... although... despite the fact that we both put a lot of effort into it, unfortunately it will take a while for you to check it... about 9 months or so"

"…9 months? Hyaa~!

H-Huh? Silly A-Alex!!"

Because Kurisu didn't seem to understand the meaning of my words at first, I caress her butt a bit to give her a hint… then as a result of that, she quickly grasps the meaning of my words and gets completely flustered.

Without a doubt, it was better to see her in this state than in the previous one...

"P-Pervert brat!!"

“Fufufu… that's true. You can always check if you continue to have doubts, Kurisu-san"

“ Y-You're making fun of me too, Saya-chan?! "

"" Hahaha ""

Well, I was not kidding... although it's true I think it is still early to have children with this body, maybe mentally I should be prepared for something like that... probably. Therefore, if it is to give Kurisu security, I was more than willing to put my problem aside to achieve it!

With a more pleasant atmosphere again, we all argued for a few more hours until it was time to leave for Gaia. Also, before saying goodbye to these 3 new mothers, I hand them some potions with the name of [Easy Birth-H] while smiling a little...

When they ask me what this was for, then I tell them their role with a slightly mischievous tone. They were potions with the sole function of helping women at the time of giving birth! So after telling her that now they could make more babies without worrying much, I leave with the other three girls to the point that we normally use to travel from one world to another.

It was interesting to see Asami's flushed face, Yuki's bitter smile, and the hidden shame behind Matsushima's complaints!

I had asked Lena about this before, and before coming to HOTD, she had given me quite a number that she and Shisuka did. It is always a sad thing to know that a mother or little one loses their life in such moments after all... but now these will surely help the camp with those problems! 

The rest of these potions should be given to Yuriko... I should also give her some of the [Limit-break] and [Rebirth Chanel pills] that I have.

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