Soul Evolution System

Chapter 361 [Pill Bedroom Chaos] 2

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"Hihihi, then... who will be the one to do it with the boy?"


Like me, Lena with quite an interest begins to run her eyes for each of the girls. So, among them, it seems that some of the girls sink into their thoughts with a serious face, a few become more nervous, and others also begin to observe the other girls here.

"They can't do it! Alexander is still too small for something for that!! "

Suddenly, Haruna breaks the silence as she approaches me as if she wanted to protect me from the other girls… if this was my previous world, I think many would praise her attitude to strive to protect someone young. Sadly, just like me now, probably if the other party was a boy of the same physical age as mine and she prevented him from getting rid of his virginity with a pretty girl like any of the ones here... then surely they would curse her a bit! No, they would curse her a lot!

"Ha... ha…"

In fact, I wanted to strongly object to her words! It was a shame that the only thing that could come out of my mouth at this moment was some heavy gasps!! Also, I don't think she needed to protect me… in my current situation, she was the one who needed protection!!


…you see! Before I even knew it, I was already squeezing those fat buttocks of hers that seemed not to be contained by that office miniskirt!!

"W-Wait Alexander- Gyaan~!!"

At this moment I think the meaning of the word patience had been completely erased from my head, and then, one of my hands slid under her buttocks until it reached her underwear and pulled this one down... my other hand did not stay still, and it was also trying to undo the button on her skirt to take it off!



"Y-You can't, Alexande-Hyaan~ T-The l-little girls are..."

Then, the little mental clarity that still had makes me stop my hands when I put my eyes on the bed where were Iruka-chan who acquired a flushed face from seeing her mother in her current state and Alice-chan who tilted her head and seemed curious about my actions…

“Unless you want the boy to lose his sanity, then you can't refrain him from doing it. After all, what this girl gave him has a pretty strong effect, hihihi "


"" L-Losing his sanity? ""

Now, it seemed that things were getting even more serious! I did not doubt Lena's words!! I was already feeling like my sanity was starting to fade after all! 

I-It's good that it seems that the girls don't seem to question what she was saying this time, and then many seem to seriously consider doing that! Well... there are always exceptions, right?

“W-Well… he-he's always been pretty perverted, hasn't he? 

M-Maybe he can resist it...

W-Why are you looking at me like that you perverted brat?! "

After cheering me up a bit to see some girls cast their eyes with great concern at me, when Rei speaks, I quickly turn my head towards her and look at her like she is my enemy! No, at this moment she really was my enemy!!

Besides, she was cruel enough to be able to say that!!

It is true that before I tried to restrain myself a little because I also believed that doing it with a fairly young body could be bad, but... at no time did I think of just maintaining a merely platonic relationship with them!

In fact, I believe that it is unfeasible for a relationship to remain like this forever... it is simply impossible! It is something as fanciful as dragons and unicorns!!

W-Wait… in this world there are those creatures, s-so actually there may be some people with such a thought in this world!! D-Don't tell me that some girls really thought about us having that kind of relationship?!

…S-Since none of them seemed to make a decision, that concern of mine begins to grow with each passing second! Thank all the gods, in the end, it seems that this was not the case and therefore I could breathe a big sigh of relief… well, if I could I would do it.

"W-Why are you all looking at me?"

The girls, as if they agreed between the most of them, one after another they began to direct their vision to a specific one, and this made her a little confused. Then with no alternative, she asked everyone the reason for their action when she realized this.

…Well, I think I understand a bit why most girls do this. For those who were willing to "help" me, surely it was not easy at all to step forward to say that they would " assistance" me! This would put that girl in a very uncomfortable situation by making her the center of attention of the place!!

After all, this is the same problem that I had to get through with some of the girls when we were doing intimate acts. Surely they find it very difficult and embarrassing for others to know that we are doing something like that!!

So, for that reason, those girls probably thought that maybe someone who had more experience in these matters might be capable of being the one who could do it... and this was none other than Haruna!

Well… I think that is quite difficult for it to happen too. I don't think the woman who refused to allow another girl to have sex with me is willing to do it instead.

"Hihihi... if you want the boy to do it with someone with experience, then I wouldn't mind doing it."

"" E-Eh? ""

Unfortunately, I had forgotten that there was another woman here who also had experience in this! Lena who probably came to the same conclusion as me from the actions of the girls before, speaks up!!

...I was a bit curious to know if she deduced what the girls thought because she was a woman with a lot, a lot of experience according to her words. Or if the girls talked about those issues with her and that is why she knew that all of them except for Haruna were virgins.

Anyway, when I understand what she said… yes, it took me a few seconds to do it! Well, maybe I just didn't want to make sense of those words! But, although I try not to think about something like that, I am forced to do so when I see the gestures that she makes me!

"W-Well... I think now I'll bite my tongue to get this over with..."

Fuck! When I think of doing something like that with Lena, in that instant I feel that my body returns to its previous state! No, even those words were more effective than Revy's in making my friend lose all energy!! Instead of looking like he was withering away, it was more like he ran to hide in his hiding place!!

Unfortunately, that seemed to be just a placebo effect... after regaining my stability which allows me to say those words seriously, the problem had returned!! That is why I was really serious on do that! If the girls left me alone with this old woman, then I would bite my tongue by sure since I don't believe I can think clearly and I could actually end up waking up with this witch!!

I would prefer a million times the previous option Rei said of trying to bear this on my own! Now she no longer seemed as bad as before to me!!

"Tch... ungrateful brat"

" " ... " "

It's good that Lena took my words seriously and stops walking towards me... besides, the girls don't seem to consider insisting on her to keep going... if they did and I had to die here because of this, even though I like all of them and are important to me, I think I would hold on them a little… no, a lot of resentment for this! I think any man in my position couldn't avoid this even if he loved someone very much!!

"Ha... ha…"

"T-Then what do we do?"


So I really thank God, fate, Cross, or whoever that prevented something like this from happening... also, since there were girls who couldn't step forward to say they would sleep with me to solve all this, there were also a few that they didn't care or they had their own reasons for doing it...

When someone asks that, and everyone falls silent for a few seconds. Suddenly some girls who were probably caught up in all this discussion or were a bit confused so they didn't have a chance to speak until now, finally make themselves heard!!

"Vrana will mate with the Master, roock~!"

“I-I'm Alexander-sama's slave… Hyaan~ He-He helped me before… s-so I'll help him now-Gyuun! "

Vrana-chan flaps her wings and bravely puffs out her small chest with pride! Also, Celi-chan whose legs were shaking quite a bit manages to stand up and walk towards me while saying that and trying to suppress the sweet moans that occasionally escaped from her mouth... I think I should reward this little slave for the loyalty to her Master!

She was very different from that other one who was on the floor with her arched back raising her breasts, whose saliva flowed out of the corners of her mouth, and that also had her eyes blank looking at the ceiling of the room...

"V-Vrana-chan can't do it! B-Besides... I don't think it's good for Celi-chan either... "

…Honestly, even though it's true that they are the girls with a younger appearance than the others, I think Celi-chan is mature enough both mentally and physically to be able to do something like that! As for Vrana-chan… I think she has passed that line recently… barely, but I think she has!


Unfortunately, Haruna didn't seem to think the same as me! H-Haruna-san… I'm hungry! Please let me eat either Harpy or Rabbit, either is fine! No, I really want to try both, Harpy and Rabbit now!

No, it wasn't just me who wanted it! Seeing that both girls offered to alleviate my suffering, my "friend" was demanding it of me!! Therefore, I was prepared to beg Haruna to just step aside!!

But then before I could say anything, someone else says it for me! In addition, others also continue after her!!

" I already said it, I'll handle this... you just step aside"

"Master... help..."

Mary with a somewhat cold attitude towards the other girls takes a step forward, and so does Scythe while a bit of their aura is released by both...

"" T-This... ""

"" E-Emmm... ""

I-I think it bothered them a bit that they hadn't done anything to help me until now… plus, some had even mentioned making me go through the whole damn pill effect until this one wears off!

So seeing the attitude of these two, the other girls only can shake a little and even back up a bit of their way...

I was glad for their concern for me, but... since things now seem to be on the right track, a fight between all of them would be pretty bad now!!

Well, there was also the girl who was not very good at reading the environment and who, in fact, was the one responsible for all this. Shisuka also decides to join those girls!

"I-I'm responsible for this… so-so I-I… I'll help Alex-kun~!"

Damn it! I almost felt like I was going to ejaculate from seeing those huge breasts shaking from left to right as she tried to get to where I was! I-If this time she ends up burying my face in them, that would definitely unload everything that I have accumulated so far on my pants!

“ You can't do it! After all, as you said, you are responsible for all this! "

"Heee~? I want to make love to Alex-kun~! "

…I should thank Rika for stopping her before she got to me since I didn't want to stain my pants, but… I also felt a little sorry as my body was really looking for relief!

The only thing that reassured me a bit is that the speech and attitude of the girls had changed now... from looking for other solutions to deal with the effect of the pill [Chaos in the Bedroom], now they had started looking at each other as if wonder who would end up sleeping with me!

But... this also brought another problem now! It was easy to see that some of them did not like at all the fact that would occur now! This could actually end with one girl preventing the other in order to prevent that from really happening!!

…I wonder if any girl can get everyone's approval or will my balls explode first? No, damn it! If they do not decide soon, to prevent my balls from exploding, I will speak choosing one of the girls who said they are willing to have sex with me and I will not allow a refusal from the others!!

Surely some girls get upset with me about this, but hell, that's preferable to the other misfortune happening instead!! After all this, I can find a way to please those who are most upset.

I had made that decision seriously in my mind, but it seems that it was not necessary to carry it out. A girl who probably saw the same problem as I, decides to intervene to suggest something...

“I think it's not good to keep delaying this… Alex-san's situation will only continue to get worse this way. 

Now that we all know that there is only one solution, then we have to carry it out... or let someone else do it "

"" Glup... ""

Saeko raises her voice enough to get everyone's attention, and then she says that! Damn it! I almost have the illusion that at this moment she had a pair of white wings on her back and had descended to this place to help me! No! Saeko-chan always was really my angel!!

With her words, most of the other girls and even I stopped what we were doing and we could only swallow the saliva of our mouths for the implications of these words! Also, this time nobody speaks again to stop this!!

"Even so... I also understand that this for various reasons is difficult for everyone... so I have a suggestion."

"" ... ""

Pausing for a few seconds to see everyone's reaction and since no one said anything against her words, then she continues with a serious attitude and a slightly flushed face putting her eyes on someone else in the room...

“…Since she was the first to meet Alex-san, then I think Kurisu-san should be the most appropriate for…. help him. "

"" ... ""

"E-Eh? I-I-I?! "

So this time the silence in the room that this generated was even greater than before! Also, while there were still some girls who were frowning at the thought of Saeko-chan's words, one after the other starts to nod in agreement with this!!

Honestly, I would like to say that I also had the same opinion as Saeko… no, of course I have no complaints about this! There was no doubt that I would be more than happy that Kurisu was the first with which I will lose my virginity of this body!!

…The problem was that, in my current situation, I didn't care much about Saeko-chan's or any other reasoning! Fuck, after all, in the state I was in I could attack Lena! My body only wanted the warmth of a woman no matter who she was!!

As for the girl in question who had been assigned this task, she first stands there completely still looking at Saeko as if she had spoken in some foreign dialect to her and was trying to decipher it. So when she realizes that one girl after another here begins to lay eyes on her, her whole body trembles as she takes a few steps back with a face totally red almost the same shade as her hair!

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